Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2003-02-18

Index to Minutes of Proceedings
From To Pages
18 February 2003 27 February 2003 293 - 345

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Administrators Pensions Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 117) 298
      Bail Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 135) 316, 325
      Bushfires Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 129) 316, 325
      Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2003 (Serial 134) 309, 314
      Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 112) 317
      Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 133) 309, 314
      Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2002 (Serial 81) 335
      Container Deposit (Environmental Protection) Bill 2003 (Serial 131) 314, 323
      Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 130) 316, 325
      Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Bill 2003 (Serial 122) 302, 307
      Dangerous Goods Act 1998 Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 123) 302, 308
      Kava Management Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 132) 309, 313
      Legal Practitioners Amendment (Costs and Advertising) Bill 2003 (Serial 138) 320, 329
      Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 116) 298
      Personal Injuries (Civil Claims) Bill 2003 (Serial 137) 320, 328
      Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2002 (Serial 109) 330, 331
      Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Bill 2002 (Serial 108) 330, 331
      Petroleum Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 121) 303
      Places of Public Entertainment Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 125) 309, 314
      Police Administration Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2002 (Serial 119) 303
      Private Security Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 136) 320, 328
      Public Accounts and Estimates Committee Bill 2002 (Serial 45) 317
      Sentencing Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 126) 302, 322
      Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 3) 2002 (Serial 118) 308
      Superannuation Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 113) 298
      Superannuation Guarantee (Safety Net) Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 114) 298
      Supreme Court (Judges Pensions) Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 115) 298
      Terrorism (Emergency Powers) Bill 2003 (Serial 128) 295
      Terrorism (Northern Territory) Request Bill 2003 (Serial 127) 294
      Trade Measurement Administration Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 111) 308
      Trade Measurement Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 110) 308
      Traffic Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 124) 295, 322

      Minister for Health and Community Services, Mrs Aagaard (Ms Carter) 296

      Crossin, Ms Trish, Senator for the Northern Territory 330
      Lawrie, Mrs Dawn, a former Member of the Legislative Assembly (Mr Bonson) 304

      Ah Kit, Mr, for Thursday 27 February 2003 (Mr Henderson) 328
      Wood, Mr, Member for Nelson for 19 February 2003 and Thursday 20 February 2003
      (Mr Henderson) 301

      No. 11, assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during December 2002 sittings (Paper 821) 327

      Alcohol Restrictions, Alice Springs (Dr Toyne) 307
      Alice Springs Regional Crime Prevention Council (Dr Toyne) 313
      Alice Springs to Darwin Railway (Ms Martin) 301
      Australian Health Care Agreements (Mrs Aagaard) 307
      Building Indemnity Industry Insurance (Mr Vatskalis) 301
      Chief Minister’s Women’s Study Awards 2003 (Ms Martin) 328
      Development Projects in Indonesia (Mr Henderson) 313
      Employment and Training Board (Mr Stirling) 313
      Filipiniana Senior Citizens Association (Mr Vatskalis) 307
      Grapevine Leaf Rust (Dr Burns) 319
      Hay Growers Group (Dr Burns) 313
      Indigenous Employment Programs, Memorandum of Understanding, NLC and
      Territory Construction Assoc (Mr Henderson) 319
      Information Communications Technology Forum (Dr Toyne) 328
      Itinerants Project - Update (Mr Ah Kit) 294
      Marine harvest aquaculture project at Port Hurd (Dr Burns) 328
      Mining Management Act - Update (Mr Henderson) 294
      National Harmony Day (Mr Vatskalis) 328
      National Transport Links (Mr Vatskalis) 319
      Office of Crime Prevention (Dr Toyne) 319
      Overseas Travel to meet Oil and Gas representatives (Ms Martin) 293
      Public Housing Assets, Security Upgrade (Mr Ah Kit) 307
      Secondary Education - Future Directions (Mr Stirling) 294
      Secondary education programs in remote indigenous communities (Mr Stirling) 301

      Consumer Protection - Note (Dr Toyne) 310
      Crime Prevention Initiatives (Dr Toyne) 304
      Development of Opportunities for the Territory (Ms Martin) 318
      Greenhouse Gas Strategy for the Territory (Dr Burns) 308
      Public bus transport system (Mr Vatskalis) 305
      Review of Health and Community Services (Mrs Aagaard) 298

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of time
      Member for Drysdale (Mr Dunham) 299, 310
      Member for Karama (Ms Lawrie) 310
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Take two Bills together
        Bushfires Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 129) and Criminal Code Amendment
        Bill 2003 (Serial 130) 325
        Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 133) and
        Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2003 (Serial 134) 314
        Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Bill 2003 (Serial 122) and Dangerous Goods
        Act 1998 Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 123) 302, 307
      Suspension of Standing Orders (cont)
      Take two Bills together (cont)
        Terrorism (Northern Territory) Request Bill 2003 (Serial 127) and Terrorism (Emergency
        Powers) Bill 2003 (Serial 128) 302

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Alternative industrial development sites in Darwin, assessment – Negatived (Mr Wood) 320
      Auditor-General to the Legislative Assembly, November 2002 Report - Note 304
      Auditor-General's February 2003 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 813) - Note 317
      Auditor-General's February 2003 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 813) - Print 317
      Crime Prevention Initiatives - Note statement (Dr Toyne) 317
      Department of Health and Community Services inquiry by Public Accounts Committee,
      negatived (Ms Carter) 315, 324
      Development of Opportunities for the Territory – Note statement (Ms Martin) 318
      Estimates Committee 2003/2004, appointment and terms of operation (Mr Henderson) 339
      Estimates Committee operation 2003 (Mr Henderson) 321
      Financial Management Act papers 397 and 398 - Note (Mr Reed) 317
      Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee 2003 (Mr Henderson) 321
      Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee, appointment and terms of operation 336
      Greenhouse Gas Strategy for the Territory – Note (Dr Burns) 308, 310
      Illicit Drug Use in the Territory - Note statement (Dr Toyne) 314, 317
      Ombudsman Report 2001/2002 - Note 344
      Plastic bag levy (Mr Wood) 295, 322
      Population Loss from Territory, negatived (Mr Burke) 314, 323
      Public Accounts Committee Report on the establishment of an Estimates Committee process -
      discharged (Mr Henderson) 344
      Regional Sittings, Alice Springs (Mr Henderson) 321
      Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 1 of 2002, Ministers and Members
      of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly - Note 304
      Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 2 of 2002 – Ministers and Members
      of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly - Note 304
      Routine of Business in respect of the regional sitting of the Assembly in Alice Springs
      (Mr Henderson) 329
      Select Committee on Substance Abuse in the Community, Interim Report February 2003 -
      Note (Ms Scrymgour) 344
      Select Committee on Substance Abuse in the Community, Interim Report February 2003 -
      Print (Ms Scrymgour) 344
      Standing Orders Committee
      Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards reference
        extension of time to report until June 2003 (Mr Henderson) 330
      Extension of time until June 2003 to report on the Code of Conduct and Ethical
      Standards reference provided to the Committee on 20 June 2002 (Mr Henderson) 321
      Reference, Question time operation, negatived (Mr Wood) 295, 320, 322
      Report for review and identification of options for enhancement of the Estimates Committee
      process, February 2003 – Adopt report (Mr Henderson) 304
      Report for review and identification of options for enhancement of the Estimates Committee
      process, February 2003 – Print (Mr Henderson) 304
      Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 2001/2002 - Note 344
      Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2002/2003 - Note (Mr Stirling) 308, 344
      United Nations Resolution 1441 (Ms Martin) 294, 297

      Tuesday 29 April 2003 at 10am at the Alice Springs Convention Centre (Mr Henderson) 329

      Annual Reports
      Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 2001/2002 (Paper 780) 299
      Jabiru Town Development Authority, 2001/2002 (Paper 808) 318
      Mental Health Review Tribunal, 2001/2002 (Paper 810) 318
      National Environment Protection Council, 2001/2002 (Paper 757) 299
      National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory), 2001/2002 (Paper 752) 299
      Northern Territory Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 753) 299
      Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2001/2002 (Paper 809) 318
      Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 755) 300
      Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 2001/2002 (Paper 754) 300
      Territory Insurance Office, 2001/2002 (Paper 756) 300
      Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2002/2003 (Paper 793) 305
      Article, $5000 fine for running naked, Sunday Territorian, dated 2 February 2003
      (Paper 805). (Mr Ah Kit) 310
      Article, Adelaide River Closure, Litchfield Times, 19 February 2003 (Paper 806) (Mr Maley) 310
      Article, Adviser in phone call hang-up row, Northern Territory News, page 5,
      dated 31 December 2002 (Paper 819) (Mr Maley) 321
      Auditor-General's February 2003 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 813)(Speaker) 317
      AusLink, Northern Territory Comments on Auslink Green Paper, February 2003
      (Paper 818) (Mr Vatskalis) 319
      By-Laws 2003
      Amendments of Northern Territory University (Site and Traffic) By-Laws (Paper 822) 345
      Capability Statement to Provide Training Coordination and Indigenous Employment Services
      to Phillips and Bechtel for the Construction and Operation of the LNG Plant Wickham Point
      Northern Territory (Paper 817) (Mr Henderson) 319
      Carmichael’s Estate Valley – map showing sacred sites recorded as at 6 February 2003,
      dated 18 February 2003 (Paper 782) (Mrs Braham) 299
      CLP action over Forscutt Case – Chronology, 22 May 1996 to 29 January 2003
      (Paper 776) (Dr Toyne) 295
      Corrigendum – Page 10 Operating Expenses by Agency Northern Territory Budget Sector,
      Figure 7 (Paper 799) (Mr Stirling) 308
      Developing a Strategy for the Northern Territory, Greenhouse action (Paper 798) (Dr Burns) 308
      Development Application Direction, pursuant to section 77 of the Planning Act not to
      approve any subdivision proposal for NT Portion 3951, Alice Springs (Paper 830) (Mr Vatskalis) 344
      Discussion Paper, Review of the Northern Territory Building Act 1993 Incorporating
      Initiatives on Builders’ Licensing and Indemnity Insurance in the Northern Territory
      Residential Building Market, February 2003 (Paper 787) (Mr Vatskalis) 301
      Estimates Committee – Draft Terms of Reference – Government Owned Corporations
      (Incorporating recommended options – Standing Orders Committee Report ),
      February 2003 (Paper 791) (Mr Henderson) 304
      Estimates Committee - Draft Terms of Reference (Incorporating recommended options –
      Standing Orders Committee Report), February 2003 (Paper 790) (Mr Henderson) 304
      Financial Statements
      Auditor General’s Report to the Minister for Lands and Planning, Surveyors Board
      of the Northern Territory, year ended 30 June 2002 (Paper 747) 300
      Auditor-General’s Report to the Minister for Corporate and Information Services,
      Government Printing Office, year ended 30 June 2002 (Paper 749) 300
      Auditor-General’s Report to the Minister for Corporate and Information Services,
      Information Technology Management Services, year ended 30 June 2002 (Paper 748) 300
      Auditor-General’s Report to the Minister for Corporate and Information Services,
      NT Fleet, year ended 30 June 2002 (Paper 750) 300
      Graph, Construction Activity Index 1997 to 2003 (Paper 802) (Ms Martin) 309
      Graph, Figure 7, Territory Construction Association, Construction Activity Index,
      January 1993 to January 2003 (Paper 804) (Ms Martin) 309
      Graph, Trend Unemployment Rate February 2001 to October 2002 (Paper 803) (Ms Martin) 309
      Harmony Day 2003 Events Schedule by location (Paper 828) (Mr Vatskalis) 328
      Burke, Mr Denis, Chief Minister to Mr George Georgiou, Northern Territory Legal Aid
      commission, dated 23 April 1997 re Alan E Forscutt, release (Paper 775) (Dr Toyne) 295
      Burke, Mr Denis, MLA to Hon Dr Peter Toyne MLA, dated 28 August 2002 re
      Corrections Centre investigation on telephone tapping incident (Paper 823) (Mr Burke) 344
      Burke, Mr Denis, MLA to Hon Dr Peter Toyne MLA, e-mail re phone tapping incident
      (Paper 825) (Mr Burke) 344
      Burke, Mr, Leader of the Opposition to Mr Mark Crossin, Director, Work Health,
      Department of Employment, Education and Training, dated 8 November 2002 re
      workers compensation claim, Mr Robert Teakle, TIO claim ref 60088071 (Paper 815) 318
      Elferink, Mr John, Member for Macdonnell to Honourable Peter Toyne MLA,
      Minister for Central Australia, dated 5 February 2003 re Trust Fund to build a
      renal dialysis unit for Kintore (Paper 781) (Mr Elferink) 299
      Porrovecchio, Ms Naomi, ministerial assistant to Mr Denis Burke MLA, re
      phone tapping incident, dated 2 September 2002 (Paper 824) (Mr Burke) 344
      Speaker, House of Representatives, Honourable Neil Andrew, dated
      10 December 2002 and President of the Senate, the Honourable Paul Calvert,
      dated 5 December 2002 in response to the resolution of the Assembly relating to
      East Timorese asylum seekers (Paper 746) (Madam Speaker) 293
      Toyne, Hon Peter, MLA to Mr Denis Burke MLA, dated 12 February 2002 re
      Corrections Centre telephone tapping (Paper 827) (Mr Burke) 344
      Toyne, Hon Peter, MLA to Mr Denis Burke, dated 7 October 2002 re phone
      tapping incident (Paper 826) (Mr Burke) 344
      Media release, Department of Health and Community Services, Agency Restructure
      announced, dated 12 February 2003 (Paper 800) 309
      Memorandum of Understanding between Northern Land Council and Territory
      Construction Association Inc (Paper 816) (Mr Henderson) 319
      Memorandum, Attorney-General from Secretary, Attorney-General’s Department,
      re Alan Edward Forscutt 26 June 1997 (Paper 774) (Dr Toyne) 295
      Northern Territory Government Media Release by John Ah Kit re cheap politics
      as Elferink stirs unnecessary fears, dated 18 February 2002 (Paper 783) (Mr Ah Kit) 299
      Regulations 2002
      No. 49, Amendments of Small Claims Rules (Paper 760) 300
      No. 50, Amendment of Local Court Rules (Paper 761) 300
      No. 55, Unit Title Regulations (Paper 762) 300
      No. 56, Amendment of Registration Regulations (Paper 763) 300
      No. 57, Consumer Affairs (Product Safety Standards) Regulations (Paper 764) 300
      No. 58, Amendment of Kava Management Regulations (Paper 765) 300
      No. 59, Tobacco Control Regulations (Paper 766) 300
      No. 61, Amendments of Supreme Court Rules (Paper 767) 300
      No. 62, Swimming Pool Fencing Regulations (Paper 768) 300
      Regulations 2003
      No. 01, Amendment of Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Regulations (Paper 769) 300
      No. 02, Amendment of Stock Diseases Regulations (Paper 770) 300
      No. 03, Amendment of Housing Assistance Schemes Regulations (Paper 771) 300
      No. 04, Amendment of Housing Assistance Schemes Regulations (Paper 772) 300
      No. 05, Amendment of Education (Board of Studies) Regulations (Paper 773) 300
      Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 2 of 2002
      Report submitted by the Leader of the Opposition (Mr Burke), pursuant to paragraph 9.2
      of Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 2 of 2002, re Overseas Travel to Africa
      and United States (Paper 812) 317
      Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 2 of 2002 - overseas travel entitlement (Mr Burke) 305
      Select Committee on Substance Abuse in the Community, Interim Report February 2003
      (Paper 829) (Ms Scrymgour) 344
      Standing Orders Committee
      Report for review and identification of options for enhancement of the
      Estimates Committee process, February 2003 (Paper 789) (Mr Henderson) 303
      Report for review and identification of options for enhancement of the
      Estimates Committee process, February 2003, list of submissions received
      (Paper 792) (Mr Henderson) 303
      Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2002/2003 (Paper 796) (Mr Stirling) 308
      Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2002/2003, extract from government web site (Paper 788) (Mr Reed) 303
      Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2002/2003, Extract, page 4, Department of Employment,
      Education and Training Explanations of Variations (2002/03 Mid-Year Report Figure 7) (Paper 801) 309
      Wharf Precinct – Achieving the Vision, Central Darwin Planning Concepts and
      Land Use Objectives 1999 (Paper 814) (Ms Carney) 318

      Henderson, Mr re methadone program 317
      Mr Maley, Member for Goyder, pursuant to Standing Order 57 attributed comments
      relating to access to fishing areas by amateur and professional fisherman 310

      Darwin Bus Service Route 28, petition No. 27, continued throughout the school year
      (Paper 811) (Mr Dunham) (55 petitioners) 313
      Genetically modified free Northern Territory, petition No.25 (Paper 785) (Mr Maley) (83 petitioners) 301
      Marrakai School Bus Route, extension of, petition No.26 (Paper 784) (Mr Maley) (50 petitioners) 301
      Nurse Recruitment (Mrs Aagaard) 301
      Panorama Guth in Alice Springs, closure of, by leave, presented petition No. 23, not conforming
      with Standing Orders (Paper 744) (Ms Martin) (300 petitioners) 293
      Panorama Guth in Alice Springs, closure, by leave, petition No.24 (Paper 786)
      (Mrs Braham) (2872 petitioners) 301
      No. 18 received and circulated to Members (Paper 795) 307
      No. 22 had been received and circulated to Members (Paper 745) 293

      Member for Drysdale (Mr Dunham) drew attention 305

      Media broadcast of debate on UN Resolution 1441 and yearly events for 2003 (Mrs Braham) 293

      Darwin High School, English as a Second Language students, accompanied
      by their teacher Ms Jennifer Marshall 328
      Filipiniana Senior Citizens Association, Darwin including Ms Ester Davy,
      Acting President, Ms Tina Black past President and Ms Cynthia Molina (Madam Speaker) 307
      Howard Springs Primary School Year 6/7 students accompanied by their teachers,
      Mr Geoff Nalder, Mr Robby Dunbar, Ms Tanya Ham and Ms Alison Holmes (Speaker) 319
      Katherine South Primary School Year 6/7 students accompanied by their teacher,
      Mr Shane Pike and Ms Cathy Collins (Speaker) 314
      Northern Territory University International Students from Japan, East Timor, Indonesia
      and Thailand, English as a Second Language, accompanied by their teacher
      Mr Raphael Van Wessem (Madam Speaker) 328
      Northern Territory University, Indigenous Research and Education Certificate 2 General
      students accompanied by their coordinator, Mr Kluken (Speaker) 313
      O’Brien, Mr James, a member of the Darwin Defenders Association visiting Darwin
      from Victoria for the Bombing of Darwin commemorative ceremony, accompanied
      by his grandson, Michael Newhouse (Madam Speaker) 293
      Solomona, Ms Pseiki, from Tuvalu on a visit under the auspices of a Commonwealth
      Parliamentary Association Trust Study Grant (Madam Speaker) 293
      Stanley, Professor Fiona, accompanied by Mr Len Nixon, Institute of Child
      Health Research (Madam Speaker) 336

      Deputy Charimen of Committees, effective from 26 February 2003, adding Mr Kiely
      and Ms Scrymgour (Madam Speaker) 327
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016