Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2001-11-29
Index to Minutes of Proceedings – 27 November 2001 to 29 November 2001
From To Pages27 November 2001 29 November 2001 47 to 68
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
Madam Speaker (Mrs Braham) to present at 11.30am 28 November 2001 56
Madam Speaker (Mrs Braham) reported presentation of Address 56
Administrative Arrangements Order, 13 November 2001, Gazette No. S 36 (Paper 107) 47
Administration and Probate Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 26) 52, 58
Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 28) 52, 59
Coroners Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 29) 52, 59
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2001 (Serial 1) 65
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 5) 2001 (Serial 23) 51, 58
Cullen Bay Marina Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 24) 51, 58
Fines and Penalties (Recovery) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2001 (Serial 17) 51
Fines and Penalties (Recovery) Bill 2001 (Serial 16) 50
Fiscal Integrity and Transparency Bill 2001 (Serial 13) 63, 64
Government Owned Corporations Bill 2001 (Serial 21) 64
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2001 (Serial 31) 52, 59
Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 20) 59
Local Court Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 12) 53
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 30) 50, 52, 60
Police Administration Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (Serial 32) 52, 58
Power and Water Authority Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 22) 64
Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 14) 66
Public Trustee Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 27) 52, 58
Sentencing Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2001 (Serial 15) 50
Small Claims Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 11) 53
Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 2001 (Serial 19) 50
Unit Titles Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (Serial 25) 51, 58
No. 02, Assent to proposed laws, 19 October 2001 and 31 October 2001 (Paper 138) 55
Compulsory acquisition of land (Mr Vatskalis) 56
Disability services (Mrs Aagaard) 63
Economic Development Summit (Ms Martin) 49
Exploration Licences (Mr Henderson) 49
Illicit drug use (Mrs Aagaard) 55
New infrastructure investment (Ms Martin) 63
Public sector office space rentals (Dr Toyne) 56
Seniors Housing (Mr Ah Kit) 49
Taxi and hire car licencing (Mr Vatskalis) 63
Territory grape industry (Mr Henderson) 56
MOTIONS (Procedural)
November 2001 Mini-Budget, order of business (Mr Stirling) 47
Suspension of Standing Orders
Pass Bill through all stages
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 30) 60
Take two Bills together
Administration and Probate Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 26) and Public Trustee Amendment
Bill 2001 (Serial 27) 58
Cullen Bay Marina Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 24) and Unit Titles Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (Serial 25) 58
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Auditor-General’s August 2001 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note (Ms Martin) 66
Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly on the analysis of the 2000/01 Treasurer’s
Annual Financial Statement - Note 49
Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly on the analysis of the 2000/01
Treasurer’s Annual Financial Statement - Print 49
Disallowance of Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 2 of 2001 – Ministers and Members
of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly (Ms Martin) 66
Mini Budget, November 2001 – Note statement (Ms Martin) 49, 56, 60, 67
Ministerial Reports, Sessional Order of the Assembly passed on 16 October 2001, rescinded, new Sessional Order
effective 27 November 2001 (Mr Stirling) 48
Public Accounts Committee Report for the Year ended 30 June 2001, dated October 2001 – Note (Dr Burns) 67
Public Accounts Committee Report for the Year ended 30 June 2001, dated October 2001 – Print (Dr Burns) 67
Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 2 of 2001 – Ministers and Members of the Northern Territory
Legislative Assembly - Note (Ms Martin) 57, 66
Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 2 of 2001 – Ministers and Members of the Northern Territory
Legislative Assembly - Print (Ms Martin) 57
Select Committee on Substance Abuse in the Community, amendment of terms of reference (Mr Stirling) 48, 57
26 February 2002 65
Annual Reports
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, (12th) 2000/2001 (Paper 136) 54
Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly on the analysis of the 2000/01 Treasurer’s Annual
Financial Statement. (Paper 106) 49
AustralAsia Railway Corporation, 2000/2001 (Paper 159) 67
Darwin Port Corporation, 2000/2001 (Paper 152) 67
Department of Industries and Business, 2000/2001 (Paper 133) 54
Department of the Chief Minister, 2000/2001 (Paper 142) 61
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 2000/2001 (Paper 162) 67
Department of Transport and Works, 2000/2001 (Paper 158) 67
Environment Report, Supplement to the Power and Water Authority Annual Report, 2000/2001 (Paper 130) 54
Health and Community Services Complaints Commission, 2000/2001 (Paper 125) 54
Lands, Planning and Environment, 2000/2001 (Paper 143) 61
Legislative Assembly Member’s Superannuation Trust, 2000/2001 (Paper 156) 67
National Road Transport Commission, 2000/2001 (Paper 128) 54
Northern Territory Correctional Services, 2000/2001 (Paper 121) 54
Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority, 2000/2001 (Paper 126) 54
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities Superannuation Scheme, 2000/2001 (Paper 132) 54
Northern Territory Government Conditions of Service Trust, 2000/2001 (Paper 127) 54
Northern Territory Grants Commission, 2000/2001 (Paper 134) 54
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2000/2001 (Paper 123) 54
Northern Territory Road Safety Council, 2000/2001 (Paper 153) 67
Northern Territory Tourist Commission, 2000/2001 (Paper 124) 54
Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory, 2000/2001 (Paper 157) 67
Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 2000/2001 (Paper 163) 67
Power and Water Authority, 2000/2001 (Paper 122) 54
Public Accounts Committee for the Year ended 30 June 2001, dated October 2001 (Paper 160) (Dr Burns) 67
Territory Housing, 2000/2001 (Paper 154) 67
Budget Paper No. 1 – Mini Budget 2001-02, Budget Statement (Paper 114) (Ms Martin) 49
Budget Paper No. 2 - Mini Budget 2001-02, Agency Budget Estimates (Paper 115) 49
Budget Paper No. 3 - Mini Budget 2001-02, Fiscal and Economic Outlook (Paper 116) (Ms Martin) 49
Budget Paper No. 4 - Mini Budget 2001-02, Northern Territory Economy (Paper 117) (Ms Martin) 49
Casino Operators Agreement Between Hon. S J Stirling, Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing and Ford
Dynasty PTY LTD, dated 19 November 2001 (Paper 145) 61
Conditions of Grant to be applied to the Grant of Exploration Licences that have complied with the Native Title Act
expedited procedure (Paper 112) (Mr Henderson) 49
Financial Statements
Auditor-General’s Report to the Superannuation Investment Board for the year ended 30 June 2001 (Paper 144) 61
Auditor-Generals Report to the Treasurer, Northern Territory Government Conditions of Service Trust,
period ended 22 June 2001 (Paper 151) 68
Menzies School of Health Research, dated September 2001 (Paper 129) 54
Graph, business levels of confidence in the Territory economy, Yellow Pages Business Index – Small and Medium
Enterprises (Sweeney Research) – November 2001, Ordered to be presented SO 256 (Paper 155) (Mr Maley) 64
Graph, The Crocodile’s Jaws (Underlying Budget Position) N T News , dated 29 November 2001 (Paper 150) (Dr Burns) 63
Internet Gaming Operator’s Agreement Between Hon S J Stirling and Lasseters Casino Pty Ltd,
dated 19 November 2001 (Paper 164) 61
Map, Exploration Licences on Aboriginal Freehold Land and Land that may be subject to
Native Title (Paper 113) (Mr Henderson) 49
Northern Territory Department of Education, 2000/2001 (Paper 141) 61
Photograph of 14TH Light Horse Regiment at the Calgary Stampede, Canada (Paper 148) (Mr Elferink) 61
Regulations 2001
No. 44, Pounds Regulations (Paper 119) 54
No. 45, Palmerston (Public Places) By-laws (Paper 120) 54
Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 2 of 2001 – Ministers and Members of the
Northern Territory Legislative Assembly (Paper 147) (Ms Martin) 57
Trainee Presentation Night, Alice Springs. (Paper 137) (Mrs Braham) 53
Urban bituminous period contract for repair and maintenance, 18 August 2000 to 18 November 2001.
(Paper 131) (Mr Burke) 52
Drug addiction, petition No. 7, by leave, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 109)
(Mr Henderson) (554 petitioners) 47
Exercise for citizens of the northern suburbs, by leave, not conforming with Standing Orders
(Paper 139) (240 petitioners) (Mrs Aagaard) 55
Palmerston Magpies Football Club, home ground for, by leave, not conforming with Standing Orders
(Paper 149) (Mr Mills) (192 petitioners) 63
No.1 - container deposit legislation (Paper 110) 48
No.3 - perimeter fence at Bakewell Primary School (Paper 140) 55
Aviation industry downturn and effects on Tourism in the Territory (Paper 135) (Mr Henderson) 53
Broadcast of November 2001 Mini Budget Statement (Madam Speaker) 49
Mini Budget, November 2001 (Ms Martin) 49
Kormilda College students accompanied by their teachers Ms Jenny Luck and Mr Tony Da Silva (Madam Speaker) 56
Territory Tidy Towns program, award winning participants (Mrs Braham) 57
Deputy Chairmen with effect from 27 November 2001, Mr J Elferink, Mr P Maley, Mr T Mills, Dr R Lim
and Ms J Carney (Madam Speaker) 47
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016