Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2005-02-08
Index to Minutes – 8 February 2005 to 17 February 2005
From To Pages
8 February 2005 17 February 2005 737 - 778
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Opposition Shadow portfolio responsibilities (Mr Burke) effective 7 February 2005 737
- Australian Crime Commission (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2004 (Serial 266) 751
Australian Crime Commission (Northern Territory) Bill 2004 (Serial 265) 751
Bail Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 245) 769
Building Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Serial 274) 746
Construction Industry Long Service Leave and Benefits Bill 2004 (Serial 272) 745, 746
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Serial 262) 773
Darwin Port Corporation Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 264) 773, 774
Housing Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 277) 740, 744
Lake Bennett (Land Title) Bill 2004 (Serial 267) 739, 740
Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 279) 745, 751
Marine Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 269) 752
Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) (Revival) Bill 2005 (Serial 278) 739, 743, 774
Planning Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 275) 758, 760
Police Administration Amendment (Powers and Liability) Bill 2004 (Serial 268) 741
Proportionate Liability Bill 2005 (Serial 281) 765, 772
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Termination for Unacceptable Conduct) Bill 2005 (Serial 280) 745, 768
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 261) 758
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 276) 767
Sentencing Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 126) 769
Standard Time Bill 2005 (Serial 282) 765, 773
Taxation (Administration) Amendment (Objections and Appeals) Bill 2004 (Serial 263) 749
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 273) 776
- Tsumani disaster (Ms Martin) 738
Walker, Neville AM (Ms Martin) 763
- McCarthy, Mr Terry, former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly (Mrs Braham) 738
New South Wales Legislative Assembly - Ms Noreen Hay MP, Ms Marianne Saliba MP,
Mr Allan Shearan MP 738
Ryan, Mr Roger, former Member for the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory 1974
to 1979 and Executive Member for Transport and Industry (Mrs Braham) 752
Walker, Mr Neville, family members (Mrs Braham) 763
- Explanatory Statements to Bills (Mr Henderson) 750
- Wednesday, 16 February 2005 - motion by Leader of Government Business (Mr Henderson) 753
- Dr Burns suspended at 6.50pm, 17 February 2005,for one hour pursuant to Standing
Order 240A (Mrs Braham) 776
Dr Lim suspended at 2.55pm, 17 February 2005, for one hour pursuant to Standing
Order 240A (Madam Speaker) 774
Mr Elferink suspended at 6.50pm, 17 February 2005 for 24 hours pursuant to Standing
Order 241 (Mrs Braham) 776
- No. 28, Assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during the November 2004 sittings
(Paper 1627) (Madam Speaker) 757
- AustralAsia Railway - First Year of operation (Ms Martin) 743
Capital Investment Projects (Ms Martin) 751
Community Harmony Project (Mr Ah Kit) 751
General Cosgrove, retirement (Ms Martin) 738
Geology cadetships, Department of Mines and Energy (Mr Vatskalis) 743
Harmony Day, Support (Mr Vatskalis) 751
Health Minister's Conference 2005 (Dr Toyne) 751
Hospice and palliative care, construction (Dr Toyne) 738
Larapinta Stage4 and release, Alice Springs (Dr Toyne) 763
Lyons suburb, Darwin (Dr Burns) 763
Mango season 2004 (Mr Vatskalis) 771
Northern Territory Hospital accreditation (Dr Toyne) 743
Regional Crime Prevention Grants (Dr Toyne) 771
Sabah trade export opportunities (Mr Vatskalis) 764
Swimming pools, remote areas (Mr Ah Kit) 739
Teacher support, behaviour management teachers (Mr Stirling) 763
Trade Support Scheme (Mr Henderson) 739
Trades in schools (Mr Stirling) 771
Women's Study Awards 2005 (Ms Martin) 771
Youth Grants, funding (Mr Ah Kit) 743
- AustralAsia Trade Route Development (Ms Martin) 760
Building Better Schools (Mr Stirling) 741
Building on the Territory's Diversity (Mr Henderson) 753
Northern Territory Police, attacking drug related crime (Mr Henderson) 752
Territory Housing, A Fair Go For All (Mr Ah Kit) 750
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of time
denied Mr Dunham 16 February 2005 768
denied Mr McAdam 750
Mr Ah Kit on motion of Ms Lawrie 774
Ms Carney on motion of Ms Carter 750
Ms Lawrie on motion of Ms Scrymgour 777
Report progress
Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) (Revival) Bill 2005 (Serial 278) 775
Suspension of Standing Orders
Pass Bill through all stages
- Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) (Revival) Bill 2005 (Serial 278) 743
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Access to potential constituents on Aboriginal Land Trust land (Mr Elferink) - Negatived 768
Alice Springs regional sittings of the Assembly programme (Mr Henderson) 765
Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly – Examination of Contracts awarded by
Government Agencies to Metis Consulting Pty Limited - Note 752
Auditor-General's February 2005 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 760
AustralAsia Trade Route Development - Note 760
Building on the Territory's Diversity - Note 753
Efficacy of Establishing an Environmental Protection Agency in the Northern Territory, Volume I
(Paper 1646), Written Submissions, Volume II (Paper 1647), and Hansard Transcripts of public
meetings, Volume III (Paper 1648) - Print 777
Efficacy of Establishing an Environmental Protection Agency in the Northern Territory, Volume I
(Paper 1646), Written Submissions, Volume II (Paper 1647), and Hansard Transcripts of public
meetings, Volume III by Sessional Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development
Report No 2 (Paper 1648) - Note 777
Itinerant issues in urban communities (Mr Elferink) - Negatived 768
Low security correctional and rehabilitation centres (Mr Wood) 764
Metis Consulting Pty Ltd and Banscott Pty Ltd - Withdrawn (Mr Wood) 764
Northern Territory Police, attacking drug related crime - Note 752, 753
Ombudsman 2003/2004 - Note 760
Oncology and radiotherapy facility at Royal Darwin Hospital (Mr Wood) 767
Public Accounts Committee Annual Report 2003/2004 - Note 769
Regional sittings program, Alice Springs - Mr Henderson) 771
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2004, Members of the Legislative Assembly,
Members of the Executive Council or Ministers of the Territory - Note 752
Standing Orders Committee Fourth Report of the 9th Assembly relating to video conferencing,
Amendments to motions, Explanatory Statements to Bills and Procedural options dealing with
allegations against non-Members - Adopt 777
Standing Orders Committee Fourth Report of the 9th Assembly relating to video conferencing,
Amendments to motions, Explanatory Statements to Bills and Procedural options dealing with
allegations against non-Members - Print 777
Territory Parks - proposed appointment of parliamentary select committee (Mr Wood) - Negatived 769
Territory Parks handover (Mr Burke) - Negatived 768
Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2004/2005 - Note 749
Waterfront Development, Darwin Harbour (Mr Burke) 767
- Tuesday 22 March 2005 at 9.30am at the Alice Springs Convention Centre (Mr Henderson) 778
- commencement at 4pm Tuesday 15 February 2005 (Mr Henderson) 753
- Administrative Arrangements, Opposition portfolio responsibilities, effective 7 February 2005
(Paper 1653) 741
Annual Reports
Australian Crime Commission, 2003/2004 (Paper 1587) 741
Land Development Corporation, 2003/2004 (Paper 1588) 741
Northern Territory Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board, 2003/2004
(Paper 1590) 741
Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board, for year ended
30 September 2004 (Paper 1589) 741
Ombudsman 2003/2004 (Paper 1630) (Ms Martin) 760
Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory, 2003/2004 (Paper 1604) 754
Annual Schedule of Member's travel at Government expense 2004 (Paper 1649) (Madam Speaker) 777
Annual Schedule of respective totals of Government payments on behalf of each member for
satellite telephones and for mobile telephones 2004 (Paper 1649) (Madam Speaker) 777
Auditor-General's February 2005 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 1629)
(Madam Speaker) 760
Australian Council on Health Care Standards - debate by Member for Araluen (Ms Carney) re
fire safety issues (Paper 1635) (Dr Toyne) 767
Charles Darwin University (Academic Board) By-laws (Paper 1616) 754
Charles Darwin University (Alumni Membership) By-laws (Paper 1617) 754
Charles Darwin University (Common Seal) By-laws (Paper 1618) 754
Charles Darwin University (Election of Members of Council) By-laws (Paper 1619) 754
Charles Darwin University (Fees and Charges) By-laws (Paper 1620) 754
Charles Darwin University (Library) By-laws (Paper 1621) 754
Charles Darwin University (Rules) By-laws (Paper 1622) 754
Charles Darwin University (Site and Traffic) By-laws (Paper 1623) 754
Charles Darwin University (Student Association) By-laws (Paper 1624) 754
Charles Darwin University (Student of the University) By-laws (Paper 1625) 754
Charles Darwin University (Student Residences) By-laws (Paper 1626) 754
Capital Budgets, Revote/Cash (Budget) graph, comparison for years 1998/99 to 2004/05
(Paper 1654) (Dr Burns) 745
Contracts Awarded for various Departments, Northern Territory Gazettes for 2004 and 2005
(Paper 1594) (Dr Burns) 745
Coroners Act
In the matter of Coroner’s Finding and Recommendations into the Death of Mr Alberto Bruno,
pursuant to section 46B, dated 25 January 2005 (Paper 1591) 742
In the matter of Coroner’s Finding and Recommendations into the Death of Ms Beverly Ginger,
pursuant to section 46B, dated 25 January 2005 (Paper 1592) 742
In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the Death of Three Children at
Edith River Bridge on 22 January 2003, pursuant to section 46B, dated 8 February 2005
(Paper 1615) 754
Efficacy of Establishing an Environmental Protection Agency in the Northern Territory, Volume I
(Paper 1646), Written Submissions, Volume II (Paper 1647), and Hansard Transcripts of public
meetings, Volume III - Sessional Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development
Report No 2, 9th Assembly (Paper 1648) (Ms Lawrie) 777
Exemption of Obstruction or Interference with Waterway from Application of section 15 of
Water Act, dated 16th June 1992 (Paper 1595) (Dr Burns) 745
Explanatory Statement - Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 279) (Paper 1601)
(Mr Henderson) 752
Explanatory Statement - Proportionate Liability Bill 2005 (Paper 1637) (Dr Toyne) 772
Explanatory Statement - Standard Time Bill 2005 (Paper 1638) (Dr Toyne) 773
Graph, Average Weekly Earnings, source ABS1350.0 Feb 05, period 1994 to 2004 (Paper 1599)
(Mr Elferink) 750
Graph, Job Advertisements Series, Northern Territory 1996 to 2005 (Paper 1602) (Mr Stirling) 753
Graph, Property Crime, Quarterly Figures September 2002 to September 2004 (Paper 1603)
(Mr Henderson) 753
Growing Our Trade Route, A Strategy for New Transport and Trade Links (Paper 1631) (Ms Martin) 760
Hospice, Items either purchased or in the process of being purchased with Government funding
(Paper 1651) (Dr Toyne) 778
Legal Documentation - Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) (Paper 1644) (Ms Martin) 775
Legal position concerning access by political candidates to potential constituents on Aboriginal
land (Paper 1636) (Dr Toyne) 768
Members Travel and Telephone Expenses 2004 (Madam Speaker) 777
Mental Health Review Tribunal, 2003/2004 (Paper 1640) 778
National Environment Protection Council, 2003/2004 (Paper 1628) 761
National Issues in Indigenous housing 2004/05 and Beyond, position paper developed by the
Northern Territory Government (Paper 1598) (Mr Ah Kit) 750
National Transport Commission, 2003/2004 (Paper 1639) 778
Negation of common law rules relating to revival on repeal, page 165 Pearce and Geddes
Statutory Interpretation in Australia, 5th edition, paragraph 6.14 (Paper 1643) (Ms Martin) 775
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2003/2004 (Paper 1641) 778
Planning Act
Summary of Development Application, Reasons for Direction, pursuant to section 85(1)(b),
of the Planning Act not to make any determination on subdividing Lot 2291, Town of Darwin,
Old Admiralty House (Paper 1593) 742
Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 2003/2004 (Paper 1642) 778
Regional Alice Springs sittings program (Paper 1650) (Mr Henderson) 772
Regulations 2004
No. 36, Amendment of Taxation (Administration) Regulations (Paper 1605) 754
No. 37, Amendment of Pay-Roll Tax Regulations (Paper 1606) 754
No. 40, Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Registration) Regulations (Paper 1607) 754
No. 41, Petroleum (Submerged Lands) (Application of Commonwealth Laws) Regulations
(Paper 1608) 754
No. 42, Amendment of Business Tenancies (Fair Dealings) Regulations (Paper 1609) 754
No. 43, Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Regulations (Paper 1610) 754
No. 44, Spanish Mackerel Fishery Management Plan (Paper 1611) 754
Regulations 2005
No 1, Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Regulations (Paper 1612) 754
No 2, Amendments to Barramundi Fishery Management Plan (Paper 1613) 754
No 3, Barramundi Fishery Management Plan Amendment (No. 2) 2005 (Paper 1614) 754
Season Activities Christmas, New Year, Australia Day Wyndham Work Camp Program
(Paper 1633) (Mr Wood) 764
Snapshots of Sanderson, Good News on the Home Front, Vol 2, July 2004 - Member for
Sanderson Newsletter (Paper 1600) (Mr Kiely) 750
Standing Orders Committee Fourth Report of the 9th Assembly relating to video conferencing,
Amendments to motions, Explanatory Statements to Bills and Procedural options dealing with
allegations against non-Members (Paper 1645) (Mr Henderson) 777
Western Bulldogs Membership package application (Paper 1634) (Mr Ah Kit) 766
- Burke, Mr, pursuant to Standing Order 57, of comments made by Ms Martin relating to
Mr Burke and East Timor yesterday during Question Time, 8 February 2005 745
- Bees Creek Kennels, Horne Road, not conforming with Standing Orders, relating to noise
nuisance (30 petitioners) (Mr Maley) (Paper 1596) 743
No. 65 (Development of Stage 7.6 of Gunn of The chase in Palmerston suburb of Gunn) 763
No. 67 (Construction of pedestrian crossing on Larapinta Drive), No. 68 (Rezoning of
Myilly Point Headland and Little Mindil), No. 69 (Re-alignment of Girraween Road), and
No. 70 (Rieff Building heritage status) (Papers 1583 to 1586 respectively) 738
student nurses in the Northern Territory, remuneration (54 petitioners) (Mrs Braham) (Paper 1597) 743
- Disorder arising in Committee of the Whole consideration of the Parks and Reserves
(Framework for the Future) (Revival) Bill 2005 (Serial 278) (Mrs Braham) 776
Northern Territory News photographers given permission to take photographs during
Questions on 16 February 2005 (Mrs Braham) 765
- Alawa Primary School Year 6/7 students accompanied by Miss Tina Mills 738
Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development Graduate Trainees
accompanied by Ms Christine Gray (Mrs Braham) 765
Driver Primary School Year 7 students accompanied by Mr Michael Kerrisk (Mrs Braham) 763
Northern Territory Construction Unions representatives (Mrs Braham) 743
Trainee Graduates, Department of the Chief Minister, accompanied by Luis Da Rocha
(Mrs Braham) 752
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016