Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2005-03-22
Index to Minutes – 22 March 2005 to 24 March 2005
From To Pages
22 March 2005 24 March 2005 779 - 796
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Opening (Mrs Braham) 779
- Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 284) 782, 788
Housing Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 277) 796
Justice Portfolio (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2005 (Serial 283) 782, 788
Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 279) 781
Proportionate Liability Bill 2005 (Serial 281) 788
Standard Time Bill 2005 (Serial 282) 781
Trans-Territory Pipeline and Blacktip Gas Projects (Special Provisions) Bill 2005 (Serial 285) 782, 787
- Chief Minister (Ms Martin) and her Government - GST Funding (Mr Burke ) 795
Minister for Health (Dr Toyne) and the Martin government re Alice Springs Hospital
(Mr Burke) - negatived 791
- Presented by Mrs Braham (Speaker) 779
- Scrymgour, Ms, for 22 March 2005 (Mr Henderson) 782
Scrymgour, Ms, for 23 March 2005 (Mr Henderson) 790
Scrymgour, Ms, for 24 March 2005 day due to ill health (Mr Henderson) 794
Stirling, Mr, Treasurer for 23 March 2005 (Mr Henderson) 789
- Mr Dunham at 3.40pm for one hour pursuant to Standing Order 240A 789
- Alice Springs Hospital, staffing (Dr Toyne) 781
Apprenticeships and Training, Central Australia (Mr Stirling) 793
Cavanagh Crescent land zoning, Alice Springs (Dr Burns) 793
Crime and Justice Statistics (Dr Toyne) 787
Larapinta Trail (Ms Martin) 787
Mineral Exploration, Australian Road Show (Mr Vatskalis) 793
Public housing in Alice Springs (Mr Ah Kit) 787
Road Transport Hall of Fame (Dr Burns) 787
Teacher Support Unit (Mr Stirling) 781
Tourism Charter Flights to Alice Springs from Japan May 2005 (Ms Martin) 793
Wizard Cup Challenge and Imparja Cup (Mr Ah Kit) 781
Youth Initiatives (Ms Martin) 781
- Central Australia achievements and initiatives (Ms Martin) 781
Northern Territory Police - Attacking Drug Related Crime - Note statement 789
Treasurer's report on fiscal outcomes of meeting with Australian States Treasurers
and Federal Treasurer (Mr Stirling) 793
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of time
denied Mr Dunham, 24 March 2005 795
Dr Burns on motion of Mr Henderson 784
Dr Toyne on motion of Mr Elferink 783
Mr Ah Kit on motion of Ms Carney 783
Mr Dunham on motion of Mr Elferink 789
Mr Elferink on motion of Mr Mills 789
Mr Elferink on motion of Ms Carney 783
Mr Henderson on motion of Mr Stirling 782
Mr McAdam on motion of Mr Henderson 789
Mr Mills on motion of Mr Elferink 789
Mr Vatskalis on motion of Mr Henderson 789
Ms Carney on motion of Mr Elferink 783
Suspension of Standing Orders
Allow Mr Burke to move a motion relating to events of Assembly occurring on 17 February
2005 between Member for Macdonnell and Member for Johnston - negatived and gagged
by Mr Henderson 780
Allow Mr Burke to move motion censuring the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure
(Dr Burns) for his comments relating to events which occurred on 17 February 2005 -
negatived and gagged by Mr Henderson 780
Allow Treasurer (Mr Stirling) to report on fiscal outcomes of meeting with Australian States
Treasurers and Federal Treasurer 793
To move a motion censuring the Member for Johnston (Dr Burns) for his comments on
17 February 2005 and the Chief Minister for failing to sack him as Minister for Transport and
Infrastructure - negatived and gagged by Mr Henderson 782
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Auditor-General’s February 2005 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 794, 795
Building on the Territory's diversity - Note 784
Central Australia achievements and initiatives - Note statement (Ms Martin) 781, 789
Northern Territory Statehood Steering Committee, terms of reference adopted on
17 August 2004 - add new clause 5A (Mr McAdam) 790, 794
Ombudsman for the Northern Territory, Administrative Actions of Government Authorities - Note 796
Ombudsman for the Northern Territory, Administrative Actions of Government Authorities - Print
(Ms Martin) 796
Ombudsman's Report, 2003/2004 - Note 795
Public Accounts Committee, 2003/2004 - Note 788
Treasurer's report on fiscal outcomes of meeting with Australian States Treasurers and
Federal Treasurer - Note statement (Mr Stirling) 794
- Tuesday, 3 May 2005 at 10am (Mr Henderson) 796
- Annual Reports
National Trust of Australia (NT) 2003/2004 (Paper 1664) 784
Parole Board of the Northern Territory, 2004 (Paper 1660) 784
Pastoral Land Board, 2003/2004 (Paper 1672) 792
Coroners Act
Section 46B Response to Deputy Coroner’s Findings - Statement in Relation to the Coronial
Findings and Recommendation into the Death of a 15 year old girl at Batchelor on
7 March 2004 (Paper 1661) 784
Explanatory Statement to Justice Portfolio (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2005 (Serial 283)
(Paper 1670) 788
Explanatory Statement to the Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games
Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 284) (Paper 1671) 788
Explanatory Statement to Trans-Territory Pipeline and Blacktip Gas Projects (Special Provisions)
Bill 2005 (Serial 285) (Paper 1669) 787
Financial Management Act
Increase of Treasurer’s Advance, pursuant to section 19(1), signed Administrator, dated
21 February 2005 and Statement under section 19(4) (Paper 1663) 785
Transfer of Excess Allocations between purposes of same Agency, pursuant to section
20(1A), dated 4 February 2005 (Paper 1662) 784
AMSANT Chairperson Ms Stephanie Bell to Editor, Centralian Advocate, dated March 2005
re Alice Springs Hospital staffing (Paper 1676) (Dr Toyne) 791
Burns, Dr C, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure to Mr Stephen Dunham, Member for
Drysdale, dated 17 March 2005 (Paper 1678) (Dr Burns) 791
Mills, Mr (Leader of the Opposition) to the Hon Paul Henderson, dated 16 August 2004.
(Paper 1668) 787
Open letter to Mrs Fay Miller, 23 March 2005 re Teacher EBA negotiations (Paper 1680)
(Mrs Miller) 793
Police investigation and subsequent briefing of Chief Minister - Mr Terry Mills, Member for
Blain to Hon Paul Henderson Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services dated
16 August 2004 - Mr John Elferink, Member for Macdonnell to Mr Paul White Commissioner
for Police, Fire and Emergency Services dated 15 February 2005 - Hon Paul Henderson to
Mr John Elferink dated 24 February 2005 - Mr John Elferink to Mr Peter Boyce Ombudsman
dated 15 March 2005 (Paper 1667) 784
Sleep Deprivation Again (Paper 1666) (Ms Carney) 783
Wait, Ms Margaret, OAM, Chairperson, Alice Springs Hospital Management Board to Hon
Minister for Health (Dr Toyne)re Progress in Alice Springs Hospital, dated 23 March 2005
(Paper 1677) (Dr Toyne) 791
Map, Microholdings Pty Ltd, land stages sketch plan, Alice Springs - Development Consent
Authority Permit DP05/0/20 dated 13 March 2005 (Paper 1673) (Dr Burns) 790
Nightcliff High School Student Representative Council 2005 and House Captains 2005,
schedule of names (Paper 1679) (Mrs Aagaard) 792
Ombudsman for the Northern Territory, Administrative Actions of Government Authorities
(Paper 1681) (Ms Martin) 796
Pamphlet, Why Teachers Chose Industrial Action (Paper 1674) (Dr Lim) 790
Police Administration Act
Consent Agreement between Hon. Sys Stirling, Minister for Employment, Education and
Training and Mr Vincent Michael Kelly, President, Northern Territory Police Association Inc.,
Re Remote Electricity Subsidy, pursuant to section 51, dated 13 January 2005 (Paper 1665) 785
Regulations 2005
No. 4, Fisheries Amendment (Spanish Mackerel Fishery) Regulations (Paper 1658) 785
No. 5, Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges) Amendment (Heavy Vehicles) Regulations
(Paper 1659) 785
No. 6 Amendment of Agents Licensing Regulations (Paper 1683) 796
SRC Student Representatives and House Captains for 2005 (Paper 1682) (Mrs Aagaard) 796
- Dr Toyne correcting his statement made 23 March 2005 during the debate on the Alice Springs
Hospital in which he wrongly attributed the fire audit of the Alice Springs Hospital to Mr Paul
Herrick when in fact it was Mr Bruce Mouatt 795
Mrs Braham re composition of interview panel for position of General Manager of
Alice Springs Hospital 794
- EBA negotiations with teachers, by leave, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 1684)
(36 petitioners) (Mrs Miller) 793
Funding for recruitment and retention of Northern Territory teachers and educators (Paper 1685)
(410 petitioners) (Dr Toyne) 793
Public housing tenants in Alice Springs, by leave, (Ms Carney)(Paper 1656)(136 petitioners) 779
No. 66 re child care and home birth practice (Paper 1657) 779
- Speech time clock change to digital format, Alice Springs sittings 787
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016