Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2004-02-17

Index to Minutes – 17 February 2004 to 26 February 2004


From To Pages
17 February 2004 26 February 2004 521 - 569

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

    Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 204) 534, 543
    Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 205) 527, 533
    Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 212) 554
    Electoral (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2003 (Serial 196) 556
    Electoral Bill 2003 (Serial 195) 556
    Evidence Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 209) 549
    Fire and Emergency Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 202) 534, 543
    Firearms Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2003 (Serial 194) 543, 544
    First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 210) 548, 554
    Food Bill 2003 (Serial 197) 545
    Liquor Amendment Bill (No. 4) 2003 (Serial 193) 547, 550
    Local Government Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 176) 533, 534
    Mining Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 191) 528
    National Environment Protection Council (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 198) 562
    Police Administration Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 213) 554
    Racing and Betting Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 207) 548, 553
    Radiation Protection Bill 2004 (Serial 203) 534, 543
    Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 211) 548, 554
    Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 2003 (Serial 192) 551
    Summary Offences Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 214) 554
    Swimming Pool Safety Bill 2004 (Serial 206) 525, 528, 562, 563, 567
    Unlawful Betting Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 208) 548, 553

    Chief Minister (Ms Martin) relating to the handling of issues relating to
    pool fencing, negatived (Mr Mills) 525
    Former Planning Minister (Mr Vatskalis) by Leader of the Opposition (Mr Mills)
    re alleged infringements of Planning Act, section 12 - negatived 555

    Bell, Mr, former Member for Macdonnell 547
    Egan, Mr Ted, AM accompanied by the Official Secretary, Mr Frank Leverett (Mrs Braham) 561
    Egan, Mr Ted, AM, Administrator (Mrs Braham) 562

    Ms Martin, 18 FEbruary 2004 534

    Employment losses and pay-roll taxation revenues (Mr Mills) 530

    Mr Dunham suspended at 8.59pm,17 February 2004 for one hour pursuant to
    Standing Order 240A (Madam Speaker) 530
    Mr Dunham suspended at 9.10pm,17 February 2004 for 24 hours,
    Standing Order 241 (Mr Henderson) 530

    No. 18, assent to proposed laws passed during October 2003 and
    November 2003 sittings (Paper 1176) 521

    Second Martin Ministry of government, effective 15 December 2004 (Ms Martin) 522

    Aquatic resources (MrVatskalis) 561
    Booya, Shipwreck (Ms Scrymgour) 543
    Clinical Reference Groups (Dr Toyne) 547
    Darwin City Waterfront Project (Ms Martin) 553
    Desert Knowledge Centre, Construction (Dr Toyne)_ 543
    East Arm Leprosarium (Ms Scrymgour) 533
    Fuel, Bulk Storage Facilities, relocation (Dr Burns) 553
    Indigenous Governance Conference (Mr Ah Kit) 547
    Iraqi troop training (Ms Martin) 547
    Legislative Assembly Members Superannuation, Review (Ms Martin) 524
    Palliative Care Services (Dr Toyne) 553
    Police Force Plan, O’Sullivan Report (Mr Henderson) 533
    Port Keats (Wadeye) (Ms Martin) 547
    Prawn Farming, Broodstock (Mr Vatskalis) 524
    Principal Racing Club (Mr Stirling) 561
    Respite Care for Families (Ms Scrymgour) 553
    Sexually Transmitted Infection (Dr Toyne) 561
    Sri Lanka Cricket Match, Marrara (Mr Ah Kit) 524
    Study Awards 2004 for women (Ms Martin) 561
    Sweetpea Petroleum Exploration Pty Ltd, Exploration Permits (Mr Vatskalis) 533
    Teacher Numbers (Mr Stirling) 524
    Tennant Creek, Mining Industry (Mr Vatskalis) 543

    AustralAsia Railway from Alice Springs to Darwin, completion (Ms Martin) 529
    Building Territory Trade, delivering trade outcomes (Mr Henderson) 542, 551
    Crime Prevention (Dr Toyne) 560
    Employment and Training progress Report 2003 and Agenda 2004 (Mr Stirling) 545
    Health and Community Services agenda and framework for the next 5 years (Dr Toyne) 529
    Multiculturalism (Mr Vatskalis) 545
    Territory Sport, Building a Future (Mr Ah Kit) 551
    Tourism, February 2004 (Ms Martin) 568

MOTIONS (Procedural)
    Extension of time
    Mr Ah Kit on the motion of Mr Elferink 563
    Mr Bonson on motion of Ms Lawrie 551
    Mr Burke on motion of Dr Lim. 529
    Mr Kiely on motion of Mr Bonson 551
    Mr McAdam on motion of Mr Henderson 568
    Ms Carney on motion of Mr Elferink 560
    Ms Lawrie on motion of Mr Vatskalis 545
    Leave denied Mr Mills to move extension of time motion for Dr Lim during
    Matter of Public Importance debate 530
    Leave denied Ms Carney to move extension of time motion for Mr Mills during
    Matter of Public Importance debate 530
    Leave denied to present Swimming Pool Safety Bill 2004 (Serial 206) without notice 525
    Mr Burke granted an extension of time on motion moved by Ms Carter 529
    Ms Scrymgour granted an extension of time on motion moved by Dr Toyne 529
    Recommittal of question of leave to present Swimming Pool Safety Bill 2004 (Serial 206)
    without notice, leave denied 525
    Standing Orders Committee
    Draft Members’ Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards and Draft Amendments to
    the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act, Third Report - Note 568
    Draft Members’ Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards and Draft Amendments to
    the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act, Third Report - Print 568
    Suspension of Standing Orders
    Pass Bill through all stages
      Swimming Pool Safety Bill 2004 (Serial 206) 561
    Present Bill forthwith
      Swimming Pool Safety Bill 2004 (Serial 206) 525
    Take two Bills together
      First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 210) and Stamp Duty
      Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 211) 549, 554
      Racing and Betting Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 207) and Unlawful Betting
      Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 208) 548, 553

MOTIONS (Substantive)
    Auditor-General’s October 2003 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 554
    Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly, Analysis of the 2002/2003
    Treasurer’s Annual Financial Statement - Note 551
    Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly, Analysis of the 2002/2003
    Treasurer’s Annual Financial Statement - Print 551
    AustralAsia Railway from Alice Springs to Darwin – Note statement 556
    AustralAsia Railway from Alice Springs to Darwin, completion – Note statement 529
    Crime Prevention - Note statement 560
    Employment and Training progress Report 2003 and Agenda 2004 – Note statement 545
    Environmental, economic and community issues surrounding the cotton trial in
    Katherine (Mr Wood) 562
    Health and Community Services agenda and framework for the next 5 years – Note statement 529
    Multiculturalism – Note statement 545
    Northern Territory Alcohol Framework, Interim Report dated February 2003 - Note 560
    Public Accounts Committee
    Annual Report 2002/2003 - Noted 542
    Report on Termination Payments for CEOs and ECOs, Report Number 42,
    dated February 2004 - Note 568
    Report on Termination Payments for CEOs and ECOs, Report Number 42,
    dated February 2004 - Print 568
    Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 1 of 2003 - Note 561
    Select Committee on Substance Abuse in the Community
    Discharge Mr Maley and appoint Mrs Miller, 17 February 2004. 524
    Discharge Ms Scrymgour and appoint Mrs Aagaard, 17 February 2004. 524
    Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee
    Discharge Ms Scrymgour and appoint Mrs Aagaard, 17 February 2004. 524
    Tourism, February 2004 – Note statement 568
    Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 2002/2003 - Note paper 541
    Treasurer’s Mid –Year Report 2002/2003 on the fiscal outlook for the Northern
    Territory – Note paper 551

    Opposition portfolio allocation of responsibilities (Mr Mills), effective 9 February 2004 523

    Acute Services, Renal Services at Royal Darwin Hospital, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs
    Hospital, Information Act papers release (Paper 1194) (Ms Carter) 529
    Administrative Arrangements Order, Gazette S24, dated 15 December 2003
    (Paper 1178) (Ms Martin) 522
    Alice Springs Masters Games Entry Form, 16 to 23 October 2004 (Paper 1214) (Mr Ah Kit) 551
    Annual Reports
    Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 2002/2003 (Paper 1183) 531
    Centralian College, 2002/2003 (Paper 1227) 569
    Mental Health Review Tribunal, 2002/2003 (Paper 1226) 569
    National Environment Protection Council, 2002/2003 (Paper 1225) 569
    Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2002/2003 (Paper 1184) 531
    Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board, 2002/2003, for the year
    ended 30 September 2003 (Paper 1182) 531
    Parole Board of the Northern Territory, year ending 31 December 2003 (Paper 1224) 569
    Application to Register a Food Business – Part 7 Food Bill 2003, Department of Health
    and Community Services (Paper 1208) (Dr Toyne) 545
    Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly, Analysis of the 2002/2003
    Treasurer’s Annual Financial Statement (Speaker) 551
    Capital Works, Cross Output Group, Royal Darwin Hospital – Information Act,
    paper release (Paper 1198) (Mr Burke) 529
    Community Government Schemes
    Yugul Mangi Community Government Scheme (Paper 1181) 531
    Community Safety Standard Guidelines for pool fences (Paper 1238) (Mr Elferink) 564
    Coroners Act
    In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the Death of
    Mr Mark Corbett, pursuant to section 46B, dated 24 December 2003 (Paper 1228) 569
    In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the Death of
    Ms Annette Kunia, pursuant to section 46B (Paper 1185) 531
    In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the Death of
    Ms Dianne Dale Juratowitch, pursuant to section 46B (Paper 1186) 531
    Court Outcomes for Aggravated Property Offences, NT Quarterly Crime and Justice
    Statistics, Issue 5, September Quarter 2003 (Paper 1221) (Ms Carney) 560
    Crocodile Tears by Anthony Hoy – Steve Irwin crocodile hunter, Bulletin,
    dated 20 January 2004, page 22 (Paper 1209) (Ms Carter) 546
    Darwin City Council, advertisement to Chief Minister, re pool fencing,
    Northern Territory News, dated 3 February 2004 (Paper 1232) (Mr Kiely) 563
    Dental Services, Gove Private Dental Practice (Paper 1195) (Mr Burke) 529
    Labor Leader Clare Martin makes pledges to public sector workers, Northern
    Territory News, 2001 election compaign (Paper 1206) (Ms Carter) 544
    Ah Kit, Mr John, Minister for Local Government to Mr David Loadman,
    dated 19 February 2004 re swimming pool fencing (Paper 1237) (Mr Ah Kit) 563
    Humphries, Chris, Acting Manager Urban Planning to Ms Helina Chan Ling Lam
    re Proposed NT Planning Scheme Amendment – Lots 9666, 9665, 9345, 9346, 9347,
    9348, 9349 and 7234 Trower Road and Undoolya Street, Town of Nightcliff,
    dated 6 October 2003 (Paper 1218) (Mr Vatskalis) 556
    Kiely, Mr Len to Minister for Local Government (Mr Ah Kit), dated 8 October 2003
    re pool fencing legislation review (Paper 1231) (Mr Kiely) 563
    Loadman, Mr David (Chair Lands and Mining Tribunal) to Mr John Ah Kit,
    Minister for Local Government, dated 16 December 2003 re Swimming Pool
    Fencing Act (Paper 1233) (Mr Ah Kit) 563
    Loadman, Mr David to all Members of the Legislative Assembly re proposed changes
    to swimming pool legislation, dated 17 February 2004 (Paper 1236) (Mr Ah Kit) 563
    Loadman, Mr David to Bill Stuchbery, Director of Local Government re the Lands and
    Mining Tribunal, dated 12 February 2003 (Paper 1234) (Mr Ah Kit) 563
    Loadman, Mr David to Mr David Coles re The Lands and Mining Tribunal,
    dated 17 February 2004 (Paper 1235) (Mr Ah Kit) 563
    Mike to Minister for Housing, Mr Ah Kit, February 2004 (Paper 1222) (Ms Carney) 560
    van der Sommen, Mr F J, to Minister for Lands and Planing (Mr Vatskalis) re
    Undoolya Street and Trower Road area rezoning R3 to R2, dated 28 July 2003 - application
    to amend Planning Scheme attached (Paper 1216) (Mr Vatskalis) 556
    Licence Agreement between the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing and
    CMS PTY LTD (ACN 009 640 546) (Paper 1201) 542
    Licence Agreement between the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing and
    DK Marketing PTY LTD (ACN 098 422 023) (Paper 1203) 542
    Licence Agreement between the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing and
    Global Players Network PTY LTD (ACN 102 371 335) (Paper 1202) 542
    Lock your doors Cops hunt Gillen sex fiend, Centralian Advocate,
    dated 6 February 2004 (Paper 1220) (Ms Carney) 560
    Memorandum, file PA2003/0501, Executive Director Lands and Planning to Minister
    for Lands and Planning to re Building Lots 7234 and 9666 Trower Road – rezoning
    from R3 to R2, dated 4 December 2003 (Paper 1271) (Mr Vatskalis) 555
    Metis – Assessment of Organisational Effectiveness and Human Resource
    Management Systems within the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service
    (Paper 1230) Mr Henderson) 562
    N T Planning Scheme, proposal to amend – section 12(1) (Paper 1212) (Mr Maley) 550
    Northern Territory Alcohol Framework, Interim Report dated February 2003
    (Paper 1219) (Mr Stirling) 560
    Northern Territory Water Safety Plan 2003/2006 (Paper 1239) (Mr Dunham) 564
    Power and Water Corporation Procurement Review Board contract and Procurement
    Services investigation of complaint by Mr Peter Carew, Final Report,
    dated 12 February 2004 (Paper 1200) (Mr Stirling) 534
    Public Accounts Committee
    Report on Termination Payments for CEOs and ECOs, Report Number 42,
    dated February 2004 (Paper 1240) (Mr Kiely) 568
    Queensland Study Tour by Ms Lawrie, December 2003 (Paper 1242) (Ms Lawrie) 568
    Railway crossings at Yambah, Ilparpa and Arltunga, photograph (Paper 1207) (Ms Carney) 544
    Regulations 2003
    No. 55, Amendment of Evidence Regulations (Paper 1187) 531
    No. 56, Amendments of Northern Territory Rail Safety Regulations (Paper 1188) 531
    No. 57, Amendments of Fisheries Regulations (Paper 1189) 531
    No. 58, Legal Practitioners Admission Rules (Paper 1190) 531
    No. 59, Palmerston (Procedures for Meetings) By-Laws (Paper 1191) 531
    No. 60, Amendments of Corporations Law Rules (Paper 1192) 531
    Regulations 2004
    No. 01, Amendments of Animal Welfare Regulations (Paper 1193) 531
    No. 02 Amendment of Territory Wildlife Regulations (Paper 1204) 542
    Remuneration Tribunal Determination, overseas travel, oral report during adjournment
    debate by Mr Maley, 17 February 2004, RTD paragraph 4.2 530
    Review of the Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Scheme, K B Clarke,
    consultant to the Review, November 2002 (Paper 1229) 569
    Royal Darwin Hospital, bed shortages, e-mail from constituent (Paper 1197) (Mr Burke) 529
    School Dental Clinics, summary of dental clinics closed (Paper 1196) (Mr Burke) 529
    Standing Orders Committee
    Draft Members’ Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards and Draft Amendments to
    the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act, Third Report (Mr Kiely) 568
    Tenders Online, Awarded by Department of Infrastructure , Planning and Environment –
    Katherine – Nitmiluk National Park – Water Treatment Plant, Upgrading - Contractor
    Filtration Sales and Service Pty Ltd and H2O Pty Ltd (Paper 1205) (Mr Mills) 544
    Toyne walks on the wild side, article by Gavin King, Centralian Advocate
    (Paper 1223) (Ms Carney) 560
    Treasurer’s Mid –Year Report 2002/2003 on the fiscal outlook for the Northern Territory
    (Paper 1213) (Mr Stirling) 551

    Ms Carter re agreement made between respective Whips for number of Members
    speaking to the Ministerial Statement on Health, 17 February 2004 (Ms Carter) 533

    No. 44 and No. 48, relating to respectively Casuarina district police numbers and
    Daly River Catchment protection from subdivision of Pastoral Leases,
    tree clearing and irrigation (Paper 1177) 522

    Omission of disorderly words uttered by Leader of Government Business (Mr Henderson)
    on 25 February 2004, pursuant to Standing Order 62 (Mrs Braham) 555
    Personal Explanations by Members and that codes of behaviour (Mrs Braham) 549
    Procedural status of Government Business, swimming pool legislation (Mrs Braham) 527
    Sittings of the Parliament commence at 12 Noon, 19 February 2004 due to Bombing of
    Darwin Commemoration (Madam speaker) 533

    Bell, Ms Belinda (Mrs Braham) 550
    Henbury Outreach School students (Madam Speaker) 526
    Stuart Park Primary School, Year 6/7 students (Mrs Braham) 554
    Stuart Park Primary School, Year 6/7 students accompanied Ms Marina Goff (Mrs Braham) 553

    Warrant nominating Mrs Jane Aagaard to act as Deputy Chairman of Committees (Paper 1210) 547
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016