Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 2005-10-11

      The Assembly met at 10am, pursuant to resolution of the Assembly, dated Thursday 25 August 2005. The Speaker, the Honourable J. L. Aagaard, took the Chair.


      The Speaker advised Honourable Members that the following Message had been received from His Honour the Administrator:
      Message No. 5

      Assent to Proposed Laws

      I, EDWARD JOSEPH EGAN, AO the Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, advise the Legislative Assembly of, pursuant to section 7 of the Northern Territory (Self-Government Act) 1978 of the Commonwealth, the assent to the following proposed laws:
        26 August 2005
            Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Amendment Act 2005 (Act No. 30 of 2005)
            Charles Darwin University Amendment Act 2005 (Act No. 31 of 2005)
        22 September 2005
            Bail Amendment (Repeat Offenders) Act 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005)
            Youth Justice Act 2005 (Act No. 32 of 2005)
            Youth Justice (Consequential Amendments) Act 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)
        Dated 1st day of October 2005.
        Sgd. E J Egan
        Administrator (Paper 205)
        The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney), by leave, moved - That leave of absence be granted to the Member fro Greatorex (Dr Lim) for this sitting week, 11 to 13 October 2005, due to family reasons.
        Question - put and passed.
        The Member for Goyder (Mr Warren) presented petition No. 5, from 247 petitioners, requesting a slip lane for the entrance to the Humpty Doo and Rural Golf Club (Paper 206).
        Petition read.

        Response to petitions: The Clerk, pursuant to Standing Order 100A, laid on the Table a response to petition Nos. 2 and 3 relating to respectively, Lot sizes in Lyons subdivision development of 800 square metres by Defence Housing Authority at Lee Point; and the extent of green open space within the Darwin CBD for use by new residents of tall building developments and the public (Paper 207).

        The Clerk advised the Assembly the text of the responses would be included in the Hansard record.
        The Chief Minister (Ms Martin), by leave, moved -

        That this Assembly:

        (a) express its condemnation of the calculated and brutal acts of terrorism which occurred in Bali on 1 October 2005;

        (b) extend its support and sympathy to the families, loved ones and friends of the Australians killed or injured;

        (c) offer condolences to the family and friends of the Indonesians, and other foreign nationals who have been killed or injured;

        (d) offer sympathy to the people of Indonesia and, particularly, the Balinese, during this tragic time;

        (e) support and commend the prompt and effective action of Northern Territory government agencies following this tragedy, including the Emergency Operations Centre, Royal Darwin Hospital and our police, ambulance and transport services.

        Ms Martin thereupon addressed the Assembly.
        Debate ensued.
        Question - put and passed.

        As a mark of respect Members stood in their places for one minute, in silence.
        Avian Influenza Virus: The Minister for Health (Dr Toyne) reported on the Northern Territory response plan to combat the avian influenza virus.
        Ms Carney responded thereto.
        Dr Toyne responded accordingly.

        Mining Industry Roadshow - "Top End Secret" Campaign: The Minister for Mines and Energy (Mr Vatskalis) reported on the Top End Secret promotional program of the Territory Mining Industry and visitations to Australian states.
        Mrs Miller responded thereto.
        Mr Vatskalis responded accordingly.

        Home Territory 2010: The Minister for Housing (Mr McAdam) reported on the housing scheme Home Territory 2010 and associated initiatives, progress and achievements in implementing community housing reforms.
        Mrs Miller responded thereto.
        Mrs Braham responded thereto.
        Mr Vatskalis responded accordingly.

        Ministerial Reports noted, pursuant to Sessional Order.

        The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question - That the Assembly take note of the Report -
        Debate resumed.
        Paper Tabled: The Chief Minister (Ms Martin) laid on the Table the following the following Paper -
    Travel and travel allowance schedule of payments to Ministers and Leader of the Opposition for the period 1 January 2004 to 30 June 2005 (Paper 208).

        Debate continued.
        Question - put and passed.
        Motion agreed to.

        Suspension of sittings: The sittings of the Assembly was suspended between 11.57am and 2pm.

        Visitors: The Speaker advised Members of the presence in the Speaker's Gallery of members from the business community as part of the Business Month visitation program of the Assembly.
        On behalf of all Members the Speaker extended a warm welcome to the visitors.
    9. NOTICES:
        The following notices were given -
        Dr Toyne: To present the Statute Law Revision Bill 2005 (Serial 24).
        Ms Carney: To present the Sentencing Amendment (Aboriginal Customary Law)
        Bill 2005 (Serial 19).
        Ms Scrymgour: To present the Strehlow Research Centre Bill 2005 (Serial 21).
    10. QUESTIONS:
        2.02pm Ms Carney to Ms Martin and referred to Dr Toyne.
        2.05pm Mr Bonson to Ms Martin.
        2.09pm Ms Carney to Ms Martin.
        2.10pm Mr Burke to Mr Stirling.
        2.13pm Ms Carney to Ms Martin.
        Papers tabled: The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -
    Article, Elders "bribed for votes" in NT by Russell Skelton, Sunday Age, dated 25 September 2005 (Paper 220).

        2.18pm Mr Warren to Ms Scrymgour.
        2.25pm Mr Wood to Ms Scrymgour.
        2.29pm Ms Carney to Ms Martin.
        2.33pm Mr Natt to Dr Toyne.
        2.35pm Mrs Braham to Mr Stirling.
        2.36pm Ms Anderson to Ms Lawrie.
        2.39pm Ms Carney to Mr Henderson.
        2.42pm Mr Warren to Dr Burns.
        Paper tabled: The Minister for Infrastructure and Transport (Dr Burns) laid on the Table the following Paper -
    Bus Routes 445, 446, 447, 450 and 446 (Paper 221).

        2.45pm Ms Carney to Ms Martin.
        2.49pm Mr Knight to Mr Vatskalis.
        2.52pm Mrs Braham to Ms Lawrie.
        2.56pm Ms Carney to Ms Martin.
        3.02pm Mr Kiely to Mr McAdam.

        The Leader of Government Business (Mr Henderson) asked that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.

        The Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing (Mr Stirling) made a statement relating to progress in addressing alcohol abuse in the Territory, the effectiveness of government initiatives including a five point strategy framework plan to alleviate and reduce community harm.
        Mr Stirling moved - That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
        Debate ensued.
        Extension of time: On the motion of the Treasurer (Mr Stirling) the Member for Daly (Mr Knight) was granted an extension of time.
        Debate continued.
        Question - put and passed.
        The Speaker advised the Assembly that the Member for Nelson (Mr Wood) had proposed the following definite Matter of Public Importance for discussion this day:
            The condition of the Howard Springs Nature Park which cannot be used for swimming because of the putrid water. The barramundi that are a major tourist attraction of the Park are also at risk because the pond is evaporating rapidly and the spring has stopped flowing. (Paper 223)

        The proposed discussion having received the necessary support -
        The Speaker thereupon called on Mr Wood to address the Assembly.
        Discussion ensued.
        Papers tabled: The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood), by leave, laid on the Table the following Papers -
    Photographs of water levels at Howard Springs Nature Park (Paper 222).

        Discussion continued.
        Discussion concluded.
        The Minister for Justice and Attorney-General (Dr Toyne) moved - That the Assembly do now adjourn.
        Debate ensued.
        Question - put and passed.
        The Assembly adjourned at 8.21pm until tomorrow at 10am.

        The following Papers were deemed to have been presented on Tuesday 11 October 2005 -

        Annual Reports:
        Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, Child Protection (Offenders Reporting and Registration) Act Report 2004/2005 (Paper 209)
        Work Health Advisory Council 2004/2005 (Paper 210)
        Community Government Schemes:
        Timber Creek Amendment 2005 (Paper 213)
        Coroners Act
        In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendation into the Death of Mr Scott Timothy Williams pursuant to section 46B, dated 30 September 2005 (Paper 214)
        In the matter of Coroner’s Finding and Recommendations into the Death of Mrs Marianne Paula Keidel, pursuant to section 46B, dated 28 September 2005 (Paper 215)
        In the matter of Coroner’s Finding and Recommendations into the Death of Ms Nova Elizabeth Walters, pursuant to section 46B, dated 28 September 2005 (Paper 216)

        Mental Health and Related Services Act (NT) 1998
        Community Visitor Program, Northern Territory Protecting and Promoting the Rights of Territorians affected by Mental Illness 2004/2005 (Paper 211)
        Police Administration Act:
        Consent Agreement 2005 - Superintendent rank or below, pursuant to section 51 (Paper 217)

        Regulations 2005:
        No. 28, Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment By-Laws 2005 (Paper 212)
        No. 31, Work Health Amendment (Medical Certificates) Regulations 2005 (Paper 218)
        No. 32, Planning Amendment (Miscellaneous Matters) Regulations 2005 (Paper 219)
        All Members attended the sitting, except Dr Lim on leave.
    Last updated: 04 Aug 2016