Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2006-06-13
Index to Minutes – 13 June 2006 to 23 June 2006
From To Pages
13 June 2006 23 June 2006 205 - 236
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Kiely Mr, Acting Speaker, 13 to 23 June sittings 2006 - notification 205
- Shadow Ministerial Portfolio responsibility of Opposition Members (Ms Carney) - effective 2 June 2006 206
- Mr Henderson, by leave, provided further information in answer to a question asked by the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney) on Wednesday 14 June 2006 concerning alleged actions of the Member for Macdonnell (Ms Anderson) 230
Ms Lawrie, by leave, provided further information to questions asked by Ms Carney 14 June 2006 re STIs contracted by a child in a remote community 224
- Appropriation Bill 2006/2007 (Serial 50) 208, 210, 234
Carers Recognition Bill 2006 (Serial 54) 208, 222
Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 58) 223, 228
Criminal Reform Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 61) 230, 235
Darwin Waterfront Corporation Bill 2006 (Serial 55) 208, 222
Human Tissue Transplant Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 57) 208, 222
Information Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 53) 223
Judges and Administrators Pensions Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 51) 229
Territory Insurance Office Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 56) 208, 222
Treasury Legislation and Consequential Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 52) 235
Vexatious Proceedings Bill 2006 (Serial 60) 223, 228
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Bill 2006 (Serial 59) 223, 229
- Violence against women and children (Paper 476) (Ms Carney) - negatived 210
- Townsend, Mr Neville and Mrs Townsend; Mr Graeme Burgess 223
The Hon Esmon Saiemon MP, Delegation Leader and Second Deputy Speaker, The Hon Moana Carcasses MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Mr Jack Eric MP, Mr Bob Loughman MP, Mr Ores Orrison, Delegation Secretary, Mrs Lyn Witheridge, Assistant Director, Parliamentary Relations Office, Canberra (Acting Speaker) 229
- Wednesday 23 August 2006, nominated by Mr Henderson 229
- Aagaard, Mrs, Speaker, 13 to 23 June sittings 2006 (Mr Henderson) 205
- No.10, Assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly March 2006 (Mr Acting Speaker) 205
No.11, Assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly May 2006 (Mr Acting Speaker) 206
- Defence Prime Contractors (Mr Henderson) 221
Delfin Estate, Developments (Dr Burns) 227
Dry Season Sporting Events (Ms Lawrie) 221
Education reforms of the Distance Learning Service (Mr Stirling) 207
Environment Grants to Schools (Ms Scrymgour) 221
Fire Abatement, West Arnhem (Ms Scrymgour) 228
Homelands Partnership Strategy, Queensland (Mr McAdam) 208
Indigenous Women in Tourism (Ms Martin) 221
National Health Care Accreditation (Dr Toyne) 207
North Australian Business "Partner Up" Workshop (Mr Henderson) 228
Telecommunications and ICT Services (Dr Burns) 208
Top End Secret Road Show - Mining Profile (Mr Vatskalis 227
- Indigenous affairs, dysfunction in remote communities (Ms Martin) 224
Indigenous housing in the Territory, A 20 year vision (Mr McAdam) 230
Middle Years of Schooling (Mr Stirling) 210
Working with consumers and traders (Dr Toyne) 231
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of Time
Dr Lim on motion of Mrs Miller 224
Mr Henderson on motion of Ms Martin 225
Ms Lawrie on motion of Ms Scrymgour 224
Ms Scrymgour on motion of Dr Burns 224
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Acting Deputy Speaker, Mr Matthew Bonson be appointed, during the meetings of the Estimates Committee and Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee from 20 to 23 June 2006 (Mr Henderson) 209
Auditor-General's February 2006 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 348) - Note 229, 230
Censure, Violence against women and children (Paper 476) (Ms Carney) - negatived 210
Estimates Committee 2006/2007 and Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee 2006/2007, establishment (Mr Henderson) 211
Estimates Committee hearing and associated allocated hearing timeframes (Ms Carney) 233
Independent EPA, establishment of preferred model (Mrs Miller) 234
Indigenous housing in the Territory, A 20 year vision - Note statement 230
Larrakeyah Sewerage Outfall (Mrs Miller) 234
Middle Years of Schooling - Note (Mr Stirling) 210
Northern Territory Open Education Centre (Mr Mills) 233
Planning applications, Third Party Apppeals (Mr Wood) 209
Routine of Business, Friday 23 June 2006 (Mr Henderson) 209, 228
Working with consumers and traders - Note statement 231
- Friday 23 June 2006 at 4 pm (Mr Henderson) 228
Friday 23 June 2006, 4 pm on (Mr Henderson) 208
Tuesday 22 August 2006 (Mr Henderson) 233
- Annual Reports
Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board 2004/2005 (Paper 466) 219
Menzies School of Health Research - 1 January – 31 December 2005 (Paper 469) 219
Nitmiluk National Park, Year Ended 30 June 2005 (Paper 467) 219
Road Safety Council of the Northern Territory 2004/2005 (Paper 468) 219
Coroners Act
Coronial Findings and Recommendations, pursuant to section 46B, into the deaths of Mr Kumanjay Presley, aged 14 years, died 23 March 2004, Mr Kunmanara Coulthard aged 22 years, died 27 June 2004, and Mr Kunmanara Brumby, aged 38 years, died 8 July 2004 (Paper 471) 219
Department of the Legislative Assembly's Portfolio Budget Statement 2006/2007 (Paper 508) (Mr Knight, Deputy Speaker) 231
Email to Jodeen Carney re child protection and child abuse, dated 19 May 2006 (Paper 487) (Ms Carney) 224
Email to Jodeen Carney re child protection and children with STIs, dated 17 May 2006 (Paper 489) (Ms Carney) 224
Estimates Committee 2006/2007
Reports of the Estimates Committee and Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee on its consideration of the estimates of proposed expenditure contained in the Schedule to the Appropriation Bill 2006/2007 (Serial 50) (Paper 563 and 564) 234
Explanatory Statements
Carers Recognition Bill 2006 (Serial 54) (Paper 485) (Ms Lawrie) 222
Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 58) (Paper 504) (Dr Toyne) 228
Criminal Reform Amendment Bill (2006 (Serial 61) (Paper 568) 235
Darwin Waterfront Corporation Bill 2006 (Serial 55) (Paper 486) (Ms Martin) 222
Human Tissue Transplant Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 57) (Paper 484) (Dr Toyne) 222
Territory Insurance Office Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 56) (Paper 483) (Mr Stirling) 222
Vexatious Proceedings Bill 2006 (Serial 60) (Paper 505) (Dr Toyne) 229
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Bill 2006 (Serial 59) (Paper 506) (Ms Scrymgour) 229
Exploring Country, a guide to making an exploration and mining agreement (Paper 502) (Mr Vatskalis) 227
Financial Management Act
Increase of Treasurer’s Advance, pursuant to Section 19(1), of the Financial Management Act, signed by the Administrator, dated 7 June 2006 (Paper 472) 219
Transfer of Excess Allocations, pursuant to Section 20 of the Financial Management Act, signed by Treasurer, dated 25 May 2006 (Paper 473) 219
Financial Statements
Menzies School of Health Research, Financial Statement -1 January – 31 December 2005 (Paper 470) 219
Carney, Ms, Leader of the Opposition to Honourable Clare Martin, Chief Minister re bipartisan approach to systemic problems of indigenous communities and establishment of a crisis cabinet (Paper 491) (Mr Mills) 225
Members of Parliament by Master Hua Cao re Middle Schooling (Paper 477) (Mr Warren) 210
NT police to reopen sex abuse case at Papunya, The Age, dated 3 June 2006 (Paper 490) (Ms Carney) 224
Photographs of Shepherdson College Galiwinku, and Numbulwar School (Paper 488) (Mr Stirling) 223
- Regulations 2006
No. 14, Work Health (Occupational Health and Safety) Amendment (Construction Work) (Paper 474) 219
No. 15, Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment (Paper 475) 219
No.16, Building Amendment (Transitional Matters) (No.1) (Paper 496) 231
No.17, Building Amendment (Builder Declarations) (Paper497) 231
No.18, Liquor Amendment (Infringement Notices) (Paper 498) 231
No.19, Business Names Amendment (Paper 499) 231
No.20, Fines and Penalties (Recovery) Amendment (Liquor Act) (Paper 500) 231
No.21, Sentencing Amendment (Alcohol Court) (Paper 501) 231
Sitzler Brothers company history, Alice Springs News, 5 and 12 August 1998 and 1 April 1998 (Paper 478) 218
Spotlight AWA v Shop Employees (State) Award NSW (Paper 507) (Dr Burns) 230
- Mr Wood, Member for Goyder made a personal explanation of assertions made by the Minister for Business and Economic Development (Mr Henderson) re Mr Wood's supoprt for the Darwin LNG plant 230
- Central Australian National Parks, 11, decision to handover be rescinded, petition No. 28 (Paper 492) (Dr Lim) (253 petitioners) 227
Golf Course Estate for the suburb adjacent to and surrounding the Alice Springs Golf Course be retained by the Northern Territory Place Names Committee, petition No. 31 (Paper 495) (Dr Lim) (104 petitioners) 227
Kennel and cattery on Lot 3296 De Caen Close, Virginia, approval be overturned, by leave, presented petition No. 27, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 482) (Mr Warren) (17 petitioners) 221
Kennel and cattery, approval, on Lot 3296, De Caen Close, Virginia be overturned, petition No. 26 (Paper 481) (Mr Warren) (202 petitioners) 221
Marrakai Downs bus route, petition No. 25 (Paper 480) (Mr Knight) (29 petitioners) 221
Middle Point School be given two permanent teachers for 2007 and 2008, petition No. 24 (Paper 479) (Mr Warren) (31 petitioners) 221
Radiation oncology service, Commonwealth Government's assistance with the development of the, petition No. 33 (Paper 566) (Dr Lim) (36 petitioners) 233
No. 20 re an improved bus service for O'Loughlin College students (Paper 567) 233
Responses to petitions
Numbers 9, 11, 12, 17, and 19 respectively relating to, Shade structure for Palmerston Skate Park, Late bus at Mindil Markets on Thursday nights, Damaged windmill at Dundee Beach, Alice Springs preferred Middle School Approach, and Public Service DCIS salaries section jobs in Alice Springs (Paper 463) 207
Retirement village for self-funded retirees in the inner Darwin area, petition No. 23 (Paper 465) (Ms Martin) (171 petitioners) 207
Salaries section of DCIS in Alice Springs be retained, petition No. 30 (Paper 494) (Dr Lim) (72 petitioners) 227
Territory owned parks, decision to handover 48, be rescinded, petition No. 32 (Paper 565) (Dr Lim) (67 petitioners) 233
Territory owned parks, decision to handover the 48 be rescinded, petition No. 29 (Paper 493) (Dr Lim) (1945 petitioners) 227
- Bachelor of Education students from the Batchelor Institute accompanied by Robyn Ober (Mr Kiely) 221
Durack Primary School, Year six and Year seven, accompanied by their teacher Mr Craig Brown (Acting Speaker Kiely) 222
Kormilda College Students, Year 8, from various remote Aboriginal communities accompanied by Ms Jacinta Mooney (Acting Speaker) 227
People to People group from the USA accompanied by Ms Fiona Furletti (Acting Speaker) 224
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016