Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2006-03-28
Index to Minutes – 28 March 2006 to 30 March 2006
From To Pages
28 March 2006 30 March 2006 161 - 180
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Acting Whip, Member for Daly (Mr Knight) for period 28 to 30 March 2006 inclusive (Mr Henderson) 162
Opposition Office Holders, and additional Shadow Portfolio responsibilities effective from 15 March 2006 (Ms Carney) 162
- Administrators Pensions Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 37) 171
Adoption of Children Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 38) 172
Assembly Members and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Other Entitlements) Bill 2006 (Serial 35) 163
Defamation Bill 2006 (Serial 41) 172
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 49) 164, 170
Law of Property Amendment (Sales of Residential Property) Bill 2005 (Serial 13) 179
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 43) 164, 170
No New Taxes Bill 2006 (Serial 48) 165, 177
Partnership Amendment (Venture Capital Funds) Bill 2006 (Serial 42) 164
Racing and Betting Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 39) 172
Sentencing Amendment (Aboriginal Customary Law) Bill 2005 (Serial 19) 179
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 40) 164, 166
Terrorism (Emergency Powers) Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 46) 165, 171
Unit Titles Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 31) 179
Victims of Crime Assistance Bill 2006 (Serial 45) 164, 170
Victims of Crime Rights and Services Bill 2006 (Serial 44) 164, 170
Whistleblowers Bill 2006 (Serial 47) 165, 177
Work Health Amendment (Advisory Council) Bill 2006 (Serial 36) 163
- Chief Minister and Government re Health Services (Ms Carney) - motion negatived 172
- Message from HRH, dated 13 March 2006 (Paper 399) (Speaker) incorporated into Hansard 161
- Mr Reg Harris AM, prominent member of the Alice Springs community, death of, 28 February 2006 (Mrs Aagaard) 162
- Freier, Right Reverend Dr Philip, the Anglican Bishop of Darwin (Mrs Aagaard) 171
Penhall, Mr Les and Mrs Helen Lines attending condolence motion of Mr Reg Harris AM (Speaker) 162
Rev Steve Orme, Moderator of the Northern Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia and Mrs Judith Orme (Mrs Aagaard) 164
- Thursday 30 March 2006, nominated by Mr Henderson 161
- Bonson, Mr, for 28 to 30 March 2006 inclusive (Mr Henderson) 161
Miller, Mrs, period 28 to 30 March 2006 inclusive (Ms Carney) 162
Stirling, Mr, 30 March 2006 (Mr Henderson) 175
- No. 8, Assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during the February 2006 sittings (Paper 394) 161
- APEC Meeting 2007 (Ms Martin) 163
Domestic and Family Violence Advisory Council (Ms Scrymgour) 175
East Timor Governance Training (Dr Burns) 163
Grass Roots Development Grant Program - sporting organisations (Ms Lawrie) 175
JAWOYN Plants and Animals (Ms Scrymgour) 169
Multicultural Policy - First Annual Report (Mr Vatskalis) 169
Opal Fuel (Ms Lawrie) 169
Regional Economic Committees (Mr Henderson) 169
Royal Darwin Hospital, Health Care Status (Dr Toyne) 163
Town Camps Task Force, Alice Springs (Mr McAdam) 163
Up-skills Workshops (Mr Henderson) 175
Vista Gold Australia, Mt Todd Mineral Leases (Mr Vatskalis) 175
- Middle Years Education in the Northern Territory (Mr Stirling) 166
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of Time
Mr Mills on motion of Ms Carney 167
Mr Stirling on motion of Mr Henderson 167
Suspension of Standing Orders
Pass Bill through all stages
- No New Taxes Bill 2006 (Serial 48) 165
No New Taxes Bill 2006 (Serial 48) - Negatived 177
No New Taxes Bill 2006 (Serial 48) - Withdrawn by leave (Mr Mills) 177
- Victims of Crime Rights and Services Bill 2006 (Serial 44) and Victims of Crime Assistance Bill 2006 (Serial 45) 164
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Development Consent Authorities for Outer Darwin Community Government Councils (Mr Wood) - negatived 177
Disease Control in the NT - Note (Dr Toyne) 173
Humpty Doo landfill site (Mr Wood) - Negatived 176
Indigenous Housing (IHANT) - Note (Mr McAdam) 173
Kava, Illicit Trafficking (Dr Lim) 165
Kava, Illicit Trafficking (Dr Lim) - Negatived 178
McArthur River Mine Expansion (Ms Carney) 165
McArthur River Mine Expansion (Ms Carney) - negatived 177
Middle Years Education in the Northern Territory - Note (Mr Stirling) 167
Oncology Unit (Dr Lim) 165
MOTIONS (Substantive) (cont)
- Oncology Unit (Dr Lim) - negatived 178
Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Salary, Allowances and Other Benefits to Magistrates and Determination No. 1 of 2006 - Note (Ms Martin) 173
Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Salary, Allowances and Other Benefits to Magistrates and Determination No. 1 of 2006 - Print (Ms Martin) 173
- Tuesday 2 May 2006 (Mr Henderson) 179
- Annual Reports
Parole Board of the Northern Territory 2005 (Paper 396) 167
Environmental Protection Authority, administrative relationship hierarchy chart (Paper 418) (Ms Scrymgour) 178
Explanatory Statements
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 49) (Paper 410) 171
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2006 (Paper 407) (Mr Stirling) 170
Terrorism (Emergency Powers) Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 46) (Paper 411) 171
Victims of Crime Assistance Bill 2006 (Serial 45) (Paper 409) 170
Victims of Crime Rights and Services Bill 2006 (Serial 44) (Paper 408) (Dr Toyne) 170
Health, Key Achievements (Paper 412) (Dr Toyne) 171
Information Paper on Legislative Assembly Sessional Committee on Sport and Youth (Paper 420) (Mr Natt) 179
JAWOYN Plants and Animals, Aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from Nitmiluk National Park and the Katherine area (Paper 405) (Ms Scrymgour) 169
Media release, NT Government takes next step towards Environment Protection Agency, dated 19 October 2005 (Paper 416) (Ms Martin) 176
Multicultural Policy - Building on the Territory's Diversity, February 2005 to February 2006 (Paper 404) (Mr Vatskalis) 170
Opal Cost Benefit Analysis Report by Access Economics Pty Limited for The Opal Alliance, dated 23 February 2006 (Paper 406) (Ms Lawrie) 169
Photographic volume 1, survey of assets Alice Springs and Barkly Areas for the Department of Health and Community Services circa 1991 (Paper 417) (Dr Toyne) 176
Regulations 2006
No. 8, Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment (Fees) By-Laws (Paper 397) 167
No. 9, Procurement Amendment (Paper 398) 167
Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Salary, Allowances and Other Benefits to Magistrates and Determination No. 1 of 2006 (Paper 414) (Ms Martin) 173
Smith, Clarry, curator of Olive Pink Botanic Gardens from 1990 until 2005 - generous man with big heart, article in Centralian Advocate, dated 14 March 2006 and eulogy (Paper 400) (Dr Lim) 167
Triage Attendances Graph, treatment by Emergency Department, Royal Darwin Hospital, December 2000 to December 2005 (Paper 413) (Dr Toyne) 172
Vendor Disclosure Legislation Discussion Paper, March 2006 (Paper 419) (Dr Toyne) 179
Vista Gold Australia Pty Ltd, Vista Gold Corp, Agreement with the Northern Territory Government, dated 1 March 2006 (Paper 415) 175
- Responses
No. 7 relating to provision of a Palmerston 24 hour emergency medical service (Paper 403) 169
Nos. 6, 8, 10, 13 and 14 relating to respectively Noise and Air Pollution from the Ron Goodin Power Station, Irrkerlantye Learning Centre, New Primary School for Palmerston, Sale of Territory Insurance Office - Mr Mills, and Sale of Territory Insurance Office - Mr Wood (Paper 395) 163
- Year 10 students into Senior Secondary Colleges, petition No. 15 (Paper 401) (Dr Lim) (194 petitioners) 169
Year 10 students into Senior Secondary Colleges, petition No. 16 (Paper 402) (Mr Mills) (2307 petitioners) 169
- Health of Member for Katherine, Mrs Miller (Ms Carney) 162
- Harris AM, Mr REG, death of , 28 February 2006 (Mrs Aagaard) 162
- Alzheimer's Association members in the Speaker's Gallery (Mrs Aagaard) 176
Palmerston Christian School Year 7 and 8 students accompanied by Ms Hamilton (Mrs Aagaard) 176
St John College Year 10 students from accompanied by Ms Phillipa Hamilton-Smith (Mrs Aagaard) 170
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016