Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2007-10-09
Index to Minutes – 9 October 2007 to 18 October 2007
From To Pages
9 October 2007 18 October 2007 461 - 493
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Colin Anderson and establishment of their local office in Darwin (Mr McAdam) on behalf of the Chief Minister 465
Mining interests would be dealt with under the new local government arrangements - mining exploration licences will be exempted from rates. Existing mineral leases will be rated under guidelines to be set (Mr McAdam) 491
- Aboriginal Land Amendment (Inter-tidal Waters) Bill 2007 (Serial 92) 475
Bail Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 107) 462
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Kaden) Bill 2007 (Serial 105) 468
Bonaparte Gas Pipeline (Special Provisions) Bill 2007 (Serial 119) 486, 490
Disasters Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 115) 486
Domestic and Family Violence Bill 2007 (Serial 120) 482, 485
Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 (Serial 117) 468
Electoral Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 76) 475
Environment Protection Authority Bill 2007 (Serial 114) 478
Firearms (Paintball) Amendment Bill 2007 468
First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 109) 482
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 (Serial 122) 486, 490
Law Reform (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 116) 482
Law Reform (Work Health) Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 124) 486, 489
Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 110) 482
Police Administration Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 97) 482, 485
Residential Parks Bill 2007 (Serial 77) 467
Revenue Law Reform (Stamp Duty) Bill 2007 (Serial 111) 482
Superannuation Law Reform Bill 2007 (Serial 118) 470, 477
Taxation Administration Bill 2007 (Serial 108) 482
Water Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 121) 486, 490
Workplace Health and Safety Bill 2007 (Serial 123) 486, 489
- Mills, Mr, Member for Blain, 16 to 18 October 2007 481
Scrymgour, Ms, Member for Arafura, 11 October 2007 477
Scrymgour, Ms, Member for Arafura, 16 to 18 October 2007, 481
- No. 23, Assent to proposed laws, 21 September 2007 (Paper 1090) (Mrs Aagaard) 461
- Aboriginal Art Centres (Ms Scrymgour) 467
Administrator Mr E. J. Egan AO, Service (Ms Martin) 489
Asian Green-Mussel Threat (Mr Natt) 462
Australian Institute of Management, NT Branch Managers Excellence Award, sponsored by the Chief Minister (Ms Martin) 485
China Delegation, November 2007 (Mr Natt) 489
- Cruise Ship Industry (Mr Henderson) 467
Desert Mob Exhibition (Ms Martin) 477
Electrofish Research (Mr Natt) 481
Equine Influenza, Update (Mr Natt) 477
Finance Officer in Training (Mr Stirling) 481
History Book Awards (McAdam) 489
Indigenous Economic Development (Mr Vatskalis) 467
NT Export and Industry Awards (Ms Martin) 467
Police Recruitment (Ms Martin) 477
Sciences and School Initiatives (Mr Vatskalis) 462
Sudanese Migrants (Mr Henderson) 485
Tourism Trade Mission (Mr Henderson) 477
Truck Safety measures re railway crossings (Ms Lawrie) 481
Vietnam and Japan Trade Mission, March 2007 (Ms Martin) 462
Wheelchair Friendly Taxis (Ms Lawrie) 485
World War II Heritage Lists (Ms Lawrie) 462
- Alcohol Reforms (Dr Burns) 492
AustralAsia Trade Route (Ms Martin) 487
Building Better Hospitals (Dr Burns) 478
Primary Industry Market Indicator Initiative (Mr Natt) 465
Volunteer Bushfire Fighters - (Ms Lawrie) 483
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of Time
Bonson on motion of Dr Burns 478
Hampton on motion of Mr Henderson 465
Henderson on motion of Mr Natt 465
McAdam on motion of Mr Natt 474
Miller on motion of Mr Conlan 472
Natt on motion of Mr Warren 483
Warren on motion of Mr Henderson 465
Warren on motion of Ms Carney 483
Wood on motion of Mr Conlan 474
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Alcohol Reforms - Note (Dr Burns) 492
Allegations by Members for Barkly and Macdonnell re Radioactive Waste Facility (Ms Carney) 468
Auditor-General's August 2007 Report - Note 465
AustralAsia Trade Route - Note (Ms Martin) 487
Board of Inquiry into alleged crimes by Bob Collins - Negatived (Mr Mills) 464, 474
Broadcast of parliamentary proceedings, as amended, agreed to - (Ms Carney) 462, 470, 472
Broadcast of parliamentary proceedings, as amended, agreed to - Ms Carney) 468
Building Better Hospitals - Note (Dr Burns) 478
Environment and Sustainable Development Committee - Discharge of Mr Wood, Member for Nelson, dated 16 October 2007 (Mr Henderson) 481
Litchfield Development Consent Authority, removing Middle Arm Peninsula - Negatived (Mr Wood) 464, 475
Local Government Reform - Negatived (Mr Wood) 464, 474
Police numbers - Negatived (Ms Carney) 462, 472
Primary Industry Market Indicator Initiative - Note (Mr Natt) 465, 483
Regulation Relief Review Advisory Committee - establishment, as amended, agreed to (Ms Carney) 463, 473
MOTIONS (Substantive) (cont)
- Substance Abuse in Remote Communities, Confronting the Confusion and Disconnection (Paper 1130), Volume I October 2007 and Transcripts of Hearings and Official Briefings, 29 November 2005 to 26 July 2007, Volume II (Paper 1131) - Note (Ms Anderson) 490, 491
Tourism Business Sector, Growing of - Note (Mr Henderson) 462, 465
Treasurer's Annual Financial Report 2006/2007 - Note (Mr Stirling) 491
Vendor disclosure to housing purchasers - Negatived (Mr Wood) 464, 474
Volunteer Bushfire Fighters - Note (Ms Lawrie) 483
- Tuesday 27 November 2007 (Mr Henderson) 492
- Annual Reports
Community Visitor Program, 2006/2007 (Paper 1094) 466
Darwin Waterfront Corporation, 2006/2007 (Paper 1136) 492
Department of Employment, Education and Training, 2006/2007 (Paper 1110) 479
Department of Health and Community Services, 2006/2007 (Paper 1146) 492
Department of Justice, 2006/2007 (Paper 1145) 492
Department of Local Government, Housing and Sport, 2006/2007 (Paper 1096) 466
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries and Mines, 2006/2007 (Paper 1093) 466
Department of the Chief Minister - Progress Report, 2006/2007 – Building a Better Future for Young Territorians (Paper 1133) 492
Department of the Chief Minister, 2006/2007 (Paper 1147) 492
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 2006/2007 (Paper 1151) 492
Department of the Legislative Assembly, Financial Statements, 2006/2007 (Paper 1152) 492
Director of Public Prosecutions, 2006/2007 (Paper 1142) 492
Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Trust, 2006/2007 (Paper 1109) 479
Mental Health Review Tribunal, 2006/2007 (Paper 1141) 492
Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission, 2006/2007 (Paper 1144) 492
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities’ Superannuation Scheme, 2006/2007 (Paper 1139) 492
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation, 2006/2007 (Paper 1138) 492
Northern Territory Treasury, 2006/2007 (Paper 1140) 492
Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, 2006/2007 (Paper 1132) 492
Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, State of the Service Report, 2006/2007 (Paper 1134) 493
Office of the Information Commissioner, Freedom of Information, Privacy Protection 2006/2007 (Paper 1143) 493
Treasurer's Annual Financial Report 2006/2007 (Paper 1135) (Mr Stirling) 491
Utilities Commission, 2006/2007 (Paper 1137) 493
Bradley Connor #54 Aussie Race Car (Paper 1148) (Ms Carney) 492
Daly River Management Advisory Committee (DRMAC) 2006/2007 (Paper 1107) 476
Explanatory Statements
Bonaparte Gas Pipeline (Special Provisions) Bill 2007 (Paper 1127) 490
Domestic and Family Violence Bill 2007 (Serial 120) (Paper 1117) 486
Explanatory Statement, Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 (Serial 117) (Paper 1104) (Mrs Braham) 468
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 (Serial 122) (Paper 1128) 490
Police Administration Amendment Bill 2007 (Paper 1116) (Ms Martin) 485
Residential Parks Bill 2007 (Paper 1103) (Mr Wood) 467
Superannuation Law Reform Bill 2007 (Serial 118) (Paper 1108) (Mr Stirling) 477
Water Amendment Bill 2007 (Paper 1129) 490
Workplace Health and Safety Bill 2007 (Serial 123) (Paper 1126) and Law Reform (Work Health) Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 124) (Paper 1125) 490
- Gaming Control Act
Variation to Licence Agreement between the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing and Global Players Network PTY LTD (ACN 102 371 335), pursuant to section 46B, dated 2007 (Paper 1099) 466
Burns, Dr, to Hon Mal Brough MP re alcohol and pornography, Australian Government initiatives, dated 5 October 2007 (Paper 1105) (Dr Burns) 470
Phelps, Graham, Executive Director, Territory Parks and Wildlife to Patrick Henri Boost re Tour Operator Permits to operate as a Tour Operator in Territory Parks, dated 16 March 2007 (Paper 1106) (Mr Conlan) 470
Sudanese Australian Association of the Northern Territory Australia Inc to Hon Kevin Andrews, Minister for Immigration and citizenship (Paper 1112) (Mr Kiely) 479
Wood, Mr to Speaker, dated 11 October 2007, re Member for Nelson (Mr Wood) resigning as a member of the Environment and Sustainable Development Committee (Paper 1113) (Mrs Aagaard) 481
Local Government Act
Restructuring Orders, Amended Constitutions
- Aherrenge Community Government Constitution - Ali Curung Community Government Constitution - Amoonguna Community Government Constitution - Aputula Community Government Constitution - Areyonga Community Government Constitution - Galiwinku Community Government Constitution - Gapuwiyak Community Government Constitution - Ikuntji Community Government Constitution - Imanpa Community Government Constitution - Maningrida Community Government Constitution - Milingimbi Community Government Constitution - Minjilang Community Government Constitution - Nganmarriyanga Community Government Constitution - Ntaria Community Government Constitution - Nyirripi Community Government Constitution - Papunya Community Government Constitution - Peppimenarti Community Government Constitution - Ramingining Community Government Constitution - Umbakumba Community Government Constitution - Warruwi Community Government Constitution - Yirrkala Dhanbul Community Government Constitution - Yuelamu Community Government Constitution, pursuant to section 114D(1), all dated 16 October 2007 (Paper 1123) 488
- No. 2, Deferment of Council Elections, pursuant to section 28A(1), dated 16 October 2007 (Paper 1122) 487
- No. ’s. 1.1 Barkly Shire Council; 1.2 Central Desert Shire Council; 1.3 East Arnhem Shire Council; 1.4 Macdonnell Shire Council; 1.5 Roper Gulf Shire Council; 1.6 Tiwi Islands Shire Council; 1.7 Top End Shire Council; 1.8 Victoria Daly Shire Council 487
Northern Territory Electoral Commission, 2006/2007 (Paper 1100) 466
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority Report, 2005/2006 (Paper 1092) 466
Protect your community this fire season……become a volunteer fire fighter, Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts (Paper 1115) (Mr Warren) 483
Regulations 2007
No. 31, Agents Licensing Amendment Regulations (Paper 1097) 466
No.32, Evidence Amendment (Authorised Persons) (Paper 1119) 488
No.33, Traffic Amendment (No.3) (Paper 1120) 488
Report on the Legislative Assembly By-election for the Division of Stuart by the Electoral Commissioner (Paper 1118) (Mrs Aagaard) 487
Substance Abuse in Remote Communities, Confronting the Confusion and Disconnection (Paper 1130), Volume I October 2007 and Transcripts of Hearings and Official Briefings, 29 November 2005 to 26 July 2007, Volume II (Paper 1131) (Ms Anderson) 490
Surveillance Devices Act, Report 2006/2007, pursuant to section 49, (Paper 1098) 466
- Timor Sea Natural Gas Regional Cooperation of Resource Holders, Investment total (Paper 1149) (Mrs Miller) 492
Visitor Information Centre, value of bookings for tours and accommodation made at the Visitor Information Centre (VIC) for the years 2006 and 2007 (Paper 1101) (Mr Henderson) 465
Wearable Arts Awards, category award winners, dated 8 October 2007 (Paper 1111) (Mrs Braitling) 479
Work Health Advisory Council, 2006/2007 (Paper 1095) 466
- Employment of the Principal at Milyakburra School, Bickerton Island, by leave, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 1124) (74 petitioners) (Ms McCarthy) 489
Litchfield Shire Council amalgamation, by leave, No. 65, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 1102) (146 petitioners) (Mr Wood) 467
Responses to petitions
No. 63 relating to the Monsoon Forest Walk at Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve (Paper 1114) 481
No. 64 relating to Darwin City Councillors promotion of Darwin City (Paper 1091) 461
- Unparliamentary behaviour (Mrs Aagaard) 478
- Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education, adult students, accompanied by Ms Alison Reedy 485
Moulden Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Trudy Bland (Speaker) 477
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016