Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2012-02-14
Index to Minutes – 14 February 2012 to 23 February 2012
From To Pages14 February 2012 23 February 2012 821 - 856
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 192) 822, 823
Building Amendment (Disability Access and Other Matters) Bill 2012 (Serial 202) 848, 853
Business Names (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Bill 2012 (Serial 199) 840, 847
Caravan Parks Bill 2011 (Serial 190) 839, 840, 844
Care and Protection of Children Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2012 (Serial 194) 828, 835
Criminal Code (One Punch Homicide) Amendment Bill 2012 (Serial 203) 848
Darwin Waterfront Corporation Amendment Bill 2012 (Serial 198) 827
Disability Services Amendment Bill 2012 (Serial 196) 828, 835
Hospital Networks Governing Councils Bill 2012 (Serial 201) 840, 847
Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 (Serial 191) 828
Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Bill 2011 (Serial 180) 853, 854
Mental Health and Related Services Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 189) 847, 848
Radiation Protection Amendment Bill 2012 (Serial 197) 828, 835
Superannuation Amendment Bill 2012 (Serial 195) 824, 827
Waterfront Corporation Amendment Bill 2012 (Serial 198) 824
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (Serial 200) 840, 847
- Member for Port Darwin (Mr Elferink) moved dissent to the ruling of the Deputy Speaker, which had been submitted in writing to the Deputy Speaker and seconded by the Member for Blain (Mr Mills), 23 February 2012 – moved and later withdrawn by leave 855
- Consul to the Republic of Indonesia, Mr Ade Padmo Sarwono (Mrs Aagaard) 821
Hatton, Mr Steve, former Chief Minister of the Legislative Assembly and former Member for Nightcliff (Mrs Aagaard) 834
Watson, Ken, Air Commodore (Mrs Aagaard) 821
- Darwin Waterfront Precinct, management issues (Mr Elferink) 845
Police response to public emergencies (Mr Mills) 825
Property Crime Accountability of Individuals (Mr Mills) 836
- Anderson, Ms to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour, pursuant to Standing Order 240A, effective from 6.19pm, 23 February 2011 855
Conlan, Mr to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour, pursuant to Standing Order 240A, effective from 2.50pm, 14 February 2012 824
- No. 31, Assent to proposed laws, 3 February 2012 (Paper 1670) (Mrs Aagaard) 821
- Education, Investing in the Territory (Dr Burns) 845
Gearing up for Growth (Mr Henderson) 823
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of Time
Burns, Dr, on motion of Mr Elferink 854
Burns, Dr, on motion of Mr Gunner 825, 836
Burns, Dr, on motion of Ms Scrymgour 854
Elferink, Mr, on motion of Mr Westra van Holthe 833
Elferink, Mr, on motion of Mrs Lambley 824
Gunner, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 828
Gunner, Mr, on motion of Ms Scrymgour 849
Hampton, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 845
Hampton, Mr, on motion of Mr Gunner 825
Henderson, Mr, on motion of Ms Lawrie 849
Knight, Mr, on motion of Mr Gunner 829
Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Mr McCarthy 823
Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Mr Westra van Holthe 835
McCarthy, Mr, on motion of Mr Hampton 829
McCarthy, Mr, on motion of Ms Walker 849
McCarthy, Ms, on motion of Mr Gunner 828
Mills, Mr, on motion of Mr Elferink 845
Scrymgour, Ms, on motion of Ms Walker 845, 854
Tollner, Mr, on motion of Mr Elferink 836
Tollner, Mr, on motion of Mrs Lambley 825
Walker, Ms, on motion of Dr Burns 836, 845
Walker, Ms, on motion of Ms Scrymgour 829, 854
Wood, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 833
Wood, Mr, on motion of Mr Gunner 824, 849
Wood, Mr, on motion of Ms Walker 845
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Bagot Community living conditions (Mr Tollner) 830
Bombing of Darwin (Mr Henderson) 828, 833, 834
Crime and anti-social behaviour at Casuarina Shopping Centre (Mr Styles) 830
Education, Investing in the Territory – Note (Dr Burns) 845, 848, 849, 854
Extractive industries in the future development of the Northern Territory (Ms Purick) 829
Gearing up for Growth – Note (Mr Henderson) 823, 824, 828, 829
Indigenous Affairs (Mr Giles) 850
Mental Health Care across the Territory (Ms Purick) 830, 849
Northern Territory Capacity to Progress Environmentally Sustainable Agricultural Production – Note 845
Report on the Statehood Program by the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, dated February 2012 – Note (Mrs Aagaard) 836
Report on the Statehood Program by the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, dated February 2012 – Print (Mrs Aagaard) 836
Stormwater drains, cleaning to mitigate flooding around Darwin (Mr Tollner) 850
Supporting Territorians – Note (Ms Lawrie) 829, 835
Territory’s economy in the regions (Mr Giles) 829
Treasurer's Mid-Year Report, 2011/2012 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 835
World class mining projects (Ms Purick) 850
Young Territorians and the families of young Territorians (Mr Styles) 850
- Aagaard, Mrs, Member for Nightcliff with the Member for Fong Lim (Mr Tollner) for the period 10.15am to Noon, Thursday, 23 February 2012 (Paper 1733) (Mrs Aagaard) 853
Henderson, Mr with the Member for Goyder (Ms Purick), 16 February 2012 – period 3pm to close of business (Paper 1715) (Mrs Aagaard) 835
Lawrie, Ms, Member for Karama with the Member for Brennan (Mr Chandler), 15 February 2012 (Paper 1708) (Mrs Aagaard) 829
Lawrie, Ms, member for Karama with the Member for Katherine (Mr Westra van Holthe) for the period 8pm to close of business 22 February 2012 (Paper 1730) 850
- Annual Reports
AustralAsia Railway Corporation, 2010/2011 (Paper 1677) 825
Australian Crime Commission, Board of the, 2010/2011 (Paper 1678) 825
Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1713) 837
Commercial Passenger Vehicle Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1736) 855
Jabiru Town Development Authority, 2010/2011 (Paper 1675) 825
National Environment Protection Council, 2010/2011 (Paper 1729) 851
Nitmiluk National Park Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1721) 846
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2010/2011 (Paper 1737) 855
Northern Territory Police, Annual Reporting for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011, pursuant to Section 21ZS and Section 27Z (Paper 1679) 825
OmbudsmanNT Report to the Honourable Daniel Robert Knight, MLA, Minister for Justice and to The Legislative Assembly, Pursuant to Section 64(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (Northern Territory) for the period 30 June to 31 December 2011 (Paper 1741) 856
Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory of Australia, 2010/2011 (Paper 1739) 855
Tarcoola - Darwin Rail Regulation, 2010/2011 (Paper 1676) 825
Carpentaria Highway, Photographs of (Paper 1709) (Mr Giles) 829
Coroners Act
In the matter of the Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the death of Marilyn Lalara, pursuant to section 46B, dated 19 January 2012 (Paper 1682) 825
In the matter of the Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the death of Nicholas Edward Spring, pursuant to section 46B, dated 9 January 2012 (Paper 1683) 826
In the matter of the Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the death of Robert Adam Hodgetts, pursuant to section 46B, dated 19 January 2012 (Paper 1681) 825
In the matter of the Deputy Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the death of Terrence Francis Connors, pursuant to section 46B, dated 9 January 2012 (Paper 1680) 825
Darwin City Waterfront, Issues of concern to the community (Paper 1723) (Dr Burns) 846
Development and Operation of a Short Stay Accommodation Village, Batten Road Site Section 4445, Hundred of Bagot – Request for proposals (Paper 1712) (Mr McCarthy) 834
Education and Care Services National Regulations as made by the Ministerial Council of Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs, 9 December 2011 (Paper 1714) (Paper 1714) 837
Email from Wilma Lambert, Teacher/Manager of Lilla School and Co-Principal of the Lambert Independent School in Tasmania, working as Teaching Principals in Watarrka School, Northern Territory to Ms Alison Anderson, Member for Macdonnell (Paper 1744) (Ms Anderson) 854
Email, John Gaynor, Senior Ministerial Adviser to Member for Macdonnell (Ms Anderson) re sale of whitegoods (Paper 1746) (Ms Anderson) 855
Email, Member for Braitling (Mr Giles) re Northside shops and contact with JESSC, dated 6 January 2012 (Paper 1727) (Mr Henderson) 849
Enough is Enough Alcohol Reform Report – July 2011 to December 2011 (Paper 1742) 856
- Explanatory Statements
Building Amendment (Disability Access and Other Matters) Bill 2012 (Paper 1734) (Mr McCarthy) 853
Business Names (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Bill 2012 (Paper 1724) (Mr Knight) 847
Care and Protection of Children Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2012 (Paper 1716) (Mr Vatskalis) 835
Darwin Waterfront Corporation Amendment Bill 2012 (Paper 1706) (Mr Henderson) 827
Disability Services Amendment Bill 2012 (Paper 1717) (Mr Vatskalis) 835
Hospital Networks Governing Councils Bill 2012 (Paper 1726) (Mr Vatskalis) 847
Radiation Protection Amendment Bill 2012 (Paper 1718) (Mr Vatskalis) 835
Superannuation Amendment Bill 2012 (Paper 1707) (Ms Lawrie) 827
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 (Paper 1725) (Mr Knight) 847
Financial Statements
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission – General Purpose Financial Statements, 30 June 2011 (Paper 1738) 856
Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration, climate change pricing (Paper 1735) (Mr Bohlin) 854
Anderson, Ms, Member for Macdonnell – Tutoring Program, Retired Teachers interested in being volunteer tutors for the month of May 30 – 24 June from Ralph Watkins and Diane de Vere (Paper 1743) (Ms Anderson) 854
Bell, Mr Neil, to Russell Skelton, The Age Newspaper, dated 2 May 2011 re King Brown Country (Paper 1745) (Ms Anderson) 855
Hyland, Mr Jason P, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the United States of America to Hon J Aagaard MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, dated 12 January 2012 re transcript of Assembly debate on the visit of President Obama to Darwin (Paper 1672) (Mrs Aagaard) 822
Local Government Act
Amendment of Guidelines, Member of Council who is also employee of Council, dated 23 December 2011 (Paper 1684) 826
Media Release by Northern Territory Government re Police Investigation Reveals No Wrong doing, dated 13 October 2005 (Paper 1747) (Ms Anderson) 855
Members Travel 3.14 - Interstate
Mr Giles pursuant to the Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.14 – Interstate Travel mid December 2011, to meet with representatives and network with Indigenous Leaders regarding the constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians, dated 17 January 2012 (Paper 1673) (Mrs Aagaard) 823
Ms Anderson pursuant to the Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.14 – Interstate Travel to Adelaide, 10 to 13 February 2012, to attend launch of the book The Tale of Frieda Keysser, A Biography of Carl Strehlow and Frieda Keysser by John Strehlow, letter dated 20 February 2012 (Paper 1720) (Mrs Aagaard) 845
Ms Walker pursuant to the Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.14 – Interstate Travel 18 November 2011 to Cairns to visit the Cape York Institute. (Paper 1674) (Mrs Aagaard) 823
Photograph of Corporal H. D. Burns (Paper 1711) (Dr Burns) 833
Plans of Management
Elsey National Park – October 2011 (Paper 1722) 846
Professional Standards Act
Notification, The Law Society of South Australia Professional Standards Scheme, dated 20 December 2011 (Paper 1685) 826
Notification, The South Australian Bar Association Inc. Scheme, dated 16 December 2011 (Paper 1686) 826
- Regulations 2011
No. 51, Utilities Commission Amendment Regulations (No.2) (Paper 1687) 826
No. 52, Serious Crime Control Regulations (Paper 1688) 826
No. 53, Prisons (Correctional Services) (Community Orders) Regulations (Paper 1689) 826
No. 54, Public Sector Employment and Management Regulations (Paper 1690) 826
No. 55, Environment Protection (Beverage Containers and Plastic Bags) Amendment Regulations (No. 4) (Paper 1691) 826
No. 56, Traffic Amendment (Australian Road Rules) Regulations (Paper 1692) 826
No. 57, Planning Amendment (Exempt Subdivisions) Regulations (Paper 1693) 826
No. 59, Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Regulations (Paper 1694) 826
No. 60, Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Consequential Amendments Regulations (Paper 1695) 826
No. 61, Supreme Court Amendment (Subpoena) Rules (Paper 1696) 826
Regulations 2012
No. 01, Darwin Port Corporation (Darwin Marine Supply Base) Regulations (Paper 1697) 826
No. 02, Criminal Records (Spent Convictions) Amendment Regulations (Paper 1698) 826
No. 03, Fisheries Amendment (Fishing Gear and Amateur Fishing Regulations (Paper 1699) 826
No. 04, Plant Health Amendment (Soil Borne Pests and Snails) Regulations (Paper 1700) 826
No. 05, Fisheries Amendment (Demersal Fishery) Regulations (Paper 1701) 826
No. 06, Local Government (Accounting) Amendment Regulations (Paper 1702) 826
No. 07, Mud Crab Fishery Management Plan Amendment Regulations (Paper 1703) 826
Remarks of Ambassador Jeffrey L. Bleich, USS Peary Commemoration, 70th Anniversary – USS Peary Memorial, Darwin, 19 February 2012 (Paper 1731) (Mr Henderson) 850
Report on the Statehood Program by the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, dated February 2012 (Paper 1719) (Mrs Aagaard) 836
The Bombing of Darwin, 19 February 2012, Poem by Waldo’s Australian Bush Poetry (Paper 1732) (Mr Henderson) 850
Transcript of phone call (1) and (2) with Mr Adam Giles (Paper 1728) (Mr Henderson) 849
Utilities Commission, Review of Electricity System Planning, Market Operation Roles and Structures – Final Report, December 2011 (Paper 1740) 856
Utilities Commission, Review of Electricity System Planning, Monitoring and Reporting – Final Report, December 2011 (Paper 1748) 856
- Community structure of local governance, Dundee Beach, Cox Peninsula and Marrakai, Petition No. 59, not conforming with Standing Orders, (62 petitioners) (Paper 1710) (Mr Westra van Holthe) 833
No. 55 relating to a proposal to ban the sale of fireworks in the Northern Territory (Paper 1705). 827
No. 57 relating to Marra Peoples Lands and Seas Country near Limmen Bight (Paper 1671) 822
Safety of elderly residents at 40 Head Street, Braitling, Petition No. 58 (170 petitioners) (Mr Giles) (Paper 1704) 827
- Giles, Mr, drew attention to the state of the Assembly 823, 836
Lambley, Mrs, drew attention to the state of the Assembly 845
- ALP Electorate Officers participating in their annual electorate officers seminar (Mrs Aagaard) 853
Gray Primary School Year 4/5 students accompanied by Ms Stewart (Mrs Aagaard) 847
Gray Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Reed, Mr Walton, Ms Morgan and Constable Shields (Mrs Aagaard) 839
Malak Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Miss Francis, Ms Wrench, Miss Sun, and Ms Hansen (Mrs Aagaard) 833
Moil Primary School Year 4/5 students accompanied by Ms Birkin, Ms Ryng, Mrs Russell, Mrs Stenhouse and Mrs Lolias (Mrs Aagaard) 827
Moil Primary School, gifted and talented class students accompanied by Ms Parkes and Mrs Saynor (Mrs Aagaard) 853
Moulden Park Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Bland (Mrs Aagaard) 821
Nakara Primary School Year 5 students accompanied by Mr Woodroffe, Mr Gaetano Gugliotta and Mrs Newman (Mrs Aagaard) 833
Nakara Primary School Year 6 students accompanied by Mrs Manley, Mr Andre and Miss Nunn (Mrs Aagaard) 833
Nightcliff Primary School students (Mrs Aagaard) 821
Palmerston Senior College Special Education Centre Year 9 and Year 10 students accompanied by Mrs Woodward, Mrs De Franz, Mrs Harbridge and Mrs Lacey (Mrs Aagaard) 827
Sanderson Middle School Year 7, 8 and 9 students accompanied by Mr Simpson, Mr Johns and Ms Cai (Mrs Aagaard) 839
Sanderson Middle School Year 7, 8 and 9 students accompanied by Ms Leo and Mr Simpson (Mrs Aagaard) 848
Sanderson Middle School Year 8 and Year 9 students accompanied by Ms Llewelyn and Mr Bill Rolfe (Mrs Aagaard) 821
Sanderson Middle School Year 9 students accompanied by Mr Bill Rolfe (Mrs Aagaard) 823
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016