Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 2009-10-14

    1. MEETING:
        The Assembly met at 10am. The Speaker, the Honourable J. L. Aagaard, took the Chair.

    2. PRAYERS.

        The Speaker extended well wishes to Clerk Assistant, Graham Gadd on attaining his 60th birthday and on behalf of all Members extended their congratulations.

        The Chief Minister (Mr Henderson), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Assembly Members and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Other Entitlements) Act.
        Bill read a first time.
        Mr Henderson moved – That the Bill be now read a second time.
        Debate ensued.
        Paper tabled: Mr Henderson laid on the Table the following Paper –
    Explanatory Statement, Assembly Members and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Other Entitlements) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2009 (Serial 67) (Paper 517).

        On the motion of the Member for Blain (Mr Mills) debate was adjourned.
        The Chief Minister (Mr Henderson), pursuant to notice, moved - That so much of the Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent a Bill entitled –

        Assembly Members and Statutory Officers (Remuneration and Other Entitlements) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2009 (Serial 67) passing through all stages on Thursday 22 October 2009.
        Question – put and passed.
        The Chief Minister (Mr Henderson), pursuant to notice, moved and, by leave, had incorporated in the Hansard record the following terms –
    (1) That the Legislative Assembly establish a Sessional Committee to be known as ‘The Council of Territory Co-Operation’;
          Purpose of the committee
        (2) That the committee facilitate:

        (a) greater levels of collaboration in the governance of the Northern Territory;

        (b) enhance parliamentary democracy by providing a strong role for members of the Legislative Assembly who are not members of the executive government, particularly on matters of common concern;

        (c) expand involvement in important Northern Territory initiatives and projects;

        (d) provide new avenues for Territorians to have input through the Legislative Assembly into the government of the Northern Territory; and

        (e) provide a road map for tackling some specific issues currently facing the Territory.
          (3) The committee consist of up to six members including two government members, two opposition members and at least one independent member to be appointed by a subsequent resolution and that unless otherwise ordered, Mr Wood be appointed Chairman of the committee.

              Duties of the committee
          (4) That the committee inquire into, consider, make recommendations and report to the Assembly from time to time on the following matters of public importance:

          (a) the strategic indigenous housing and infrastructure program (SIHIP);

          (b) local government reform;

          (c) the planning scheme and the establishment of Weddell;

          (d) a working future (including homelands policy);

          (e) any other matter of public importance referred to it by the Legislative Assembly; and

          (f) any matter of public importance concerned with the administration of matters of which ministers of the Territory have executive authority pursuant to the provisions of the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act and Regulations (Commonwealth).
            (5) That the provisions of paragraph (4) have effect notwithstanding the terms of reference of other Assembly committees.
              (6) That the committee determine appropriate timeframes and work plans and the priority for consideration of matters referred to it;
                (7) That, notwithstanding paragraph (4) above, the committee report to the assembly as soon as possible after 30 June each year on its activities during the preceding financial year;
                  (8) That in the event of an equality of voting, the member chairing the committee shall have a casting vote;
                    (9) That the committee have power to appoint subcommittees and to refer to any such subcommittee any matter which the committee is empowered to examine.
                      (10) That three members of the committee constitute a quorum of the committee and two members of a subcommittee constitute a quorum of the subcommittee.

                      (11) That the committee or any subcommittee have power to send for persons, papers and records, to adjourn from place to place, to meet and transact business in public or private session and to sit during any adjournment of the Assembly.
                        (12) That the committee shall be empowered to print from day to day such papers and evidence as may be ordered by it and, unless otherwise ordered by the committee, a daily Hansard shall be published of such proceedings of the committee as take place in public.
                          (13) That the committee have leave to report from time to time and any member of the committee has power to add a protest or dissent to any report.
                            (14) That any report tabled by the committee which recommends action by the government, shall within three months from the date of tabling of such report generate an information paper in response to the report and that the Assembly has the capacity to take note of the response.
                              (15) That unless otherwise ordered by the committee, all documents received by the committee during its inquiry shall remain in the custody of the Assembly provided that, on the application of a department or person, any document, if not likely to be further required, may, in the Speaker’s discretion, be returned to the department or person from whom it was obtained.
                                (16) That members of the public and representatives of the news media may attend and report any public sessions of the committee, unless otherwise ordered by the committee.
                                  (17) That the committee may authorise the broadcasting of public hearings of the committee under such rules as the Speaker considers appropriate.
                                    (18) That the committee shall be provided with all necessary staff, facilities and resources and shall be empowered, with the approval of the Speaker, to appoint persons with specialist knowledge for the purposes of the committee.
                                      (19) That the committee be empowered to consider the minutes of proceedings, evidence taken and records of committees established in previous Assemblies; and
                                        (20) That the foregoing provisions of this resolution, so far as they are inconsistent with Standing Orders, have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing Orders.

                                            Debate ensued.
                                            Debate suspended.

                                            Suspension of sittings: The sittings of the Assembly was suspended between 11.59am and 2pm.
                                        7. NOTICES:
                                            The following notices were given:

                                            Mr Henderson: To present the Education Amendment (Non-Government Schools) Bill 2009 (Serial 61).
                                            Mr Henderson: To present the Education Amendment (Youth Participation) Bill 2009 (Serial 59).
                                            Dr Burns: To move – That, unless otherwise ordered, the days and times of meeting and Routine of Business in respect of the 2009 Alice Springs regional sitting of the Assembly be as follows; and copy will be circulated to Members today -
                                                    1. TIMES OF MEETINGS
                                                        The Assembly meets each day at 9.00am, except Tuesday 24 November 2009 at 9.30am (following official opening at 9:00am).

                                                    2. ROUTINE OF BUSINESS
                                                        The Routine of Business shall be:
                                                        TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2009

                                                        (i) Prayers
                                                        (ii) Petitions
                                                        (iii) Government Business - Notices and Orders of the Day
                                                        (iv) At 1.30pm, Notices
                                                        (v) Questions
                                                        (vi) Government Business - Notices and Orders of the Day
                                                        (vii) Papers
                                                        (viii) Ministerial Statements
                                                        (ix) Any proposal pursuant to Standing Order 94 - Matter of Public Importance
                                                        (x) Adjournment

                                                        Luncheon 12 Noon to 1.30pm
                                                        Close at 8pm – Adjourn until 9.30pm.

                                                        WEDNESDAY 25 NOVEMBER 2009

                                                        (i) Prayers
                                                        (ii) Petitions
                                                        (iii) General Business - Notices and Orders of the Day
                                                        (iv) At 5pm, Notices
                                                        (v) Questions
                                                        (vi) General Business and Orders of the Day
                                                        (vii) Adjournment

                                                        Luncheon 12 Noon to 1.30pm
                                                        Close at 8pm - Adjournment
                                                          THURSDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2009

                                                          (i) Prayers
                                                          (ii) Petitions
                                                          (iii) Government Business - Notices and Orders of the Day
                                                          (iv) At 1.30pm, Notices
                                                          (v) Questions
                                                          (vi) Government Business - Notices and Orders of the Day
                                                          (vii) Papers
                                                          (viii) Ministerial Statements
                                                          (ix) Any proposal pursuant to Standing Order 94 - Matter of Public Importance
                                                          (x) Adjournment

                                                          Luncheon 12 Noon to 1.30pm
                                                          Close at 8pm – Adjourn until 9.30pm.

                                              Mr Wood: To move – That the Northern Territory Government –
                                                            (a) support the development of rural residential land near the Alice Springs Airport as mentioned in the Draft Alice Springs Master Plan 2009;

                                                            (b) write to the Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon Anthony Albanese, requesting that he approve this aspect of the Master Plan as a priority; and

                                                            (c) request the Federal Minister for Infrastructure to allow the rural residential subdivision when developed to be rated by the Alice Springs Town Council in order that municipal services can be provided to residents of this subdivision.
                                              Mr Wood: To move - That the Northern Territory Government investigates –
                                                            (a) what land in the vicinity to the Alice Springs Goal could be used for a farm to create employment and grow food for and by the inmates;

                                                            (b) the size of farm land required, suitability of soil types and the availability and the adequate supply of good quality water; and

                                                            (c) the possibility of a separate prison farm in the Central Australia area.
                                          8. QUESTIONS:
                                              2.02pm Mr Mills to Mr Henderson.
                                              2.04pm Mr Gunner to Mr Henderson.
                                              2.08pm Mr Elferink to Mr Knight.
                                              2.14pm Ms Walker to Ms Lawrie.

                                              Visitors: Pigeon Hole School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Anne Watkins and Mr Les Mason. On behalf of all Members the Speaker extended a warm welcome to the visitors.

                                              2.18pm Mr Giles to Mr Knight.
                                              2.19pm Ms Scrymgour to Mr McCarthy.
                                              2.23pm Mr Wood to Mr Vatskalis.
                                              2.26pm Mr Conlan to Mr Vatskalis.
                                              2.29pm Mr gunner to Ms Lawrie.
                                              2.37pm Mr Conlan to Mr Vatskalis.
                                              2.41pm Ms Walker to Mr Henderson.
                                              2.46pm Mr Wood to Mr Vatskalis.
                                              2.51pm Mr Giles to Ms Lawrie.
                                              2.53pm Ms Scrymgour to Ms McCarthy.
                                              2.56pm Mr Conlan to Mr Vatskalis.

                                              The Leader of Government Business (Dr Burns) asked that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
                                              The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of the debate, suspended earlier this day, on the motion moved by the Chief Minister (Mr Henderson) relating to the establishment of “The Council of Territory Co-Operation” –
                                              Debate resumed.
                                              Question – put and passed.
                                          10. GROWING THE TERRITORY – MINISTERIAL STATEMENT – STATEMENT NOTED:
                                              The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question – That the Assembly take note of the Statement –
                                              Debate resumed.
                                              Extension of time: On the motion of the Member for Nhulunbuy (Ms Walker) for Member for Barkly (Mr McCarthy) was granted an extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 77.
                                              Debate continued.
                                              Quorum: The Member for Drysdale (Mr Bohlin) drew the Speaker’s attention to the state of the Assembly.
                                              The Bells having been rung -
                                              And a Quorum having been obtained.
                                              The Assembly resumed.
                                              Debate continued.
                                              Extension of time: On the motion of the Member for Port Darwin (Mr Elferink) the Member for Member for Drysdale (Mr Bohlin) was granted an extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 77.
                                              Debate continued.
                                              Extension of time: On the motion of the Member for Katherine (Mr Westra van Holthe) the Member for Member for Braitling (Mr Giles) was granted an extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 77.
                                              Debate continued.
                                              Question – put and passed.
                                              The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question – That the Assembly take note of the Statement –
                                              Debate resumed.
                                              Extension of time: On the motion of the Member for Barkly (Mr McCarthy) the Member for Braitling (Mr Giles) was granted an extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 77.
                                              Debate continued.
                                              Paper tabled: Dr Burns laid on the Table the following Paper –
                                          List of Speakers on Ministerial Statement on Federal Government Stimulus Package (Paper 521).

                                              Debate continued.
                                              Question – put and passed.
                                          12. PERSONAL EXPLANATION:
                                              The Member for Goyder (Ms Purick), pursuant to Standing Order 57, made a personal explanation relating to her question asked this day of the Minister for Housing (Mr Knight) re her use of Housing Waiting List statistics for the Territory published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
                                          13. MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE – SHIRE REFORM:
                                              The Speaker advised the Assembly that the Member for Katherine (Mr Westra van Holthe) had proposed the following definite Matter of Public Importance for discussion this day:
                                                  The failure of the Northern Territory Government to provide effective leadership in Shire reform.
                                              The proposed discussion having received the necessary support -
                                              Discussion ensued.
                                              Discussion concluded.
                                          14. ADJOURNMENT:
                                              The Chief Minister (Mr Henderson) moved - That the Assembly do now adjourn.
                                              Debate ensued.
                                              Paper tabled: Mr Bohlin, by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -
                                          Letter, Minister for Transport (Mr McCarthy) to Ms M Schoenfisch re U3A request for bus transport to Territory Wildlife Park, replying to her letter of 1 June 2009 (Paper 509).

                                              Debate continued.
                                              And the Assembly adjourned at 10.02pm until Thursday, 15 October 2009 at 10am.

                                              The following Papers were deemed to have been presented on 14 October 2009 –

                                              Annual Reports
                                              Department of Education and Training, 2008/2009 (Paper 518)

                                              Coroner’s Act
                                              In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the death of Georgia Rae Tilmouth, pursuant to section 46B, dated 9 October 2009 (Paper 519)
                                              In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the death of Peter Limbunya, pursuant to section 46B, dated 12 October 2009 (Paper 520)
                                              All Members attended the sittings.
                                        Last updated: 04 Aug 2016