Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2009-02-10

Index to Minutes – 10 February 2009 to 19 February 2009


From To Pages
10 February 2009 19 February 2009 121 - 158

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Ministers and Administrative Arrangements, dated 9 February 2009, Gazette S4
      (Mr Henderson) (Paper 190) 122

      Criminal Code Amendment (Expert Evidence) Bill 2009 (Serial 32) 143, 147
      Cross-Border Justice Bill 2008 (Serial 23) 138, 139
      Domestic and Family Violence Amendment Bill 2008 (Serial 26) 151, 152, 153
      Electoral Amendment Bill 2008 (Serial 21) 133
      Evidence Legislation (Authorised Persons) Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 27) 125, 133, 156
      First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 30) 125, 132
      Information Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 33) 143, 148
      Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 34) 148, 151
      Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement Bill 2009 (Serial 31) 138, 142
      Ombudsman Bill 2008 (Serial 25) 133, 135
      Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill 2008 (Serial 24) 143, 144
      Transport Legislation (Hoon Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 28) 131, 137
      Unit Title Schemes Bill 2009 (Serial 35) 152, 155

      Downing AM, Rev. Jim - deceased 5 January 2009 (Mr Henderson) 141
      Fisher AM, Mr Joseph (Joe) William, deceased 12 January 2009 (Mr Aagaard) 129
      Victorian bushfire victims, firefighters, emergency services, police and volunteers
      (Mr Henderson) 124

      Deputy Chairmen of Committees, Mr Michael Gunner (Paper 193) 125

      Fisher family and friends attending the condolence motion, widow Mrs Eleanor Fisher -
      their sons and wives, Mr Rob and Mrs Trix Fisher, Mr John and Mrs Jenny Fisher,
      and Mr Greg and Mrs Sue Fisher, and many of Mr Fisher’s 12 grandchildren and
      20 great grandchildren were also present, and Mr Scott Perkins, the CEO of the
      Resources Council (Mrs Aagaard) 129
      Downing, Rev, condolence motion - Hon Grant Tambling, former Administrator of
      Norfolk Island and former Member of the Legislative Assembly; Mr Neville Perkins AM;
      former member for Macdonnell and former Deputy Labor Leader of the Legislative
      Assembly; Mr Peter Jones, Synod Secretary of the Uniting Church in Australia;
      Reverend Djiniyini Gondara OAM; Bishop Ted Collins, the former Bishop of Darwin;
      Reverend Wendell Flentje, the Moderator of the Uniting Church in Australia;
      Reverend Steve Warne, former Moderator of the Uniting Church in Australia 141
      Downing, Rev, family and friends attending the condolence motion, widow Shirley Downing 141
      Perkins AM, Mr Neville, former Member for the Legislative Assembly and Deputy Leader
      of the Opposition (Mrs Aagaard) 147
      Victorian Bushfires condolence motion - His Honour the Administrator of the Northern
      Territory, Mr Tom Pauling AO QC - Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Darwin,
      Mr Graeme Sawyer - Deputy Mayor of Palmerston, Alderman Ian Abbott -
      Commander Northern Command, Commodore David Gwyther and Mrs Kay Gwyther -
      Commander of First Brigade, Brigadier Michael Krause ADC - Captain Vaughn Rixon
      CSC ADC - Wing Group Commander Neville Donnelly - Reverend Wendell Flentje,
      Moderator of the Northern Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia - Bishop Greg
      Baptist Union of the Northern Territory - Pastor John Whitbourne from the Baptist
      Union at Casuarina - Honourable Austin Asche AC QC, former Administrator of the
      Northern Territory and Dr Valerie Asche - Head of Chancery from the Republic of
      Indonesia, Ms Maimunah Vera Syafik - Vice Consul of the Republic of Indonesia,
      Ms Nadya Sumampow - Honorary Consul for Sweden, Mr Hugh Bradley - Honorary
      Consul for Portugal, Mrs Maria dos Anjos Vidigal de Castro and Mr Joaquim de Castro -
      Honorary Consul for Belgium, Mr Simon Warner Lee - Honourable Grant Tambling,
      former Administrator for Norfolk Island, former Senator for the Northern Territory and
      former Member of the Legislative Assembly ) 121
      Victorian Bushfires condolence motion - Honourable Eric Poole, a former Member for
      Araluen and former Northern Territory minister 121

      Burns, Dr on behalf of the Chief Minister and with the agreement of the Opposition,
      nominated 29 April 2009 155

      Scrymgour, Ms, for 17 February 2009 147
      Styles, Mr, for this sittings week, 16 February to 19 February 2009, inclusive 141
      Vatskalis, Mr, 12 February 2009 (Dr Burns) 137

      Darwin Prison Demolition (Ms Purick) 149
      Global Crisis Impact On Tourism (Mr Tollner) 153
      Health services, modern and reliable (Mr Conlan) 157
      McArthur River Mine (Mr Tollner) 135

      Conlan, Mr, at 2.52pm to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour on account
      of his constant unruly interjection 152
      Tollner, Mr, at 2.54pm to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour on account
      of his constant unruly interjection (Mrs Aagaard) 152

      Message of sympathy re Victorian bushfire victims and emergency services (Mrs Aagaard) 124

      No. 4, Assent to proposed laws passed during November sittings 2008
      (Paper 188) (Mrs Aagaard) 123
      No.05, Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement Bill 2009 (Paper 230) 142

      Bombing of Darwin 2009 Commemorations (Mr Henderson) 155
      Broadband update, Arnhem (Mr Hampton) 142
      Brolga Tourism Awards (Dr Burns) 137
      Community Housing Projects (Mr Knight) 137
      East Arm Wharf, Expansion (Ms Lawrie) 147
      Floods on Barkly and Victoria Highways (Ms Lawrie) 130
      Free Bus Services (Mr McCarthy) 151
      G' Day USA Australia Week (Dr Burns) 151
      Get CeNTred (Dr Burns) 130
      Heritage listings and grants (Ms Anderson) 142
      Housing Construction in Aboriginal Communities (Mr Knight) 147
      Kenbi Land Claim (Mr Henderson) 130
      Recreational Fishing Development Plan (Mr Vatskalis) 142
      Rugby Hottest Sevens 2009 (Mr Hampton) 137
      Trade and Investment Mission (Mr Henderson) 147
      World War II Heritage Sites (Ms Anderson) 155
      Youth Action Plan, Alice Springs (Mr Hampton) 155
      Youth Round Table 2009 (Ms McCarthy) 151

      Growing the Territory land release (Mr Henderson) 126
      Implementing the Federal Economic Stimulus Package for the Territory (Mr Henderson) 144
      Invasive Species and Management Programs in the Northern Territory,
      Report by Environment Commmittee - Response by Minister (Ms Anderson) 140
      Northern Territory Public Service - Reform and Revitalisation (Mr Knight) 153
      Primary Industries Review (Mr Vatskalis) 149
      Skilling our Workforce, Framework for the Future (Mr Henderson) 156

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of Time
      Burns, Dr, on motion of Mr Knight 126
      Elferink, Mr, on motion of Mr Mills 132
      Elferink, Mr, on motion of Mr Westra Van Holthe 153
      Elferink, Mr, on motion of Ms Carney 144
      Henderson, Mr, on motion of Ms Lawrie 130
      Knight, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 157
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Dr Burns 132, 144, 153
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Mr Hampton 126
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Mr Vatskalis 148
      Mills, Mr, on motion of Mr Elferink 132
      Tollner, Mr, on motion of Ms Carney 144
      Vatskalis, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 149
      Walker, Ms, on motion of Mr Elferink 157
      Walker, Ms, on motion of Mr McCarthy 144
      Westra Van Holthe, Mr, on motion of Mr Bohlin 152
      Wood, Mr, on motion of Mr Chandler 126
      Wood, Mr, on motion of Mr Hampton 149
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Allow the Member for Brennan (Mr Chandler) to complete his discussion
      on the MPI - Negatived 153
      Pass Bill through all stages
        Evidence Legislation (Authorised Persons) Amendment Bill 2009
        (Serial 27) (Ms Lawrie) 125, 133

      Auditor-General's February 2009 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 139
      Auditor-General's February 2009 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Print 139
      Auditor-General's November 2008 Report - Note (Mr Henderson) 149
      Committee of Members' Interests, establishment and terms of reference (Dr Burns) 125, 132
      Environment and Sustainable Development Committee
      Discharge Mr McCarthy and appoint Ms Scrymgour (Mr Henderson) 123
      Federal Stimulus Nation Building and Jobs Plan, benefits for the Territory
      (Mr Henderson) 130, 131
      Growing the Territory land release - Note statement (Mr Henderson) 126
      House Committee
      Discharge Mr McCarthy and appoint Ms Scrymgour (Mr Henderson) 123
      Northern Territory Public Service - Reform and Revitalisation - Note (Mr Knight) 153
      Ombudsman 2007/2008 - Note (Mr Vatskalis) 149
      Primary Industries Review - Note (Mr Vatskalis) 149
      Public Accounts Committee
      Discharge Mr McCarthy and appoint Ms Scrymgour (Mr Henderson) 123
      Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Entitlements of Assembly Members and
      Determination No. 1 of 2008 - Note (Mr Vatskalis) 153
      Sittings dates and program 2009 (Dr Burns) 125, 132
      Skilling our Workforce, Framework for the Future - Note (Mr Henderson) 156
      Standing Orders Committee
      Discharge Ms Lawrie and appoint Dr Burns (Mr Henderson) 123
      Subordinate Legislation and Publications Committee
      Discharge Mr McCarthy and appoint Ms Scrymgour (Mr Henderson) 123
      Terms of Reference for the Northern Territory Statehood Steering Committee,
      Revised - Adopted (Ms McCarthy) 140
      Time allocated to a Member for an adjournment debate in the Assembly (Mr Wood) 138
      Treasurer's Mid-Year Report, 2008/2009 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 148

      Member for Sanderson (Mr Styles) paired by the Member for Arafura (Ms Scrymgour)
      16 to 19 February 2009 (Mrs Aagaard) (Paper 229) 154
      Pairs for Thursday, 19 February 2009 effective from 6pm to the end of the sitting day,
      the Member for Fong Lim (Mr Tollner) will be paired by the Member for Fannie Bay
      (Mr Gunner) (Paper 257) 157

      Annual Reports
      Auditor-General's February 2009 Report to the Legislative Assembly
      (Paper 221) (Mrs Aagaard) 139
      Australian Crime Commission, 2007/2008 (Clth)(Paper 211) 135
      Community Benefit Fund, 2007/2008, Addendum (Paper 208) 126
      Department of Justice, 2007/2008 (Addendum) (Paper 256) –
      Refer to Paper 107 tabled 31.10.08 157
      Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board, 2007/2008 (Paper 201) 126
      Environment Protection Authority, 2007/2008 (Paper 213) 135
      Health and Community Services Complaints Commission (Tenth),
      2007/2008 (Paper 241) 154
      Hospital Management Boards
        Alice Springs Hospital Management Board, 2006/2007 (Paper 205) 127
        Alice Springs Hospital Management Board, 2007/2008 (Paper 203) 127
        Gove and Tennant Creek Hospitals Management Board Reports for
        1998/99 to 2003/2004 for (Paper 252) 156
        Royal Darwin Hospital Management Board, 2006/2007 (Paper 204) 127
        Royal Darwin Hospital Management Board, 2007/2008 (Paper 202) 127
      National Environment Protection Council, 2007/2008 (Paper 253) 157
      Northern Territory Architects Board, 2007/2008 (Paper 200) 126
      Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2007/2008 (Paper 242) 154
      Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board for the year ended
      30 September 2008 (Paper 199) 126
      NT Build, 2007/2008 (Paper 223) 140
      Annual Reports (cont)
      Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council, 2007/2008 (Paper 212) 135
      Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 2007/2008 (Paper 224) 140
      By-Laws 2009
      Charles Darwin University (Academic Board) 2009 (Paper 226) 140
      Coroners Act
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the Death of
      Robert Taylor Daly, pursuant to section 46B, dated 10 February 2009 (Paper 243) 154
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the Death of
      Aiden Vincent Bott, pursuant to Section 46B, dated 19 December 2008 (Paper 206) 127
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the Death of
      Darryll Stuart Davis, pursuant to Section 46B, dated 5 January 2009 (Paper 207) 127
      Explanatory Statements
      Criminal Code Amendment (Expert Evidence) Bill 2009 (Paper 234) 147
      Evidence Legislation (Authorised Persons) Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 27)
      (Paper 215) (Ms Lawrie) 133
      First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 30) (Paper 214) (Ms Lawrie) 133
      Information Amendment Bill 2009 (Paper 235) 148
      Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 34) (Paper 240) (Ms Lawrie) 151
      Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement Bill 2009 (Paper 231) (Ms Anderson) 143
      Transport Legislation (Hoon Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 28)
      (Paper 219) (Mr McCarthy) 138
      Unit Title Schemes Bill 2009 (Serial 35) (Paper 251) (Ms Lawrie) 155
      Graph, Total number of Nurses - RDH June 2003 to June 2008 (Paper 233) (Mr Vatskalis) 143
      Graph, Total tax savings since 2001 (Paper 236) (Dr Burns) 148
      Hansard Chamber Pink, Extract from the Senate Hansard record,
      dated 10 February 2009 by Senator Nigel Scullion, commencing at 4.17pm
      (Paper 210) (Dr Burns) 126
      Independent Review of the Northern Territory's Financial Position by Professor
      Percy Allan AM (Paper 209) (Dr Burns) 126
      Land Development Corporation Act
      Direction to Land Development Corporation under section 8(1), to lease the
      whole or part of Section 5673 Hundred of Bagot to the Territory, term
      ending 2023, dated 12 December 2008 (Paper 244) 154
      Cooper, Cherie and Lawrence, The Importer (Shop) to Department of Planning
      and Infrastructure re Bus Stop, 39 Stuart Highway, Stuart Park outside - hygiene
      of bus stop, dated 16 February 2009 (Paper 239) (Mr Elferink) 150
      Henderson, Mr, Chief Minister re Schedule of Ministerial Mobile Phone Expenses
      for 2008 incurred by the Department of the Chief Minister,
      dated 16 February 2009 (Paper 237) (Mrs Aagaard) 149
      Henderson, Mr, Chief Minister to Ms Kezia Purick, Member for Goyder,
      dated 13 February 2009 re NT Police management of domestic violence
      incidents (Paper 249) (Ms Lawrie) 153
      McCarthy, Mr, Member for Barkly, resigning his position as Deputy Chairman of
      Committees, dated 9 February 2009 (Paper 191) (Mrs Aagaard) 122
      Walker, Ms, Member for Nhulunbuy - resigning as Chair of the Environment and
      Sustainable Development Committee, dated 15 February 2009
      (Paper 232) (Mrs Aagaard) 143
      Management Plans
      Devil’s Marbles (Karlu Karlu) Conservation Reserve, Joint Management Plan,
      February 2009 (Paper 198) 127
      Memorandum - public servant dress, from Denis Burke, Chief Minister to Territory
      CEO's, dated 18 February 2000 (Paper 250) (Dr Burns) 154
      Missing the good news on grog, Centralian Advocate, Friday, 13 February 2009
      (Paper 248) (Mr Hampton) 153
      Northern Territory Government Gazette No. S4, dated 9 February 2009
      (Paper 190) (Mr Henderson) 122
      Notice Paper No. 20 - House of Assembly, South Australia for Tuesday
      17 February 2009 (Paper 220) (Ms Lawrie) 138
      NT Build Actuarial Review, dated 28 November 2008 (Paper 245) 154
      NT Build Supplementary Report, dated 12 February 2009 (Paper 246) 154
      Ombudsman NT, Investigation Report concerning a complaint against the
      Department of Justice by three prisoners at the Alice Springs Correctional Centre
      (Paper 225) 140
      Ombudsman NT, Report to the Hon. Paul Henderson MLA, Minister for Police,
      Fire & Emergency Services and to The Legislative Assembly, pursuant to
      Section 64(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (Northern Territory),
      for period 1 July to 31 December 2008 (Paper 254) 157
      Styles, Mr and Ms Scrymgour from 16 to 19 February 2009 (Mrs Aagaard) (Paper 229) 141
      Tollner, Mr and Mr Gunner for 19 February 2009 from 6pm (Mrs Aagaard) 157
      Westra Van Holthe, Mr and Mr Vatskalis for 12 February 2009 (Mrs Aagaard) 137
      Regulations 2008
      No. 34, Trade Measurement (Pre-packed articles) Amendment Regulations (Paper 194) 127
      No. 35, Youth Justice Amendment (Family Responsibility) Regulations (No. 2) (Paper 195) 127
      No. 36, Corporations Law Amendment Rules (Paper 196) 127
      No. 37 Supreme Court Amendment (Miscellaneous Matters) Rules (Paper 197) 127
      Royal Darwin Hospital Management Board 2007/2008 (Paper 258) (Mr Vatskalis) 157
      Rules and Guidelines for incorporation of written material in the Hansard Record.
      (Paper 227) (Mrs Aagaard) 140
      Second Stimulus Package Northern Territory Benefits (Paper 259) (Dr Burns) 144
      Terms of Reference for the Northern Territory Statehood Steering Committee,
      Revised, dated 12 February 2009 (Paper 222) (Ms McCarthy) 140
      Travel and Telephone expenditure by Members
      Report to the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to paragraphs 5.3 and 7.9 of the
      Administrative Arrangements November 2007 Annual Schedule containing
      Government Payments for each Member for Satellite and Mobile Telephones
      and Annual Schedule of Member Travel at Government expense for year 2008
      Members’ Travel and Telephone cost Calender 2008, pursuant to Remuneration
      Tribunal Determination (Paper 255) - Corrigendum 158
      Report to the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to paragraphs 5.3 and 7.9(c) of the
      Administrative Arrangements Tabled 29 November 2007 for the provision of travel,
      motor vehicle, communications, postage and child care entitlements for Members
      of the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory - Annual Schedule containing
      government payments for each Member for travel at government expense, and for
      satellite and mobile telephones for 2008 (Paper 238) (Mrs Aagaard) 149
      Violent Crime Reduction Strategy 2008 (Paper 247) (Mr Henderson) 152

      McCarthy, Ms, rebutting Mr Tollner's assertions about her McArthur River Mine visitations 139

      Nos. 4, 5, and 7, respectively relating to a proposed amendment to legislation to
      enable a death certificate to be issued for babies born pre 20 weeks gestation
      (Kaden Bill); review of resources, policies and procedures and systems at
      Royal Darwin Hospital and Acute Care Services 124
      Royal Darwin Hospital, independent review to assess the adequacy of the resources,
      policies, procedures and systems at the and Acute Care Services, Petition No. 8.
      (Paper 218) (Mr Styles) (627 petitioners) 137

      Tollner, Mr, drew attention to the state of the Assembly 152

      Condolence for Joesph (Joe) William Fisher AM, deceased 12 January 2009 (Mr Aagaard) 129
      Condolence motion for the victims of the Victorian bushfires 121
      Media coverage of condolence motion addressing the bushfire tragedy in Victoria 124
      Rev. Jim Downing AM, death of, 5 January 2009 141

      Charles Darwin University Certificate IV in English Proficiency ESL students
      accompanied by Ms Jill Rathbone and Ms Deanna Chadwick (Ms Aagaard) 156
      Palmerston High School Year 7 students accompanied by Mrs Kirsteen Squires
      and Mrs Beryl Brugmans 141
      Palmerston High School Year 7 students accompanied by Mrs Tania Tamotai
      and Mrs Beryl Brugmans (Mrs Aagaard) 151
      Palmerston High School Year 7 students accompanied by Pat Munn (Mrs Aagaard) 155
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016