Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2011-11-21
Index to Minutes – 21 November 2011 to 1 December 2011
From To Pages
21 November 2011 1 December 2011 775 - 819
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Walker, Ms, Acting Speaker for 30 November 2011 and 1 December 2011 - Speaker Aagaard absent on leave 805
- Ministers and Administrative Arrangements, dated 28 October 2011, Gazette No. S61 (Mr Henderson) (Paper 1591) 775
- Heads of Agreement to the Kenbi Land Claim, signatory to (Mr Henderson) 803
- Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 192) 807, 814
Building Amendment (Registration and Other Matters) Bill 2011 (Serial 187) 782, 786
Building Amendment (Residential Building Consumer Protection) Bill 2011 (Serial 188) 782, 786
Caravan Parks Bill 2011 (Serial 190) 807, 814
Constitutional Convention (Election) Bill 2011 (Serial 178) 807, 809
Criminal Code (Unlawful Assault Causing Death) Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 171) 790, 809
Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Bill 2011 (Serial 168) 789
Education and Care Services (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2011 (Serial 176) 778
Electoral and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 179) 786, 792, 794, 795
Fines and Penalties (Recovery) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 181) 782
Housing and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 177) 800, 802
Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 (Serial 191) 801, 805
Kenbi Land Trust Bill 2011 (Serial 175) 795, 797
Mental Health and Related Services Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 189) 807, 813
Serious Crime Control Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 182) 783
Statute Law (Miscellaneous) Provisions) Bill 2011 (Serial 183) 817
Work Health Administration Bill 2011 (Serial 184) 809, 814, 815, 817
Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2011 (Serial 186) 809, 814, 815, 817
Work Health and Safety (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Bill 2011 (Serial 185) 809, 814, 815, 817
- Cox Peninsula/Mandorah ferry contract (Mr Elferink) - Negatived 777
Minister for Indigenous Affairs and Statehood re land tenure reform in Territory towns and communities (Mr Giles) 793
- Chaloupka, Dr George, OAM, 6 Sept 1932 to 18 October 2011 (Mr Henderson) 791
- Chaloupka visitors
Widow of Dr Chaloupka, Ms Pina Guiliani; his son and daughter-in-law, Mr Roman Maher and Ms Barbara Cameron; his son-in-law, Mr Liam Maher; his grandson, Mr Roman Maher 791
- Aagaard, Mrs, Member for Nightcliff for 30 November 2011 and 1 December 2011 (Dr Burns) 805
McCarthy, Ms M, Member for Arnhem 21 November 2011 (Dr Burns) 778
- Alice Springs, tourism (Mr Westra van Holthe) 784
Medical Enduring Powers of Attorney and Living Wills (Mr Elferink) 803
- No. 30, assent to proposed laws, 15 November 2011 (Paper 1632) 799
- Gearing Up for Major Projects (Mr Henderson) 783
Supporting Territorians (Ms Lawrie) 803
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of Time
Burns, Dr, on motion of Mr Gunner 802
Burns, Dr, on motion of Mr Hampton 802
Burns, Dr, on motion of Ms Lawrie 786
Elferink, Mr, on motion of Mr Westra van Holthe 814
Giles, Mr, on motion of Ms Purick 779
Gunner, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 787
Hampton, Mr, on motion of Mr Wood 778
Knight, Mr, on motion of Mr McCarthy 787
Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Dr Burns 776
Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Mr McCarthy 818
McCarthy, Mr, on motion of Ms Walker 779
McCarthy, Ms, on motion of Mr McCarthy 787
Scrymgour, Ms, on motion of Mr hampton 802
Tollner, Mr, on motion of Mr Westra van Holthe 811
Vatskalis, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 784
Walker, Ms, on motion of Dr Burns 802
Walker, Ms, on motion of Ms Scrymgour 787
Wood, Mr, on motion of Mr Bohlin 784
Wood, Mr, on motion of Mr McCarthy 778
Wood, Mr, on motion of Ms Purick 788
Conlan, Mr, moved - Member for Wanguri (Mr Henderson) be no longer heard - Negatived 781
Scrymgour, Ms, moved – That the Member for Port Darwin (Mr Elferink) be no longer heard - Negatived 815
General Business reordered, first dealing with Orders of the Day and then Notices (Mr Elferink) 809
Kenbi Land Trust Bill 2011 (Serial 170) being recommitted for further consideration at the Committee stage examination (Mr Elferink) 799
Second Intervention in the Territory’s rights (Mr Giles) 801, 811
MOTIONS (Procedural) (cont)
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Censure Minister for Indigenous Affairs and Statehood re land tenure reform in Territory towns and communities (Mr Giles) 792
Censure Ministers McCarthy and Knight re Cox Peninsula Ferry Contract (Mr Elferink) 777
Ministerial Statement - Australian Hospital Statistics 2011-11 Report by Mr Vatskalis (Mr Conlan) - Negatived 806
Recommittal, Kenbi Land Trust Bill 2011 (Serial 170) for further consideration at the Committee stage examination (Mr Elferink) 799
Take two Bills together
- Building Amendment (Registration and Other Matters) Bill 2011 (Serial 187) and Building Amendment (Residential Building Consumer Protection) Bill 2011 (Serial 188) 782, 785
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Agricultural and Horticultural Industry (Ms Purick) 801, 810
Alcohol reform and its negative impacts (Mr Styles) 808
Anti-social behaviour and crime in public housing properties (Mr Giles) 808
Auditor-General’s October 2011 Report to the Legislative Assembly – Note (Mr Henderson) 818
Bagot community living conditions (Mr Tollner) 807
Censure Minister for Indigenous Affairs and Statehood re land tenure reform in Territory towns and communities (Mr Giles) 793
Children’s Commissioner to monitor implementation of recommendations of the Growing them Strong Together, Report (Mrs Lambley) 815
Cox Peninsula/Mandorah ferry contract (Mr Elferink) - Negatived 777
Crime and anti-social behaviour at Casuarina Shopping Centre (Mr Styles) 808
Crime and anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs (Mr Giles) 808
Deficiency of services to Darwin rural area of youth, mental health care, aged care and sport and recreation programs (Ms Purick) 788
Extractive industries in the future development of the Northern Territory (Ms Purick) 807
Gearing Up for Major Projects – Note 783, 786, 787, 797
Indigenous Affairs(Mr Giles) 808
Indigenous Development through Strong Families and Strong Communities - Note 778, 802
Land release and planning strategies to support Territory growth (Mr Tollner) 808
Law and order issues in Alice Springs, 2011/2012 (Mr Conlan) 810
Litchfield Shire, land flooding (Mr Wood) 787
Live cattle export ban, impact on economy and people (Mrs Purick) 789
Mental Health Care across the Territory (Ms Purick) 807
Multicultural diversity contribution to Territory lifestyle (Mr Styles) 808
Northern Regional Marine Plan (Ms Purick) 788
Northern Territory Government Response to the Final Report of the Animal Welfare Governance Sub-Committee of the Council of Territory Co-operation (Paper 1667) – Note (Ms McCarthy) 818
Northern Territory’s fiscal management (Mr Elferink) 808
Obama, Barack, President of the United States, Territory visit (Mr Henderson) 775
OmbudsmanNT Thirty Third Annual Report 2010/2011 - Note (Dr Burns) 783
One Mile Dam, Knuckey Lagoon and 15 Mile Communities, leases (Mr Wood) 815
Recreational and commercial fisheries, future (Ms Purick) 808
Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Entitlements of Assembly Members and Determination No. 1 of 2011 - Note (Mr Henderson) 786
Rights of Territorians (Mr Henderson) 776, 781
Rural Centre Plans, the future development model for the Litchfield Council area (Mr Wood) 810
Short, Medium and Long term strategies to address violence in, Alice Springs (Mr Giles) 788
MOTIONS (Substantive) (cont)
- Stormwater drains, cleaning to mitigate flooding around Darwin (Mr Tollner) 808
Supporting Territorians – Note (Ms Lawrie) 803, 818
Territory’s economy in the regions (Mr Giles) 807
Territory’s infrastructure requirements (Mr Giles) 808
Treasurer's Annual Financial Report, 2010/2011 - Note 818
Treasurer's Mid-Year Report, 2011/2012 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 818
World class mining projects (Ms Purick) 808
Young Territorians and the families of young Territorians (Mr Styles) 808
- Education of N. T. children to meet national average of NAPLAN testing (Mr Mills) 788
- Aagaard, Mrs, Member for Nightcliff with the Member for Blain (Mr Mills), for the period 10am to close of business, 1 December 2011 (Paper 1654) (Ms Walker) 813
Aagaard, Mrs, Member for Nightcliff with the Member for Blain (Mr Mills), for the period 10am to close of the sitting day 30 November 2011 (Paper 1638) 805
Aagaard, Mrs, Member for Nightcliff with the Member for Goyder (Ms Purick), period 2pm to close of business 29 November 2011 (Paper 1633) (Ms Walker) 801
Hampton, Mr, Member for Stuart with the Member for Araluen (Mrs Lambley), for the period 10am to 12Noon of this sitting day, 30 November 2011 (Paper 1637) (Ms Walker) 805
Henderson, Mr with the Member for Blain (Mr Mills) for the period 6pm to 8pm, 23 November 2011 (Paper 1609) 786
McCarthy, Ms M, Member for Arnhem with the Member for Sanderson (Mr Styles), period 21 November 2011 (Paper 1592) (Mrs Aagaard) 776
Vatskalis, Mr, Member for Casuarina with the Member for Sanderson (Mr Styles), for the period 3pm to close of business, 1 December 2011 (Paper 1655) (Ms Walker) 813
Vatskalis, Mr, with the Member for Blain (Mr Mills), period 5pm to close of business, 21 November 2011 (Paper 1592) (Mrs Aagaard) 776
- Annual Reports
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, 2010/2011 (Paper 1596) 779
Children’s Commissioner Northern Territory, 2010/2011 (Paper 1641) 811
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 2010/2011 (Paper 1595) 779
Darwin Waterfront Corporation, 2010/2011 (Paper 1642) 811
Department of Justice, Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing, 2009/2010 (Refer to Paper 1262 tabled on 31/03/2011)(Paper 1665) 819
Desert Knowledge Australia Financial Report for year ended 30 June 2011 (Paper 1644) 811
Desert Knowledge Australia, 2010/2011 (Paper 1643) 811
Health and Community Services Complaints Commission, 2010/2011 (Thirteenth) (Paper 1610) 790
Hospital Management Boards
- Alice Springs Hospital Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1621) 797
Gove District Hospital Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1622) 797
Katherine Hospital Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1623) 797
Royal Darwin Hospital Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1624) 797
Tennant Creek Hospital Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1625) 797
Northern Territory Architects Board, 2010/2011 (Paper 1662) 819
Northern Territory Electoral Commission, 2010/2011 (Paper 1602) (Mrs Aagaard) 778
Northern Territory Electoral Commission, Division of Araluen By-Election 9 October 2010, Report (Paper 1603) (Mrs Aagaard) 778
- Annual Reports (cont)
Northern Territory Grants Commission, 2010/2011 (Paper 1626) 797
Northern Territory of Australia Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 2010/2011 (Paper 1659) 819
Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board, for the year ended 30 September 2011 (Paper 1663) 819
Northern Territory Police - Annual Reporting Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Registration) Act 2004, 2010/2011 (Paper 1664) 819
NT Build, 2010/2011 (Paper 1661) 819
NT Child Deaths Review and Prevention Committee, 2010/2011 (Paper 1645) 811
NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 2010/2011 (Paper 1594) 779
NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 2010/2011 [Refer to Annual Report 2010/2011, Paper No. 1594 deemed on 21/11/11], Replacement Pages 42/43, 46/47, 62/63 to (Paper 1617) 790
Power and Water Corporation, 2010/2011 (Paper 1647) (See Paper 1546, tabled 27 October 2011) 812
Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, 2010/2011 (Paper 1629) 797
Tourism NT, 2010/2011 (Paper 1646) 811
Treasurer's Mid-Year Report, 2011/2012 (Paper 1666) 818
Builders welcome extra time to implement OH&S harmonisation, Media Release (Paper 1648) (Mr Elferink) 809
Business Policy, A Blueprint for Enterprise and Industry to create Jobs, November 2011 (Paper 1593) (Mr Tollner) 777
Close to Me, school play production, Acacia Hills School, photographs (Paper 1651) (Mr McCarthy) 811
Coroners Act
In the matter of Deputy Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the death of Mr Frank Scanella, pursuant to section 46B, dated 21 November 2011 (Paper 1627) 797
Cox Peninsula, Country Liberals Discussion Paper (Paper 1640) (Mr Henderson) 808
Expenditure on removing unroadworthy vehicles from public housing and remote communities (Paper 1634) (Dr Burns) 802
Explanatory Statements
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education Amendment Bill 2011 (Paper 1657) (Dr Burns) 814
Building Amendment (Residential Building Consumer Protection) Bill 2011 (Paper 1608) (Mr McCarthy) 786
Building Amendment Registration Bills 2011 (Paper 1607) (Mr McCarthy) 786
Caravan Parks Bill 2011 (Paper 1658) (Mr Knight) 814
Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2011 (Paper 1639) )Mr Knight) 806
Mental Health and Related Services Amendment Bill 2011 (Paper 1656) (Mr Vatskalis) 814
Exploration Licences in the Northern Territory by licence application and exploration licence, 2001 to 2011 (Paper 1620) (Mr Vatskalis) 792
Fire Alarm Monitoring Statistics (Paper 1605) (Mr Mills) 782
Homeland Schools, Ralpa, Yirrkala Homeland Schools Newsletter (Paper 1635) (Ms Walker) 802
Joint Management Plans
Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve, October 2011 (Paper 1600) 779
Finke Gorge National Park, October 2011 (Paper 1597) 779
N’Dhala Gorge Nature, October 2011 (Paper 1599) 779
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, October 2011 (Paper 1598) 779
Kenbi Land Claim, Proposed Settlement Map, dated 28 September 2011 (Paper 1631) (Mr Henderson) 795
- Members Travel 3.14 - Interstate
Mrs Lambley - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.14 – Interstate Travel to Perth, to meet with representatives of Agencies on Child Protection, police and Community Justice and Youth Services, 2 to 5 November 2011 (Paper 1652) (Ms Walker) 813
Northern Territory Agribusiness Industry Strategy 2011/2015 (Paper 1649) (Mr Vatskalis) 811
Northern Territory Government 2008 Election Commitments – Progress Report, November 2011 (Paper 1666) 819
Northern Territory Government Gazette No. S61, dated 28 October 2011 RE Administrative Ministerial changes to Ministers Knight and Lawrie Ministerial portfolios (Paper 1591) (Mr Henderson) 775
Northern Territory Government Response to the Final Report of the Animal Welfare Governance Sub-Committee of the Council of Territory Co-operation (Paper 1667) (Ms McCarthy) 818
Northern Territory Statehood Steering Committee, Hansard Debate, 25 June 2004 – Adopt Terms of Reference (Paper 1650) (Dr Burns) 811
Nutcracker Ballet Program, Darwin Entertainment Centre Playhouse Theatre (Paper 1618) (Mr Bohlin) 790
Poor Old Henry Gray (Paper 1668) (Mr Henderson) 818
Regulations 2011
No. 108/2011, Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Amendment (Midwife Insurance Exemption) Regulation 2011, dated 26 September 2011 (Paper 1628) 797
No. 45, Public Interest Disclosure Amendment (Paper 1611) 790
No. 46, Building Amendment (Rural Relocation) (Paper 1612) 790
No. 47, Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal Amendment (Affidavits) Rules (Paper 1616) 790
No. 48, Supreme Court Amendment (Paper 1613) 790
No. 49, Environment Protection (Beverage Containers and Plastic Bags) Amendment Regulations (No. 3) Regulations (Paper 1614) 790
No. 50, Local Government (Electoral) Amendment Regulations (Paper 1615) 790
Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Entitlements of Magistrates and Determination No. 2 of 2011 (Paper 1601) 779
Rural Reflections, Anthology 2011 (Paper 1604) (Ms Purick) 779
Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill 2011, Commonwealth (Paper 1630) (Ms Scrymgour) 793
Watermelon Fusarium Wilt, Leaflet, dated 28 June 2011 (Paper 1606) (Mr Vatskalis) 783
Worker Rehabilitation and Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 – Exposure Draft (Paper 1653) (Mr Knight) 813
- Henderson, Mr Kenbi Land Claim advice to Assembly 799
- Marra People near Limmen Bight, protection of the lands and seas of, Petition No. 57 (Paper 1636) (97 petitioners) 805
Muirhead Breezes known as “Muirhead Reserve”, Petition No.56 from 145 petitioners relating to protecting bushland proposed to be bulldozed in the suburb of (Paper 1619) (Mr Henderson) 791
Petition No. 54 relating to 300/301 bus route from Alice Springs Hospital (Paper 1590) 775
- Elferink, Mr, drew the attention of the Speaker to the state of the Assembly 787
Giles, Mr drew attention to lack of (Standing Order 36) 783
Giles, Mr drew attention to the lack of a Quorum 793
Westra van Holthe, Mr, drew attention to lack of a Quorum 784
- Members behaviour during Questions (Mrs Aagaard) 776
- Berry Springs Primary School, Year 2/3 and Year 3/4 students accompanied by Ms Currington, Mr Bonnar, Ms Scott and Ms Burgemeister (Mrs Aagaard) 785
Country Liberals Electorate Officers (Mrs Aagaard) 786
Katherine School of the Air students from Werenbun accompanied by Ms Breen and Mr Curtain (Ms Walker) 805
Kormilda College Year 9 students accompanied by Mr Faraone 814
Kormilda Primary School Year 9 students accompanied by Mr Faraone and Mr Hutchings (Mrs Aagaard) 800
Moil Primary School, Year 5/6 and Year 4 students accompanied by Ms Manning, Ms Ryng and Mrs Hillery (Ms Walker) 813
Rosebery Middle School, Year 7 students accompanied by Ms Franklin, Mr Ehrlich and Ms Angie (Mrs Aagaard) 775
Ryan, Mr Damien, Mayor of Alice Springs (Mrs Aagaard) 785
Stirling, Mr Syd, former Member for Nhulunbuy and Deputy Chief Minister (Mrs Aagaard) 782
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016