Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2008-10-21

Index to Minutes – 21 October 2008 to 30 October 2008


From To Pages
21 October 2008 30 October 2008 43- 96

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill


      Additional Answers
      Crocodile management in Katherine Gorge (Ms Anderson) 94

      Aboriginal Land Amendment (Inter-tidal Waters) Bill 2008 (Serial 19) 78
      Environment Protection Authority Amendment Bill 2008 (Serial 17) 77
      Gaming Machine Amendment (Anti-Proliferation) Bill 2008 (Serial 8) 56, 57
      Ichthys LNG Project Bill 2008 (Serial 10) 53, 59
      Information Amendment Bill 2008 (Serial 20) 77
      Legislative Assembly (Disclosure of Interests) Bill 2008 (Serial 11) 45, 51
      Legislative Assembly (Members' Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards) Bill 2008
      (Serial 12) 45, 52
      Livestock Bill 2008 (Serial 13) 76, 93
      Local Government (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2008 (Serial 5) 55
      Plant Health Bill 2008 (Serial 15) 76, 93
      Public Authorities Advertising Bill 2008 (Serial 16) 76
      Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2008 (Serial 14) 45, 52
      Sentencing Amendment (Violent Offences) Bill 2008 (Serial 4) 81
      Sentencing Amendment (Violent Offences) Bill 2008 (Serial 7) 59, 62, 64
      Serious Violent Offenders (Presumption Against Bail) Amendment Bill 2008 (Serial 6) 74, 75
      Transport Legislation (Alcohol Ignition Locks) Amendment Bill 2008 (Serial 9) 64, 70

      Government - Motion Negatived (Mr Elferink) 45

      Calder, Mr Stephen Edward (Sam) AM OBE DFC. Northern Territory Member of the
      House of Representatives from 1966 until 1980 and a decorated pilot (Mr Henderson) 43
      Muir, Mrs Hilda deceased 30 September 2008 (Mrs Aagaard) 52

      The Member for Fong Lim (Mr Tollner), pursuant to Standing Order 82,
      moved Dissent - For her failure to uphold the Standing Orders, her dereliction of
      her duty to hold Ministers accountable to this parliament and her blatant politicisation
      of the Speaker's position (Paper 95) - Negatived 78

      Asche, The Hon Austin, AC QC, Mr Ian Watts AM, Mr Rick Setter, former Member for Jingili,
      Mr Chris Rooney and Mrs Rooney, The Hon Grant Tambling, and Mr Peter Upton -
      attending Calder, Sam, Condolence (Mrs Aagaard 43
      Perkins, Mr Neville OAM, former Member of the Legislative Assembly for the Electorate
      of Macdonnell (Mrs Aagaard) 45

      Styles, Mr, speech which had been misunderstood by the Member for Casuarina
      (Mr Vatskalis) during Berrimah Farm Housing motion debate 85

      Cyclone Shelters (Ms Purick) 80
      Low cost housing (Mr Bohlin 57
      Night Air Med Flights, Katherine (Mr Westra van Holthe 49
      Social issues in Alice Springs (Mr Conlan) 71

      Conlan, Mr, at 8.29pm to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour on account
      of his constant unruly interjection (Mrs Aagaard) 50
      Elferink, Mr, at 7.30pm to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour on account
      of his constant unruly interjection (Mrs Aagaard) 49
      Tollner, Mr, at 2.29pm to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour on account
      of his constant unruly interjection (Mrs Aagaard) 53

      No. 02, assent to proposed laws, October 2008 (Paper 93) (Mrs Aagaard) 73

      Alice Springs Storm, Emergency Services Response (Mr Henderson) 44
      ARIA Awards 2008 (Ms Scrymgour) 44
      Arts and music festivals, Alice Springs (Ms Scrymgour) 91
      Australian Dollar Value, Business Uncertainties (Ms Lawrie) 81
      Carers Week (Mrs Scrymgour) 51
      Charles Darwin University, Graduates (Ms Scrymgour) 59
      Common User Areas, Oil and Gas Industries (Mr Vatskalis) 59
      Community Environment Grants 2008 (Ms Anderson) 59
      Devils Marbles (Ms Anderson) 73
      Environment Grants to Schools 2008-2009 (Ms Anderson) 51
      Global Financial Crisis (Ms Lawrie) 44
      Indigenous Expenditure (Ms Lawrie) 73
      Julalikari Living Areas (Mr Knight) 74
      Masters Games 2008 (Mr Hampton) 51
      Shire Council Elections 2008 (Mr Knight) 81
      Workplace Safety (Dr Burns) 81

      Casuarina Zone Substation (Mr Knight) 44
      Ichthys LNG Project (Mr Henderson) 47

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of Time
      Elferink, Mr, on motion of Mr Bohlin 80
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Dr Burns 86
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Ms Scrymgour 54
      Scrymgour, Ms, on motion of Mr Knight 88
      Scrymgour, Ms, on motion of Ms Lawrie 54
      Wood, Mr, on motion of Mr Elferink 47
      Leave denied
      Elferink, Mr, to speak to petition re issue of the death of Mrs Winter 81
      Giles, Mr to continue his remarks at a later hour 64
      Tollner, Mr, to address the Chair 93

MOTIONS (Procedural) (cont)
      Routine of Business and luncheon breaks due to funeral for Mrs Hilda Muir,
      Thursday 23 October 2008 (Ms Lawrie) 51
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Censure Leader of Government Business (Ms Lawrie) and Government re failing to
      respect parliament (Mr Elferink) - Negatived 92
      censure the Government (Mr Elferink) - Negatived 48
      censure the Government (Mr Tollner) - Negatived 48
      Want of Confidence in Minister for Education (Ms Scrymgour) - Moved (Mr Mills) 54
      Want of Confidence in the Speaker (Mr Mills) 91

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Acute Care Services NT Review Committee, Select Committee - Establishment and
      proposed Terms of Reference (Mr Conlan) - Negatived 82, 83
      Assembly broadcasting, sitting hours and procedures, reference to Standing Orders
      Committee (Ms Lawrie) - Agreed to 93, 94
      Auditor-General's August 2008 Report to the Legislative Assembly
      (Paper 44) - Note (Mr Henderson) 75, 79
      Berrimah Farm Housing Estate, proposal (Mr Wood) - Negatived 85
      Boarding schools in regional centres (Mr Giles) - Negatived 88
      Casuarina Zone Substation - Note (Mr Knight) 44
      Darwin Correctional Facility (Mr Wood) - Negatived 84
      FOI applications fees, waiver for Assembly Members (Mr Bohlin) - Negatived 87
      Forfeiture of Vehicles, Hoon Legislation (Mr Wood) - Amended motion agreed to 85
      Ichthys LNG Project - Note (Mr Henderson) 47, 79
      Parliamentary sittings timeframes and siting days Terms of Reference given to
      Standing Orders Committee (Ms Lawrie) 82
      Ramos-Horta - Visit by His Excellency President of the Democratic Republic of
      Timor-Leste - Routine of Business for Address (Ms Lawrie) 74
      Registration of miscarried births (Mr Mills) - Negatived 86
      Territory Development Taskforce, INPEX (Ms Purick) - Negatived 88
      Welcome to His Excellency Dr Jose Ramos-Horta (Mr Henderson) 95

Tuesday 25 November 2008 (Ms Lawrie)

      Annual Reports
      Child Protection (Reporting and Registration) Act 2004, 1 July 2007 to
      30 June 2008 (Paper 77) 57
      Community Benefit Committee,2006/2007 (Paper 114) 95
      Community Benefit Fund, 2007/2008 (Paper 115) 95
      Community Justice Centre, Department of Justice, 2007/2008 (Paper 121) 95
      Daly River Management Advisory Committee (DRMAC), 2007/2008 (Paper 69) 50
      Department of Business, Economic and Regional Development, 2007/2008 (Paper 99) 89
      Department of Employment, Education and Training, 2007/2008 (Paper 83) 72
      Department of Health and Families, 2007/2008 (Paper 113) 95
      Department of Justice, 2007/2008 (Paper 107) 95
      Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts, 2007/2008 (Paper 103) 95
      Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines, 2007/2008 (Paper 68) 50
      Department of the Chief Minister, 2007/2008 (Paper 66) 50
      Department of the Legislative Assembly - Financial Statements and Performance
      Reporting, 2007/2008 (Paper 100) 89
      Department of the Legislative Assembly - The Agency, 2007/2008 (Paper 101) 89
      Director of Public Prosecutions Northern Territory of Australia, 2007/2008 (Paper 128) 95
      Electrical Safety Regulator, 2007/2008 (Paper 120) 95
      Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection, 2007/2008 (Paper 117) 95
      Lands, Planning & Mining Tribunal, Northern Territory, 2007/2008 (Paper 110) 95
      Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Trust, 2007/2008 (Paper 125) 95
      Mental Health Review Tribunal, 2007/2008 (Paper 131) 95
      Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission, 2007/2008 (Paper 126) 95
      Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities’ Superannuation Scheme,
      2007/2008 (Paper 122) 95
      Northern Territory Licensing Commission, 2007/2008 (Paper 112) 95
      Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 2007/2008 (Paper 127) 95
      Northern Territory Treasury Corporation, 2007/2008 (Paper 124) 95
      Northern Territory Treasury, 2007/2008 (Paper 123) 95
      NT Community Visitor Program, 2007/2008 (Paper 111) 95
      Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, 2007/2008 (Paper 67) 50
      Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, State of the Service Report,
      2007/2008 (Paper 70) 50
      Power and Water Corporation, 2007/2008 (Paper 132) 95
      TIO, The Territory Way, 2007/2008 (Paper 116) 95
      Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report, 2007/2008 (Paper 106) 95
      Utilities Commission, 2007/2008 (Paper 118) 95
      Work Health Advisory Council, 2007/2008 (Paper 119) 95
      Banks, Margaret - cost of Termination of Contract, Daily Hansard extract,
      Questions 22 October 2008, Page 1 (Paper 91) (Dr Burns) 72
      Coroner's Act
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the Death of
      Mr Nicholas Konedaris, pursuant to Section 46B, dated 23 October 2008 (Paper 130) 95
      In the Matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the Death of
      Mr Turkey Malibirr, pursuant to Section 46B, dated 27 October 2008 (Paper 129) 95
      Crown Lands Act
      Revocation of Reserve No. s 1003, 1064, 1078, 1092, 1103, 1147, 1159, 1160, 1174,
      1177, 12322, 1233, 1277, 1284, 1285, 1289, 1297, 1457 and 1645 – Parks and
      Reserve included in the schedules 1 and 2 of the Parks and Reserves (Framework
      for the Future) ACT, pursuant to section 76(5), dated 13 October 2008 (Paper 78) 57
      Explanatory Statements
      Ichthys LNG Project Bill 2008 (Paper 81) (Mr Henderson) 59
      Legislative Assembly (Disclosure of Interests) Bill 2008 (Paper 73) (Mr Henderson) 51
      Legislative Assembly (Members' Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards) Bill 2008
      (Paper 74) (Mr Henderson) 52
      Livestock Bill 2008 (Paper 104) 93
      Plant Health Bill 2008 (Paper 105) 93
      Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2008 (Serial 14) (Paper 75) (Dr Burns) 52
      Sentencing Amendment (Violent Offences) Bill 2008 (Serial 4) (Paper 98) 81
      Graph, Expenditure on Power Water Capital Works and infrastructure, 1995/1996 to
      2007/08 (Paper 65) (Mr Knight) 45
      Independent Inquiry into Casuarina Substation Events and Substation Maintenance
      across Darwin (Paper 64) (Mr Knight) 44
      Indigenous Expenditure Review 2006/2007 (Paper 92) (Ms Lawrie) 73
      Map, planning area Berrimah Farm (Paper 102) (Mr Wood) 85
      Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Clubs,
      year ended 30 June 2007 (Paper 79) (Ms Lawrie) 56
      Northern Territory Community Gaming Machine Performance in Hotels,
      year ended 30 June 2007 (Paper 80) (Ms Lawrie) 56
      11pm until adjournment of the Assembly, 23 October 2008
        Ms McCarthy and Mr Giles (Paper 90) 72
      Press Release - Round the Clock Medicare, Palmerston After Hours Medical Clinic,
      dated 26 September 2004 (Paper 82) (Dr Burns) 61
      Professional Standards Councils, 2007/2008 (Paper 76) 57
      Regulations 2008
      No. 22, Alice Springs (Shopping Trolley) By-Laws (Paper 84) 72
      No. 26, Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges) (Paper 85) 72
      No. 27, Fisheries Amendment (No.2) (Paper 86) 72
      No. 28, Fisheries Amendment (Permit to Import) (Paper 87) 72
      No. 29, Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment (Fees) By-Laws (Paper 88) 72
      Sessional Committee on Sport and Youth (Tenth Assembly), pursuant to resolution of the
      Assembly, dated 9 September 2008 - Synopses of evidence to the Committee,
      Volume 1 (Paper 71) and Submissions to the Committee, Volume 2 (Paper 72) 50
      Statement of Corporate Intent
      MAC Business, Statement of Corporate Intent, 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010 (Paper 108) 95
      Report on the Statement of Corporate Intent, MAC Business, 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010
      (Paper 133) 96
      Report on the Statement of Corporate Intent, TIO Group, 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010
      (Paper 134) 96
      TIO Group, Statement of Corporate of Intent, July 2007 to 30 June 2010 (Paper 109) 96
      Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory of Australia, 2007/2008 (Paper 94) 80
      The avoidable costs of alcohol abuse in Australia and the potential benefits of effective
      policies to reduce the social cost of alcohol by David J Collins, Extract of page 31,
      Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, National Drug Strategy
      (Paper 89) (Mr Giles) 68

      Carney, Ms, made a personal explanation refuting an assertion made on
      22 October 2008 by the Member for Karama (Ms Lawrie) that the
      Member for Araluen had been drinking 73
      Knight, Mr, wherein he had accused the Member for Fong Lim (Mr Tollner), amongst
      other things of sleeping in his car, Daily Hansard 22 October 2008 62
      Wood, Mr re employment of engineers from overseas due to unrealistic salaries
      offered by Government locally 70

      Birth and death certificates for births under 20 weeks, petition No. 4
      (Paper 96) (Mr Mills) (2972 petitioners) 81
      Nursing and staff resources at Royal Darwin Hospital leading up to the death of
      Mrs Winter, petition No. 5 (Paper 97) (Mr Styles) (659 petitioners) 81
      Respons to petitions
      After hours bulk billing medical services in Palmerston, petition No. 1 (Paper 63) 43

      Elferink, Mr raised a proposed matter of privilege - re meeting with teachers
      by Ms Scrymgour 70
      Elferink, Mr, raised a proposed matter of privilege - re meeting with teachers
      by Ms Scrymgour - Negatived 71

      Death of Mrs Hilda Muir on 30 September 2008 52
      Difficulties in broadcasting the web-cast of parliamentary proceedings 22 October 2008
      was due to Government Data Centre server problems (Mrs Aagaard) 53
      Matter of privilege, Mr Elferink re meeting with teachers by Ms Scrymgour - order of
      precedence of Routine Business (Mrs Aagaard) 70

      Marrara Christian School Year 7 students and accompanied by Mr Jon Russo (Mrs Aagaard) 81
      Mr Damien Ryan, Mayor of Alice Springs (Mrs Aagaard) 47

      Minister for Education (Ms Scrymgour) - Motion Negatived (Mr Mills) 55
      Speaker, Mrs Aagaard (Mr Mills) re protect Members from overbearing
      and arrogant government - Negatived 91
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016