Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2011-03-29

Index to Minutes – 29 March 2011 to 31 March 2011

From To Pages
29 March 2011 31 March 2011 631 - 652

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Ms McCarthy, 31 March 2011 652

      Alcohol Reform (Liquor Legislation Amendment) Bill 2011 (Serial 161) 634, 643
      Alcohol Reform (Prevention of Alcohol-related Crime and Substance Misuse)
      Bill 2011 (Serial 158) 634
      Alcohol Reform (Prevention of Alcohol-Related Crime and Substance Misuse)
      Bill 2011 (Serial 158) 643
      Alcohol Reform (Substance Misuse Assessment and Referral for Treatment
      Court) Bill 2011 (Serial 159) 634, 643
      Audit Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 157) 634, 644, 647
      Bail Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 150) 635
      Care and Protection of Children (Children’s Commissioner) Amendment Bill
      2011 (Serial 147) 647, 648, 649
      Criminal Law Amendment (Sentencing Appeals) Bill 2011 (Serial 151) 635
      Darwin Port Corporation Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 153) 649
      Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 160) 640, 647
      Electronic Transactions (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 154) 635
      Health and Community Services Complaints Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 152) 649
      Occupational Licensing (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2010 (Serial 139) 650
      Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 155) 640, 647

      Chief Minister and his Government for Law and Order besetting Alice Springs (Mr Conlan) 633
      Chief Minister for his failure to provide leadership and to act with integrity and honesty on
      a raft of issues including the law and order problems of Alice Springs (Mr Mills) 641

      Breuer, Honourable Lynette, MP, Speaker, House of Assembly of South Australia
      (Mrs Aagaard) 639
      Geraghty, Mrs Robyn, MP, Government Whip and Member for Torrens (Mrs Aagaard) 639

      Cost of Living and Job Destruction (Mr Tollner) 651

      No. 24, Assent to proposed laws, 21 March 2011 (Paper 1214) 631

      Central Australian Development (Mr Henderson) 637

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of Time
      Conlan, Mr, on motion of Mr Bohlin 644
      Conlan, Mr, on motion of Mr Chandler 637
      Conlan, Mr, on motion of Ms Purick 639
      Lambley, Mrs, on motion of Mr Giles 650
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Mr McCarthy 637
      Tollner, Mr, on motion of Mr Styles 642
      Rearrangement of Routine of Business – Take Questions at 6pm,
      31 March 2011 (Dr Burns) 643
      Rearrangement of Routine of Business to present Bills and then call on
      General Business items afterwards for three and a half hours (Dr Burns) 643
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Censure the Chief Minister and his Government for his abject failure to
      protect the people of Alice Springs - Denied 632
      Censure the Chief Minister and his Government for his abject failure to
      protect the people of Alice Springs (Mr Conlan) – Agreed to 633

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Angela Pamela uranium mine, Alice Springs (Mr Henderson) 634, 642
      Angela Pamela uranium mine, Alice Springs (Mr Henderson) 639
      Censure of Chief Minister and his Government for Law and Order
      besetting Alice Springs (Mr Conlan) - negatived 633
      Central Australian Development – Note 637, 650
      Chief Minister for his failure to provide leadership and to act with integrity
      and honesty on a raft of issues including the law and order problems
      of Alice Springs – Negatived (Mr Mills) 641
      Christchurch and Japan Earthquake Victims (Mr Henderson) 632
      Darwin Waterfront By-Laws, Subordinate Legislation No. 15 of 2010 – Disallow (Mr Elferink) 640
      Innovation, Development and Trade Committee (Mr Giles) 640
      Larapinta Valley Town Camp Housing Association (Mr Giles) 645
      Lawlessness and anti-social behaviour (Mr Conlan) 644
      Northern Territory Capacity to Progress Environmentally Sustainable
      Agricultural Production (Paper 1234) – Note 637
      Northern Territory Capacity to Progress Environmentally Sustainable
      Agricultural Production (Paper 1234) – Print (Ms Scrymgour) 637
      Public Information Act – Review of Public Information Referred to Auditor-General
      March 2011, Report to the Legislative Assembly – Note 636
      Public Information Act – Review of Public Information Referred to Auditor-General
      March 2011, Report to the Legislative Assembly – Print (Mr Henderson) 636
      Refer matter to the Committee of Privileges, Mr Vatskalis, in relation to statements
      made by him during the February sittings 2011 in which the minister asserted
      during question time that the Ombudsman “supported” the Government’s
      proposed changes to the Care and Protection of Children Act (Mr Elferink) 640
      Routine of Business, Questions be taken at 6pm on Thursday 31 March 2011 (Dr Burns) 634
      Short, Medium and Long term strategies to address violence in, Alice Springs (Mr Giles) 646
      Uranium mining lease application (Mr Wood) 640
      Used car allegations, Member for Katherine (Dr Burns) 650

      McCarthy, Ms, Member for Arnhem paired with the Member for Braitling
      (Mr Giles) (Paper 1257) 647

      Annual Reports
      AustralAsia Railway Corporation, 2009/2010 (Paper 1263) 651
      Department of Justice, Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing, 2009/2010 (Paper 1262) 652
      National Environment Protection Council, 2009/2010 (Paper 1228) 637
      National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory), 2009/2010 (Paper 1264) 652
      Public Information Act – Review of Public Information Referred to Auditor-General
      March 2011, Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 1237) (Mr Henderson) 636
      Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 2009/2010 (Paper 1261) 652
      Annual Schedule containing government payments for each Member of the
      Legislative Assembly for satellite and mobile telephones calendar year 2010,
      pursuant to paragraphs 10.8(a) 10.9(a) (Mrs Aagaard) (Paper 1249) 642
      Annual Schedule of Member travel at government expense (Paper 1249) (Mrs Aagaard) 642
      Australian Mining and Exploration Title Services P/L – Cameco Australia P/L Paladin
      N.T. P/L dated 3\10\2008 (Paper 1268) (Ms Purick) 650
      By-Laws 2010
      No. 23, Litchfield Council Rural Dog Management By-laws (Paper 1229) 637
      Centralian Advocate, Tuesday 5 October 2010 re Araluen Election – Where do
      the Parties Stand, advertisement (Paper 1241) (Mr Henderson) 639
      Commonwealth Day Message 2011 from Her Majesty the Queen,
      dated 14 March 2011 (Paper 1215) (Madam Speaker) 631
      Ecologically Sustainable Development in the Darwin Harbour Region –
      Environment Protection Authority, November 2010 (Paper 1230) 638
      Email, Conlan, Mr Member for Greatorex to Stephan Stander, 4 December 2009
      re anti Angela song (Paper 1240) (Mr Henderson) 639
      Email, Purick, Ms Kezia to Mr David Tollner re Party turbulence and machinations –
      copied to other CLP Members (Paper 1243) (Mr Henderson) 639
      Email, TV advertisements – Mrs Robyn Lambley to Action for Alice group
      (Paper 1220) (Mr Henderson) 633
      Estimate of Indigenous Expenditure Share, 2008-09 and Ratio of Indigenous to
      non-Indigenous expenditure per head of population, 2008-09 (Paper 1255) (Dr Burns) 646
      Explanatory Statements
      Alcohol Reform (Liquor Legislation Amendment) Bill 2011 (Paper 1253) (Ms Lawrie) 643
      Alcohol Reform (Prevention of Alcohol-Related Crime and Substance Misuse)
      Bill 2011 (Paper 1252) (Ms Lawrie) 643
      Alcohol Reform (Substance Misuse Assessment and Referral for Treatment Court)
      Bill 2011 (Paper 1251) (Ms Lawrie) 643
      Audit Amendment Bill 2011 (Paper 1259) (Mr Henderson) 647
      Education Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Paper 1258) (Dr Burns) 647
      Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Amendment Bill 2011 (Paper 1260) (Mr Vatskalis) 647
      Invoice – 4WD Vehicle sold to Michael Rockman on 5 March 2003 (Paper 1248) (Dr Burns) 641
      Legal Advice re Independence of Office of Children’ Commissioner by Michael Grant QC,
      dated 29 March 2011 (Paper 1268) (Mr Vatskalis) 649
      Legal Advice re Operation of the Care and Protection of Children (Children’s
      Commissioner) Amendment Act 2011by Michael Grant QC, dated 15 March 2011
      (Paper 1267) (Mr Vatskalis) 649
      Aagaard, Mrs Speaker to Member for Port Darwin, Mr Elferink re denial of precedence
      to referral of matter of privilege regarding Mr Vatskalis (Paper 1246) (Mr Elferink) 640
      Application for Information under the Information Act, Solicitor for the Northern
      Territory Mr Simon Wiese to Leader of the Opposition (Mr Mills),
      dated 5 March 2011 (Paper 1269) (Ms Lawrie) 650
      Curl, Dr David, to the Chief Minister (Mr Henderson) re loss of business
      film/TV/media film festival (Paper 1270) (Mr Mills) 651
      Henderson, Mr re Uranium Exploration Moves Ahead,
      dated 20 February 2008 (Paper 1247) (Mr Mills) 640
      True Trac 4WD, Mr Michael J Rowley re purchase of vehicle from
      Mr Westra Van Holthe, dated 25 March 2011 (Paper 1227) (Dr Burns) 634
      True Trac 4WD, Mr Michael J Rowley re purchase of vehicle from
      Mr Westra Van Holthe, dated 30 March 2011 (Paper 1256) (Dr Burns) 646
      Vatskalis, Mr Kon, to Ms Carolyn Richards, Ombudsman re amendments to
      Care and Protection of Children Act before the Assembly,
      dated 25/03/2011 (Paper 1266) (Mr Vatskalis) 648
      Local Government Act
      Amendment of Guidelines, Allowance for Council Members, pursuant under
      section 258 (1), dated 6 January 2011 (Paper 1231) 637
      Members Travel 3.15 - Interstate
      Ms Scrymgour - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 –
      Interstate Travel to Canberra, February 2011 relating to a visit with the Speaker 636
      Mr Chandler - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 –
      Interstate Travel to Canberra to speak with Federal members of parliament
      and the Senate concerning issues around the Northern Territory becoming
      Australia’s Seventh State, letter dated 1 March 2011 (Paper 1221) (Mrs Aagaard) 636
      Mr Gunner - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 –
      Interstate Travel to Melbourne on 13 February 2011 to speak with Housing
      Choices Australia, letter dated March 2011 (Paper 1222) (Mrs Aagaard) 636
      Mrs Aagaard - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 –
      Interstate Travel to Brisbane, 29 January 2011 and February 2011 relating to
      a visit to Queensland to give evidence at the Senate Select Committee on
      Reform of the Australian Federation, and Canberra as part of a delegation to
      push for Statehood in the Territory, respectively,
      letter dated 28 March 2011 (Paper 1226) (Mrs Aagaard) 636
      Ms Anderson - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 –
      Interstate Travel to South Australia to speak to interstate educational
      institutions, and other charitable community organisations for the purpose
      of assisting remote students, letter dated 24 March 2011 (Paper 1223) (Mrs Aagaard) 636
      Ms Purick - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 –
      Interstate Travel to Brisbane, Canberra in the ACT 31 January 2011 to
      2 February 2011 and 6 February to 9 February 2011 respectively re Reform
      of Australian Federation, letter dated 21 March 2011 (Paper 1224) (Mrs Aagaard) 636
      Ms Purick - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 –
      Interstate Travel to Sydney, 4 March 2011 to 7 March 2011 relating to
      stakeholders and associated parties to provide relevant information
      regarding Shadow portfolios, letter dated 21 March 2011 (Paper 1225) (Mrs Aagaard) 636
      My Home Sweet Home, poem by Luke S Morcom, dated 2/02/2007 (Paper 1272) (Dr Burns) 651
      Northern Territory Capacity to Progress Environmentally Sustainable Agricultural
      Production - Hansard Transcripts of public hearings (Paper 1236) (Ms Scrymgour) 637
      Northern Territory Capacity to Progress Environmentally Sustainable Agricultural
      Production - Written Submissions received (Paper 1235) (Ms Scrymgour) 637
      Northern Territory Capacity to Progress Environmentally Sustainable Agricultural
      Production (Paper 1234) (Ms Scrymgour) 636
      Petition, Larrapinta Valley Town Camp re Land Development at the Camp,
      dated 6 December 2010, to the Hon Jenny Macklin, Minister for Families,
      Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs by Concerned Residents
      of (Paper 1254) (Mr Hampton) 645
      Police Administration Act
      Police Arbitral Tribunal, Determination No. 1 of 2011, pursuant to section 35,
      dated 15 February 2011 (Paper 1233) 637
      Press Release, Lambley, Mrs Robyn dated 5 October 2010, letter to
      Mr R Bell (Dick) re Action Plan for Alice and position on Angela Pamela
      uranium Mine (Paper 1242) (Mr Henderson) 639
      Press Release, Uranium Exploration Moves Ahead, dated 20 February 2008
      by Mr Henderson Chief Minister (Paper 1245) (Mr Mills) 639
      Program, St johns College Presentation Ball 2011 (Paper 1271) (Dr Burns) 651
      Regulations 2011
      No. 4, Care and Protection of Children (Children’s Services) Amendment (Paper 1232) 637
      No. 6, Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (National Uniform
      Legislation) Regulations 2011 (Paper 1265) 652
      Report to the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to paragraphs 8.3 and 10.9(b) of
      Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2009, Tabled in the Assembly
      26 November 2009 for the provision of travel and communication entitlements
      for Members of the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory for calendar
      year 2010 (Mrs Aagaard) (Paper 1249) 642
      Schedule re Annual Schedule of Ministerial expenses for smart phone during
      calendar year 2010, dated 24 March 2011 (Paper 1250) (Mrs Aagaard) 642

      Anderson, Ms re assertions by Chief Minister that she had not reported to police
      any knowledge of child prostitution in Alice Springs (Ms Anderson) 635
      Westra van Holthe, Mr, Member for Katherine made a personal explanation
      concerning a purchase of a vehicle and complaints by Dr Burns and Mr Mike Rowley 651

      Basketball Stadium in the grounds of Centralian Middle School be removed,
      Petition No. 52 (Paper 1239) (Mrs Lambley) (262 petitioners) 639
      Forced amalgamation of the areas of Dundee and Marrakai into a new Shire,
      by leave, Petition No. 50, not conforming with Standing Orders
      (Paper 1217) (Ms Purick) (427 petitioners) 632
      General Aviation Aerodrome in the Greater Darwin Area, by leave, Petition No. 49,
      not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 1216) (Ms Purick) (49 petitioners) 631
      No. 43 and 44 relating to building on vacant land opposite Karama Shops,
      and a community store at Nganmarriyanga/Palumpa, respectively (Paper 1219) 632
      Rezoning of Sections 325, 324 and Part of Section 4558 Hundred of Strangways does
      not proceed – Future Development to Rural Living and zone Conservation for
      5 acre blocks, by leave, Petition No. 51, not conforming with Standing Orders
      (Paper 1218) (Ms Purick) (195 petitioners) 632
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016