Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2009-11-24

Index to Minutes – 24 November 2009 to 26 November 2009

From To Pages
24 November 2009 26 November 2009 341 - 369

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Care and Protection of Children (Children’s Commissioner) Amendment
      Bill 2009 (Serial 89) 363
      Care and Protection of Children (Investigative Powers) Bill 2009 (Serial 85) 346
      Construction Industry Long Service Leave and Benefits Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 58) 348
      Criminal Code Amendment (Mandatory Sentences for Certain Assaults) Bill 2009 (Serial 87) 346
      Education Amendment (Non-Government Schools) Bill 2009 (Serial 61) 344
      Education Amendment (Youth Participation) Bill 2009 (Serial 59) 348, 349, 362, 364, 365
      Environment Protection Authority Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 80) 347, 361
      Fire and Emergency Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 62) 368
      Health and Community Services Complaints Amendment (Further Investigations)
      Bill 2009 (Serial 88) 347
      Health Practitioner Regulation (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2009 (Serial 76) 346, 360
      Information Amendment (Fees) Bill 2009 (Serial 83) 347
      Local Government Grants Commission Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 73) 368
      Mining Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 60) 346, 360
      Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 72) 346, 360
      Police Administration Amendment (Grievances) Bill 2009 (Serial 86) 347
      Public Information Bill 2009 (Serial 77) 363
      Racing and Betting Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 65) 365, 367
      Rail Safety Bill 2009 (Serial 79) 347, 361
      Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 84) 346, 359
      Revenue Units Bill 2009 (Serial 64) 367
      Sale of Land (Rights and Duties of Parties) Bill 2009 (Serial 82) 346, 359
      Supreme Court Amendment (Mediation) Bill 2009 (Serial 63) 346, 359
      Teacher Registration (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 78) 346, 359
      Trade Measurement Legislation Repeal Bill 2009 (Serial 81) 346, 360
      Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 71) 344, 348

      Chief Minister and this Labor Government for their abject neglect of the people
      of Alice Springs and Central Australia (Mr Conlan) 357

      Aagaard, Alex son of the Speaker now residing in Alice Springs (Mrs Aagaard) 344
      Braham, Mrs Loraine former Member for Braitling and a former Speaker (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      CEOs who have come from Darwin (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Egan AO, Mr Ted former Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Nerys Evans
      (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Martin AO MBE, Mr Brian, former Chief Justice of the Northern Territory (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      McCarthy, Mrs Dawn the wife of the Minister for Transport (Mrs Aagaard) 344
      Mildren, Mr Justice Dean representing the Chief Justice of the Northern Territory
      (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Miller, Mrs Patricia, Deputy of the Administrator of the Northern Territory, representing
      the Administrator Mr Tom Pauling AO QC (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Napitupulu, Mr Harbangan Consul for the Republic of Indonesia (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Perkins, Mr Neville former Member for Macdonnell (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Ryan, His Worship the Mayor of Alice Springs, Mr Damien and Mrs Joanne Ryan
      (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Ryan, Mr Damien, His Worship the Mayor of Alice Springs (Mrs Aagaard) 352
      Statehood Steering Committee members (Mrs Aagaard) 343

      Determination of tied division
      The Speaker advised Members that – There being an equality of votes the result
      of the division is resolved in the negative, pursuant to section 27(1) of the
      Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 – re Censure of the Chief Minister 357

      Infrastructure Planning and Essential Services for Housing (Mr Tollner) 368

      Conlan, Mr, at 8.35pm to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour,
      Standing Order 240A, on account of his unruly interjections (Ms Walker) 357

      No. 13, Assent to proposed laws, October 2009, dated 16 November 2009 (Paper 590) 343

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of Time
      Carney, Ms, on motion of Ms Purick 352
      Conlan, Mr, on motion of Mr Styles 352
      Henderson, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 352
      Wood, Mr, on motion of Ms Walker 353
      Giles, Mr, Member for Braitling 368

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Alice Springs Law and Order (Ms Carney) - Negatived 351
      Anzac Oval (Ms Carney) 354
      Auditor-General’s November 2009 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 351
      Auditor-General’s November 2009 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 606) - Print 351
      Lovegrove Drive Roundabout (Ms Carney) - Amended motion agreed to 346, 354
      Northern Territory Legislative Assembly General Election Report 2008,
      dated 9 August 2009 – Note 351
      Public Housing for Alice Springs (Ms Carney) 355
      Standing Orders Committee’s Third Report of the 11th Assembly on the Committee
      reference, dated 18 August 2009 348, 368
      Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Entitlements of Assembly Members and
      Determination No. 1 of 2009 - Note (Mr Henderson) 365
      Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Entitlements of Assembly Members and
      Determination No. 1 of 2009 - Print (Mr Henderson) 365
      Smoking in Pubs and Clubs (Mr Styles) 347
      Standing Orders Committee’s Third Report of the 11th Assembly – Motion to Adopt
      Recommendations of Report (Dr Burns) 356, 361, 368
      Treasurer's Mid-Year Report, 2009/2010 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 365

      Annual Reports
      Auditor-General’s November 2009 Report to the Legislative Assembly
      (Paper 606) (Mrs Aagaard) 351
      Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Registration) Act 2004, 2008/2009 (Paper 641) 369
      Children’s Commissioner Northern Territory, 2008/2009 (Paper 627) 369
      Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board, 2008/2009 (Paper 622) 369
      Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 2008/2009 (Paper 592) 349
      Darwin Port Corporation, 2008/2009 (Paper 620) 369
      Darwin Waterfront Corporation, 2008/2009 (Paper 618) 369
      Department of Health and Families Annual Report, 2008/2009 - Corrigenda to
      (Paper 639) 369
      Department of Justice, 2008/2009, Addendum (Reference to Paper 559 tabled
      on 20 October 2009) 349
      Department of Justice, Report to the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing,
      2008/2009 (Paper 601) 349
      Department of Local Government and Housing, 2008/2009 (Paper 615) 369
      Department of Planning and Infrastructure, 2008/2009 (Paper 617) 369
      Department of the Legislative Assembly, 2008/2009 (Paper 614) 369
      Desert Knowledge, 2008/2009 (Paper 619) 369
      Land Development Corporation, 2008/2009 (Paper 616) 369
      Nitmiluk National Park Board, 2008/2009 (Paper 623) 369
      Northern Territory Electoral Commission, 2008/2009 (Paper 600) 349
      Northern Territory Grants Commission, 2008/2009 (Paper 598) 349
      NT Child Deaths Review and Prevention Committee, 2008/2009 (Paper 626) 369
      NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 2008/2009 (Paper 625) 369
      Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory of Australia, 2008/2009 (Paper 621) 369
      Tarcoola-Darwin Rail Regulation, 2008/2009 (Paper 597) 349
      Tourism NT, 2008/2009 (Paper 624) 369
      Treasurer's Mid-Year Report, 2009/2010 (Paper 638) 365
      Anzac Oval, photographs of facilities (Paper 608) (Ms Carney) 354
      Coroners Act
      In the matter of Deputy Coroner’s Findings and Recommendation into the death of
      Richard John Everett, pursuant to section 46B, dated 3 November 2009 (Paper 593) 349
      In the matter of the Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the deaths of
      Andras Polyak, pursuant to section 46B (Paper 595) 349
      In the matter of the Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the deaths of
      Mr David Gurralpa also known as Moscow and Mr Robert Plasto-Lehner,
      pursuant to section 46B, dated 3 November 2009 (Paper 594) 349
      Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), Why it is not necessary (Paper 637) (Mr Henderson) 363
      Explanatory Statements
      Environment Protection Authority Amendment Bill 2009 (Paper 635) (Mr Hampton) 361
      Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Bill 2009 (Qld) Notes
      (Paper 612) (Mr Vatskalis) 361
      Mining Amendment Bill 2009 (Paper 634) (Ms Lawrie) 360
      Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2009 (Paper 633) (Ms Lawrie) 360
      Rail Safety Bill 2009 (Paper 636) 361
      Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2009 (Paper 630) (Ms Lawrie) 359
      Sale of Land (Rights and Duties of Parties) Bill 2009 (Paper 629) (Ms Lawrie) 359
      Supreme Court Amendment (Mediation) Bill 2009 (Paper 631) (Ms Lawrie) 360
      Teacher Registration (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2009
      (Paper 628) (Mr Henderson) 359
      Trade Measurement Legislation Repeal Bill 2009 (Paper 632) (Ms Lawrie) 360
      Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 Act No. 45 of 2009 (Qld)
      (Paper 611) (Mr Vatskalis) 361
      Hydrographic Note, MV Orion (Paper 643) (Mr Giles) 369
      Northern Territory Legislative Assembly General Election Report 2008,
      dated 9 August 2009 (Paper 607) (Mrs Aagaard) 351
      Notice Paper, 26 November 2009 with hand written notes re order of business
      (Paper 640) (Mr Elferink) 367
      Peta Appleyard Gallery presents “Ink on Paper” an exhibition of limited edition
      highlights from the collection of Jodeen Carney MLA (Paper 610) (Ms Carney) 358
      Standing Orders Committee’s Third Report of the 11th Assembly on the Committee
      reference, dated 18 August 2009 348
      Regulations 2009
      No. 33, Cross-border Justice Regulations (Paper 599) 349
      Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Entitlements of Assembly Members and
      Determination No. 1 of 2009 (Paper 613) (Mr Henderson) 365
      Standing Orders Chapters IX and XII reflecting amendments contained in
      recommendations of the Third Report of the Standing Orders Committee,
      11th Assembly (Paper 609) (Dr Burns) 356
      Urapuntja Council Aboriginal Corporation Barkly Shire Local Board, Minutes
      Tuesday 19 May 2009 – Venue , Barkly Council Administration Office
      (Paper 642) (Ms Anderson) 369
      Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention - Authorised Person Training Program
      Outline – Policy and Practice Guidelines (Paper 602) (Mr Vatskalis) 348

      Northern Territory Aeromedical Service aircraft in Katherine be a full 24 hour service,
      Petition No. 29, together with a petition from 62 petitioners of similar intent,
      not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 605) (Mr Westra van Holthe)
      (1942 petitioners) 351
      Safety Barrier be constructed on Tiger Brennan Drive between Woolner and Benison
      Roads, Petition No. 28 (Paper 604) (Mr Tollner) (47 petitioners) 351

      White Ribbon Day (Mrs Aagaard) 351

      Alcoota School middle years classes with teachers, Mr Vern Hardie, the Teaching
      Principal, and Assistant Teacher, Ms Mill Savage, and daughter, Yaz Hardie
      (Mrs Aagaard) 345
      Alice Springs High School students Year 9/2 class, with teachers, Mrs Marg McHughes
      and Miss Sarah Edwards, together with Inclusion Support Assistants,
      Ms Davina Edwards and Mr Charlie Larkins (Mrs Aagaard) 345
      Alice Springs High School Year 7 students accompanied by Miss Sarah Edwards and
      Miss Michela Renders (Mrs Aagaard) 353
      ANZAC Hill High School Year 7 students, together with teachers Mrs Michele Marshall
      and Year 7 Coordinator, Ms Mandy Hargreaves (Mrs Aagaard) 361
      ANZAC Hill High School Year 8 students accompanied by Ms Narelle Cameron,
      Ms Anita Togolo and Mr Michael Kanaan (Ms walker) 362
      ANZAC Hill High School Year 8 students, with their teacher Ms Narelle Cameron
      and (ISAs) Ms Anita Togolo and Mr Michael Kanaan (Mrs Aagaard) 352
      Araluen Christian College Year 7 and 8 students accompanied by their teachers,
      Mrs Jenny McAllan and Mr Mandla Khumalo (Ms Walker) 362
      Araluen Christian Collegel Years 5/6 students with their Principal, Mrs Hilary Saunders
      and teacher, Ms Sandra Cooper (Mrs Aagaard) 352
      Braitling Primary School students from Year 3 and Year 4 accompanied by Ms Lyn Ansell
      (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Braitling Primary School students Year 3/4 accompanied by their teachers Ms Lyn Ansell,
      Mr Chad Manning, who is a student teacher from the University of Newcastle,
      Ms Emma Cornock, a parent volunteer, and Mrs Alice de Brenni, parent volunteer
      (Ms Scrymgour) 344
      Braitling Primary School Year 3/4B students together with Ms Amanda Bond and
      Mrs Tracey-Lee Forrester (Mrs Aagaard) 359
      Braitling Primary School, Year 3/4, together with teachers, Ms Joanne Moar,
      Mrs Tracey-Lee Forester, and Mr Christopher Myers (Mrs Aagaard) 351
      Harts Range School students, Middle Years 7, 8 and 9, together with teacher,
      Mr Daniel Slade and assistant teacher, Ms Christina Stevens (Mrs Aagaard) 351
      Larapinta Primary School students, Year 5/6, with teachers, Ms Annie Lewis,
      Mr Peter Andrews, and Mrs Candy Kerr (Mrs Aagaard) 344
      Larapinta Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Jessica Lambshead
      and Mrs Holly Bennett, and Mr Peter Andrews as support staff (Mrs Aagaard) 354
      Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Sadadeen Campus students, four students from
      Year 11, and 17 students from Year 9, together with their teachers, Ms Marie Daykin
      and Mr Jon Raveney (Mrs Aagaard) 353
      Sadadeen Primary School students, Years 5 and 6, together with their Assistant Principal,
      Ms Wendy Haynes, and teachers, Mrs Heather Lysaght, Ms Lonia Mitchell,
      Mrs Lauren Barrett, and ISAs, Mr Stephan Theriault and Ms Lynne Bielefeld (Mrs Aagaard) 360
      Sandover Group Schools Special Educator, Ms Kelly Hayes (Mrs Aagaard) 351
      St Philip’s College Year 9 students accompanied by Ms Kate Bennett and
      Mrs Leslie Tilbrook (Mrs Aagaard) 345
      St Philip’s College Year 9 students, together with Assistant Deputy Headmaster
      Mr Paul Wilson, and their teacher, Mr Christopher Raja (Mrs Aagaard) 353
      Statehood Steering Committee members (Mrs Aagaard) 343
      Steps Employment and Training, together with their trainer, Mr Duncan Rae (Mrs Aagaard) 345
      Wallace Rockhole School senior class together with Ms Maryse Turenne,
      Ms Angela Abbott and Ms Melissa Powell (Mrs Aagaard) 361
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016