Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2010-02-16

Index to Minutes – 16 February 2010 to 25 February 2010

From To Pages
16 February 2010 25 February 2010 371 - 407

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Administrative Arrangements of Government - effective from 9 February 2010
      made by his Honour the Administrator as a result of those ministerial changes
      promulgated on 4 December 2009 – Gazette S6, dated 9 February 2010 (Paper 645) 371

      Aboriginal Land Amendment (Inter-tidal Waters) Bill 2008 (Serial 19) 401
      Care and Protection of Children (Investigative Powers) Bill 2009 (Serial 85) 398
      Companies (Trustees and Personal Representatives) (National Uniform Legislation)
      Implementation Bill 2010 (Serial 92) 397, 404
      Consumer Credit (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Bill 2010 (Serial 90) 380, 385
      Criminal Code Amendment (Mandatory Sentences for Certain Assaults) Bill 2009
      (Serial 87) 384
      Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 68) 382
      Environment Protection Authority Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 80) 381, 385
      Health and Community Services Complaints Amendment (Further Investigations)
      Bill 2009 (Serial 88) 398
      Health Practitioner (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Bill 2010 (Serial 93) 389, 395
      Health Practitioner Regulation (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2009 (Serial 76) 395, 396
      Information Amendment (Fees) Bill 2009 (Serial 83) 399
      Justice Legislation Amendment (Penalties) Bill 2010 (Serial 95) 397, 404
      Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (Serial 94) 397, 404
      Mining Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 60) 405
      Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 72) 373
      Petroleum Amendment and Related Matters Bill 2010 (Serial 91) 374, 379
      Police Administration (Service Medal) Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 74) 383
      Police Administration Amendment (Grievances) Bill 2009 (Serial 86) 399
      Public Authorities Advertising Bill 2008 (Serial 16) - Withdrawn 397
      Public Information Bill 2010 (Serial 77) 373
      Rail Safety Bill 2009 (Serial 79) 404
      Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 84) 389, 391, 393
      Sale of Land (Rights and Duties of Parties) Bill 2009 (Serial 82) 386, 387
      Supreme Court Amendment (Mediation) Bill 2009 (Serial 63) 387
      Teacher Registration (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2009 (Serial 78) 380
      Trade Measurement Legislation Repeal Bill 2009 (Serial 81) 389
      Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2009 (Serial 69) 382
      Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2009 (Serial 70) 382

      Chief Minister and all Ministers and former Ministers for Child Protection since 2001
      which includes the Member for Nightcliff, the Member for Karama,
      the Member for Arafura, the Member for Arnhem and the Member for Casuarina -
      Negatived 387
      Chief Minister and Minister for Education and Training re educational achievement
      standards of Territory students (Mr Mills) 375

      Seda, Mr Franciscous Xaverius (Frans) AM, deceased 31 December 2009 (Mr Henderson) 403

      Hatton, Honourable Steve, former Chief Minister of the Legislative Assembly (Mrs Aagaard) 380
      Perkins, Mr Neville, OAM former Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Mr Abdul Khan
      (Mrs Aagaard) 395
      Perkins, Mr Neville, OAM, former Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Mr Abdul Khan
      (Mrs Aagaard) 389
      Seda, Mr Frans - family and friends Consul of the Republic of Indonesia,
      Mr Harbajan Napatapulu, and staff of the Consulate, Mr Barry Coulter,
      former Deputy Chief Minister of the Legislative Assembly, Mr Rick Setter,
      former Member for Jingili of the Legislative Assembly 403
      Steele, Honourable Roger, former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and
      Mr Larry Johns, Traditional Owner Timber Creek area 386

      Determination of tied division
      The Speaker advised Members that – There being an equality of votes the result
      of the division is resolved in the negative, pursuant to section 27(1) of the
      Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 – re Suspend Standing Orders
      to move censure of government on Indigenous Housing in the Territory 387, 402

      Carney, Ms for sittings week, 16 to 18 February 2010 373
      Carney, Ms for sittings week, 23 to 25 February 2010 (Mr Elferink) 390
      Scrymgour, Ms for 16 February 2010 374
      Scrymgour, Ms for Thursday 17 February 2010 385
      Scrymgour, Ms, 17 February 2010 379

      Conlan, Mr to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour,
      pursuant to Standing Order 240A, effective from 2.58pm. 381

      No. 16, Recommending the Mining Amendment Bill 2009, dated 17 February 201
      (Paper 720) 403
      No.14, Assent to proposed laws, December 2009, dated 2 February 2010 (Paper 644) 371

      Climate Change (Mr Henderson) 393
      Territory 2030 Strategic Plan (Mr Henderson) 373

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Business Postponed
      Care and Protection of Children (Investigative Powers) Bill 2009 (Serial 85)
      in name of Ms Carney postponed consideration (Mr Elferink) 380
      Oncology Services in Alice Springs, motion postponed (Mr Conlan) 380
      Extension of Time
      Bohlin, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 377
      Burns, Dr, on motion of Mr Conlan 376
      Chandler, Mr, on motion of Mr Conlan 375
      Elferink, M, on motion of Mr Styles 396
      Elferink, Mr, on motion of Mr Tollner 406
      Giles, Mr, on motion of Mr Styles 398
      Gunner, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 393
      Gunner, Mr, on motion of Mr Knight 388
      Henderson, Mr, on motion of Mr McCarthy 394
      Knight, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 394
      Knight, Mr, on motion of Mr Westra van Holthe 376
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Dr Burns 391
      Lawrie, Ms, on motion of Mr Elferink 373
      McCarthy, Ms, on motion of Ms Walker 376
      Scrymgour, Ms, on motion of Mr Westra van Holthe 397
      Styles, Mr, on motion of Mr Bohlin 406
      Tollner, Mr, on motion of Mr Bohlin 391
      Tollner, Mr, on motion of Mr Giles 394
      Walker, Ms, on motion of Dr Burns 377
      Westra van Holthe, Mr, on motion of Mr Giles 398
      Wood, Mr, on motion of Dr Burns 394
      Wood, Mr, on motion of Mr Gunner 376
      Leave denied Mr Elferink to debate Public Accounts Committee, Committee Deliberations 406
      Leave granted to withdraw amendment to Territory Indigenous Expenditure Review
      Committee motion (Mr Wood) 400
      Leave to incorporate parts of speech missed due to technical difficulties (Mr Vatskalis) 379
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Allow Leader of the Opposition to move - censure of the Chief Minister and
      Minister for Education and Training in regard to educational achievement
      standards of Territory students (Mr Mills) 375
      Allow Mr Mills to move a motion to censure the Chief Minister and all former
      Ministers who have had Ministerial carriage of Child Protection Portfolios 386
      Withdrawn Bills
      Public Authorities Advertising Bill 2008 (Serial 16) (Mr Mills) 397
      Withdrawn Motions
      Power and Water Authority (Mr Elferink) 397

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Acacia Hills School and Special Education Facility for Alice Springs – Passed (Mr Conlan) 382
      Auditor-General’s February 2010 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 708) –
      Note (Mr Henderson) 389
      Auditor-General’s February 2010 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 708) –
      Print (Mr Henderson) 389
      Auditor-General’s November 2009 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 381
      Climate Change (Mr Henderson) - Note 393, 398, 406
      Council of Territory Cooperation, First Report, dated February 2010 (Paper 714) –
      Note (Mr Wood) 396, 398, 406
      Disallowance of Subordinate Legislation No. 2 relating to Freedom of Information
      costs (Mr Elferink) 397, 403, 405
      Indigenous Affairs, Agency funding (Ms Anderson) - Negatived 390, 399
      Mini-Statements, reference to Standing Orders Committee (Mr Wood) 389, 399
      Northern Territory Legislative Assembly General Election Report 2008,
      dated 9 August 2009 – Note 381
      Power Water authority, Inquiry pursuant to section 4A of Inquiries Act (Mr Elferink) 374
      Primary Industry Production - Note 388
      Prison Farm for Alice Springs Goal (Mr Wood) 383
      Public Accounts Committee
      Membership changes, Dr Burns discharged and Ms Scrymgour appointed
      with effect from 16 February 2010 372
      Rural Residential Land Development near the Alice Springs Airport (Mr Wood) 383
      Strategic Review of The Northern Territory Auditor-General’s Office,
      dated September 2009 – Note 381
      Territory 2030 Strategic Plan – Note 373, 376, 387
      Territory Indigenous Expenditure Review Committee (Ms Anderson) - Negatived 390, 400
      Territory Insurance Office, Fire Bombing of Premises (Mr Henderson) 372
      Towards Northern Territory Statehood – Issues for Consideration by the Standing
      Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Paper 729) – Note (Mrs Aagaard) 407
      Towards Northern Territory Statehood – Issues for Consideration by the Standing
      Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Paper 729) – Print (Mrs Aagaard) 407
      Treasurer's Annual Financial Report, 2008/2009 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 393
      Treasurer's Mid-Year Report, 2009/2010 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 393

      Aagaard, Mrs for Mr Chandler for period 10.45an to 12 Noon, 18 February 2010 (Paper 699) 385
      Scrymgour, Ms and Ms Carney, 16 February 2010 374
      Scrymgour, Ms for Ms Carney for 18 February 2010 (Paper 698) 385
      Scrymgour, Ms, for Ms Carney - 24 to 25 February 2010 401

      A Report Relating to a Child Protection Notification made to Northern Territory Families
      and Children in Respect of Baby BM (Paper 682) (Mr Vatskalis) 381
      Annual Reports
      Auditor-General’s February 2010 Report to the Legislative Assembly
      (Paper 708) (Mr Henderson) 389
      AustralAsia Railway, Corporation 2008/2009 (Paper 701) 388
      Australian Crime Commission, 2008/2009 (Paper 709) 394
      Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board 2008/2009 (Paper 727) 407
      Heritage Advisory Council, 2008/2009 (Paper 703) 388
      National Trust of Australia (NT), 2008/2009 (Paper 710) 394
      Northern Territory of Australia Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority 2008/2009
      (Paper 726) 407
      NT Build, 2008/2009 (Paper 702) 388
      Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 2008/2009 (Paper 684) 384
      Anzac Hill High School, 23 years of learning – Over the Hill 2009 (Paper 677) (Mr Giles) 377
      ANZAC ON Parade 2009 (Paper 678) (Mr Giles) 377
      Audit Procedures for Compliance of Acts relating to Ministerial Portfolios
      (Paper 725) (Mr Vatskalis) 405
      Building on our Strengths, A Framework for Action for Women in the Territory
      2008-2012, First Progress Report 2008–2010 (Paper 729) (Ms McCarthy) 406
      Casino Operator’s Agreement, Skycity Darwin, Delia Lawrie as Treasurer and
      Skycity Darwin PTY Limited and Skycity Australia PTY LTD,
      dated 20 January 2010 (Paper 724) 407
      CENTREFARM, potential for horticulture development in Central Australia
      (Paper 691) (Mr Wood) 383
      Coroners Act
      In the matter of coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the death of
      Declan Brian McConville, pursuant to section 46B, dated 15 January 2010 (Paper 659) 377
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the death of
      Frances McKechnie, pursuant to section 46B, dated 11 December 2009 (Paper 661) 377
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the death of
      John Edward May, pursuant to section 46B, dated 28 January 2010 (Paper 663) 377
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the death of
      Kenneth William Hill, pursuant to section 46B, dated 2 December 2009 (Paper 662) 377
      In the matter of Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the death of
      Kunmanara Forbes, pursuant to section 46B, dated 2 December 2009, (Paper 660) 377
      Council of Territory Cooperation, First Report, dated February 2010 (Paper 714) (Mr Wood) 396
      Declaration of Special Restricted Areas, Lots 4367/6185/6186/4886/4888/9077/4959/
      4664/6960, pursuant to section 101AD, dated 2 February 2010 (Paper 668) 377
      Dog Exercise Areas at Tipperary Waters - Email to Member for Port Darwin from
      Brooke Miller (Paper 695) (Mr Elferink) 384
      Explanatory Statements
      Care and Protection of Children (Investigative Powers) Bill 2009 (Paper 715) (Mr Conlan) 398
      Companies (Trustees and Personal Representatives) (National Uniform Legislation)
      Implementation Bill 2010 (Paper 722) (Ms Lawrie) 404
      Consumer Credit (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Bill 2010 (Paper 700) 385
      Criminal Code Amendment (Mandatory Sentences for Certain Assaults) Bill 2009
      (Paper 693) (Mr Mills) 384
      Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2009 (Paper 686) 382
      Health and Community Services Complaints Amendment (Further Investigations)
      Bill 2009 (Paper 716) (Mr Conlan) 399
      Health Practitioner (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation Bill 2010
      (Paper 712) (Mr Vatskalis) 395
      Information Amendment (Fees) Bill 2009 (Paper 718) (Mr Bohlin) 399
      Justice Legislation Amendment (Penalties) Bill 2010 (Paper 721) (Ms Lawrie) 404
      Liquor Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (Paper 723) (Ms Lawrie) 404
      Petroleum Amendment and Related Matters Bill 2010 (Serial 91)
      (Paper 679) (Mr Vatskalis) 379
      Police Administration (Service Medal) Amendment Bill 2009 (Paper 692) (Mr Mills) 384
      Police Administration Amendment (Grievances) Bill 2009 (Paper 717) 399
      Public Information Bill 2010 (Paper 647) 373
      Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2009 (Paper 687) 382
      Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2009 (Paper 688) 382
      Help Stop Canberra’s Nuclear Waste Dump in the Territory (Paper 711) (Mr Tollner) 394
      Interim Progress Report into Northern Territory Families and Children Intake and
      Response Processes (Paper 681) (Mr Vatskalis) 380
      Albanese, Hon Anthony, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional
      Development and Local Government to Ms Delia Lawrie Treasurer re
      Alice Springs Airport Preliminary Draft 2009 Master Plan,
      dated 4 November 2009 (Paper 690) (Mr McCarthy) 383
      Elferink, John, Member for Port Darwin to Hon Delia Lawrie, Treasurer re
      Administrative decision affecting Mr Tony Maroulis, dated 16 November 2009
      re objection to principal place of residence rebate decision (Paper 706) (Mr Elferink) 388
      Lawrie, Hon Delia, Treasurer to John Elferink, Member for Port Darwin re
      Mr Tony Maroulis, dated 16 November 2009 re objection to principal place of
      residence rebate decision (Paper 707) (Mr Elferink) 388
      Phang, Kevin, Assistant Director Legislative Policy, to A and CBE Maroulis,
      dated 2 November 2009 re objection to principal place of residence rebate
      decision (Paper 705) (Mr Elferink) 388
      Liquor Act
      Declaration of the Special Restricted Area Town of Maranunga, pursuant to
      section 101AD, dated 29 January 2010 (Paper 667) 377
      Media Release by Chief Minister (Mr Henderson), dated 30 January 2009 re
      Territory Leads the Country in Education Investment (Paper 648) (Mr Mills) 374
      Members’ Overseas Travel Reports pursuant to Remuneration Tribunal
      Determination No. 1 of 2009
      Member for Braitling (Mr Giles) - Report on the 4th International Parliamentary
      Governance Seminar (Paper 674) 376
      Member for Goyder (Ms Purick) - Report on the 18th Australian and Pacific
      Regional Seminar (Paper 671) 376
      Member for Nelson (Mr Wood) - Report on NT Parliamentarians visit to
      Timor Leste (Paper 672) 376
      Member for Nhulunbuy (Ms Walker) - Report on NT Parliamentarians
      visit to Timor Leste (Paper 670) 376
      Speaker’s report on NT Parliamentarians visit to Timor Leste (Paper 673) 376
      Members’ Travel Reports pursuant to Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2009
      Member for Brennan (Mr Chandler) trip to Perth, Western Australia from
      12 January 2010 to 17 January 2010 (Paper 713) 396
      Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2008/2009 (Paper 665) 377
      Scrymgour, Ms and Ms Carney for 17 February 2010 (Paper 698) 379
      Scrymgour, Ms for Ms Carney - 24 February 2010 and 25 February 2010 (Paper 719) 401
      Photograph of Danny Kitchell (Paper 694) (Mr Tollner) 384
      Port Darwin Schools Christmas Card Competition, Entries (Paper 676) (Mr Elferink) 377
      Port Darwin Schools Christmas Card Competition, Winner (Paper 675) (Mr Elferink) 377
      Power and Water Capital Investment Program and Government Support -
      Government Receipts and Payments (Paper 683) (Ms Lawrie) 381
      Professional Standards Act 1994
      Australian Computer Society Limited Liability (NSW) Scheme – Adoption of
      Scheme in the Northern Territory (Paper 666) 378
      Regulations 2009
      No. 34, Fees and Charges Amendment (Paper 650) 378
      No. 35, Education (Non-Government Schools) (Paper 651) 378
      No. 36, Darwin Waterfront Corporation (Paper 652) 378
      No. 37, Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Amendment (Paper 653) 378
      No. 38, Fisheries Amendment (Possession Limits) (Paper 654) 378
      No. 39, Corporations Law Amendment Rules (Paper 655) 378
      No. 40, Tobacco Control Amendment (Paper 656) 378
      No. 41, Spanish Mackerel Fishery Management Plan Amendment (Paper 657) 378
      Regulations 2010
      No. 1, Barramundi Fishery Management Plan (Paper 658) 378
      No. 2, Information Amendment Regulations (Paper 685) 384
      Remuneration Tribunal Report on the Entitlements of Magistrates and
      Determination No. 1 of 2009 (Paper 669) 378
      Schedule of Territory Government $30M Special Schools Infrastructure Plan
      (Paper 689) (Mr Wood) 382
      Surveillance Devices Act
      OmbudsmanNT Report to the Honourable Paul Henderson MLA, Minister for
      Police, Fire and Emergency Services and to the Legislative Assembly,
      pursuant to section 64(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007
      (Northern Territory), for period 1 July 2009 to 31 December 2009 (Paper 664) 378
      Temporary Electricity Switchboard on, but by Ms Alyssa Betts,
      dated 3 February 2009 (Paper 680) (Mr Elferink) 380
      Towards Northern Territory Statehood – Issues for Consideration by the
      Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Paper 729) (Mrs Aagaard) 407
      Warray Plants and Animals – Aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from the upper
      Adelaide and upper Finniss Rivers, northern Australia Authors - Doris Lidawi White,
      Elsie Ajibak O’Brien, Dolly Mabul Fejo, Roger Wurdirdi Yates, Ada Ajibak Goodman,
      Mark Harvey and Glenn Wightman (Paper 704) 388

      No. 25 relating to ANZAC Hill High School campus retaining a separate campus
      within the new Centralian Middle School (Paper 696) 385
      Nos. 24, 27 and 28 relating to respectively
        Independence of the Northern Territory Environmental Protection Authority (EPA),
        Emergency Transitional Housing facility, and noise barrier along Tiger Brennan
        Drive and Woolner (Paper 646) 373

      Bohlin, Mr drew attention to the state of the Assembly 388
      Giles, Mr drew attention to the state of the Assembly 376
      Giles, Mr, drew attention to state of the Assembly 405
      Giles, Mr, drew attention to the state of the Assembly 394
      Styles, Mr, drew attention to the state of the Assembly 393
      Tollner, Mr, drew attention to the state of the Assembly 394

      Etiquette to be followed by Members when debating and making references
      to parliamentary colleagues 379
      General Business time periods -pursuant to Standing Order 93 now occurs
      each sittings week Wednesday from 5.30pm to 9pm 382
      Members of mobile and IPhones to be turned off in chamber (Mrs Aagaard) 385
      Questions procedure regime as result of changed Standing Orders (Mrs Aagaard) 374
      Seda, Mr Francisco’s (Frans) Exaverius, deceased on 31 December 2009 403

      Lloyd, John, family and friends of the late - his widow, Audrey Lloyd daughter
      Gwyn Balch (and her husband Steve Balch, former Member of the Legislative Assembly) 402
      Darwin High School students accompanied by Ms Jane Farr (Mrs Aagaard) 395
      Holy Spirit School, Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Bernadette Morriss
      (Principal), Ms Ruth Egner (Teacher), Mr Doug Bon (Teacher) (Mrs Aagaard) 373
      Moil Primary School Year 3/4/5 students accompanied by Mrs Rosita Kandiah
      and Mr Damon Feng (Mrs agaard) 373
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016