Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms Marie-Clare Boothby

Marie-Clare Boothby
Electorate Brennan
Party Country Liberal Party
Committee/s Legal and Constitutional Affairs; Standing Committee on the ICAC
Shadow MinistryShadow Minister for Tourism and Hospitality; Business, Jobs and Training; Racing, Gaming and Licensing; Women; Veterans Affairs; Equality and Inclusion

Electorate Office Address

Address Shop 2 Palmerston Shopping Centre, Palmerston NT 0830
Postal address PO Box 32, Palmerston NT 0831
Phone (business hours) +61 (08) 8999 5587
Phone (after hours) 

+61 (08) 8932 7488

Parliament House Office Address

AddressParliament House, Darwin NT 0800
Postal addressGPO Box 3700, Darwin NT 0801
Phone+61 (08) 8946 1453

Last updated: 18 Oct 2023