Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Chief Minister - Executive Support


10th Assembly


42. Chief Minister - Executive Support

Ms Carney to for Chief Minister

Chief Minister - Executive Support

1. The Budget estimate for Support to Executive, Ministers and Leader of the Opposition in 2004-05 was $17.701 million, for 2005-06 it is $17.791 million; why the variation?

2. What wasthe cost of maintaining eight ministerial offices and the Leader of the Opposition’s office in 2004-05, andwhat is the forecast cost for 2005-06?

3. Given the speculation of your Ministry increasing to nine will there be a further increase in the Budget estimate for 2005-06?


Answered on 06/02/2006

1. The variance of $0.09 million budget between 2005-06 and 2004-05 is the result of additional funding provided for the 3% EBA salary increase, offset by the 1% productivity dividend, 0.5% CPI reduction and savings achieved from the new Government messaging contract, which were applied across the agency.

2. The cost of maintaining eight ministerial offices and the Leader of the Opposition’s office in 2004-05 was $13,242,501. The Budget estimate for 2005-06 as appearing in the Budget Papers was $11.979 million.

3. There will be an increase in the Budget estimate for 2005-06 as a result of the appointment of a ninth Minister.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016