Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Child Protection Services


11th Assembly


206. Child Protection Services

Mrs Lambley to MINISTER for Children and Families

    1. For each recommendation of the 2007 Bath Inquiry High Risk Audit Report, have they been fully, partially implemented or not implemented at all. If partially implemented or not implemented at all, when will the recommendations be implemented?
      2. For each recommendation of the Bath Report into the Department of Children and Families (formerly NTFC) Intake system, have they been fully, partially implemented or not implemented at all. If partially or not implemented at all, when will the recommendations be implemented?

      3. For each recommendation of the 2007 Jay Tolhurst Report into the NTFC Intake System of child protection, have they been fully, partially implemented or not implemented at all. If partially implemented or not implemented at all, when will the recommendations be implemented?
        4. For each recommendation of the 2009 Coronial Inquest in the Death of Deborah Melville, have they been fully, partially implemented or not implemented at all. If partially implemented or not implemented at all, when will the recommendations be implemented?

        5. How many Department of Children and Families residential care homes are currently providing care to children?
          6. Where are those Department of Children and Families residential care homes located?

          7. How many children under the care of the CEO are currently residing in a Department of Children and Families residential care home?

          8. What are the ages of the children currently residing in Department of Children and Families residential care homes and how long has each child been residing in their current Department of Children and Families residential care home?
            9. How many staff are allocated to each child by age who currently are residing in Department of Children and Families residential care homes?

            10. How many children currently under the care of the CEO are residing interstate or are placed with carers who are residing interstate?
              11. Given the announcement that the Government will provide an extra $130 million over 5 years to improve child protection services in the Territory, what amount of funding of that $130 million will be provided to the Children’s Commissioner?

              12. Has the Minister investigated the claim made by Save the Children and reported in the Growing them stronger, together report on page 255 that no notification made in relation to children on a town camp has resulted in children being removed to safety despite at times serious violence and neglect issues? If not, why not?
                13. Since the Coroner handed down his report into the death of Deborah Melville, how many children in the care of the CEO have been placed with kinship carers and did the Department undertake assessments of the capacity of each of these kinship carers to care for the child?
                  14. Has the Minister instructed the Department to review all child protection notifications that were “written off”, that is closed off without investigation following the release of the Jay Tolhurst Report into the Child Intake system? If not, why not?

                  15. As at 1 January 2010, how many children are in the care and protection of the CEO and how many of those children in care have current case management plans?
                    16. As at 1 January 2010, how many families have been placed on Income Management plans effecting 70% of their welfare payments?


                  Answered on 21/06/2011

                  Last updated: 04 Aug 2016