Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government


16 September 2008

3. Bob Collins - Investigation and Prosecution


1. On what date or dates did -
    (a) police brief government ministers and/or staff on the investigation into Bob Collins;
    (b) police brief any other government departments or public servants in respect to the investigation into Bob Collins;
    (c) police brief Chief Minister, Paul Henderson, as Chief Minister or in any other role, regarding the Bob Collins investigation and, if these briefings occurred, who was present at these briefings?

2. Did the now Chief Minister, then Police minister, Mr Paul Henderson, discuss or inform the then Chief Minister Ms Clare Martin of the nature of the briefings he had received regarding Bob Collins; if so, how did this discussion occur (by phone or meeting) and who was present at this meeting?

3. Did the then Chief Minister, Ms Clare Martin, contact the Police Commissioner on 9 February 2005 on the strength of a rumour she had heard about Bob Collins; if so, in respect of this information:
    (a) what investigations have been conducted to trace the source of the rumour;
    (b) what internal audits have been conducted to determine the source of how this rumour was leaked into the public domain; and
      (c) what are the results of any such audit/investigation?
      4. Did NT Police contact ministerial staffer, Mr Mark Nelson, in June 2004 to organise a briefing regarding their investigations of Bob Collins with his minister Mr Paul Henderson; if so, in regard to this meeting and briefing, would the Chief Minister make available:
          (a) all relevant documents relating to the organisation of that briefing; and

          (b) any e-mails, diary entries or notes in police files regarding that briefing?

        5. If government declines to provide details on the timings and information provided at these briefings enumerated in questions 1 to 4, on what grounds are the details withheld?

        6. Was there any communication between ministers’ offices and the Department of Justice regarding the Bob Collins investigations; if so, what was the substance of those communications and when did they occur; and will the government make available any documents including unofficial documents such as e-mails, notes or any other such communication pertaining to such communications?

        7. Was Bob Collins’ name removed from court lists; if so, why, and what grounds did the prosecution support the suppression order sought by defence counsel in the Bob Collins investigation?

        8. Did Supt Gary Smith of the Northern Territory Police (now deceased), write a letter suggesting unwarranted interference into investigations surrounding Bob Collins; if so, will the government provide a copy of that letter to the Leader of the Opposition and, if not, why not?

        9. Will the Chief Minister support a judicial inquiry into the activities of Bob Collins in the Territory, including identifying any other victims and the interaction and involvement between ministers, ministerial offices and Bob Collins and associates in the time leading up to and following the announcement of an investigation into these activities?


        The member for Port Darwin has received a full briefing on this issue and I will not be answering any further questions on this matter.

        21 October 2008

        13. Community Benefit Fund – Annual Report 2006-07


        Section 68B(4) of the Gaming Control Act requires that an annual report be provided to parliament regarding the operation and dissemination of the Community Benefit Fund. Essentially, the report cannot be tabled later than October in the next financial year. The 2006-07 annual report has not been submitted.

        1. Why is the annual report still not available even though it is a year late?

        2. Why has the requirements of the act not been adhered to?


        The Community Benefit Fund committee must provide a report on its activities within three months of the end of the financial year.

        During October 2006, responsibility for the fund transferred from Northern Territory Treasury to the Department of Justice, along with other Racing, Gaming and Licensing functions. In April 2007, due to a realignment of functions, the fund secretariat transferred from Enterprise House to the Community and Justice Policy Unit in Old Admiralty Towers.

        Information about the overall performance of the fund and its grant program were included in the Department of Justice Annual Report for that year. The fund secretariat assumed that this information formed the annual report of the committee.

        Due to the passage of time, the Chair of the committee assumed that the regulatory requirements had been met.

        The information in the Department of Justice Annual Report is insufficient to meet the requirements of the act. Once the error was realised, a report was finalised and was tabled in the October 2008 sittings.

        The fund is audited on a regular basis and documentation on all aspects of the fund is maintained.

        28 October 2008

        16. Power and Water Corporation – Fuel Supply


        1. How much diesel has the PAWC purchased to provide an alternate fuel reserve to power their installations in the event that there is a disruption to the supply of gas since 1 July 2007?

        2. What was the total purchase price of the reserve diesel stock? Would you provide this detail by power station in the Alice Springs and Darwin regions?


        Purchases at Channel Island are a direct response to providing alternate fuel reserve in the event of disruption to gas supply. Alice Springs can and does use distillate during normal operations. The distillate is purchased under existing and expired contracts, the terms of which are commercial-in-confidence.

        Channel Island purchases to directly displace any gas shortfall:

        2007-08 2008-09 July 09-Sept 09

        27 ML 74 ML 17 ML

        Alice Springs purchases to directly displace any gas shortfall:

        2007-08 2008-09 July 09-Sept 09

        3 ML - -

        Fuel Holdings as at 30/9/2009 Litres
          Channel Island 5 ML
          Katherine 0.7 ML
          Berrimah (Kerosene) 47 kL
          Alice Springs 1.2 ML
          Owen Springs 0.4 kL

        17. Gas Supplies


        Has ConocoPhillips agreed to supply the NT government with gas in the event normal supplies are disrupted? If so:
          (a) how much gas will be supplied;
          (b) how much will that gas cost the NT government; and

          (c) will there be a cap on the amount of gas supplied?


        1. ConocoPhillips (CoP) has agreed to supply gas to Power and Water in the event normal supplies are disrupted.
          (a) No less than 2.5 petajoules (PJ) per annum (or equivalent to 1.5 to two months of Power and Water’s total NT demand) will be available.
          (b) The cost of the gas sold to Power and Water, by CoP varies with volume taken and the prevailing price of the Japanese Crude Cocktail (JCC), a pricing structure that determines the price points for LNG in the Japanese market.
          (c) The agreed gas supply of 2.5 PJ/annum is approximately 30% above Power and Water’s current daily requirements. More gas is available, if required.

        19. Capital Infrastructure


        1. Please provide a list of the works on the approved capital infrastructure program, including proposed tender and construction time lines.

        2. Please provide a compete list of the forward capital works under consideration for approval to be added to the infrastructure program, including proposed time lines for completion.

        3. Please provide a list of forward capital works that have been identified by departments as necessary for inclusion into required capital works into the future.


        1. For details of this question, and answer, please see Attachment A.

        2. There is no public forward capital works listing; however after the Cabinet Budget process Cabinet will announce the new full Capital Works Program, complete with commencement dates. Project completion dates can be advised after this process.

        3. Each of the departments provides their own requirements for capital works to Budget Cabinet. On completion of the Cabinet Budget process, Cabinet will announce the new full Capital Works Program, complete with commencement dates. My department can provide project completion dates after this process.

        21. ENI Gas


        1. What are the terms of the arrangements between the NT government and ENI Australia to supply gas to the Power and Water Corporation?

        2. What price will the Territory be paying for each MMBtu of gas from the project?

        3. What is the anticipated annual cost to be paid by Power and Water for the supply?

        4. Is the Territory contributing to the construction of the infrastructure associated with the delivery of gas to Darwin? If so, can the commitment be detailed and what is the cost of the Territory government’s commitment?


        1. Pursuant to a Gas Sale Agreement (GSA) between ENI and Power and Water up to 860 petajoules (PJ) of Blacktip gas will be sold to Power and Water Corporation over a 25-year period commencing in 2009. In accordance with the GSA, Power and Water will be entitled to purchase up to 37 PJ of gas each year, at a maximum daily rate of 104 Terajoules (TJ) per day.

        2. Power and Water’s contractual arrangements with ENI are bound by confidentiality undertakings, given by both parties.

        3. Power and Water’s contractual arrangements with ENI are bound by confidentiality undertakings, given by both parties.

        4. The Bonaparte gas pipeline (BGP) has been constructed by APA Group, for an estimated $170m as stated publicly by the company. Power and Water has entered into a 25-year haulage contract with APA Group, and will pay an annual tariff for use of the pipeline. The tariff quantum is subject to the standard confidentially provisions in the contract.

        22. Electricity Network


        1. What are the terms of reference given to Mr Mervyn Davies to investigate the problems with the NT electricity network?

        2. How many generators are being brought into Darwin to provide emergency/back-up power? Break down by size and type.

        3. What is the total cost of transporting the generators to the Territory?

        4. Are the generators leased or has the government purchased the generators? How many and what generators have been purchased? How many and what generators have been leased?

        5. If purchased, how much has the government paid? Please itemise by type.

        6. What are the lease arrangements for the borrowed generators? Where have they come from? How long will they be leased for? What is the cost per week to have the generators on loan?

        7. Are there arrangements to ensure the security of the generators once in place? Please outline those arrangements.

        8. Are there arrangements in place to guarantee the supply of diesel to the generators for the duration the generators are required? What are those arrangements?

        9. What is the fuel consumption of each generator by type/size?

        10. What is the cost per litre for diesel to run the generators?

        11. What is the expected running time per day of each generator?

        12. What are the running, servicing and refuelling arrangements for the generators?

        13. What are the environmental protection measures in place for the sites that the generators will be located?

        14. What is the expected carbon footprint of the generators? Are there any carbon offset plans in place? If so, what are they?

        15. Are there any other major substations in the Territory that are likely to experience similar failures to those experienced at Casuarina?

        16. What measures are in place if the problems experienced in Casuarina are experienced at other major substations in the Darwin region?

        17. Are there any arrangements in place for generators elsewhere in the Darwin/Katherine grid to supply power back into the grid?

        18. How much have measures to supplement Casuarina substation cost the NT government to date (9 Oct)?

        19. What is the estimate of total costs before the Casuarina substation is back on line?

        20. How is the bill for the lease, running and transportation of the generators being paid?
        21. Will Power and Water customers be expected to foot the bill? If so, what percentage of the bill will be added to electricity accounts?

        22. What are the expected law and order ramifications if there are further long-term blackouts? What measures are in place to mitigate any problems?

        23. What are the expected public health ramifications if there are further long-term blackouts? What measures are in place to mitigate any problems?

        24. Are there any compensation measures in place for residents and businesses affected by long-term blackouts?


        1. This information was released by the Minister for Essential Services in a press release dated Friday 3 October 2008.

        2. There are 61 generators available to Power and Water. See Attachment A for details.

        3. Transport costs were $784 090.

        4. All the generators have been leased.

        5. All the generators have been leased.

        6. The lease arrangement is operating under standard terms and conditions. The lease period is for eight weeks and Power and Water has an option to extend after this time. Cost per week, including generator lease, fuel and transformers is around $430 000.

        7. All generator sites are double fenced, locked and patrolled by Chubb security on a 24/7 basis.

        8. Power and Water is utilising existing contracts for the supply of diesel. DIRECTHAUL is delivering the diesel to the generator sites based on expected usage and actual consumption.

        9. Fuel consumption is based on loading for each generator. Please see table at Attachment B, which is indicative of fuel consumption at different loads.

        10. The diesel is purchased under an existing contract, the terms of which are commercial in confidence.

        11. Generators at schools will operate 24/7 and will only be shut down for scheduled maintenance. Other generators will only be run to provide emergency backup power supply.
        12. The generators are currently checked three times a day by the suppliers of the generators. Generators will be serviced by the generator suppliers and this is based on their running time. Refuelling of the generators is undertaken by DIRECTHAUL and is scheduled to take place outside normal school hours.

        13. Operational Environmental Management Plans have been produced for the generation sites which address impact areas of air, water, land, biodiversity, resources and community. Noise surveys have been undertaken and results recorded.

        14. An environmental fee of 1% is charged to Power and Water from the generator suppliers.

        15. The independent review undertaken by Mervyn Davies will assess the possibility of similar incidents occurring in other substations. However, there is a greatly reduced risk of this occurring elsewhere, as the mode of failure of the circuit breaker is now understood, and this particular type of breaker is not in service elsewhere.

        16. All zone substations are built to the n-1 capability, as is the Casuarina Zone Substation. This means that in the event of a similar failure, the substation can still carry the full load.


        18. Please see answer below.

        19. Power and Water has a $4m capital provision for this financial year, and $7m operational costs for the emergency standby generators.

        20. All invoices are paid by Power and Water within seven days of receipt.

        21. No. Like any business, the additional cost will simply mean that Power and Water’s profit forecast will be downgraded by these costs.

        22. This question should be referred to the appropriate NT government agency.

        23. This question should be referred to the appropriate NT government agency.

        24. Power and Water voluntarily compensated customers affected by the Casuarina power outages; however, there is currently no guaranteed service level scheme. The Utilities Commission, as part of its work program, will examine the options for implementing a Guaranteed Service Level Scheme in early 2010.

        25 November 2008

        28. Tree Point Conservation Reserve


        As the Tree Point Conservation Reserve on the Gunn Point Peninsula is part of NT Parks:

        1. Does the department intend to repair or rebuild the fence which protects the sand dunes at Tree Point from vehicle traffic?

        2. How many people have been prosecuted for driving along the foreshore within the boundary of the reserve?

        3. What is the maximum fine for driving on the foreshore?

        4. The department removed Poinciana trees from within the reserve over 12 months ago. The trees are starting to grow again. What:
          (a) is the department doing to stop the regrowth this year; and

          (b) are the plans for future destruction of any regrowth in following years?

        5. Are there any plans to station a Parks and Wildlife Ranger temporarily on weekends, or permanently at Tree Point or nearby to this area?

        Could you give a breakdown of capital and maintenance expenditure projects carried out on the Tree Point Reserve over the last five years?


        1. The fence to protect the beach dune has been maintained and repaired over the past 10 years by Parks and Wildlife, and these fences underwent major maintenance in May 2009.

        2. There have been no prosecutions for driving along the beach from the boundary to the barrier opposite the private properties. The barrier consists of poles set into boulders. It is not possible to drive a vehicle past this barrier. Motorcycles may be able to fit through the poles and quad bikers may be able to get around the barrier at low tide. On the weekend, patrolling rangers speak to the people in the area, including people camping on the land along the beach towards Gunn Point. The activities of users are monitored in this way.
          Although evidence of breaches sometimes exists in the form of tyre tracks on the beach, rangers very rarely observe vehicles on the Tree Point beach. When a breach is observed, rangers use discretion and take appropriate action, guided by the following:

          If a vehicle stops and the driver or rider is contrite, issue a verbal warning.

          If a vehicle stops and the driver or rider is aggressive, issue an infringement.

          If a vehicle stops and the driver or rider is a repeat offender, issue an infringement notice.

          If a vehicle does not stop and the vehicle registration cannot be identified, take no action.

          If a vehicle does not stop and the vehicle registration can be identified, issue an infringement notice.

          Rangers take the approach of not being heavy-handed to remorseful users and deal with the matter through verbal warnings. This method is commonly applied in similar situations across the Northern Territory’s parks and is used as a means of educating the public and maintaining good public relations.
          To date, most offenders have been responsive to instructions from rangers and have only been given verbal warnings. There are, however, a small number of people who refuse to stop when approached by staff and these are almost invariably in unidentifiable, unregistered vehicles.
          While there have been no prosecutions to date for driving on Tree Point beach, a media advertisement was placed in the NT News on Thursday 29 October 2009 and Saturday 31 October 2009, to alert the public about the access restrictions within Tree Point Conservation Area.

        3. The fine for off-road driving is $200.

        4. (a) Re-growth of Poinciana will be treated with the herbicide Glyphosate this financial year as has been done for the past three years. It is important to treat regrowth at the appropriate growth time to gain maximum effect. The new growth that comes with the Wet Season needs to be sprayed to obtain maximum benefit.

        (b) The treatment of the Poinciana regrowth will continue until the amount of re-treatment is reduced and then another section of the large Poinciana trees can be cut down and removed and the regrowth treatment program for the new section continued.

        5. There are currently no plans to station a ranger at Tree Point Conservation Area neither over weekends nor permanently in the area. Rangers based at Howard Springs Nature Park manage Tree Point Conservation Area, including a number of other areas in the Darwin Parks District. Rangers from Howard Springs have increased their visits to Tree Point Conservation Area from twice a week to at least three times a week during the Dry Season, which includes daily visits on weekends, where surveillance of the beach is up to an hour each time. The number of visits during the Wet Season is dependent on road access along the unsealed Gunn Point Road.Rangers are also trying to educate beach users during their patrols, and fences and barriers have been improved to prevent damage to dunes.

        6. There has been no capital development at Tree Point Conservation Area in the past five years; however, works have been carried out using operational funds and Repairs and Maintenance funding.
          The fence protecting the small dune along the access road has been maintained regularly over the years. Fencing materials costing $6000 were used in May 2009 to replace and repair the fence by ranger staff.
          A long-term program of removing Poinciana was started as this invasive tree was taking over the coastal vine thicket that is present on the beachfront dune. Large trees in a section were cut down and used to barricade the beach dune preventing vehicles accessing the beach over the dune. Regrowth has been treated on a twice-a-year basis.
          A large amount of operational funding from the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport was spent on building a sea wall at the front of a property to prevent erosion and sea access to the property. The work involved using tipper trucks and front-end loaders and using qualified staff from the department. The property owner supervised the work as it was located mostly on his property.
          The metal sign on the beach explaining beach regulations has been repaired after being vandalised, and a second identical sign has been made at a cost of $900 so that it can be slotted in as soon as is necessary in the future.

        28 April 2009

        45. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Treasury Portfolio


        For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:

        1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.

        2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?

        3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.

        4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?


        1. In 2007 and 2008, the Northern Territory Treasury ran campaigns to coincide with the release of the 2007-08 and 2008-09 Northern Territory Budget. In 2008 and 2009, Treasury ran campaigns to advertise the Buildstart initiative. These are the only major campaigns Treasury has coordinated in the last three calendar years. The table in Attachment A provides the name of each campaign and the companies engaged to undertake the work.

        Treasury also engages in advertising and promotions throughout the year on smaller projects which are not classified as campaigns, such as recruitment, careers fairs and Superannuation (NTGPASS) member seminars. This has also been included in the table for completeness.

        2. The table in Attachment A provides details on the cost of these campaigns.

        3. The table in Attachment A provides details on the months in which the expenditure occurred, the mediums used for the campaign and the amount spent on each medium.

        4. There was no market or other research undertaken ahead of any campaign.

        46. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Business Portfolio


        For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:

        1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.

        2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?

        3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.

        4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?


        Please see Attachment A, which outlines the Department of Business and Employment’s advertising/information campaigns.

        50. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Justice Portfolio


        For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:

        1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.

        2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?

        3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.

        4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?


        Please see Attachment A, which outlines the Department of Justice advertising/information campaigns.

        56. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Planning and Lands Portfolio


        For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:

        1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.

        2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?

        3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.

        4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?


        For details of this question, and answer, please see Attachment A.

        57. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Infrastructure Portfolio


        For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:

        1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.

        2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?

        3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.

        4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?


        For details of this question, and answer, please see Attachment A.

        61. Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants Revenue in 2007-08 and 2008-09


        According to the 2007-08 Annual Report, the Department of Employment, Education and Training received $146.6m in Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants revenue in 2007-08.

        1. What programs are covered by the Specific Purpose Grants?

        2. What is the purpose of each of these programs?

        3. What is the funding allocation to each of these programs from the Commonwealth and from the Northern Territory?

        4. Please itemise how much was spent on each of these programs in 2007-08 and how much remains to be spent.

        5. What guidelines, operating practices and reporting have been developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth to expend the received funds?

        6. What performance indicators or markers are in place from the Commonwealth or Territory that relate to these monies?

        7. What was our performance against these performance indicators or markers in 2007-08?

        8. Was any payment returned to the Commonwealth or carried over from 2007-08 to 2008-09?

        9. If payments were returned or carried over, in what areas and how much were they?

        10. What is the budgeted amount of Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants to be received in 2008-09 by the Department of Employment, Education and Training?

        11. What programs are covered by the 2008-09 budgeted Specific Purpose Grants?

        12. What is the allocation to each of these programs for 2008-09?

        13. How much of this allocation has been spent by 1 March 2009?

        14. What guidelines, operating practices and reporting have been developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth to expend the received funds?

        15. Is the department expecting to expend all the funding allocated?

        16. If not, in what areas will funding expenditure not be met?

        17. Are there any areas within Education, Employment and Training where Commonwealth funding has been provided for either in 2007-08 or 2008-09 where monies have not been allocated to specific purposes?

        18. What performance indicators or markers are in place from the Commonwealth or Territory that relate to these monies?

        19. What was our performance so far this year against these?


        Preliminary explanation:

        The questions appear to be designed to understand the level to which Commonwealth government funds are being carried forward from each year. The following provides the context behind the answers in order that they can be fully understood.

        The carrying forward of Commonwealth government Specific Purpose Payment (SPP) revenue from year to year is normal business practice. This is because the lump sum revenue stream typically follows signing, by both governments, of a funding agreement for the contracting of the specific purpose activities that follow. Revenue for new agreements can flow to the Territory in the later months of a financial year. Thus, the SPP activities and related expenditure that follows may as a result occur in the following financial year.

        It is for this reason that care is taken to accurately predict/budget the timing of Commonwealth government SPP expenditure against this SPP revenue source. The resulting expenditure budget allocation in Northern Territory budget papers can span a number of years. Money received in the later months of a financial year will often result in budgeted expenditure being applied in the outer years.

        As an example, the NT Emergency Response, NTER, agreement signed during 2007-08 provided an additional $10m in SPP revenue to the Department of Education and Training, DET, during 2007-08. $5.3m of this was received in May and June 2008. Of the $10m of revenue, $3.8m was planned/budgeted expenditure during 2007-08. The balance was planned to occur in 2008-09.

        Another significant example that impacts on cash balances is that of the 200 teacher initiative under the Indigenous Education Agreement. This Commonwealth government SPP initiative resulted in $3.8m being received in May 2008. The majority of this expenditure, $2.8m, was programmed to be spent in 2008-09.

        For details of this answer, please see Attachment A.

        63. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Outsourcing


        The NTG Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Outsourcing contract expires in 2010:

        1. What operational procedures are in place in relation to ICT to ensure that all (NTG) account holders' electronic (e-mail) and voice communication information is secure from misappropriation?

        2. What operational procedures are in place to identify the inappropriate distribution of information from NTG account holders through ICT, particularly as it relates to material in confidence?

        3. What operational procedures are in place to identify the improper use by NTG account holders of ICT resources, particularly as it relates to accessing inappropriate content or abuse of service?

        4. What security and probity checks are completed on persons within the NTG who may access the electronic and voice communication information and data of NTG account holders?

        5. What security and probity checks are completed on persons working for providers of ICT services to the NT who have access to NTG account holders' electronic and voice communication information?

        6. What physical controls are in place for the security of the storage and transmission of electronic and voice communication?

        7. Has any person been identified distributing electronic communication acquired through the monitoring or surveillance of NTG ICT in a way that breaches the confidentiality of that communication?

        8. Has any person, within NTG or ICT service provider contractor employees, been disciplined for the inappropriate access of electronic or voice communication from NTG account holders?

        9. What positions (including numbers of persons, NTG or ICT provider) have access to the NTG electronic and voice communication for the purpose of implementing and monitoring security of the ICT system?

        10. What, if any, additional security practices and activities are proposed for future ICT service delivery?


        Answers to the 10 questions raised give some insight into the layers of security the Northern Territory government uses to minimise misappropriation of government information and misuse of government electronic services. Business best practice is to minimise making public detail of such security responses.

        1. Operational procedures are in place to ensure that Northern Territory government (NTG) user accounts, including e-mail accounts, are only created when authorised by an NTG delegate. User accounts are protected by passwords that are required to be changed every 30 days.
          The technology in use for e-mail does not allow a standard NTG account holder to access any e-mail other than their own without the permission of the person concerned or under the authority of their agency Chief Executive. System administrators have the technical ability to access user e-mail files, but are only allowed to do so in specific circumstances, such as in the course of an investigation authorised by an agency Chief Executive, or while diagnosing and correcting a technical fault.

          It is feasible for NTG e-mail accounts to be misappropriated as a result of user login credentials being stolen in ‘phishing’ attacks, where users are tricked into revealing their user ID and password. This form of attack is endemic on the Internet and, from time to time, a well crafted external e-mail, received by many NTG users, may result in a small number of compromises. Procedures are in place to identify and block these quickly. In general, these attacks do not target NTG information specifically, but are intended to facilitate the distribution of spam.

          To protect voice communications against misappropriation, physical security limits access to rooms containing communications equipment. There is no instance where misappropriation of voice communications is suspected to have occurred.
        2. See answer to Question 1 regarding access by individuals outside the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) or unauthorised personnel within the NTPS. The primary current safeguard against the inappropriate distribution of information by NTPS personnel with authorised access using ICT is the probity, honesty and good intent of NTG Public Sector employees, reinforced by the Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct, together with physical security practices, also provides the key safeguards against the inappropriate distribution of hard copy information.
          Breaches, if they occur, can be investigated. An investigation can determine if a user inappropriately distributed an in-confidence document to another person via e-mail by reviewing the logs.

          Electronic documents are categorised according to their level of security. The authority levels of staff assigned by managers, governs the level of electronic access they can have to this information sufficient to carry out their duties.
        3. Technical systems are in place to block access to inappropriate content on the Internet. Operational procedures are in place to manage those systems.
          Access to websites by all NTG LAN users is filtered. SurfControl, a commercial web filtering product, is used for this purpose for most NTG users. The NT Schools environment uses a different product (Bluecoat) that provides equivalent functionality.
          SurfControl contains a list of several million websites, grouped into categories. A number of these categories are deemed to be inappropriate and so any website classified in those categories is blocked.
          The following roles and responsibilities apply:

          Changes to the banned categories list requires the approval of NTG Information Management Committee (NTGIMC).

          Re-categorisation of websites requires the approval of the ICT Security Unit.

          Exemption from filtering requires the approval of an agency CE.

        4. As covered in Question 1, NTG staff members do not have the system administration privileges required to access other user’s e-mail accounts, electronic data, or voice communications information directly. Access to e-mail accounts and electronic data can be gained only when an investigation is authorised by an agency Chief Executive.
          A very small number of the Department of Business and Employment (DBE) staff have access to network monitoring systems that watch and report on network traffic flows, network filtering, network intrusions, virus activity and other aspects of routine network administration.

          Access to voice information (such as call intercepts) is not possible except under the provisions of the Telecommunications Interception Act (Commonwealth). In practice, if a Chief Executive wishes to have calls intercepted (say, for example, as a result of a complaint about abusive phone calls) then DBE will advise the Chief Executive to make a formal complaint to the police.

          There are currently no special security or probity checks completed on the very small number of NTG Public Sector employees who may, from time to time, have access to the systems mentioned above, or participate in investigations.
        5. Service provider staff that have privileged access, including system administrators with the technical ability to access NTG account holder’s electronic and voice communications information, are required to undergo police and reference checks before they can work in the NTG environment. This is a requirement under the contracts with the service providers

        6. There are numerous physical controls in place for the security of the storage and transmission of electronic and voice communication. These range from, for example, the security controls against unauthorised access to the Chan Building Data Centre, to the special cages containing communications equipment in NTG occupied buildings.

        7. No.

        8. In May 2008, an ex-employee of a service provider caused disruption of the NTG’s network. Police prosecutions were levied against the offender who has been tried and convicted.
          In the last two years, 10 investigations of misuse have been authorised and undertaken. In four cases there was no evidence of inappropriate use, in the three other cases disciplinary action was taken (with two officers subsequently resigning from the NTPS) and the three remaining cases are still under investigation.

        9. For details of this question, and answer, please see Attachment A.

        10. Future outsourcing requirements are currently being developed. Changes to some important security technologies are best put in place at the time of contract transition. DBE is developing technical initiatives including:
          stronger gateway standards;
            stronger filtering technologies for spam, viruses and web access;
              stronger intrusion detection technologies.

            64. Dwelling/Housing Unit Projections 2001 to 2013

            Mr GILES to MINISTER for PLANNING and LANDS

            On Wednesday, 4 February 2009, the Chief Minister stated that ‘the Territory government will need to provide 1700 new dwellings of housing per year’.

            Subsequently, the government announced the projected release of Bellamack, Johnston, Zuccoli and Mitchell, noting 150 blocks in 2009; 850 blocks in 2010; 670 blocks in 2011; 800 blocks in 2012 and 1300 blocks, 2013 and later.

            1. What was the population increase for the Northern Territory in each calendar year from 2001 to 2008?

            2. How many dwellings were constructed in the Northern Territory in each calendar year from 2001 to 2008?

            3. At the end of each year, 2001 to 2008, what was the number of dwellings approved for construction but not commenced?

            4. What is the projected population increase in the Northern Territory each year for the period 2009 to 2012?

            5. What is the occupation density figure (number of people per unit of dwelling) used to calculate the number of additional dwellings required in the 4 February 2009 statement?

            6. What variations, if any, are used in calculating the occupation density to account for differences in the type of dwelling counted or for any local or regional effect?

            7. What proportion in the estimate of 1700 housing units are for stand alone (single occupancy use) dwellings?

            8. What proportion of all blocks to be released in the years 2009 to 2012 are for stand alone (single occupancy use) dwellings?

            9. What, if any, additional land is proposed to be released in each year 2009 to 2013 to meet the demand for 1700 housing units?


            1. This information is available from the Northern Territory Government’s Budget Paper No 3 (2008-09).

            Calendar YearDwellings
            2003 937
            2004 816
            2008 794

            3. Regarding the number of approvals which are not ultimately commenced, data is not currently collected by government agencies. In any case, a meaningful count would be difficult given that time frames for approvals exceed any given calendar year.

            4. This information can be obtained from the website of the Northern Territory Treasury (NTT) -

            5. The occupation density figure used to make the calculation was 2.64, in line with the Greater Darwin average household size calculated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) using the 2006 census data (remembering that the calculation of 1700 refers to Greater Darwin only). ABS and NTT estimate that this average will fall to 2.57 by 2011 and 2.51 by 2016.

            6. The occupation densities, as described in 5, apply only to Greater Darwin and do not take into account dwelling type or other locations.

            7. The proportion of the 1700 housing units for stand alone dwellings cannot be quantified at this time because this will be determined by future market supply and demand.

            8. The blocks to be released in the years 2009 to 2012 will be for apartments, duplexes, triplexes, single dwellings and town houses. The mix of these possible types will reflect unit developers’ activities and the market analysis by land developers.

            9. In his speech of 4 March 2009, mentioned earlier, the Chief Minister identified several additional land release areas outside of the four new suburbs in Palmerston. Please refer to the Housing the Territory information pack, provided for the Chief Minister’s speech on 4 March. Also, information about some of these additional areas is available on the Northern Territory government’s Housing the Territory website.

            24 November 2009

            70. Staffing of NTPS


            As at 29 October 2009:

            1. How many persons were employed by the Northern Territory Public Service?

            2. How many persons are employed in each agency, broken down by designated level?

            3. How many positions were nominally vacant in the NTPS and what is the breakdown of vacancies in terms of number of positions and their level for the periods of one month or less, one month to three months, three months to six months, and those six months or more?

            4. How many persons were acting in a position that was not their nominal position?

            5. How many persons are on higher duties payments, broken down to groups of their current level against their nominal level?

            6. How many persons have contract positions with the NTPS?

            7. Of those persons with contract positions, how many are temporarily appointed public servants and from what levels have those persons been appointed; broken down by current contract level against nominal level?


            1. NTPS staffing numbers are reported quarterly on the Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment website. As at 29 October, the total number was 18 292.

            2. For detail on persons employed by each agency see Attachment A.

            3. Accurate information on this is unavailable as staffing in agencies is not subject to a fixed number of ‘positions’ but by budget.

            4. There were 3103 persons acting in a designated position other than their nominal position.

            5. Total number on HDA was 2726 persons.

            6. All temporary positions are contract positions. Total number of employees classified as temporary – 4917.

            7. Contract employees do not have nominal permanent positions.

            72. TEAMhealth Funding and Performance


            1. How much government money has been given to TEAMhealth for the 2007-08 and 2008-09 years as:
              (a) regular annual funding;
              (b) one-off grants and for what purpose; and
              (c) over-run funding?

            2. Have you received acquittal of fund reports for TEAMhealth and, if not, why not?

            3. Have you had representations from concerned members (staff) of TEAMhealth and, if so, how many representations and what were the issues of discussion?

            4. Has the government undertaken any quality audits of TEAMhealth? If not, why not and, if so, are the reports available for the affected stakeholders?

            5. Have you received any complaints about the management of TEAMhealth and, if so, how many?

            6. Have you responded to these complaints and, if not, why not?

            7. Has the department received complaints about TEAMhealth board and management and, if so, have they been addressed and replied?

            8. Do you have a copy of the independent consultant’s report into the management of TEAMhealth. If so, will you make it available?

            9. Have you met with the board and management of TEAMhealth at any time?

            10. Have departmental representatives met with the TEAMhealth board and management?

            11. Have you met with concerned carers, consumers and/or stakeholders in regard to TEAMhealth’s performance?


            1. Payments to external service providers, including TEAMhealth, are provided in the Department of Health and Families’ Annual Reports 2007-08 and 2008-09. These can be found at:
              Specific information in relation to TEAMhealth is found at Appendix V for 2007-08 and Appendix 8 for 2008-09.
              The term ’over-run’ funding is not a common accounting term. It is unclear what is meant by this however, it is assumed that this refers to ‘expenditure by TEAMhealth above what was allocated by DHF’. TEAMhealth in 2007-08 and 2008-09 carried a surplus.

            2. It is not usual practice for a minister to receive acquittal reports directly from funded organisations. The Department of Health and Families has received the Audited Financial Statements from TEAMhealth for 2007-08 and 2008-09.

            3. The former Minister for Children and Families’ office received one representation.

            4. The Mental Health Program is currently implementing a quality review process designed for non-government organisations. The review process is based on compliance with the National Mental Health Standards.
              TEAMhealth have agreed to participate in the quality review process.

            5. The former Minister for Children and Families received:
              two complaints addressed to the Minister for Children and Families in relation to TEAMhealth;
                a copy of a complaint addressed to the current Chair of the TEAMhealth Board; and
                  phone calls expressing concerns about TEAMhealth.
                    In addition, numerous letters, e-mails and copies of correspondence have been provided by Mr Garry Halliday, the CEO of Carers NT and previous Chair of TEAMhealth Committee of Management.
                6. Yes. All complaints have been acknowledged by the former Minister for Children and Families’ office.

                7. Yes. The department has received complaints about the TEAMhealth board and management.
                  The Director of Mental Health Program has contacted all individuals who have written to the department with complaints.
                  All complaints have been or are in the process of being investigated.
                  The department is working with TEAMhealth to ensure service delivery continues and mental health clients are supported in an appropriate manner.

                8. The decision to publicly release the confidential report or provide a copy to any individual rests with the Board of TEAMhealth.

                9. The former Minister for Children and Families met with the CEO of TEAMhealth and the Chair of the Board of TEAMhealth.

                10. Yes. The Director Mental Health Program has met with TEAMhealth board and management on a number of occasions.

                11. The former Minister for Children and Families regularly met with carers, clients and other stakeholders in a range of forums related to her portfolio responsibilities.
                  The former Minister for Children and Families met with Mr Garry Halliday, former Chair of TEAMhealth’s Board, in September 2009 to hear Mr Halliday’s concerns about TEAMhealth’s performance.
                  As indicated at Q9 above, the former Minister for Children and Families also met with the Board and Management of TEAMhealth.

                73. Water Capacity and Limits of McMinns Bore Field

                  1. What is the depth and pumping capacity of the following Power and Water Corporation managed government bores in the McMinns bore field:

                  2. What is the licence limit for each bore:
                    3. How much water was extracted from the bores for each of the last fiscal year by monthly breakdown?

                    4. Are there any plans to deepen the bores at McMinns? If so, what environmental research was undertaken to support such an action?

                    5. Does the Power and Water Corporation intend to seek an increase in the licences for the McMinn bores and if so, to what extraction level and for which bores?

                    6. What impact any increase of the licence level would have on the Howard River East Aquifer?

                    7. What is the intended use and usage quantities of fresh water by INPEX’s proposed LNG plant and operations?

                    8. Could you advise what planning has been undertaken by PAWC in regard to the future demands from operators in industrial activities such as LNG plants, rare earths processing plant and related businesses?

                    9. Are all the storage tanks in Darwin, Palmerston and the rural area being used currently?

                    10. What is the holding capacity for the following tanks, being:
                        Humpty Doo
                        Howard Springs
                        West Lane
                        Stuart Park
                        Rapid Creek


                    For details of this question, and answer, please see Attachment A.

                    16 February 2010

                    74. Patient Assisted Travel Scheme – IVF Treatment

                    Mr CONLAN to MINISTER for HEALTH

                    1. What is the current policy in regard to women utilising the Patient Assistance Travel Scheme in order to undertake IVF treatment?

                    2. When was the policy introduced?

                    3. How does this policy differ from any previous policy on the use of the Patient Assistance Travel Scheme for women seeking IVF treatment and, if so, what were those previous policies?

                    4. If there is a formal policy document, would the minister please provide me with a copy?

                    5. How many women accessed the Patient Assistance Travel Scheme in order to undertake IVF treatment in each of the following years:
                      2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009
                      (year to 30 November 2009)?

                    6. Can a woman access the PATS if they have previously utilised the Patient Assistance Travel Scheme for:
                      (a) successful IVF treatments leading to the birth of a single child or multiple birth, if not, why not; and
                    (b) unsuccessful IVF treatments; if not, why not?


                    1. Patient Assistance Travel Scheme (PATS) assists Northern Territory residents to access a range of essential specialist medical/surgical services where these services are not available locally or from a visiting service.
                      PATS provides assistance with travel and where applicable, accommodation costs to residents of the Northern Territory who are required to travel more than 200 km to the nearest specialist medical treatment. However, PATS is a contribution scheme and is not intended to cover all travel and accommodation costs.

                      In 2003, a special ruling regarding eligibility for IVF treatment.

                      The ruling is as follows (extracted from Patient Assistance Travel Scheme (PATS) Guidelines revised June 2008 Version 1):
                        5.3 Invitro-Fertilisation (IVF)

                        Patients Receiving IVF treatment and other assisted reproductive treatments are eligible for assistance subject to the following criteria:
                      The female partner is below the upper age limit set at 43 years of age.
                        Eligibility will cease following the first successful live birth.
                      There is no automatic entitlement for the partner to travel as an escort and guidelines for escort travel must apply. The partner will only be approved when it is a requirement for the program. The partner may qualify when he visits the specialist for his initial consult and investigation (as a patient), and for one visit per cycle of treatment (as a patient).


                      Approval will be given for intrastate travel for all IVF treatment and other assisted reproductive treatment.


                      The maximum entitlement per patient and partner is three interstate trips per year for the purpose of “pre implantation genetic diagnosis” only.

                      2. April 2003.

                      3. It has not been possible to locate prior policies.

                      4. The formal policy with regards current patient eligibility for IVF under PATS can be found in section 5.3 of the PATS Guidelines. See answer to question No 1.

                      5. Data for 2005-06 was not able to be extracted and data for 2009-10 has not been calculated at this point in time. See Attachment A for available data.

                        (a) The current ruling is that once a live birth has been achieved, eligibility for PATS for further IVF treatment ceases.
                          (b) The current ruling is that, providing the female partner is below the upper age limit set at 43 years of age, approval will be given for intrastate travel for all IVF treatment and other assisted reproductive treatment until a live birth is achieved, and interstate travel to a maximum entitlement per patient and partner for three trips per year for the purpose of ‘pre-implantation genetic diagnosis’ only.

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 1 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Parliament House upgrade cabling*Est Feb 09
                        Parliament House security to CCTV system Est Feb 09
                        Short and medium term accommodation correctional centre Est Sep 09
                          Justice Refurbish Katherine and Alice Springs and Nhulunbuy Offices
                        Staged completion
                        Darwin Correctional Centre perimeter fencing*Act Oct 08
                        Desert People's Centre Administration Building*Est Feb 09
                        Desert People's Centre Block 3*Act Oct 08
                        Desert People's Centre Block 6*Est Feb 09
                          Desert Peoples Centre Block 2 Livelihood and Economic Futures*
                        Est Jul 09
                        Desert Peoples Centre Block 7 Information & Technology*Est Jul 09
                        Wugularr School (Beswick) new school*Act Aug 08
                        Katherine Middle School Stage 2*Act Feb 08
                        Ross Park Primary Stage 1 upgrade classroom facilitiesAct Oct 08
                        Borroloola Community Education Centre Est Jan 09
                        Millner Primary School upgrade assembly area*Act Nov 08
                          Wanguri Primary school upgrade classroom and school facilities*
                        Act Nov 08
                        Anula Primary School upgrade*Est Feb 09
                        Top End Technical College*Est Jan 09
                        12 New Classrooms at 11 New schools*Est Jan 09

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 2 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Closing the Gap classrooms*Est Jan 09
                        Alawa School Stage 2. Est Aug 09
                          Jingili Primary School - Entry Redevelopment. Drop off zone, car parking and covered walkways.
                        Est Jul 09
                        Leanyer School Upgrade Stage 2. Est Jul 09
                        Malak Primary School - Upgrade assembly areaEst Jul 09
                          Nakara Primary School - Stage 2. Music and Arts room, outdoor teaching areas and Preschool refurbishment.
                        Est Oct 09
                        Ross Park Primary School upgrade - Stage 2Est Jun 09
                        Rosebery Construct Pre Primary and Middle Est Jan 11
                        Alekarenge CEC Upgrades*Est Jun 09
                        Arlparra Homeland Centre Convert to schoolEst May 09
                        Ramingining CEC upgradesEst Jun 09
                        Ngukurr CEC upgradesEst Nov 09
                        Yilparra Homeland Centre - Convert to schoolEst Aug 09
                        Yirrkala CEC upgradesEst Jan 10
                        Alice Springs Hospital fire protection and airconditioning*Est Jan 09
                        Alice Springs Hospital upgrade Emergency Department*Est May 11
                          Alice Springs Hospital upgrade emergency power and electrical systems*
                        Est Dec 10
                        Kalkarindji new health centre*Act Oct 08
                        Yirrkala health clinic upgrade*Est Jan 09

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 3 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Royal Darwin Hospital upgrade lifts*Act Sept 08
                        Gove District Hospital Public Health Screening Facility Act June 08
                        Gove District Hospital replace generator* Est Jan 09
                        Sexual Assault Referral Centre fit out*Est May 09
                        Tennant Creek Hospital Stage 2 fire safety upgrade*Act Oct 08
                        Tennant Creek Hospital Fire Safety Upgrade Stage 3Est Jul 09
                        Wadeye new health clinic*Est Jun 10
                        RDH office accommodation demountables*Act Oct 08
                        Residential Care Unit 175 Bees Creek Road (Closing the Gap) Subject of a Cabinet Submission
                        Northern Territory Rural Clinical School Research Facility *Est Jul 09
                        Renal relocatable self care facilities*Est Apr 09
                        Katherine and Tennant Creek Sobering-Up Shelter Require Brief from client
                        Milingimbi Health ClinicEst Dec 09
                        RDH Radiation and Oncology Unit Est Nov 09
                        Areyonga Health Centre Est Oct 09
                        Tiwi Wellbeing Clinic Est Apr 09
                        Alice Springs Hospital Elective Surgery Upgrade Client considering options
                        East Arnhem Special Care Staff Accommodation Est Oct 09
                        East Arnhem Transitional After Care ServiceEst Oct 09

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 4 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Mobile Dental Clinic Rooms Est Jun 09
                        RDH Elective Surgery Upgrade Est Apr 09
                        Tennant Creek Transitional After Care ServiceHouse to be purchased prior to works commencing
                        Gove Multi Purpose Facility Design Commenced possible change in scope client to advise
                          Renovations and Extensions to health centres at Jilkminggin and Ngukurr regions
                        Est Sep 09
                        Casuarina Sexual Assault Referral Centre New item on program no dates set as yet
                        Replacement of Sterilisers New Project waiting brief from client
                        Improved recreational fishing infrastructure*Rolling Program of Works
                        Improved recreational fishing infrastructureRolling Program of Works
                        Darwin Business Park - South St 1*Act Jul 08
                        Darwin Business Park South*Est Aug 09
                          East Arm frontage industrial land near new Hudson Creek Boat Ramp
                        Est Jan 09
                        Defence Support HubOptions being considered by client
                        Casuarina Police Station*Est May 09
                        Galiwinku Police Station and accommodation*Est Jan 09
                        Business and Innovation Centre*Est Jan 09
                        Development House fit out*Est Dec 09

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 5 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Marrara Outdoor Netball Centre Est Feb 09
                        Hidden Valley Electrical supply upgrade* Est Feb 09
                        Hidden Valley Raceway upgrade - Stage 4Est Apr 09
                          West MacDonnell National Park - shade, barbeque and toilet facilities along the Larapinta Trail and Ormiston Gorge*
                        Act Oct 08
                        Nitmiluk National Park - replace ablution facility at visitor centre*Act Nov 08
                        West MacDonnell Stage 2 visitor centre and facilities Est Sep 09
                        Litchfield National Park Stage 1 upgrade visitor facilitiesEst Sep 09
                        Museum and Art Gallery air conditioning replacementEst Sep 09
                        Fogg Dam reconstruct boardwalk Est Jan 09
                        Leanyer Recreation Park Development Stage 2*Est Feb 09
                        Desert Knowledge Precinct Stage 2 headworks* Est Apr 09
                        Pigeon Hole Aerodrome upgrade* Est Aug 09
                        Mt Johns Valley Stage 1*Act Aug-08
                        Darwin City Waterfront Stage 4 headworks* Est Jun 09
                          Darwin City Waterfront Stage 5 headworks duplication of McMinn including the intersection with Tiger Brennan, and continuing decontamination works
                        Staged completion
                        Headworks to Howard Springs Lutheran Middle School*Act Jul 08
                        Warruwi Aerodrome resheeting and resealing existing runway*Act Nov 08
                        Bellamack subdivision headworks*Est Jun 09

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 6 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        East Arm Boat Ramp - new boat ramp* Est Mar 09
                          Nightcliff High School, Casuarina Senior College and Taminmin High - upgrade existing school facilities used as cyclone shelters*
                        Est Jan 09
                        Milyakburra aerodrome Upgrade*Est Jun 09
                        Nyirripi aerodrome upgrade*Act Aug 08
                        Papunya aerodrome upgrade*Act Aug 08
                        Peppimenarti aerodrome upgrade Act Sep 08
                        Palumpa aerodrome upgrade*Act Oct 08
                        Dinah Beach Pontoon*Est May 09
                        Myilly Point Redevelopment - upgrade of Flagstaff Park *Staged completion
                        Darwin Waterfront RedevelopmentEst Jul 09
                        Rosebery Middle and Primary*Est May 09
                        Cyclone SheltersEst Aug 10
                        Humpty Doo School Bus interchange expansion*Est Sept 09
                        Minjilang Airstrip upgrade (Croker Island)Est Jul 09
                        Level Crossing UpgradesStaged completion
                        Palmerston East HeadworksStaged completion

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 7 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Victoria Highway Stage 1*Act Aug 08
                        Victoria Highway Stage 2 flood plain upgrade and new bridges*Est Dec 09
                          Victoria Highway Stage 3 flood immunity improvements at the Victoria River flood plain including Big Horse and Little Horse bridges*
                        Est Dec 09
                        Victoria Highway future stages Est Dec 09
                        Pavement strengthening and widening*Est May 08
                        Pavement strengthening and widening*Act Nov 08
                          Tiger Brennan Drive - Stage 1 Berrimah Road duplication between Wishart Road and Tiger Brennan Drive
                        Est Nov 09
                        All corridors pavement strengthening & widening Est May 09
                        Tiger Brennan Drive extensionEst Jun 10
                          Stuart Highway Additional Lane inbound Deviney Road Intersection.
                        Est Nov 09
                        Litchfield Loop Stage 1*Est Jul 09
                        Red Centre Way Stage 2*Est Feb 09
                          Rural arterials improvements to the integrity of highways such as the Buntine*
                        Est Jan 09
                          Port Keats Road Stage 2 realignments and upgrades between Wadeye and the Daly River
                        Est Dec 09
                        Local Roads - Roads 2 Recovery Program*Est Jun 09
                        Roads 2 Recovery program Staged completion

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 8 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Sandover Highway upgrade road sections*Act Aug 08
                        Tanami Road upgrade road sections*Est May 09
                          East Point Road/Goyder Road/Gilruth Avenue intersection - construction of signalised intersection including road works on Atkins Drive*
                        Est May 09
                          Urban Arterials improvements on roads such as Bagot Road, McMillans Road and Stuart Highway*
                        Act Jun 08
                        Santa Teresa selected upgrading and gravelling*Est Dec 08
                        Willowra selected roadworks upgrading *Act Sep 08
                        Urban Road landscaping in Alice Springs and Darwin*Est Jun 09
                        Apatula to Titjikala and Apatula to KulgeraEst Mar 09
                        Daly River upgrade stream crossingsEst Dec 09
                          Fog Bay Road upgrade and seal of 4.5 km between Cox Peninsula and Namarada
                        Est Feb 09
                        Kata Tjuta to Kaltukatjara Road upgradeEst Jun 09
                        Papunya and Mt Liebig Road upgrade Est Jun 09
                        Sandover Highway upgrade Est Jun 09
                        Santa Teresa Road upgrade (Ltyentye Apurte) Est Dec 09
                        Blackspot (AG Funded) Est Jun 09
                        Passing lanes on Tiger Brennan DriveEst Aug 09
                        Rural arterials strengthening and wideningEst May 09

                        QUESTION 19
                        ATTACHMENT A
                        Page 9 of 9

                        Approved Capital Infrastructure Program 2008-09

                        ProjectEstimated Completion Date
                        Urban arterials strengtheningEst Jun 09
                        Urban arterials traffic management Est Jul 09
                        Urban Roads landscapingEst Dec 08
                        Girraween Henning Rd intersection Est Oct 09
                        Maryvale Stage 2 Est Jun 09
                        Accident Prevention programEst Sep 09
                        Pine Hill Access RdEst Jun 09
                        Tanami Road Stage 1Est Dec 09
                        Central Arnhem Road Stage 1 Clearances being sought
                        Plenty Highway Stage 1Est Aug 09
                        Buntine Highway Stage 1Est Apr 09
                        Lasseter Highway/Yulara Drive - upgrade intersection*Est Jun 09
                        * denotes revote projects
                        QUESTION 22
                        ATTACHMENT A

                          2. Details of generators available to Power and Water Corporation.

                          Size KVA

                          Size KVA
                          Aust Rental
                          Aust Rental
                          Aust Rental
                          Aust Rental

                            QUESTION 22
                            ATTACHMENT B
                              9. Details of fuel consumption based on loading for each generation.

                              Generator Size (kW)
                              1/4 Load (l/hr)1/2 Load (l/hr)3/4 Load (l/hr)
                              Full Load (l/hr)

                              QUESTION 45
                              ATTACHMENT A
                              Page 1 of 4

                                Vendor Invoice*
                                Cost of Medium *
                                Total for Month*
                                Campaign Cost*
                                2007-08 Budget
                                April 2007
                                DesignThe Exhibitionist
                                5 208
                                5 208
                                Budget PapersSue Dibbs (editing)
                                4 488
                                4 488
                                9 696
                                May 2007
                                NewspaperAlice Springs News
                                Arafura Times
                                Katherine Times
                                1 800
                                Nationwide News
                                NT News
                                17 647
                                Tennant and District Times
                                2 050
                                Territory Times
                                1 330
                                24 296
                                Radio8HA Sun FM
                                2 040
                                CAAMA Radio
                                1 938
                                NT Broadcasters
                                (Hot 100 and Mix 104.9)
                                4 769
                                Territory FM
                                2 100
                                Top End Aboriginal Bush Broadcasting Association
                                1 050
                                11 897
                                Budget PapersGovernment Printing Office
                                202 313
                                202 313
                                238 506
                                248 202
                                2007 OtherDesign
                                5 350
                                2 728
                                8 624
                                Other includes: design and creation of banners and posters for the show circuit, careers fair and money expo – vendors were Fusion, Liquid Orange Creative Design and The Exhibitionist; newspaper notices for recruitment, death condolences and superannuation seminars – vendors were NT News, Litchfield Times and Nationwide News; and radio advertisements for recruitment – vendor was Territory FM. *GST exclusive – nett cost to government
                                QUESTION 45
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 2 of 4

                                Vendor Invoice*
                                Cost of Medium *
                                Total for Month*
                                Campaign Cost*
                                2008-09 BudgetApril 2008DesignThe Exhibitionist
                                7 545
                                Liquid Orange Creative Design
                                8 188
                                RadioSimon Says Television
                                1 300
                                1 300
                                9 488
                                May 2008
                                NewspaperAlice Springs News
                                Arafura Times
                                Katherine Times
                                3 857
                                NT News
                                23 028
                                Tennant and District Times
                                2 820
                                Territory Times
                                1 756
                                32 607
                                Radio8HA Sun FM
                                4 290
                                NT Broadcasters
                                (Hot 100 and Mix 104.9)
                                5 586
                                Territory FM
                                3 000
                                Top End Aboriginal Bush Broadcasting Association
                                1 023
                                13 899
                                Budget PapersGovernment Printing Office
                                190 581
                                Sue Dibbs (Editing)
                                5 814
                                196 395
                                242 901
                                252 389
                                QUESTION 45
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 3 of 4

                                Vendor Invoice*
                                Cost of Medium *
                                Total for Month*
                                Campaign Cost*
                                November 2008
                                NewspaperAlice Springs News
                                1 969
                                Territory Regional Weekly
                                1 751
                                21 634
                                Radio8HA Sun FM
                                1 350
                                Territory FM
                                2 500
                                3 850
                                DesignSprout Creative
                                1 761
                                1 761
                                27 245
                                December 2008
                                NewspaperNT News
                                1 640
                                1 640
                                1 640
                                28 885
                                2008 OtherDesign
                                2 638
                                11 298
                                13 936
                                Other includes: design and creation of banners and posters for the show circuit, careers fair and money expo – vendors were Liquid Orange Creative Design and The Exhibitionist; and newspaper notices for recruitment, death condolences and superannuation seminars – vendors were NT News, Territory Times, Katherine Times, Tennant and District Times, Macquarie University, University of Western Sydney, Nationwide News, HMA Blaze Pty Ltd and Graduate Careers Council of Australia. *GST exclusive – nett cost to government
                                QUESTION 45
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 4 of 4

                                Vendor Invoice*
                                Cost of Medium *
                                Total for Month*
                                Campaign Cost*
                                2009 Buildstart
                                February 2009
                                DesignSprout Creative
                                7 960
                                7 960
                                7 960
                                March 2009#
                                31 907
                                31 907
                                NewspaperCentralian Advocate
                                5 001
                                NT News
                                11 451
                                16 452
                                Radio8HA Sun FM
                                1 080
                                1 200
                                NT Broadcasters
                                (Hot 100 and Mix 104.9)
                                6 944
                                Territory FM
                                2 100
                                11 324
                                TelevisionChannel 9
                                5 521
                                Channel 10
                                2 735
                                3 640
                                Seven Central
                                3 864
                                Seven Darwin
                                6 045
                                21 805
                                81 488
                                89 448
                                2009 OtherDesign
                                19 264
                                19 644
                                Other includes: recruitment advertising – vendors were NT News, Weekend Australian, Australian Financial Review and Seek with design from Zise.
                                *GST exclusive – nett cost to government
                                QUESTION 46
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 1 of 14

                                  2008-09 Campaign: Defence Support
                                  July 2008 - Ongoing
                                  Print Advertising
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign
                                  Expenditure---$11 577$11 577

                                  HMA Blaze
                                  NT News
                                  Northern Defence Magazine
                                  NORFORCE Magazine
                                  Australian Defence Magazine

                                  Market Research - None

                                  2008-09 Campaign: Business and Skilled Migration
                                  July 2008 - Ongoing
                                  Print Advertising
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign
                                  Expenditure---$17 656.52$17 656.52

                                  Michels Warren Munday
                                  Government Printing Office
                                  The Exhibitionist
                                  First Class

                                  Market Research - Desktop research, feedback from international attendance to information sessions.

                                QUESTION 46
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 2 of 14

                                  2008-09 Campaign: Meet the Buyers - October 2008
                                  Print Advertising
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign
                                  Expenditure$3 439$3 234-$17 985$24 658

                                  First Class
                                  Government Printing Office
                                  NT News
                                  Darwin and Palmerston Sun
                                  Katherine Times
                                  Tennant and District Times
                                  The Centralian Advocate
                                  Alice Springs News
                                  Arafura Times
                                  Gove FM (8EAR)
                                  Mix 104.9
                                  Hot 100
                                  Territory FM
                                  Sun FM

                                  Market Research - Evaluation of previous program.

                                QUESTION 46
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 3 of 14

                                  2008-09 Campaign: Business Upskills
                                  July 2008 - Ongoing
                                  Print Advertising
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign
                                  Expenditure$19 560.66--$24 375.88$43 936.54

                                  Claire Pillant
                                  Catalyst Consulting International
                                  NT News
                                  Darwin and Palmerston Sun
                                  The Katherine Times
                                  Tennant and District Times
                                  The Alice Spring News
                                  The Centralian Advocate
                                  Arafura Times

                                  Market Research - Previous event evaluation, survey of attendees.

                                QUESTION 46
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 4 of 14

                                  2008-09 Campaign: Getting Started in Business
                                  July 2008 - Ongoing
                                  Print Advertising
                                  (24 Feb, 7 Mar)
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign

                                  NT News
                                  The Centralian Advocate
                                  Australian Hoteliers Association (AHA) Expo

                                  Market Research - Previous event evaluation, survey of attendees.

                                  2008-09 Campaign: ecoBiz NT
                                  Jan 2008 - Ongoing
                                  Print Advertising
                                  (14 Feb, 24 Mar)
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign

                                  NT News

                                  Market Research - None

                                QUESTION 46
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 5 of 14

                                  2008-09 Campaign: October Business Month 2008
                                  July – Nov 2008
                                  Print Advertising
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign
                                  Expenditure$13 816.41$22 422-$42 261.92$78 500.33

                                  First Class
                                  NT News
                                  Arafura Times
                                  The Centralian Advocate
                                  Darwin and Palmerston Sun
                                  Southern Cross
                                  Mix 101.4
                                  Government Printing Office

                                  Market Research
                                  Previous event evaluation, survey of attendees.

                                QUESTION 46
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 6 of 14

                                  2008-09 Campaign: Northern Territory Government Employment Programs – Entry level, apprenticeships, graduates and training programs
                                  July 2008 - Ongoing
                                  Print Advertising
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign
                                  Expenditure$28 483.67--$12 851.65$41 335.32

                                  Stickers and Stuff
                                  Government Printing Office
                                  Aussie Signs
                                  HMA Blaze
                                  Arafura Publishing (Nt) Pty Ltd
                                  Bellette Media
                                  Goodcareermove Pty Ltd
                                  Palm Photographics
                                  Territory Party Hire
                                  Charles Darwin University

                                  Market Research
                                  Evaluation of previous program.

                                QUESTION 46
                                ATTACHMENT A
                                Page 7 of 14

                                  2008-09 Campaign: Formerly DCM: Skilled Worker Program
                                  July 08 – Dec 08
                                  Note: Project transferred to DBE from DCM in December
                                  Print Advertising
                                  (Oct 08)
                                  Radio Advertising
                                  TV Advertising
                                  Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                  Total Campaign
                                  Expenditure$103 694.64$60 824.80-$251 481.25$416 000.69

                                  Azure Wireless
                                  CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association)
                                  Chamber of Commerce
                                  Chung Wah Society
                                  Creative Territory
                                  Display Creation
                                  Employee Assistance Service
                                  Fordtronic Video and Sound
                                  Glenelg Football Club
                                  Government Printing Office
                                  Harbourview Function Centre
                                  HMA Blaze

                                  IHG Hotels Management
                                  Katherine Times
                                  Moreton Hire
                                  Nationwide News
                                  Northern Territory Broadcasters
                                  Reidys Lures
                                  Renniks Exhibitions
                                  Senbri Travel
                                  Tennant and District Times
                                  Stickers and Stuff
                                  Vic Racing Club

                                  QUESTION 46
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 8 of 14

                                    2008-09 Campaign: Land Development Corporation
                                    Print Advertising
                                    Radio Advertising
                                    TV Advertising
                                    Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                    Total Campaign
                                    Expenditure$42 949.85--$21 199.47$64 149.32

                                    HMA Blaze
                                    Australian Financial Review
                                    The Australian
                                    The Weekend Australian
                                    Imprint Design
                                    Image Offset

                                    Market Research

                                  QUESTION 46
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 9 of 14

                                    2007-08 Campaigns: July 07 – Jun 08
                                    Key Projects
                                    Print Advertising
                                    Radio Advertising
                                    TV Advertising
                                    Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                    Total Campaign
                                    Business and Skilled Migration

                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    - First Class
                                    ---$62 000$62 000
                                    Defence Support
                                    - Northern Defence Magazine
                                    - NORFORCE Magazine
                                    - Defence Today
                                    - Relocation Northern
                                    - Defence Life
                                    $21 444.50 --$6500$27 944.50

                                  QUESTION 46
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 10 of 14

                                    2007-08 Campaigns: July 07 – Jun 08
                                    Key Projects
                                    Print Advertising
                                    Radio Advertising
                                    TV Advertising
                                    Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                    Total Campaign
                                    Meet the Buyers Expo

                                    - NT News
                                    - The Centralian Advocate
                                    - Darwin and Palmerston Sun
                                    - Katherine Times
                                    - Tennant and District Times
                                    - Alice Springs News
                                    - Arafura Times
                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    $4000--$29 000$33 000
                                    Territory Business Upskills

                                    - NT News
                                    - The Centralian Advocate
                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    $30 000--$4 000$34 000
                                    Franchising Seminars

                                    - NT News
                                    - The Centralian Advocate
                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    $3000--$10 000$13 000

                                  QUESTION 46
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 11 of 14

                                    2007-08 Campaigns: July 07 – Jun 08 cont.
                                    Key Projects
                                    Print Advertising
                                    Radio Advertising
                                    TV Advertising
                                    Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                    Total Campaign
                                    October Business Month 2007

                                    - Big Picture
                                    - The Paint and Sign Centre
                                    - KIK FM
                                    - Sprout
                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    - NT News
                                    - Arafura Times
                                    - The Centralian Advocate
                                    - Darwin and Palmerston Sun
                                    - Southern Cross
                                    - Mix 101.4
                                    - Tennant and District Times

                                    $10 000$20 000-$43 000$73 000
                                    Land Development Corporation

                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    - Sprout
                                    - Knight Frank
                                    $10 816.88--$15 7178$26 534.68

                                  QUESTION 46
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 12 of 14

                                    2007-08 Campaigns: July 07 – Jun 08 cont.
                                    Key Projects
                                    Print Advertising
                                    Radio Advertising
                                    TV Advertising
                                    Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                    Total Campaign
                                    NTG Employment Programs

                                    Stickers And Stuff
                                    Charles Darwin University
                                    Government Printing Office
                                    DM's Promotional Products
                                    Aussie Signs
                                    Melzelco Pty Ltd
                                    Erwin Chlanda Pty Ltd
                                    SKYCITY Darwin Pty Ltd
                                    Seek Ltd
                                    Territory Party Hire
                                    Katherine Times
                                    Charttes Training Advisory Council
                                    Nationwide News Pty Ltd
                                    Palm Photographics
                                    HMA Blaze Pty Limited
                                    Radio Larrakeyah
                                    Yolngu Radio
                                    CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association)
                                    TEABBA – Top End Aboriginal Bush Broadcasting Association
                                    $42 108.54$2743-$18 813.25$63 664.79

                                  QUESTION 46
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 13 of 14

                                    2006-07 Campaigns: July 06 – Jun 07
                                    Key Projects
                                    Print Advertising
                                    Radio Advertising
                                    TV Advertising
                                    Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                    Total Campaign
                                    Defence Support

                                    - Northern Defence Magazine
                                    - Australian Infantry Magazine
                                    - Wings
                                    - NORFORCE Magazine
                                    - NT News
                                    - Australian Defence Magazine
                                    - Sprout
                                    - Stancan (Designs)
                                    - HMA Blaze
                                    - Australian Financial Review$10 816
                                    --$11 1126$21 928.60
                                    Business Upskills

                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    - NT News
                                    - The Centralian Advocate
                                    - Arafura Times
                                    $40 000---$40 000
                                    Territory Business Centre

                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    ---$11 000$11 000

                                  QUESTION 46
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 14 of 14

                                    2006-07 Campaigns: July 06 – Jun 07
                                    Key Projects
                                    Print Advertising
                                    Radio Advertising
                                    TV Advertising
                                    Associated Marketing Expenditure

                                    Total Campaign
                                    October Business Month

                                    - First Class
                                    - NT News
                                    - Arafura Times
                                    - The Centralian Advocate
                                    - Darwin and Palmerston Sun
                                    - Southern Cross
                                    - Mix 101.4
                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    - Stickers and Stuff
                                    $15 000$10 000-$31 000$56 000
                                    Business and Skilled Migration

                                    - Government Printing Office
                                    ---$25 000$25 000

                                  QUESTION 50
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 1 of 4

                                    Ministerial portfolio: Justice and Attorney-General - Advertising / Information Campaigns


                                    1. Costs are GST inclusive
                                    2. Costs have been rounded to the nearest dollar
                                    3. ‘Expenditure Occurred’ reflects the invoice date or advertising schedules, not when the invoice was processed
                                    4. Campaign costs do not include public notices issued in accordance with statutory requirements

                                    Financial year 2006-07, costs commencing January 2007

                                    Name of campaign
                                    Medium (if applicable)
                                    Cost $
                                    Expenditure Occurred
                                    Breaking the Cycle
                                    (to inform stakeholders and the public about strengthening Community Corrections and the Community Safe NT initiative)
                                    (total $23 486)
                                    Letterbox drop (brochure)GPOBrochure 17 844March 2007
                                    Fact sheetsGPOFact Sheets 960April 2007
                                    Brochure (reprint)GPOBrochure 4 682April 2007
                                    Market or other research – include month it was undertaken, only include pre-campaign research, not evaluationNilN/A N/AN/A
                                    Crime Victims Services Unit (CVSU)
                                    (to raise awareness of the new victims of crime compensation scheme and the CVSU)
                                    (total $9013)

                                    Radio adsTerritory FMRadio 1 100August 2007
                                    Radio adsSun FM/8HARadio 1 518August – September 2007
                                    Radio adsMix 104Radio 1 641August – September 2007
                                    Press adsKatherine TimesPress 495August 2007
                                    Press adsArafura TimesPress 323August 2007
                                    Press adsNT NewsPress 2 861August 2007
                                    Press adsCentralian AdvocatePress 314August 2007
                                    Press adsTennant and District TimesPress 262August 2007
                                    Press adsKatherine TimesPress 248September 2007
                                    Press adsTennant and District TimesPress 250September 2007
                                    Market or other research– include month it was undertaken, only include pre-campaign research, not evaluationNilN/A N/AN/A

                                  QUESTION 50
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 2 of 4

                                    Financial year 2007-08

                                    Name of campaign
                                    Medium (if applicable)
                                    Cost $
                                    Expenditure Occurred
                                    Parental Responsibility
                                    (to raise awareness of parental responsibility agreements across the NT)
                                    (total $73 378)

                                    Parental Responsibility
                                    Letterbox drop (brochure)GPOBrochure 18 791April 2008
                                    Artwork designSproutBrochure, poster 1 600April 2008
                                    PosterGPOPoster 3 471May 2008
                                    Radio adsHot 100/Mix 104Radio ads 5 692May 2008
                                    Radio ads8HARadio ads 543May 2008
                                    Radio ads8HARadio ads 86May 2008
                                    Radio adsSUN FMRadio ads 86May 2008
                                    Radio adsSUN FMRadio ads 1 774May 2008
                                    Radio ad productionCutting EdgeRadio ads 2 871May 2008
                                    Radio adsCAAMARadio ads 132May 2008
                                    Radio adsMix 104Radio ads 1 045June 2008
                                    Radio adsMix 104Radio ads 253June 2008
                                    Radio adsHot 100Radio ads 253June 2008
                                    Letterbox drop (brochure)GPOBrochure 19 160June 2008
                                    TVC productionSimon Says TelevisionTVC 4 929June 2008
                                    TVCCh7 CentralTVC 2 587June 2008
                                    TVCCh7 DarwinTVC 2 231June 2008
                                    TVCCh9TVC 3 759June 2008
                                    Radio adsCAAMARadio ads 1 320June 2008
                                    Radio ad productionCutting EdgeRadio ads 269June 2008
                                    Radio adsHot 100Radio ads 2 526June 2008
                                    Market or other research – include month it was undertaken, only include pre-campaign research, not evaluationNilN/A N/AN/A

                                  QUESTION 50
                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                  Page 3 of 4

                                    Financial year 2007-08

                                    Name of campaign
                                    Medium (if applicable)
                                    Cost $
                                    Expenditure Occurred
                                    Misuse of Drugs Act
                                    (to raise awareness of increased penalties for supplying drugs to Indigenous communities)
                                    (total $30 883)
                                    Radio ads (including Indigenous languages)CAAMARadio ads 7 605June 2008
                                    Radio ads (including Indigenous languages)TEABBARadio ads 8 309June 2008
                                    Radio adsTerritory FMRadio ads 1 958June 2008
                                    Radio adsHot 100/Mix 104Radio ads 6 011June 2008
                                    Radio adsRadio LarrakiaRadio ads 7 000June 2008
                                    Market or other research – include month it was undertaken, only include pre-campaign research, not evaluationNilN/A N/AN/A
                                    Pornography Classification Education
                                    (to raise awareness of the pornography classification scheme in remote Indigenous communities)
                                    (total $26 788)
                                    Storyboard designAdzuStoryboard 3 793February 2008
                                    Storyboard designAdzuStoryboard 1 572February 2008
                                    PostersGPOPosters 3 935May 2008
                                    StoryboardGPOStoryboard 14 100May 2008
                                    PostersGPOPosters 736May 2008
                                    Poster designAdzuPosters 2 652June 2008
                                    Market or other research – include month it was undertaken, only include pre-campaign research, not evaluationThe content of the storyboard was developed in consultation with the Indigenous Men’s Group and was focus tested with this group.Storyboard NilN/A

                                  QUESTION 50
                                  ATTACHMENT A
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                                    Financial year 2008-09, costs incurred up to 13 March 2009

                                    Name of campaign
                                    Medium (if applicable)
                                    Cost $Expenditure Occurred
                                    Misuse of Drugs Act
                                    (to raise awareness of increased penalties for supplying drugs to Indigenous communities)
                                    (total $1052)
                                    Press ad layoutBig PicturePress ads 103July 2008
                                    Press adsArafura TimesPress ads 162July 2008
                                    Press adsNT NewsPress ads 379July 2008
                                    Press adsCentralian AdvocatePress ads 243July 2008
                                    Press adsKatherine TimesPress ads 165July 2008
                                    Market or other research – include month it was undertaken, only include pre-campaign research, not evaluationNilN/A N/AN/A
                                    Safe Work Australia Week (SWAW)
                                    (to raise awareness of SWAW and associated activities)
                                    (total $3761)
                                    StickersStickers & StuffStickers 560October 2008
                                    StickersStickers & StuffStickers 520October 2008
                                    Car magnetsStickers & StuffCar magnets 1 180October 2008
                                    Press adsNT NewsPress ads 903October 2008
                                    Press adsKatherine TimesPress ads 242October 2008
                                    Press adsCentralian AdvocatePress ads 356October 2008
                                    Market or other research– include month it was undertaken, only include pre-campaign research, not evaluationNilN/A N/AN/A

                                    QUESTION 56
                                    ATTACHMENT A
                                    Page 1 of 3

                                    Ministerial portfolio: Planning and Lands
                                    January 2007 – December 2007
                                    Name of campaign
                                    Medium ItemCost excl GST $
                                    NT Planning Scheme
                                    Campaign Duration: Jan 07
                                    Newspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 2 629.91
                                    Suppliers used: Total 2 629.91
                                    Centralian Advocate, Katherine Times, NT News, Tennant and District Times* No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                    Darwin CBD Urban Planning Forum
                                    Campaign Duration: Feb 07 - Aug 07
                                    Brochure and Poster PanelsDesign/Printing12 099.55
                                    Suppliers used:
                                    First Class in Graphic Design, DM’s Promotional Products, Shade works Hire, GPT, Holiday Inn Esplanade, NT News, Territory FM, The Exhibitionist, Australia Post, GPO, Hot 100, Mail Fast
                                    Community ConsultationPlanning Forum15 334.33
                                    Newspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 4 832.06
                                    Radio AdvertisingDesign/Placement 3 068.80
                                    Brochure/Letter box DropPrinting/Delivery 3 633.80
                                    Total38 968.54
                                    * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                    Bellamack Residential Subdivision:
                                    Campaign Duration: Aug 07 - Sept 07
                                    NewspaperDesign/Placement 9 609.85
                                    Suppliers used:2 x Pull up BannersDesign/Printing 960.00
                                    HMA Blaze, Roka Graphics Total10 569.85
                                    * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                    QUESTION 56
                                    ATTACHMENT A
                                    Page 2 of 3

                                    January 2008 – December 2008, including costs incurred up to 28 February 2009.
                                    Name of campaign
                                    Medium ItemCost excl GST $
                                    Alice Springs Planning for the Future Forum Campaign duration: May 08 - Jun 08Newspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 1 006.03
                                    Supplier used:
                                    Alice Springs News, Centralian Advocate, DM's Promotional Products, Bellette, A/S Convention Centre,
                                    Display BannerDesign/Printing 1 057.96
                                    StickersDesign/Printing 793.25
                                    Pull up BannersDesign/Printing 2 154.03
                                    Community consultationPlanning Forum 5 021.68
                                    Web siteDesign 1 040.42
                                    Fact sheetsDesign 804.06
                                    Total11 877.44
                                    * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                    Building Palmerston for the Future
                                    Campaign duration: Sept 08 - Nov 08
                                    Newspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 9 389.08
                                    Suppliers used:Flyer –Letterbox dropPrinting/Delivery19 062.41
                                    Darwin and Palmerston Sun, NT News, GPO, Sprout, The ExhibitionistAdvertisement, FlyerDesign 4 317.50
                                    Pull up BannerPrinting 1 254.60
                                    Total34 023.59
                                    * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                    Old Hospital site Campaign duration: Nov 08Newspaper AdvertisingPlacement 4 027.49
                                    Suppliers used:Total 4 027.49
                                    NT News* No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                    QUESTION 56
                                    ATTACHMENT A
                                    Page 3 of 3

                                      January 2008 – December 2008, including costs incurred up to 28 February 2009.

                                      Name of campaign
                                      Medium ItemCost excl GST $
                                      Katherine Planning Forum Campaign duration: Nov 08StickersPrinting 90.91
                                      Supplier used:Radio AdvertisingDesign/Placement 420.00
                                      GPO, Katherine FM Radio, Katherine Times, NT News, The Exhibitionist, Bellette, DM's Promotion ProductsNewspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 1 960.00
                                      Pull up Banner, Display BannerPrinting 1 330.00
                                      WebsiteDesign 1 130.61
                                      T-shirts/uniformPrinting 743.00
                                      Total 5 674.52
                                      * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                      Total for 2007-08 up to 28 Feb 2009:$107 771.34
                                      QUESTION 57
                                      ATTACHMENT A
                                      Page 1 of 2

                                        Ministerial portfolio: Infrastructure
                                        Commencing January 2007 – December 2007
                                        Name of campaign
                                        Medium ItemCost excl GST $
                                        Coolalinga Landscape Master Plan
                                        Campaign Duration: Aug 07 - Sept 07
                                        Newspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 755.64
                                        Suppliers used in this Campaign:Pull up bannerPrinting/Design 960.00
                                        NT News, Territory Times, Roka Graphics, Government Printing OfficeFlyerPrinting 605.23
                                        Total 2 320.87
                                        * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                        Middle School Road works Campaign Duration: Jul 07- Jun 08Newspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 7 373.76
                                        Suppliers used in this Campaign:Radio AdvertisingDesign/Placement 5 675.73
                                        Darwin and Palmerston Sun, GPO, NT News, Hot 100, Mix 104.9, The ExhibitionistFlyers Printing/ Letterbox drop 2 389.77
                                        PanelPrinting 755.00
                                        Total 16 194.26
                                        * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                        QUESTION 57
                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                        Page 2 of 2

                                        January 2008 – December 2008, including costs incurred up to 28 February 2009.
                                        Name of campaignMedium ItemCost excl GST $
                                        Tiger Brennan Drive Stage 1 & 2 Extension
                                        Campaign Duration: Apr 08 - Jan 09
                                        Launches Hire 1 546.64
                                        Suppliers used in this Campaign:RadioDesign/Placement 1 860.00
                                        Grinners Catering, Shadeworks Hire, Hot 100, Mix 104.9, Sprout CreativeRoad SignageDesign 1 535.32
                                        Total 4 941.96
                                        * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                        Construction SnapshotPublication - 3 EditionsDesign17 412.45
                                        Campaign Duration: Sept 08 - Jan 09FlyerPrinting 1 463.48
                                        Suppliers used in this Campaign:International PublicationDesign/Printing11 771.41
                                        Adzu, Government Printing Office Total30 647.34
                                        * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                        Palm Circuit/Stuart Highway Proposed Road work – Public Meeting: Campaign Duration: Dec 08Newspaper AdvertisingDesign/Placement 404.47
                                        Suppliers used in this Campaign:Radio AdvertisingDesign/Placement 540.00
                                        Centralian Advocate, Sun FM/8HA Total 944.47
                                        * No formal market research was conducted prior to this campaign
                                        Total for 2007-08 up to 28 Feb 2009: $55 048.90
                                        QUESTION 61
                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                        Page 1 of 34

                                        1. The following details each Commonwealth funded program according to the overarching agreements.

                                        NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                        General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                        Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)Additional Teachers for the Northern Territory
                                        (200 Teachers)
                                        Building An Indigenous Workforce
                                        Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme - In Class Tuition
                                        Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme 9 to 12
                                        Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/Committee
                                        Supplementary Recurrent Assistance and others (Indigenous Education Strategic Initiative Programs (IESIP))
                                        English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)
                                        Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005 – 2008 and others Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program
                                        Other Australian government programs
                                        National Accelerated Literacy Program
                                        Northern Territory Emergency ResponseCreating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery - Education
                                        Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy
                                        Employment and Training ProgramsSkilling Australia's Workforce Recurrent - Employment and Training
                                        Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program
                                        Australians Working Together
                                        Australian Government Welfare Reform
                                        Joint Indigenous Funding Pool
                                        Indigenous Training for Employment Program
                                        Adult Learners Week
                                        Recognition for Prior Learning
                                        Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Construction Project (TSNR)
                                        Various other programs
                                        Other GrantsClever Networks or Sky Connect
                                        National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                        Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                        Non-government Schools
                                        QUESTION 61
                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                        Page 2 of 34

                                        2. The following details each Commonwealth funded program according to the overarching agreements.

                                        NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                        PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM
                                        General Recurrent Revenue for government schools
                                          To assist government schools with the recurrent costs of school education.
                                        Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)

                                        Additional Teachers for the Northern Territory (200 Teachers)

                                        Building An Indigenous Workforce

                                        Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme - In Class Tuition; Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme 9 to 12

                                        Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/Committee

                                        Supplementary Recurrent Assistance and others
                                        (Indigenous Education Strategic Initiative Programs (IESIP))

                                        English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)
                                        To improve educational opportunities and outcomes for Indigenous people.

                                        Provides funding to employ 42.5 teachers in schools servicing the Northern Territory Emergency Response communities. Teachers will be specifically focused on improving the educational outcomes of school age children in remote communities.

                                        Funding is provided to government and non-government preschools, schools and TAFE providers for the employment of Indigenous Australians in a range of jobs, including as Indigenous Education Workers.

                                        Tuition program for Indigenous students between years 1 to 12 that either didn't meet benchmark or at risk of not achieving benchmark in maths and literacy.

                                        Provides advice and makes recommendations to NT Government and Australian government ministers on education for Indigenous students in the NT.

                                        The objective of IESIP is to close the gap in educational outcomes that currently exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.

                                        Funding to support Indigenous students from a non-English speaking background undertaking their first year of formal schooling in English. This program aims to facilitate the entry of eligible Indigenous students into education by providing intensive English.
                                        Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005 – 2008 and others

                                        Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program

                                        Other Australian government programs

                                        Supporting quality school education for all Australian children.

                                        Aims to improve literacy, numeracy and other learning outcomes of students who are educationally disadvantaged through schools grants and to assist children and students with disabilities through grants for non-government centres support.

                                        Middle Years of Schooling Initiative, Drought Assistance for Schools, Drug Education Forums, National Safe Schools Week, National Drug Strategy, National Secondary Computer Fund, Values Education Forum, Reading Assistance Voucher Scheme, Mobile Early Childhood Program, Access Asia, An Even Start, Sustainable Schools, Literacy and Numeracy Week, Quality Teacher Programs, History Project, Stop It Before it Starts.
                                        QUESTION 61
                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                        Page 3 of 34
                                          NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                          PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM
                                          National Accelerated Literacy Program
                                            Aims to accelerate and improve the literacy levels of targeted students through partner schools through the Accelerated Literacy methodology and enhanced capacity of teachers to deliver the program.
                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response

                                          Creating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery - Education

                                          Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy
                                          A range of new measures were introduced to support the Northern Territory National Emergency Response (NTER). CDEP $2.3m, Quality Teachers and Enhanced Literacy $7.53m, additional classrooms $0.3m.

                                          To convert 156 CDEP positions in remote NT government schools to real NT jobs. Variation in 2008-09 amended to 184 positions.

                                          The program is designed to embed at the local level good teaching practice to accelerate literacy outcomes and to strengthen the existing education workforce, with a strong emphasis on local Indigenous staff, by providing additional training and professional development.
                                          Employment and Training Programs

                                          Skilling Australia's Workforce Recurrent - Employment and Training

                                          Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program

                                          Australians Working Together

                                          Australian Government Welfare Reform

                                          Joint Indigenous Funding Pool

                                          Indigenous Training for Employment Program

                                          Adult Learners Week

                                          Recognition for Prior Learning

                                          Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Construction Project (TSNR)
                                          Recurrent funding for employment and training.

                                          To provide vocational education and training programs to senior students in urban, regional and remote areas to support them in gaining skills they need to move into the NT workforce.

                                          To improve employment and training opportunities for people from disadvantaged groups.

                                          To improve employment and training opportunities for people from disadvantaged groups.

                                          To improve vocational and technical outcomes for Indigenous students through improved and innovative education and training opportunities and products.

                                          This program has transferred to the Department of Business and Employment in 2008-09.

                                          An opportunity to celebrate, promote and advance all forms of adult learning through any form of adult leaning activity.

                                          Two projects to build training provider capacity to deliver quality recognition of prior learning programs and services.

                                          To construct three training and accommodation facilities in three NT remote communities; residents of these communities are working on these projects and are undertaking nationally recognised training as part of the project.
                                          QUESTION 61
                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                          Page 4 of 34
                                          NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                          PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM
                                          Various Other Programs
                                            Australian Qualification Training Framework, Australian Government Growth Funding, Australian Government Group Training and others.
                                          Other Grants

                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect

                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

                                          Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                          Funding to build a Satellite Earth Station to improve communications to remote areas.

                                          Funding for national benchmark testing for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the NT.

                                          For projects which enhance accessibility of quality early childhood education programs for Indigenous children and children living in low socioeconomic communities, for projects which involve collaborative arrangements with the non-state/territory governments.
                                          Non-Government SchoolsNon-government schools

                                          3. In 2007-08, the total of current (non-capital) Commonwealth SPP Revenue was $146m. The amount of $146.6m reported in the annual report included some amounts from other external grants not specifically from the Commonwealth.
                                            Following also provides details of this Commonwealth government revenue stream by program. Where an agreement specifically requires a Northern Territory contribution, this amount is detailed. Please note that the Northern Territory provides significant funding to improve educational and training outcomes, most of which is not directly tied to an agreement.
                                          Australian Government Funding Allocation
                                          NAME OF PROGRAM
                                          FUNDING ALLOCATION ($m)
                                          General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                          Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)
                                          Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial
                                          2005 – 2008 and others
                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                          Employment and Training Programs
                                          Other Grants
                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                          Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                          Non-Government Schools
                                          TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP

                                          QUESTION 61
                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                          Page 5 of 34
                                          Northern Territory Government Funding Allocation
                                          NAME OF PROGRAM
                                          FUNDING ALLOCATION ($m)
                                          General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                          Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)
                                          Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial
                                          2005 – 2008 and others
                                          National Accelerated Literacy Program
                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                          Employment and Training Programs

                                          Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program

                                          Joint indigenous Funding Pool

                                          * Jointly matched funding by NTG $0.57

                                          * Jointly matched funding by NTG $0.48
                                          Other Grants
                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                          Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                          Non-Government Schools
                                          TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP

                                          4. The amount recorded as ‘unspent’ is the unspent portion of the revenue received in 2007-08 as per the specific question. The level of carry forward (which takes into account prior year cash balances) is answered in response to question 9.
                                            The total amount unspent of $8.5m principally relates to revenue received late in 2007-08 for the NTER and the 200 teacher initiative (under the Indigenous Education Agreement) as per the earlier discussion under ‘preliminary explanation’.
                                            DET’s approved budget allocation for 2007-08 (including both capital and recurrent external sources of funds) was $133.8m. The amount underspent against the ‘approved expenditure allocation’ was $1.8m (1.4% of the budget allocation).
                                          QUESTION 61
                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                          Page 6 of 34
                                          2007-08 Expenditure
                                          NAME OF PROGRAM
                                          EXPENDITURE/SPENT ($m)
                                          General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                          Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)
                                          Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005 – 2008 and others
                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                          Employment and Training Programs
                                          Other Grants
                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                          Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                          Non-Government Schools
                                          TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP
                                          2007-08 Unspent Revenue
                                          NAME OF PROGRAM2007-08 REVENUE UNSPENT ($m)
                                          General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                          Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)
                                          Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005 – 2008 and others
                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                          Employment and Training Programs
                                          Other Grants
                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                          Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                          Non-Government Schools
                                          TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP

                                          QUESTION 61
                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                          Page 7 of 34

                                          5. Many of the guidelines, operating practices and reporting developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth can be viewed via Commonwealth websites; the website link has been provided against each program in the attachments.

                                          NAME OF PROGRAM
                                          General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                          Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)

                                          Additional Teachers for the Northern Territory
                                          (200 Teachers)

                                          Building An Indigenous Workforce

                                          Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme - In Class Tuition

                                          Indigenous Tutorial Assistance
                                          Scheme 9 to 12

                                          Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/Committee

                                          Supplementary Recurrent Assistance
                                          and others
                                          (Indigenous Education Strategic Initiative Programs (IESIP))

                                          English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)

                                          All the following programs refer to websites as above
                                          QUESTION 61
                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                          Page 8 of 34
                                          NAME OF PROGRAM
                                          Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005

                                          Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program

                                          Other Australian Government Programs

                                          National Accelerated Literacy Program


                                          guidelines_2009.pdf and as per individual agreements

                                          October_2008V2.pdf and
                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response

                                          Creating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery - Education

                                          Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy


                                          Employment and Training Programs

                                          Skilling Australia's Workforce Recurrent - Employment and Training

                                          Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program

                                          Australians Working Together

                                          /2008NTVETPlan.pdf; and

                                          As above

                                          2008NTVETPlan.pdf; and
                                          16651/NTBilateral Agreement.pdf
                                          QUESTION 61
                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                          Page 9 of 34
                                            NAME OF PROGRAM
                                            Australian Government Welfare Reform

                                            Joint Indigenous Funding Pool

                                            Indigenous Training for Employment Program

                                            Adult Learners Week

                                            Recognition for Prior Learning

                                            Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Construction Project (TSNR)
                                            As above and

                                            As per agreement.

                                            Transferred to Department of Business and Employment.

                                            NT Guidelines refer at Appendix 1.

                                            As per agreement.

                                            National Project - Deed of Agreement - Specific Project Agreement each year.
                                            Other Grants
                                            Clever Networks or Sky Connect

                                            National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

                                            Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                            Policy_Agenda/ECUA/Pages/UniversalAccesstoEarlyChildhood EducationProjects.aspx
                                            Non-Government Schools
                                            Not required

                                            6. Performance indicators for each program are included in either the guidelines, the schedules to the agreements or the actual agreements. A summary of those performance indicators is included. Further information can be obtained by viewing the appropriate Commonwealth websites.
                                            NAME OF PROGRAMPERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                            General Recurrent Revenue for Government SchoolsPerformance Framework Summary included under Program Commonwealth Programs for Schools 2005 - 2008 and Others
                                            Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)

                                            Additional Teachers for the Northern Territory
                                            (200 Teachers)

                                            Changes in teaching staff numbers in targeted schools subsequent to the implementation of this measure (baseline data at commencement then reported quarterly).
                                            Changes in enrolments in targeted schools subsequent to the implementation of this measure (baseline data at commencement reported quarterly).
                                            Changes in attendance levels in targeted schools subsequent to the implementation of this measure (baseline data at commencement reported quarterly).
                                            QUESTION 61
                                            ATTACHMENT A
                                            Page 10 of 34
                                              NAME OF PROGRAM
                                              PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                              Building An Indigenous Workforce

                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme - In Class Tuition

                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme
                                              9 to 12

                                              Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/Committee
                                              Output based reporting. Provision of agreed number of employment positions.

                                              Student performance assessed against school or system curriculum outcomes standards in the area of literacy attainment; by region and the Northern Territory as a whole.

                                                Student performance assessed against school or system curriculum outcomes standards in the area of numeracy attainment; by region and the Northern Territory as a whole.
                                                Qualitative assessment of the impact of ITAS tuition against educational outcomes indicators; by region and the Northern Territory as a whole.

                                                Provision of a state government endorsed strategic plan for the period 2005 to 2008. The strategic plan will outline the IECBs activities and detail how these will promote and add value to the Australian government's Indigenous Education Programs. The strategic plan must address the eight MCEETYA priority areas.
                                                Report on the achievements against the strategic plan.
                                                Provision of two Issues Papers which focus on discussing current issues and possible solutions to the Australian government and the state/territory strategic education policy and program initiatives from a regional and jurisdictional perspective.
                                                Arrange and attend an agreed number of consultation meetings with Indigenous parents and communities.
                                                Participation in minor provider's performance monitoring meetings.
                                                Maintain, promote and update IECB website.
                                                Produce and distribute newsletters as required.
                                                Supplementary Recurrent Assistance and others
                                                (Indigenous Education Strategic Initiative Programs (IESIP))
                                                Literacy awareness of preschool students (indigenous and non indigenous) old enough to enter primary school in the following year, as measured by the Assessment of Student Competencies (ASC); examined by region and the Northern Territory as a whole

                                                Numeracy awareness of preschool students (indigenous and non indigenous) old enough to enter primary school in the following year, as measured by the Assessment of Student Competencies (ASC); examined by region and the Northern Territory as a whole

                                                Attendance rates of preschool, primary and secondary students (indigenous and non indigenous); examined by region and the Northern Territory as a whole

                                                Number of preschool students (indigenous and non indigenous) enrolled; examined by region and the Northern Territory as a whole

                                                QUESTION 61
                                                ATTACHMENT A
                                                Page 11 of 34
                                                  NAME OF PROGRAMPERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                  Supplementary Recurrent Assistance and others
                                                  (Indigenous Education Strategic Initiative Programs (IESIP)) continued.
                                                  Education provider based NAPLAN literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy testing for Year 3, 5 and 7 students (indigenous and non indigenous); examined by region and the Northern Territory as a whole.
                                                  Bands of NAPLAN reading and numeracy achievement at Year 3, 5 and 7 (indigenous and non indigenous students).
                                                  Level of literacy (reading) and numeracy achievement at Year 3, 5 and 7 as measured by the State-wide literacy assessment tool for Year 3 students or other literacy assessment tool as negotiated with the Commonwealth.
                                                  Apparent student retention rates from Year 7 (or 8) to Year 10, as measured by the National Schools Statistics Collection August Census.
                                                  Apparent student retention rates from Year 10 to Year 12, as measured by the National Schools Statistics Collection August Census.
                                                  Year 10 enrolment and certificate attainment rates.
                                                  Year 12 certificate attainment rates.
                                                  University admission index (or equivalent) and Vocational Education and Training in schools qualifications as measured by SSABSA.
                                                  Employment of indigenous and non indigenous staff in Education.
                                                  Employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workers and equivalents in Education.
                                                  Permanency rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workers and equivalents in Education.
                                                  Involvement of indigenous people on committees regarding indigenous issues at state and regional level.
                                                  Involvement of indigenous people on committees regarding general educational issues at state and regional level.
                                                  Inclusion of indigenous perspectives and indigenous studies across the school curriculum.
                                                  Assessment of professional learning undertaken by indigenous staff.
                                                  Assessment of formal training levels of AIEWs.
                                                  Percentage of ESL-ILSS students assessed for English Language skills.
                                                  English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)Identification of students eligible for ESL-ILSS tuition.

                                                  Attendance of ESL-ILSS students.

                                                  Factors that contributed to ESL-ILSS student success.

                                                  Impediments to the success of the ESL-ILSS program.
                                                  QUESTION 61
                                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                                  Page 12 of 34
                                                    NAME OF PROGRAMPERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                    Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005 – 2008 and others

                                                    Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program

                                                    Other Australian Government Programs

                                                    Make a commitment to the National Goals for Schooling prepared by MCEETYA.
                                                    In relation to performance targets and performance measures set out in regulations:
                                                    1. make a commitment to achieve the performance targets and report against the performance measures; and
                                                    2. agree to provide reports as required addressing the requirements for performance information as specified in the regulations.
                                                    In relation to the annual National Report on Schooling in Australia (ANR):
                                                    1. agree to participate in preparing the ANR;
                                                    2. agree to provide (for inclusion in the ANR) reports on performance information as specified in the regulations
                                                    3. make a commitment to the publication of the ANR within one year after the end of each program year; and
                                                    4. agree to provide (for inclusion in the ANR) any reports required by the minister.
                                                    In relation to school performance information:
                                                    1. make a commitment to ensure that school performance information is made publicly available; and
                                                    2. agree to make publicly available school performance information specified in regulations in the manner specified in the regulations

                                                    in relation to student attendance:
                                                    1. make a commitment to the Minister on student attendance; and
                                                    2. agree to provide reports as required in relation to student attendance information specified in the regulations
                                                    Make a commitment to develop and implement Statements of Learning.
                                                    In relation to common testing standards:
                                                    1. make a commitment to put in place common testing standards in English, mathematics, science, civics and citizenship education and ICT; and
                                                    2. agree to implement these common testing standards, including common national tests.
                                                    Make a commitment to put into effect the National Safe Schools Framework.
                                                    Make a commitment to provide two hours of physical activity each school week for primary and secondary students.
                                                    QUESTION 61
                                                    ATTACHMENT A
                                                    Page 13 of 34

                                                    NAME OF PROGRAMPERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                    Other Australian Government Programs

                                                    National Accelerated Literacy Program
                                                    Make a commitment to give the principal and the governing body of the school strengthened autonomy over education programs, staffing, budget and other aspects of the school's operations, within a supportive framework of policies.
                                                    Make a commitment that appointment of staff will be made with the approval of the principal or the governing body of the school.

                                                    Make a commitment to implement a consistent national system for timely transmission between schools of student information relating to students moving interstate.
                                                    In relation to reporting to parents:
                                                    1. make a commitment to ensure that parents and guardians are given a report on their child's achievement against appropriate national literacy and numeracy benchmarks for Years 3, 5 and 7.
                                                    Make a commitment to achieve national consistency in school starting ages and common nomenclature.
                                                    Make a commitment to give parents plain language student reports conforming to certain principles.
                                                    Agree to provide reports in relation to financial assistance.
                                                    Agree to take part in evaluations of the outcomes of programs funded by the Australian government.
                                                    Agree to provide reports in relation to expenditure on professional learning of teachers.
                                                    Northern Territory Emergency Response

                                                    Creating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery - Education

                                                    Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy
                                                    The NTER has no prescribed KPIs. All reporting is output based reporting.

                                                    Number of allocated positions filled.

                                                    Input/Output based reporting such as no. of PD programs run.
                                                    Employment and Training Programs

                                                    Skilling Australia's Workforce Recurrent - Employment and Training

                                                    Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program

                                                    Additional New Apprentice commencements in skills shortages in traditional trades (aeroskills; automotive; electrical; engineering; food; construction; personal services).

                                                    Additional VET places in other areas of skills shortage (computing; community services, health and education, tourism; hospitality; childcare; business and retail).
                                                    Additional VET places for mature age people (40-64 year olds) and youth (14-24 year olds).
                                                    QUESTION 61
                                                    ATTACHMENT A
                                                    Page 14 of 34
                                                      NAME OF PROGRAMPERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                      Australians Working Together

                                                      Australian Government Welfare Reform

                                                      Joint Indigenous Funding Pool

                                                      Indigenous Training for Employment Program

                                                      Adult Learners Week

                                                      Recognition for Prior Learning

                                                      Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Construction Project (TSNR)
                                                      Additional places for people with a disability.
                                                      Increase training places in regional and remote locations for Indigenous Australians.
                                                      Increase participation by Indigenous Australians at higher qualification levels.

                                                      Participation with the Client and Student Voice Action Group.
                                                      Over the life of the Bilateral Funding Agreement:
                                                      1. maintain or increase employer satisfaction levels;
                                                      2. maintain or increase graduate satisfaction levels;
                                                      3. improve completion rates and outcomes for mature age workers and youth; and
                                                      4. improve outcomes for people with a disability

                                                      Project based. KPI is completion of all eight projects and achievement of project outcomes.

                                                      Transferred to Department of Business and Employment

                                                      Profile of adult learning raised and events held during Adult Learners Week.

                                                      Project based. KPI is completion of the projects and availability of resources.

                                                      Project based. KPI is completion of project and achievement of project outcomes.
                                                      Other Grants

                                                      Clever Networks or Sky Connect

                                                      National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

                                                      Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                                      Installation of broadband satellite services in remote schools, clinics and distance education students.


                                                      The additional number of disadvantaged four year old children in quality early childhood education program taught by a degree qualified teacher as a result of the project.
                                                      The average duration the additional targeted children attend the quality early childhood education program.
                                                      The cost per additional targeted child who attends the program, in relation to the context of the project undertaken.
                                                      Non-government schools Not required

                                                      QUESTION 61
                                                      ATTACHMENT A
                                                      Page 15 of 34

                                                        7. What was our performance against these performance indicators or markers in 2007-08?
                                                          And, Question 19: What was our performance so far this year against these?
                                                          The Territory’s achievement against schooling and vocational education and training related performance indicators on which DET reports to the Commonwealth government are captured and reported on a calendar year basis. The Commonwealth gathers these reports from all states and territories and performs various data integrity and quality testing checks before producing nationally comparable data sets and reports for release to the public and relevant stakeholders.
                                                          Performance data reported by the Territory leads to the following publications and reports:

                                                        The student outcomes data collected by the department is reported annually in the National Report on Schooling in Australia (ANR). The annual ANR is published by the Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA). The aim of the ANR is to detail the scope of schooling in Australia and describe the activities of the sector, monitor the effects and progress of policy initiatives, and detail the source, volume and direction of education finances. The report is delivered to Australian parliaments to inform policy makers and the Australian public. A copy of that report can be found at:
                                                        For the period 2001 to 2007, the measurement of student achievement was through the Multilevel Assessment Program (MAP).

                                                          The results for MAP for the years 2001 to 2007 are published by the Performance Measurement

                                                          and Reporting Taskforce (established by Ministerial Council on Employment, Education, Training

                                                          and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA) in 2001) and are available on the following website:

                                                        Since 2008, measurement is through the National Assessment Program Literacy and
                                                        Numeracy (NAPLAN). NAPLAN results can be found at:

                                                        For Indigenous Education Assistance programs, performance data supplied to the
                                                        Commonwealth is also released in the ‘National Report to Parliament on Indigenous

                                                        Education and Training’. A copy of the latest report (for 2006) is available at:

                                                        No performance for Universal Access to Early Childhood Education 2007-08 in this period as funding agreement was signed in June 2008. Activity commenced in July 2008.

                                                        8. Was any payment returned to the Commonwealth or carried over from 2007-08 to 2008-09?; and Question 9; If payments were returned or carried over, in what areas and how much were they?
                                                          No funds were returned to the Commonwealth and $9.3m of current (non-capital) Commonwealth SPP Revenue was carried over from 2007-08 to 2008-09. This balance takes into account cash balances at beginning of the year plus revenue during the year reduced by expenditure that occurred during the year. Details of the programs are as follows.
                                                          Only $1.7m (1.4% of budget) of this carry forward was underperformance against budget in 2007-08 (refer Preliminary Explanation and answer to Question 4).
                                                        QUESTION 61
                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                        Page 16 of 34
                                                          NAME OF PROGRAM
                                                          RETURN OF FUNDS ($m)
                                                          General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                                          Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)
                                                          Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005 – 2008 and others
                                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                                          Employment and Training Programs
                                                          Skilling Australia’s Workforce Recurrent – Employment and Training
                                                          Other Grants
                                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                                          Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                                          Non-Government Schools
                                                          TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP
                                                          NAME OF PROGRAMCARRYOVER OF FUNDS ($m)
                                                          General Recurrent Revenue for Government Schools
                                                          Indigenous Education Funding Agreement (IEA)
                                                          Commonwealth Programs for Schools Quadrennial 2005 – 2008 and others
                                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                                          Employment and Training Programs
                                                          Skilling Australia’s Workforce Recurrent – Employment and Training
                                                          Other Grants
                                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                                          Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                                          Non-Government Schools
                                                          TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP

                                                          QUESTION 61
                                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                                          Page 17 of 34

                                                            CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPECIFIC PURPOSE GRANTS FOR 2008-09

                                                            10. The budget amount of Commonwealth current (non-capital) SPPs revenue to be received during 2008-09 is $178.8m. This figure includes the amount expected to be received in respect of National Partnerships even though technically the revenue is not an SPP.
                                                            NAME OF PROGRAMESTIMATED BUDGET REVENUE ($m)
                                                            General Recurrent Revenue - Government Schools
                                                            Non-Government Schools Commonwealth Assistance Schemes
                                                            Indigenous Education Agreement (IEA)
                                                            Australian Government Targeted Programs and Others
                                                            Employment and Training Programs
                                                            Early Childhood Services
                                                            Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                                            Australian Early Development Index
                                                            Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                                            Other Grants
                                                            Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                                            New Specific Purpose payments commencing 1 Jan 2009
                                                            National Education Agreement – Specific Purpose Payment from 1 Jan to 30 June
                                                            National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development SPP from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009
                                                            Specific Purpose payment non-government schools


                                                            National Partnerships
                                                            Digital Education Revolution (government schools)
                                                            Digital Education Revolution (non-government schools)
                                                            Early Childhood Reform
                                                            Indigenous Early Childhood
                                                            Smarter Schools – Improving Teacher Quality
                                                            Smarter Schools – Literacy and Numeracy
                                                            Smarter Schools – Low Socio-Economic Status Schools Communities
                                                            Nation Building – National School Pride
                                                            Nation Building – Primary Schools for the 21st Century
                                                            TAFE Fee Waivers for childcare qualifications

                                                            TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP

                                                            QUESTION 61
                                                            ATTACHMENT A
                                                            Page 18 of 34

                                                              11. Details of each Commonwealth funded program according to the overarching agreements.

                                                              NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                              General Recurrent Revenue - Government Schools
                                                              Non-Government Schools Commonwealth Assistance Schemes
                                                              Indigenous Education Agreement (IEA)Strategic Recurrent Assistance
                                                              English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)
                                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme – In Class Tuition
                                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme 9 to 12
                                                              Building an Indigenous Workforce
                                                              Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/ Committee
                                                              Australian Government Targeted Programs and OthersLiteracy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program
                                                              National Accelerated Literacy Program
                                                              Other Australian Government Programs
                                                              Strong Literacy and Numeracy in Communities – Literacy and Numeracy Pilot
                                                              Regional Education Coordinator
                                                              Employment and Training ProgramsSkilling Australia’s Workforce Recurrent – Employment Training
                                                              Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program
                                                              Australians Working Together
                                                              Australian Government Welfare Reform
                                                              Joint Group Training Project
                                                              Joint Indigenous Funding Pool
                                                              Indigenous Training for Employment Program
                                                              Adult Learners Week
                                                              Recognition for Prior Learning
                                                              Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Project
                                                              Various Others – Building a Stronger Community Sector, equity and innovation, Productivity Places Existing
                                                              Early Childhood ServicesUniversal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                                              Australian Early Development Index
                                                              QUESTION 61
                                                              ATTACHMENT A
                                                              Page 19 of 34
                                                                NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                Northern Territory Emergency ResponseCreating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery – Education
                                                                Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy
                                                                Accelerated Literacy and Quality Teaching Package
                                                                Other GrantsClever Networks or Sky Connect
                                                                National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                National Indigenous Cadetship Program
                                                                New Specific Purpose Payments commencing 1 Jan 2009National Education Agreement – Specific Purpose payment from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009
                                                                National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development SPP from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009
                                                                Specific Purpose payment Non-Gov Schools
                                                                National PartnershipsDigital Education Revolution (Gov Schools)
                                                                Digital Education Revolution (Non-Gov Schools)
                                                                Early Childhood Reform
                                                                Indigenous Early Childhood
                                                                Smarter Schools – Improving Teacher Quality
                                                                Smarter Schools – Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                Smarter Schools – Low Socio-Economic Status Schools Communities
                                                                Nation Building – National School Pride
                                                                Nation Building – Primary Schools for the 21st Century
                                                                TAFE Fee Waivers for childcare qualifications

                                                                QUESTION 61
                                                                ATTACHMENT A
                                                                Page 20 of 34

                                                                  12. The total budgeted expenditure allocation against these programs for 2008-09 is $181m.

                                                                  NAME OF PROGRAM
                                                                  ESTIMATED BUDGET EXPENDITURE (ALLOCATION) $m
                                                                  General Recurrent Revenue - Government Schools
                                                                  Non-government Schools Commonwealth Assistance Schemes
                                                                  Indigenous Education Agreement (IEA)
                                                                  Australian government Targeted Programs and Others
                                                                  Employment and Training Programs
                                                                  Early Childhood Services
                                                                  Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                                                  Australian Early Development Index
                                                                  Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                                                  Other Grants
                                                                  Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                                                  National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                  National Indigenous Cadetship Program
                                                                  New Specific Purpose payments commencing 1 Jan 2009
                                                                  National Education Agreement – Specific Purpose Payment from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009
                                                                  National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development SPP from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009
                                                                  Specific Purpose Payment Non-Government Schools


                                                                  National Partnerships
                                                                  Digital Education Revolution (government schools)
                                                                  Digital Education Revolution (non-government schools)
                                                                  Early Childhood Reform
                                                                  Indigenous Early Childhood
                                                                  Smarter Schools – Improving Teacher Quality
                                                                  Smarter Schools – Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                  Smarter Schools – Low Socio-Economic Status Schools Communities
                                                                  Nation Building – National School Pride
                                                                  Nation Building – Primary Schools for the 21st Century
                                                                  TAFE Fee Waivers for childcare qualifications

                                                                  TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP

                                                                  QUESTION 61
                                                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                                                  Page 21 of 34

                                                                    13. The total actual expenditure as at 28 February 2009 amounted to $124.8m.
                                                                    NAME OF PROGRAMACTUAL EXPENDITURE AS AT
                                                                    28 FEBRUARY 2009 $m
                                                                    General Recurrent Revenue - Government Schools
                                                                    Non-Government Schools Commonwealth Assistance Schemes
                                                                    Indigenous Education Agreement (IEA)
                                                                    Australian Government Targeted Programs and Others
                                                                    Employment and Training Programs
                                                                    Early Childhood Services
                                                                    Universal Access to Early Childhood Education
                                                                    Australian Early Development Index
                                                                    Northern Territory Emergency Response
                                                                    Other Grants
                                                                    Clever Networks or Sky Connect
                                                                    National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                    National Indigenous Cadetship Program
                                                                    New Specific Purpose payments commencing 1 Jan 2009
                                                                    National Education Agreement – Specific Purpose Payment from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009
                                                                    National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development SPP from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009
                                                                    Specific Purpose payment Non-Government Schools


                                                                    National Partnerships
                                                                    Digital Education Revolution (Government Schools)
                                                                    Digital Education Revolution (Non-Government Schools)
                                                                    Early Childhood Reform
                                                                    Indigenous Early Childhood
                                                                    Smarter Schools – Improving Teacher Quality
                                                                    Smarter Schools – Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                    Smarter Schools – Low Socio-Economic Status Schools Communities
                                                                    Nation Building – National School Pride
                                                                    Nation Building – Primary Schools for the 21st Century
                                                                    TAFE Fee Waivers for childcare qualifications

                                                                    TOTAL CURRENT COMMONWEALTH SPP

                                                                    QUESTION 61
                                                                    ATTACHMENT A
                                                                    Page 22 of 34

                                                                      14. Many of the guidelines, operating practices and reporting developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth can be viewed via Commonwealth websites; the website link has been provided against each program in the attachments.

                                                                      NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                      GUIDELINES/PRACTICES AND REPORTING DEVELOPED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COMMONWEALTH
                                                                      General Recurrent Revenue - Government SchoolsAgreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)
                                                                      Non-Government Schools Commonwealth Assistance SchemesNot required
                                                                      Indigenous Education Agreement (IEA)

                                                                      Strategic Recurrent Assistance

                                                                      English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)

                                                                      Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme – In Class Tuition

                                                                      Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme 9 to 12

                                                                      Building an Indigenous Workforce

                                                                      Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/Committee
                                                                      Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)

                                                                      As above

                                                                      As above

                                                                      As above

                                                                      As above

                                                                      As above

                                                                      Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers). New Agreement currently being negotiated
                                                                      Australian Government Targeted Programs and Others

                                                                      Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program

                                                                      National Accelerated Literacy Program

                                                                      Other Australian Government Programs

                                                                      Strong Literacy and Numeracy in Communities – Literacy and Numeracy Pilot

                                                                      Regional Education Coordinator
                                                                      Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)

                                                                      October_2008V2.pdf; and

                                                                      Some Agreements ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)and others are included in separate agreements.


                                                                      Shared Responsibility Agreement for a Regional Education Co-ordinator
                                                                      QUESTION 61
                                                                      ATTACHMENT A
                                                                      Page 23 of 34
                                                                        Employment and Training Programs

                                                                        Skilling Australia’s Workforce Recurrent – Employment Training

                                                                        Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program

                                                                        Australians Working Together

                                                                        Australian Government Welfare Reform

                                                                        Joint Group Training Project

                                                                        Joint Indigenous Funding Pool

                                                                        Indigenous Training for Employment Program

                                                                        Adult Learners Week

                                                                        Recognition for Prior Learning

                                                                        Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Project

                                                                        Various Others – Building a Stronger Community Sector, equity and innovation, Productivity Places Existing
                                                                        Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)

                                                                        Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)

                                                                        Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)

                                                                        Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)

                                                                        Agreement ended 31 December 2008 (response to Question 5 refers)

                                                                        Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                        Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                        Transferred to Department of Business and Employment

                                                                        Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                        Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                        Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                        Response to Question 5 refers
                                                                        Early Childhood Services

                                                                        Universal Access to Early Childhood Education

                                                                        Australian Early Development Index

                                                                        QUESTION 61
                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                        Page 24 of 34
                                                                          Northern Territory Emergency Response

                                                                          Creating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery – Education

                                                                          Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy

                                                                          Accelerated Literacy and Quality Teaching Package
                                                                          Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                          Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                          Other Grants

                                                                          Clever Networks or Sky Connect

                                                                          National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

                                                                          National Indigenous Cadetship Program
                                                                          Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                          Response to Question 5 refers

                                                                          New Specific Purpose Payments commencing
                                                                          1 Jan 2009

                                                                          National Education Agreement – Specific Purpose payment from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009

                                                                          National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development SPP from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009

                                                                          Specific Purpose payment non-government schools

                                                                          National Partnerships

                                                                          Digital Education Revolution (government schools)

                                                                          Digital Education Revolution (non-government schools)

                                                                          Early Childhood Reform

                                                                          Not required


                                                                          As above
                                                                          QUESTION 61
                                                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                                                          Page 25 of 34
                                                                            NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                            GUIDELINES/PRACTICES AND REPORTING DEVELOPED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COMMONWEALTH
                                                                            National Partnerships - continued.

                                                                            Indigenous Early Childhood

                                                                            Smarter Schools – Improving Teacher Quality

                                                                            Smarter Schools – Literacy and Numeracy

                                                                            Smarter Schools – Low Socio-Economic Status Schools Communities

                                                                            Nation Building – National School Pride

                                                                            Nation Building – Primary Schools for the 21st Century

                                                                            TAFE Fee Waivers for childcare qualifications
                                                                            As above

                                                                            As above

                                                                            As above

                                                                            As above


                                                                            As above


                                                                            15. Is the department expecting to expend all the funding allocated?
                                                                              And Question 16: If not, in what areas will funding expenditure not be met?
                                                                              DET works very hard to meet budget targets each year. As at the end of May 2009, it is predicted that the department will be close to meeting its expenditure target of $181m of Commonwealth government funds. DET internal budget performance reports at the end of May 2009 show an underspend of all external funds of only $0.5m (0.3% of the cash flow budget to end of May 2009).

                                                                            17. All funding that has been provided to Northern Territory for DET for specific purposes has been allocated to the specific purposes outlined in each individual agreement.

                                                                            18. Performance indicators for each program are included in either the guidelines, the schedules to the agreements or the actual agreements. A summary of those performance indicators is as follows. Further information can be obtained by viewing the appropriate Commonwealth websites.
                                                                            QUESTION 61
                                                                            ATTACHMENT A
                                                                            Page 26 of 34
                                                                              NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                              PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                                              General Recurrent Revenue - Government SchoolsResponse to Question 6 refers, agreement ended 31 December 2008.
                                                                              Non-Government Schools Commonwealth Assistance SchemesNot required
                                                                              Indigenous Education Agreement (IEA)

                                                                              Strategic Recurrent Assistance

                                                                              English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)

                                                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme – In Class Tuition

                                                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme 9 to 12

                                                                              Building an Indigenous Workforce

                                                                              Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/Committee
                                                                              Response to Question 6 refers, agreement ended 31 December 2008.

                                                                              As above

                                                                              As above

                                                                              As above

                                                                              As above

                                                                              As above

                                                                              Response to Question 6 refers, agreement ended 31 December 2008.
                                                                              New agreement currently being negotiated.
                                                                              Australian Government Targeted Programs and Others

                                                                              Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program

                                                                              National Accelerated Literacy Program

                                                                              Other Australian Government Programs

                                                                              Strong Literacy and Numeracy in Communities – Literacy and Numeracy Pilot

                                                                              Regional Education Coordinator
                                                                              Response to Question 6 refers, agreement ended 31 December 2008.

                                                                              Response to Question 6 refers.

                                                                              Individual agreements with various performance indicators.

                                                                              Currently being negotiated.

                                                                              No Guidelines.
                                                                              Employment and Training Programs

                                                                              Skilling Australia’s Workforce Recurrent – Employment Training

                                                                              Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program

                                                                              Australians Working Together

                                                                              Australian Government Welfare Reform

                                                                              Joint Group Training Project
                                                                              Response to Question 6 refers, agreement ended 31 December 2008.

                                                                              As above

                                                                              As above

                                                                              As above

                                                                              As above
                                                                              QUESTION 61
                                                                              ATTACHMENT A
                                                                              Page 27 of 34

                                                                                NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                                                Employment and Training Programs -

                                                                                Joint Indigenous Funding Pool

                                                                                Indigenous Training for Employment Program

                                                                                Adult Learners Week

                                                                                Recognition for Prior Learning

                                                                                Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Project

                                                                                Various Others – Building a Stronger Community Sector, equity and innovation, Productivity Places Existing
                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers, no further funding available.

                                                                                Transferred to Department of Business and Employment.

                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers.

                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers, no further funding available.

                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers, agreement end 30 November 2009.

                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers.
                                                                                Early Childhood Services

                                                                                Universal Access to Early Childhood Education

                                                                                Australian Early Development Index
                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers.

                                                                                Currently being negotiated.
                                                                                Northern Territory Emergency Response

                                                                                Creating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery – Education

                                                                                Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy

                                                                                Accelerated Literacy and Quality Teaching Package
                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers.

                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers.

                                                                                The NTER has no prescribed KPIs. All reporting is output based reporting.
                                                                                Other Grants

                                                                                Clever Networks or Sky Connect

                                                                                National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

                                                                                National Indigenous Cadetship Program
                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers.

                                                                                Response to Question 6 refers.

                                                                                Attract Indigenous NT students to undertake a 4-year teaching degree.
                                                                                Number of Cadets completing the program.
                                                                                Number of Cadet graduates employed in the department.
                                                                                QUESTION 61
                                                                                ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                Page 28 of 34

                                                                                  NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                  PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                                                  New Specific Purpose Payments commencing 1 Jan 2009

                                                                                  National Education Agreement – Specific Purpose payment from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009

                                                                                  Proportion of children enrolled in and attending school.
                                                                                  Literacy and numeracy achievement of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students in national testing.
                                                                                  The proportion of indigenous and low SES children enrolled in and attending school.
                                                                                  The proportion of the 19 year old indigenous and low SES population having attained at least a Year 12 Certificate or equivalent or Australia Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate II.
                                                                                  The proportion of Indigenous students completing Year 10.
                                                                                  The proportion of students in the bottom and top levels of performance in international testing (for example Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)).
                                                                                  The proportion of the 19-year-old population having attained at least a Year 12 or equivalent or AQF Certificate II.
                                                                                  The proportion of young people participating in post-school education or training six months after school.
                                                                                  The proportion of 18-24 year olds engaged in full-time employment, education or training at or above Certificate III.
                                                                                  QUESTION 61
                                                                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                  Page 29 of 34
                                                                                    NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                    PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                                                    National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development SPP from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009

                                                                                    Specific Purpose Payment non-government schools
                                                                                    Proportion of the working age population at literacy level 1, 2 and 3.
                                                                                    Proportion of 20- to 64-year-olds who do not have qualifications at or above a Certificate III.
                                                                                    Proportion of graduates employed after completing training, by previous employment status.
                                                                                    The percentage of graduates with improved employment status after training.
                                                                                    Number of hard to fill vacancies.
                                                                                    Proportion of people employed at or above the level of their qualification, by field of study.
                                                                                      Not required.
                                                                                      National Partnerships

                                                                                      Digital Education Revolution (government schools)

                                                                                      Digital Education Revolution (non-government schools)

                                                                                      Early Childhood Reform
                                                                                      Currently being negotiated but involves the allocation of computers to all year 9 - 12 students by the end of 2011.

                                                                                      Not required.

                                                                                      Increased proportion of indigenous children attending the Children and Family Centres who have had all age-appropriate health checks and vaccinations.
                                                                                      Increased proportion of indigenous 3- and 4-year-olds participating in quality early childhood education and development and child care services.
                                                                                      Increased proportion of indigenous children attending the Children and Family Centres who go on to attend school regularly.
                                                                                      Increased proportion of indigenous children and families accessing a range of services offered at or through Children and Family Centres, including but not limited to childcare, early learning, child and maternal health, and parent and family support services.
                                                                                      Increased proportion of pregnant indigenous women with an antenatal contact in the first trimester of pregnancy each year.
                                                                                      Increased proportion of indigenous teenagers accessing sexual and reproductive health programs and services.
                                                                                      QUESTION 61
                                                                                      ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                      Page 30 of 34
                                                                                        NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                        PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                                                        Early Childhood Reform continued.

                                                                                        Indigenous Early Childhood

                                                                                        Smarter Schools – Improving Teacher Quality
                                                                                        Smarter Schools – Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                                        Smarter Schools – Low Socio-Economic Status Schools Communities

                                                                                        Reduced proportion of indigenous babies born with low birth weight each year.
                                                                                        Reduced mortality rate of indigenous infants each year.
                                                                                        Reduced proportion of indigenous women who use substances (tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs) during pregnancy each year.
                                                                                        Reduced proportion of hospital admissions of indigenous children 0-4 years.
                                                                                          As above

                                                                                          The proportion of children enrolled in and attending school.
                                                                                          Literacy and numeracy achievement of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students in national testing.
                                                                                          The proportion of indigenous and low SES children enrolled in and attending school.
                                                                                          Literacy and numeracy achievement of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 indigenous and low SES children in national testing.
                                                                                          The proportion of the 19 year old indigenous and low SES population having attained at least a Year 12 Certificate or equivalent or AQF Certificate II.
                                                                                          The proportion of indigenous students completing Year 10.
                                                                                          The proportion of students in the bottom and top levels of performance in international testing (eg. Program for International Student Assessment, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study).
                                                                                          The proportion of the 19-year-old population having attained at least a Year 12 or equivalent or AQF Certificate II.
                                                                                          The proportion of young people participating in post school education or training six months after school.
                                                                                          The proportion of 18- to 24-year-olds engaged in full time employment, education or training at or above Certificate III.
                                                                                          QUESTION 61
                                                                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                          Page 31 of 34

                                                                                            NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                            PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                                                            National Partnerships continued.

                                                                                            Nation Building – National School Pride
                                                                                            Nation Building – Primary Schools for the 21st Century

                                                                                            TAFE Fee Waivers for childcare qualifications
                                                                                            Submission of periodic reporting on all funded projects. Reports must include:
                                                                                            1. project expenditure versus budgeted expenditure;
                                                                                            2. administrative expenditure versus budget;
                                                                                            3. project schedule versus milestones;
                                                                                            4. jobs supported on the school site by the project;
                                                                                            5. issues of concern and an update on project risks using standardised risk descriptions; and
                                                                                            6. post completion community access to the facility.
                                                                                              TAFE and other government providers will not levy fees on students undertaking eligible child care courses.

                                                                                              19. See Question 7.

                                                                                              NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                              WHAT IS THE NT’S PERFORMANCE SO FAR
                                                                                              General Recurrent Revenue - Government SchoolsData currently being collated
                                                                                              Non-Government Schools Commonwealth Assistance SchemesNot required
                                                                                              Indigenous Education Agreement (IEA)

                                                                                              Strategic Recurrent Assistance

                                                                                              English as a Second Language for Indigenous Language Speaking Students (ESL-ILSS)

                                                                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme – In Class Tuition

                                                                                              Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme 9 to 12

                                                                                              Building an Indigenous Workforce

                                                                                              Northern Territory Indigenous Education Council Secretariat/Committee
                                                                                              Data currently being collated

                                                                                              As above

                                                                                              As above

                                                                                              As above

                                                                                              As above

                                                                                              As above

                                                                                              As above
                                                                                              QUESTION 61
                                                                                              ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                              Page 32 of 34
                                                                                                NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                                WHAT IS THE NT’S PERFORMANCE SO FAR
                                                                                                Australian Government Targeted Programs and Others

                                                                                                Literacy, Numeracy and Special Learning Needs Program

                                                                                                National Accelerated Literacy Program

                                                                                                Other Australian Government Programs

                                                                                                Strong Literacy and Numeracy in Communities – Literacy and Numeracy Pilot

                                                                                                Regional Education Coordinator
                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                Report to be completed

                                                                                                Data currently being collated

                                                                                                New agreement

                                                                                                No performance indicators
                                                                                                Employment and Training Programs

                                                                                                Skilling Australia’s Workforce Recurrent – Employment Training

                                                                                                Vocational Education and Training in Schools Program

                                                                                                Australians Working Together

                                                                                                Australian Government Welfare Reform

                                                                                                Joint Group Training Project

                                                                                                Joint Indigenous Funding Pool

                                                                                                Indigenous Training for Employment Program

                                                                                                Adult Learners Week

                                                                                                Recognition for Prior Learning

                                                                                                Targeted Skills Needs in Regions Project

                                                                                                Various Others – Building a Stronger Community Sector, equity and innovation, Productivity Places Existing
                                                                                                Data currently being collated

                                                                                                Data currently being collated

                                                                                                Data currently being collated

                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                Transferred to Department of Business and Employment.

                                                                                                Data to be collated

                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                As above

                                                                                                As above
                                                                                                QUESTION 61
                                                                                                ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                Page 33 of 34
                                                                                                  NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                                  WHAT IS THE NT’S PERFORMANCE SO FAR
                                                                                                  Early Childhood Services

                                                                                                  Universal Access to Early Childhood Education

                                                                                                  Australian Early Development Index
                                                                                                  Three projects undertaken. No published performance reporting compiled to date.

                                                                                                  New agreement
                                                                                                  Northern Territory Emergency Response

                                                                                                  Creating Real Jobs for Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) participants in the NT in Australian Government Service Delivery – Education

                                                                                                  Quality Teacher Program and Enhanced Literacy

                                                                                                  Accelerated Literacy and Quality Teaching Package
                                                                                                  As above

                                                                                                  Data to be collated for 2008-09

                                                                                                  Data to be collated for 2008-09

                                                                                                  Data to be collated for 2008-09
                                                                                                  Other Grants

                                                                                                  Clever Networks or Sky Connect

                                                                                                  National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

                                                                                                  National Indigenous Cadetship Program
                                                                                                  Progress report to be completed

                                                                                                  Not Applicable

                                                                                                  Fourteen Cadetships active in 2009
                                                                                                  Six Cadets have graduated since 2007
                                                                                                  (five of the six are currently employed in the department).
                                                                                                  New Specific Purpose Payments commencing 1 Jan 2009

                                                                                                  National Education Agreement – Specific Purpose payment from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009

                                                                                                  National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development SPP from 1 Jan to 30 June 2009

                                                                                                  Specific Purpose Payment non-government schools
                                                                                                  New Agreement, no performance reporting compiled to date.

                                                                                                  As above

                                                                                                  Not required
                                                                                                  National Partnerships

                                                                                                  Digital Education Revolution (government schools)

                                                                                                  Digital Education Revolution (non-government schools)

                                                                                                  Early Childhood Reform

                                                                                                  Indigenous Early Childhood
                                                                                                  As above

                                                                                                  Not required

                                                                                                  New Agreement, no performance reporting compiled to date

                                                                                                  As above
                                                                                                  QUESTION 61
                                                                                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                  Page 34 of 34

                                                                                                    NAME OF THE PROGRAM
                                                                                                    WHAT IS THE NT’S PERFORMANCE SO FAR
                                                                                                    National Partnerships continued.

                                                                                                    Smarter Schools – Improving Teacher Quality

                                                                                                    Smarter Schools – Literacy and Numeracy

                                                                                                    Smarter Schools – Low Socio-Economic Status Schools Communities

                                                                                                    Nation Building – National School Pride

                                                                                                    Nation Building – Primary Schools for the 21st Century

                                                                                                    TAFE Fee Waivers for childcare qualifications
                                                                                                    As above

                                                                                                    As above

                                                                                                    As above

                                                                                                    As above

                                                                                                    As above

                                                                                                    As above
                                                                                                        QUESTION 63
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A

                                                                                                        NTG (Whole-of-
                                                                                                        AgenciesComms Service ProviderE-mail Service ProviderDesktop Service Provider
                                                                                                        Firewalls, NTG Web Filter, Designs. 1
                                                                                                        (Approvals, monitoring)
                                                                                                        (Applies changes, monitoring)
                                                                                                        Telecomms Reports including Security reports210
                                                                                                        (Incl Agency IT Managers)
                                                                                                        E-mail systems and related filters. 05
                                                                                                        Network monitoring tools (including anti-virus consoles, network traffic flow tracking tools etcetera) 1-2555

                                                                                                        Note: The numbers above do not include the schools environment which has its own outsourcing arrangements for e-mail and desktop services.

                                                                                                        QUESTION 70
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                        Page 1 of 7

                                                                                                          NTPS Agency by Classification Pay 09 - 29 Oct 2009

                                                                                                          Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 1.1
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 3.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 5.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 1 2.8
                                                                                                          Professional 2 8.3
                                                                                                          Professional 3 0.7
                                                                                                          Technical 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 2.0
                                                                                                          Total 29.8

                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 0.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 0.7
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 5C 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 4.3

                                                                                                          Chief Minister
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 3.6
                                                                                                          Ad Off 1 CBAT 0.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 9.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 92% 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 17.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 48.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 21.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 25.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 20.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 31.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 4.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 18.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 28.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 12.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3 3.6
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 5.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 5C 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 2.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 1.0
                                                                                                          Tourist Commn 2 1.0
                                                                                                          Physical 2 5.0
                                                                                                          Physical 3 4.5
                                                                                                          Physical 4 1.0
                                                                                                          Physical 5 1.0
                                                                                                          Physical 6 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 2.0
                                                                                                          Professional 3 3.0
                                                                                                          Professional 4 3.0

                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Technical 1 1.8
                                                                                                          Technical 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 1.0
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv2 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 286.5

                                                                                                          Commissioner for Public Employment
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 3.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 4.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 9.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 4.6
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 4.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 5C 1.0
                                                                                                          Senior Prison Of 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 31.8

                                                                                                          Darwin Port Corporation
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 3.0
                                                                                                          Ad Off 3 BIITE 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 3.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 1.0
                                                                                                          DPC Control Twr 4.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 1.0
                                                                                                          Marine Pilot 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Marine Pilot 2 2.0
                                                                                                          Marine Pilot 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Marine Pilot 4 2.0
                                                                                                          DPC Security 2 9.9
                                                                                                          DPC Marine Svc Of 4.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 4.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 2.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 4 1.0
                                                                                                          DPC Svce Wkr 1 2.0
                                                                                                          DPC Svce Wkr 2 4.0
                                                                                                          DPC Svce Wkr 3 3.0
                                                                                                          DPC Svce Wkr 4 13.0
                                                                                                          DPC Svce Wkr 5 5.0
                                                                                                          DPC Svce Wkr 7 2.0
                                                                                                          DPC Svce Wkr 8 2.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 80.9

                                                                                                        QUESTION 70
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                        Page 2 of 7

                                                                                                          NTPS Agency by Classification Pay 09 - 29 Oct 2009

                                                                                                          Department of Business and Employment
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 3.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 122.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 155.1
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 137.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 64.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 73.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 65.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 48.7
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 5.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt3 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 7.5
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 29.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 11.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Apprent Auto 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 5.0
                                                                                                          Print Worker 2 2.8
                                                                                                          Print Worker 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 3 0.9
                                                                                                          Technical 1 3.0
                                                                                                          Technical 2 12.0
                                                                                                          Technical 3 10.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 2.0
                                                                                                          Technical 5 1.0
                                                                                                          Technical 6 2.0
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv2 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 769.9

                                                                                                          Department of Education and Training
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 1.1
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 92% 1.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 122.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 92% 78.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 96% 168.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 76.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 92% 70.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 96% 91.3
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 88.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 92% 32.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 96% 66.9
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 86.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 96% 15.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 94.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 41.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 29.7
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 11.5
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 4 1.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt3 3.9
                                                                                                          Assist Teacher 176.1
                                                                                                          Class Teacher 2092.2

                                                                                                          Cont Princpl 1 17.0
                                                                                                          Cont Princpl 1A 30.0
                                                                                                          Cont Princpl 2 25.5
                                                                                                          Cont Princpl 3 7.5
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 8.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 23.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 10.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 2.0
                                                                                                          Indg Cadet Suport 1.0
                                                                                                          Indg Trn Tchr 1/2 11.0
                                                                                                          Indg Trn Tchr 3rd 4.0
                                                                                                          Indg Trn Tchr 4th 8.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprentice 1.4
                                                                                                          Physical 2 40.0
                                                                                                          Physical 3 32.7
                                                                                                          Physical 4 21.1
                                                                                                          Professional 2 21.0
                                                                                                          Professional 3 4.0
                                                                                                          Sen Coleg Adm 2 6.0
                                                                                                          Sen Coleg Adm 5 2.0
                                                                                                          Sen Coleg Tcher 41.5
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 1 326.7
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 2 22.8
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 3 77.6
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 4 32.4
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 5 1.0
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 6 1.0
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 8C 2.0
                                                                                                          Technical 3 3.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 1.0
                                                                                                          Technical 5 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 4141.6

                                                                                                        QUESTION 70
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                        Page 3 of 7

                                                                                                          NTPS Agency by Classification Pay 09 - 29 Oct 2009

                                                                                                          Department of Health and Families
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Ab Hlth Workr 1 0.9
                                                                                                          Ab Hlth Workr2/3 30.3
                                                                                                          Ab Hlth Workr 3 34.1
                                                                                                          Ab Hlth Workr 4 33.0
                                                                                                          Ab Hlth Workr 5 10.8
                                                                                                          Ab Hlth Workr 6 4.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 19.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 408.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 92% 0.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 331.9
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 199.3
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 108.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 202.3
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 107.9
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 59.4
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 4.4
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 4 2.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt4 3.6
                                                                                                          Clinical Manager 2.0
                                                                                                          Dentist 3.0
                                                                                                          Disablty Supprt1 9.7
                                                                                                          Disablty Supprt2 21.8
                                                                                                          Disablty Supprt3 15.0
                                                                                                          Disablty Supprt4 3.0
                                                                                                          Disablty Supprt5 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 16.3
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 27.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 23.2
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4 0.3
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 5C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 1.0
                                                                                                          Hospital Med Off 27.7
                                                                                                          Indg Cadet Suport 1.7
                                                                                                          NT Holidy Conslt 1.0
                                                                                                          Nurse 1 138.2
                                                                                                          Nurse 2 1144.8
                                                                                                          Nurse 3 170.7
                                                                                                          Nurse 4 302.1
                                                                                                          Nurse 5 125.0
                                                                                                          Nurse 6 35.0
                                                                                                          Nurse 7 9.0
                                                                                                          Prncpl Dent Adv 1.0
                                                                                                          Physical 1 1.5
                                                                                                          Physical 2 378.2
                                                                                                          Physical 3 283.4
                                                                                                          Physical 4 20.3
                                                                                                          Physical 5 13.0
                                                                                                          Physical 6 11.6
                                                                                                          Prison Officer 0.8

                                                                                                          Professional 1 94.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 409.1
                                                                                                          Professional 3 93.4
                                                                                                          Professional 4 16.6
                                                                                                          Rurl Com Med Off 4.3
                                                                                                          Rurl Dentl Mangr 1.0
                                                                                                          Registrar 82.9
                                                                                                          Rural Med Admin 4.0
                                                                                                          Resident Med Off 121.5
                                                                                                          Rural Med Practr 13.0
                                                                                                          Remote Svcs Mgr 2.0
                                                                                                          Socl&Commty Wkr3 0.6
                                                                                                          Socl&Commty Wkr4 2.0
                                                                                                          School Aprentce 2.1
                                                                                                          Spec Clinician 21.0
                                                                                                          Senior Dentist 3.8
                                                                                                          Dental Mangr Sen 1.0
                                                                                                          Sen Medical Off 3.8
                                                                                                          Specialist 3.8
                                                                                                          Senior Registrar 41.1
                                                                                                          Sen Rur Med Prac 23.0
                                                                                                          S Spec Clinic 1 34.1
                                                                                                          S Spec Clinic 2 45.6
                                                                                                          S Spec Med Adm 2 1.0
                                                                                                          S Spec PH Med 1 5.0
                                                                                                          S Spec PH Med 2 1.0
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 4 0.8
                                                                                                          Sessnl Medcl Off 3.0
                                                                                                          Trn Rur Med Prac 2.0
                                                                                                          Trn Rur Med PrcS 4.8
                                                                                                          Technical 1 70.9
                                                                                                          Technical 2 63.3
                                                                                                          Technical 3 60.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 11.5
                                                                                                          Technical 5 4.0
                                                                                                          Technical 6 2.0
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv1 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 5610.8

                                                                                                        QUESTION 70
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                        Page 4 of 7

                                                                                                          NTPS Agency by Classification Pay 09 - 29 Oct 2009

                                                                                                          Department of Justice
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 0.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 64.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 178.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 125.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 66.9
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 77.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 26.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 26.8
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 4.7
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt3 1.9
                                                                                                          Chf Industr Off 13.0
                                                                                                          Chief Justice 1.0
                                                                                                          Chief Magistrate 1.0
                                                                                                          Coroner 1.0
                                                                                                          Chf Prison Off 16.5
                                                                                                          Class Teacher 0.6
                                                                                                          Dep Chf Magistrt 1.0
                                                                                                          Dir Public Pros 1.0
                                                                                                          Dep Superintendt 5.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 17.5
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 42.6
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 10.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 6.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Home Detent Off 1.4
                                                                                                          Head Lect Prsn3 1.9
                                                                                                          Indg Cadet Suport 1.0
                                                                                                          Judge 6.0
                                                                                                          Lect Prsn Ed 10.0
                                                                                                          Magistrate 8.7
                                                                                                          Master Suprme Ct 1.0
                                                                                                          Nurse 2 0.4
                                                                                                          Police Auxiliary 1.9
                                                                                                          Physical 3 2.0
                                                                                                          Prison Offic 1st 90.3
                                                                                                          Prisn Off Tr RDO 80.0
                                                                                                          Prison Officer 145.4
                                                                                                          Professional 1 17.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 38.5
                                                                                                          Professional 3 20.5
                                                                                                          Professional 4 16.4
                                                                                                          Sen Industr Off 8.9
                                                                                                          Solicitor Generl 1.0
                                                                                                          Senior Prison Of 36.5
                                                                                                          Technical 3 11.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 18.0
                                                                                                          Technical 5 7.8
                                                                                                          Technical 6 2.0
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv3 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 1221.3

                                                                                                          Department of the Legislative Assembly
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 3.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 6.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 9.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 35.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 6.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 3.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 4.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 5C 1.0
                                                                                                          M Legis Assembly 25.0
                                                                                                          Technical 5 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 100.4

                                                                                                          Department of Local Government and
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Ab Interpretrs 43.1
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 2.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 82.3
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 50.9
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 91.1
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 66.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 79.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 43.9
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 45.9
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 3.9
                                                                                                          Board Member 1.0
                                                                                                          Class Teacher 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 20.4
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 8.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 4.0
                                                                                                          Interpreters 7.7
                                                                                                          Tourist Commn 2 1.0
                                                                                                          Physical 3 4.4
                                                                                                          Professional 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 4 1.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 2.0
                                                                                                          Technical 5 16.8
                                                                                                          Technical 6 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 578.8

                                                                                                        QUESTION 70
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                        Page 5 of 7

                                                                                                          NTPS Agency by Classification Pay 09 - 29 Oct 2009

                                                                                                          Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 20.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 54.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 49.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 44.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 39.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 39.1
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 18.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 11.4
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 16.7
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt3 10.8
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt4 0.9
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 14.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 9.5
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 9.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 3.0
                                                                                                          Head Coach 3 5.0
                                                                                                          Physical 2 5.8
                                                                                                          Physical 3 4.0
                                                                                                          Physical 4 0.2
                                                                                                          Professional 1 74.1
                                                                                                          Professional 2 122.2
                                                                                                          Professional 3 35.6
                                                                                                          Professional 4 6.8
                                                                                                          School Aprentce 0.3
                                                                                                          Senior Teacher 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Theatrical B 0.6
                                                                                                          Theatrical D 0.1
                                                                                                          Trainee Non Clas 3.0
                                                                                                          Technical 1 102.6
                                                                                                          Technical 2 75.7
                                                                                                          Technical 3 80.6
                                                                                                          Technical 4 34.0
                                                                                                          Technical 5 17.5
                                                                                                          Technical 6 2.0
                                                                                                          Total 912.4

                                                                                                          Northern Territory Electoral Commission
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 0.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 3.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 10.4

                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 3.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 4.9
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 5C 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 17.8

                                                                                                          Department of Planning and Infrastructure
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 82.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 108.3
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 97.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 62.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 44.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 26.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 35.3
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 1.9
                                                                                                          Class Teacher 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 10.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 36.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 8.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 2.2
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Apprent Auto 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 10.0
                                                                                                          Physical 3 46.9
                                                                                                          Professional 1 9.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 40.1
                                                                                                          Professional 3 31.1
                                                                                                          Professional 4 8.7
                                                                                                          Trainee Tech Off 3.0
                                                                                                          Technical 1 15.9
                                                                                                          Technical 2 21.0
                                                                                                          Technical 3 76.1
                                                                                                          Technical 4 104.8
                                                                                                          Technical 5 39.2
                                                                                                          Technical 6 15.0
                                                                                                          Wk Integ Lrn Schol 1.0
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv2 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 944.5

                                                                                                        QUESTION 70
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                        Page 6 of 7

                                                                                                          NTPS Agency by Classification Pay 09 - 29 Oct 2009

                                                                                                          Police, Fire and Emergency Services
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Ass Comm Police 3.0
                                                                                                          Ab Comm Police 78.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 68.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 77.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 29.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 24.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 24.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 9.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 10.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 2.8
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt3 1.0
                                                                                                          Brevet Sergeant 21.0
                                                                                                          Commander Police 8.0
                                                                                                          Constable 305.8
                                                                                                          Constable Recrt 38.9
                                                                                                          Constble 1st Cls 124.6
                                                                                                          Chf Pilot Plce 1.0
                                                                                                          Dep Comm Police 1.0
                                                                                                          Div Commndr PIO 1.0
                                                                                                          Distr Offcr Fire 7.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 7.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 2.0
                                                                                                          Fire Auxilary 15.5
                                                                                                          Firefighter Qual 24.0
                                                                                                          Firefighter B 9.0
                                                                                                          Firefighter D 10.0
                                                                                                          Firefighter Recr 11.0
                                                                                                          Ldng Firefighter 26.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprentice 1.0
                                                                                                          Police Auxiliary 152.3
                                                                                                          Police Aux Recrt 7.0
                                                                                                          Physical 2 9.0
                                                                                                          Physical 3 5.9
                                                                                                          Physical 4 1.0
                                                                                                          Physical 5 3.0
                                                                                                          Physical 6 2.0
                                                                                                          Physical 7 2.0
                                                                                                          Prison Officer 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 1 3.6
                                                                                                          Professional 2 14.9
                                                                                                          Professional 3 4.0
                                                                                                          Professional 4 1.0
                                                                                                          School Aprentce 1.0
                                                                                                          Sen Constable 246.7
                                                                                                          Sen Constbl 1st 128.2
                                                                                                          Sen Firefighter 34.5
                                                                                                          Sergeant 158.5
                                                                                                          Station Officer 33.0
                                                                                                          Sen Pilot Police 5.0
                                                                                                          Senior Sergeant 48.2
                                                                                                          Sen Statn Offr 8.0
                                                                                                          S Statn Offr PIO 2.0
                                                                                                          Super Police 35.0

                                                                                                          Technical 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Technical 2 6.0
                                                                                                          Technical 3 8.0
                                                                                                          Technical 4 9.0
                                                                                                          Technical 5 2.0
                                                                                                          Technical 6 4.5
                                                                                                          Total 1884.9

                                                                                                          Power and Water Corporation
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 3.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 1.0
                                                                                                          Board Member 5.0
                                                                                                          Ex Contrct Manag 29.2
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 18.7
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 4.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 8.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 2.5
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce Coord 103.7
                                                                                                          PWC Sen Svc Cord 38.6
                                                                                                          PWC Sen Svc Wkr1 9.5
                                                                                                          PWC Sen Svc Wkr2 6.0
                                                                                                          PWC Sn Tech Spec 6.0
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 2 16.7
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 3 1.0
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 3.5 27.7
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 4 29.0
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 4.5 24.7
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 5 19.4
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 5.5 24.0
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 6 14.0
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 6.5 40.2
                                                                                                          PAWA Svce 7 47.7
                                                                                                          PWC Technician 10.0
                                                                                                          PAWA Tech Specl 25.0
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv1 97.6
                                                                                                          PW Adm Corp 1 PT 9.4
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv2 74.8
                                                                                                          PW Adm Corp 2 PT 0.6
                                                                                                          PWC Profnl 2 28.3
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv3 54.5
                                                                                                          PW Adm Corp 3 PT 0.6
                                                                                                          PWC Profnl 3 38.9
                                                                                                          PWC Profnl 3 PT 0.6
                                                                                                          PWC Profnl 4 27.0
                                                                                                          PAW4 Sen Man Adm 6.6
                                                                                                          Total 855.5

                                                                                                        QUESTION 70
                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                        Page 7 of 7
                                                                                                          ATTACHMENT C

                                                                                                          NTPS Agency by Classification Pay 09 - 29 Oct 2009

                                                                                                          Department of Regional Development,
                                                                                                          Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 5.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 9.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 47.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 30.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 25.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 44.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 25.8
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 13.0
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 6.7
                                                                                                          NTPS Adlt Aprnt3 1.0
                                                                                                          Cas Survey Intvw 0.2
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 5.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 17.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 6.6
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 2.0
                                                                                                          Physical 2 2.7
                                                                                                          Physical 6 1.0
                                                                                                          Physical 7 2.0
                                                                                                          Professional 1 14.0
                                                                                                          Professional 2 53.7
                                                                                                          Professional 3 33.6
                                                                                                          Professional 4 7.4
                                                                                                          Technical 1 20.1
                                                                                                          Technical 2 20.7
                                                                                                          Technical 3 48.9
                                                                                                          Technical 4 26.6
                                                                                                          Technical 5 5.0
                                                                                                          PW Admn Corp Sv2 1.0
                                                                                                          Total 478.7

                                                                                                          Tourism NT
                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 4.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 4.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 3.5
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 2.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 3.6
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 2.0
                                                                                                          Board Member 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          NT Holiday Conslt 9.8
                                                                                                          Tourist Commn 1 23.3
                                                                                                          Tourist Commn 2 53.5
                                                                                                          Tourist Commn 3 17.0
                                                                                                          Tourist Commn 4 5.0
                                                                                                          Tourist Commn 5 3.0
                                                                                                          NTTC Trainee 2.0
                                                                                                          Total 139.1

                                                                                                          Nominal Classification FTE
                                                                                                          Admin Off 1 1.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 2 8.7
                                                                                                          Admin Off 3 12.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 4 35.0
                                                                                                          Admin Off 5 30.4
                                                                                                          Admin Off 6 27.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 7 19.2
                                                                                                          Admin Off 8 21.3
                                                                                                          NTPS Apprent 3 1.0
                                                                                                          Board Member 2.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1 4.5
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 1C 7.5
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 2C 5.7
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 3C 4.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 4C 1.0
                                                                                                          Exec Officer 6C 1.0
                                                                                                          Graduate Trainee 11.0
                                                                                                          Wk Integ Lrn Schol 0.8
                                                                                                          Total 193.3

                                                                                                          QUESTION 73
                                                                                                          ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                          Page 1 of 2

                                                                                                            1. Power and Water Corporation (PWC) operates two borefields: the McMinns Borefield (M) and the Howard East Borefield (HEB). Details of each are provided below and in the following sections:

                                                                                                            • M54 (RN6310) 67.33m (sump) 63 litres/sec
                                                                                                            • M55 (RN6231) 43.7m (sump) 38 litres/sec
                                                                                                            • M62 (RN7048) 56.6m (sump) 63 litres/sec
                                                                                                            • M64 (RN7071) 52.1m (sump) 63 litres/sec
                                                                                                            • HEB1 (RN20496) 47.2m (sump) 45 litres/sec
                                                                                                            • HEB2 (RN20497) 58.6m (sump) 50 litres/sec

                                                                                                            2. Licence limit for each bore:

                                                                                                            Annual limit
                                                                                                            (Million litres)
                                                                                                              3. Water extracted from the bores for each of the last fiscal year by monthly breakdown:
                                                                                                                July 08
                                                                                                                August 08
                                                                                                                September 08
                                                                                                                October 08
                                                                                                                November 08
                                                                                                                December 08
                                                                                                                January 09
                                                                                                                February 09
                                                                                                                March 09
                                                                                                                April 09
                                                                                                                May 09
                                                                                                                June 09
                                                                                                                Total pumped volume for 2008-09 was 5310 ML, which was 63% of the annual licence limit.

                                                                                                                M64 was previously removed from service due to the detection of E.coli and returned to service in August 2009 after ultraviolet (UV) disinfection equipment was installed at the bore.
                                                                                                                  4. There are no plans to deepen any bores at McMinns.

                                                                                                                  5. Power and Water Corporation (PWC) currently extract less than 15% of the total annual extraction from the Howard East aquifer through the McMinns and Howard East Borefields. The majority of extraction (85%) is from around 3000 unmetered private horticultural and rural residential bores.

                                                                                                                    PWC has no plans to seek additional extraction from the existing McMinns bores.

                                                                                                                    PWC has written to the Water Controller seeking approval to connect three additional bores in the Howard East borefield which was identified as Darwin’s future water supply in the 1980s and were drilled in the 1990s. These new bores would add an additional 3000 - 4000ML per annum.
                                                                                                                  QUESTION 73
                                                                                                                  ATTACHMENT A
                                                                                                                  Page 2 of 2

                                                                                                                    PWC has been advised that further licences for additional extraction are subject to the finalisation and outcomes of a Water Allocation Plan being undertaken by the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport, for the whole water district.
                                                                                                                    The McMinns and Howard East Borefields provide about 10% of Darwin’s water supply and are an integral part of the diversification, security and emergency supply strategy.
                                                                                                                  6. The impact of any increase of PWC licence, or ongoing horticultural or rural residential development, is assessed by the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport.

                                                                                                                  7. It is understood that the total water consumption of the INPEX site will be approximately two million litres per day. PWC does not have a detailed break-up of proposed water use by individual component.

                                                                                                                  8. PWC is advised by the Major Projects group of the Department of the Chief Minister regarding potential industrial activities such as LNG plants, rare earths processing plant and related businesses.

                                                                                                                  PWC has developed a number of growth scenarios including various step changes by large industrial developments. To cater for these developments, PWC are currently raising the level of Darwin River Dam at a cost of $13.8m. This is expected to increase the safe yield by approximately 20% or 9000 ML per annum. PWC are currently investigating the return to service of Manton Dam. It is estimated this will cost in excess of $150m and will provide between
                                                                                                                  7000 – 15 000 ML per annum.

                                                                                                                  PWC support the proposed Territory 2030 Strategy which aims for a 20% reduction in residential water consumption by 2015. Darwin’s residential water consumption is between two to three times higher than the National average.

                                                                                                                  9. Yes.

                                                                                                                  10. Holding capacity for the following tanks:

                                                                                                                  Humpty Doo
                                                                                                                  0.50 ML
                                                                                                                  Howard Springs
                                                                                                                  0.50 ML
                                                                                                                  3.00 ML
                                                                                                                  West Lane
                                                                                                                  1.36 ML
                                                                                                                  Stuart Park
                                                                                                                  36.00 ML
                                                                                                                  0.68 ML
                                                                                                                  0.68 ML
                                                                                                                  0.65 ML
                                                                                                                  4.54 ML
                                                                                                                  36.00 ML
                                                                                                                  0.68 ML
                                                                                                                  Rapid Creek
                                                                                                                  2.27 ML
                                                                                                                  Casuarina ground level
                                                                                                                  27.24 ML
                                                                                                                  4.54 ML
                                                                                                                  ground level
                                                                                                                  18.00 ML
                                                                                                                  2.30 ML

                                                                                                                      Last updated: 04 Aug 2016