Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Commonwealth Program, Building the Education Revolution


11th Assembly


95. Commonwealth Program, Building the Education Revolution

Mr Giles to MINISTER for Construction

    In relation to the Commonwealth Program, Building the Education revolution:

    1. How many projects have been identified in the Northern Territory under each of the categories:
        (a) National School Pride
        (b) Science and Language Centres
        (c) Primary Schools for the 21st Century
    2. How many BER projects have had construction work completed, how many projects have been commenced but not completed and how many have yet to commence (ie. no tender documentation issued).

    3. For each individual construction project, what is their location, what is the scope, and what is the cost of the project.

    4. For each project, how much has been allocated for management, supervision and other work of the Construction division or other Northern Territory government departments.

    5. What is the total amount of Commonwealth funding that will be used for management, supervision and other work of the Construction division for the BER program.

    6. In regard to projects that have commenced or been completed, who provided management and supervision of the projects, in terms of NT department, contractor/consultant or school based management.

    7. In regard to projects where construction has been completed, what was the tendered amount, the variations made to the scope of the tender and the subsequent saving/cost and the departments (including consultants/contractors) project management costs.

    8. In regard to completed projects, what was the tendered cost and the final cost.

    9. In regard to projects commenced, what is the estimated completion date for each.

    10. In regard to projects not yet commenced, what is the estimated advertising date for the project tender.


Answered on 04/06/2010

Last updated: 04 Aug 2016