Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Sporting Groups Contributions to Construction Facilities


10th Assembly


130. Sporting Groups Contributions to Construction Facilities

Ms Carney to MINISTER for Sport and Recreation

Sporting Groups Contributions to Construction Facilities

1. Have any sporting groups contributed to the construction of their facilities and if so which sporting groups and how much have they contributed.


Answered on 06/04/2006

A number of sporting organisations have contributed to the construction of their facilities, although the input varies. Where an organisation has not requested NTG capital funding for construction, it is not mandatory to inform the NTG of their contribution to the development of their facility. As such the following list, compiled from information provided by Sporting Organisations to the NTG since 2003, cannot be comprehensive:

Hockey NT $ 36,000 as part of Facility Grant
NT Rugby League $ 23,000 as part of Facility Grant
NT Polocrosse Association $ 5,000 as part of Facility Grant
NT Cricket Association $ 7,000 as part of Facility Grant
Darwin Basketball Association $665,500 as part of Capital Works Partnership

In addition to cash contributions many organisations make an in-kind contribution to the upgrade or enhancement of their facilities. These may include members’ labour and donations of materials. Such contributions are many and impossible to quantify.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016