Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Vanderlin Drive Landscaping and Noise Abatement

1. What was the total cost of the following works in the Leanyer area of Vanderlin Drive:

(a) landscaping; and

(b) noise abatement work.

2. Were any noise level measurements taken before undertaking
those works; if so, what were the results.

3. Were any noise level measurements taken after those works
had been completed; if so, what were the results.


1. (a) $22,000

(b) $58,000

2. Yes. 70 db(A) measured at the accepted standard L10 (18 hour) scale.

3. Yes. Traffic counts in Vanderlin Drive show a 10% increase
in traffic volume between 1992 and 1994 when the respective
noise measurements were taken. Studies have shown that
mounding and vegetation can have some impact on noise
reduction, hence the treatments undertaken in Vanderlin

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Last updated: 04 Aug 2016