Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Departmental Staffing Arrangements

1. As at 30 March 1995, how many positions are vacant by
Community Care District for the following staff:

(a) nurses;
(b) doctors;
(c) Aboriginal health workers; and
(d) environmental health officers.

2. How many of the positions are vacant in the following
programme areas, by district:

(a) dental health programmes;
(b) mental health programmes;
(c) sexual assault programmes;
(d) drug and alcohol services;
(e) disease control;
(f) environmental health programmes; and
(g) family, youth and children's services.

3. How long have any of the positions in questions 1 and 2 been vacant.


1. As at 30 March, the following positions were vacant by Community Care District for the following staff:


Nurses 33 6 1 4 nil 1 1
Doctors 6 4 nil 2 nil nil 1
AHWs 2 3 1.5 13 8** 11 19
EHOs nil nil n/a nil nil nil nil

AHWs = Aboriginal Health Workers
EHOs = Environment Health Officers

* Note: None of the positions are actually vacant, however because they are contract positions, they are not filled permanently.

** Note: At all communities in the Katherine District over the past 3 years, Registered Nurses have been employed in lieu, when no AHW's were available.

2. The following positions were vacant in the following programme areas by district:


Dental 6 n/a 1 n/a nil nil 1
Mental 20 2 1 2 nil nil nil
Sexual 1 n/a nil n/a n/a n/a nil
D&A 13 n/a 1 p/t n/a nil 2 nil Disease 4 n/a n/a 5 nil nil 1
Enviro nil nil n/a nil nil nil nil
FYCS 13 5 2 1 4 2 1

Dental = Dental Health Programmes
Mental = Mental Health Programmes
Sexual = Sexual Assault Programmes
D&A = Drug and Alcohol Services
Disease = Disease Control
Enviro = Environmental Health Programmes
FYCS = Family, Youth and Children's Services

* Note: None of the positions are actually vacant, however because they are contract positions, they are not filled permanently.

3. The following indicates how long the above positions have been vacant:

Darwin Urban

Nurses 1-6 months +
Doctors 6 months +
AHW's 3-6 months +
EHOs nil
Dental 3-6 months
Mental 1-6 months
Sexual 3 months
D&A 2-6 months
Disease 5-6 months
Enviro nil
FYCS 2-6 months

Alice Springs Urban

Nurses (new position
Doctors nil
AHW's One to be devolved to Central Australian Aboriginal Congress
(refer to 'Mental' below)
EHOs n/a
Dental 6-12 months
Mental 1 AHW to be devolved to Congress
Sexual nil
D&A 9-12 months
Disease n/a
Enviro n/a
FYCS 3 weeks - 9 months


Nurses nil
Doctors nil
AHW's 6 months - 5 years. Note, at all communities in the Katherine
District over the past 3 years, Registered Nurses have
been employed in lieu, when no AHWs were available.
EHOs nil
Dental nil
Mental nil
Sexual n/a
D&A nil
Disease nil
Enviro nil
FYCS 2-13 months.

Darwin Rural

None of the positions are actually vacant, however because they are
contract positions, they are not filled permanently.

Alice Springs Rural

Nurses 4 days - 2 years
Doctors 3-6 months
AHW's 6-12 months
EHOs nil
Dental n/a
Mental 8 months
Sexual n/a
D&A n/a
Disease 3 weeks - 4 months
Enviro nil
FYCS 3 months


Nurses 3 months
Doctors nil
AHW's 12 months +
EHOs nil
Dental nil
Mental nil
Sexual n/a
D&A 4 months
Disease nil
Enviro nil
FYCS 1-4 months

East Arnhem

Nurses 2 weeks (refer to 'Disease' below)
Doctors 13 months
AHW's 14-19 months
EHOs nil
Dental 4 weeks
Mental nil
Sexual nil
D&A nil
Disease 2 weeks
Enviro nil
FYCS 5 months

Last updated: 04 Aug 2016