Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2011-03-30

Some time ago, I asked the government how many panel contractors were available for the repairs and maintenance to Territory Housing in Alice Springs. The answer was one. Information was received saying this situation would be addressed so vacant housing could come back online quicker. I have recently been informed there is still only one panel contractor for Alice Springs.

How long does it take to get a Territory Housing house or unit back online for tenants in Alice Springs? Why has nothing been done to increase the number of panel contractors available to do repairs and maintenance?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. He is correct: for some time there has been one panel contractor. That is a situation I have wanted to change for some time, and it has taken some time to change it. I am able to inform the House today that two positions will be advertised for panel contractors in Alice Springs. There will be two panel contractors. The Housing department held an information session for local contractors on 22 March, which was attended by over 30 local businesses. There is interest in it.

I am very aware that we need to be quicker in returning our stock. I have an aim of three weeks. Unfortunately, at the end of 2010, there was an average of over 60 days. I want to bring that down and there are a number of ways I intend to do that. Having said that, there are around 800 or 850 houses in total in Alice Springs, and approximately 5% at any one time are out of commission because they are being repaired and returned to tenants. It is not a bad effort, but I want to get it lower. Having two panel contractors will assist with that.

There is also the whole issue of damage to public housing. I am very aware of damage being done in Alice Springs to public housing. I have been on the department’s back about more regular inspections and going into the yards and houses that are hot spots and taking action. I believe the department is doing that. There has been a cleanup effort by the department all around Alice Springs and I want that to continue.

I have also been working with local members, and am pleased to continue with that to achieve a good result for the people of Alice Springs.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016