Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 2011-11-22

People in Alice Springs have used every method possible to raise awareness about crime in their town, through television advertising and even public protests outside of parliamentary sittings which you failed to attend to hear their concerns. The Police annual report shows, in black and white, that break-ins at people’s homes have jumped by a massive 76.5% on your watch. Why do you not listen and respond to those concerns?


Madam Speaker, we have listened and police have responded. Property crime figures in the annual report provided to this parliament reflect the spike in break and enters that occurred around Christmas/New Year last year.

We have debated this up hill and down dale. Police have admitted, in public forums I attended and other public forums, that they took their eye off the ball around that period last year. Police resources have been strengthened in Alice Springs. There has been a very significant series of arrests of repeat property offenders in Alice Springs. We now have a police dog unit and CCTV has been rolled out all through the CBD area of Alice Springs. Since last year, a number of targeted operations in Alice Springs has seen a reduction in property crime that will be reflected in next year’s annual report.

The one thing we do know about crime and the issues around Alice Springs is that the vast majority of the level of offending we see is alcohol related. Over 80% of all police work in Alice Springs is alcohol related. If you are not getting tough on grog, you are not getting tough on crime.

Not only would the CLP scrap the Banned Drinker Register, the best tool police have to deal with crime, it would also open the bottle shops in Alice Springs for an extra two hours trading a day. They would pour grog onto the problems and onto the streets of Alice Springs. That is their policy.

Leader of the Opposition, I acknowledge the pain Alice Springs went through around Christmas/New Year last year. Police have responded, and we have responded in a range of ways. What we will not do is pour alcohol onto the problem. That is the policy position of the opposition.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016