Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2008-09-16

In this place on Thursday, 11 September, you said:
    … the senior management team within the hospital has changed. Now, at the very top we have Dr David Ashbridge …
Is it not a fact that, at the time of Mrs Winter’s death, Dr Ashbridge was acting Chief Executive Officer of the department and further, prior to Mrs Winter’s death, was not David Ashbridge the Deputy Secretary for Performance and Resources, which included responsibility for workforce issues?

How can David Ashbridge have been ignorant of the real reasons for the nurse staffing crisis at the Royal Darwin Hospital, and how can you claim that you have cleaned out the Department of Health when David Ashbridge remains the head of the department?

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order, order! Before I call the minister, I remind honourable members and the member for Greatorex that, while we have freedom of speech in this House, there is no right of reply for ordinary citizens, including senior public servants. I caution you in the comments that you make.


Madam Speaker, I am sure there are many public servants who are actually listening to this broadcast today, and I am glad that members opposite …

Members interjecting.

Dr BURNS: … up to now anyway, have shown courtesy and respect, as Madam Speaker has asked. Public servants can actually hear what is going in this Chamber today, and this has turned into a star chamber, where the member for Greatorex is hunting down a senior public servant by innuendo, by assertion.

There has been much said and debated about the Coronial, and that is appropriate. However, I really wonder, in this debate, how many people have actually read the Coronial very closely and followed its recommendations.

Nowhere in this Coronial was Dr David Ashbridge named whatsoever. I find it reprehensible that the member for Greatorex is going after the Chief Executive Officer, Dr David Ashbridge, and hunting down a public servant. I believe public servants listening here today will be very disconcerted by this, particularly on top of what the Leader of the Opposition said during the election campaign: NT News, 8 August 2008:
    Opposition Leader Terry Mills said he would get rid of 700 public service general staff and 40 executive officers over three years. The Public Sector Union said that this was 10% of the general public service.

ABC radio, 7 August 2008:
    CLP Leader Terry Mills has today vowed to phase out almost 5% of public service jobs over four years as part of plans to save $50m a year.
So this is where this is coming from. This is an attack on the public service …

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order, order! Minister, please pause. Member for Greatorex?

Mr CONLAN: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The minister should stop trying to explain away his ignorance and answer the simple question.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Greatorex, there is no point of order.

Dr BURNS: I have finished that answer, Madam Speaker.

Mr Conlan interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order, order! Member for Greatorex!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016