Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STYLES - 2009-05-06

I refer to your comments in this House on 10 September 2008, that:
    Supporting our families and protecting our children is a key priority of this government.

Given that the Chief Minister has just stated that there is nothing more important than the safety of children in any community, how can you expect Territorians to believe you when you support a budget that slashes funding to child protection services, and family violence and sexual assault services, which risks putting more children in harm’s way?


Madam Speaker, I welcome the question. Obviously, the member for Sanderson has it completely wrong. If you have a look at our budget, member for Sanderson - and I am more than happy to give you this briefing because, clearly, you need it. When we came into government, there was $7m allocated to the children of the Northern Territory - $7m by the opposition.

Successively, over the years, we have tripled the budget each year. In fact, member for Sanderson, I point out that even today there is over $105m for the children of the Northern Territory, which includes 10 extra children protection workers, and an increase to the Child Abuse Taskforce in Alice Springs and Darwin. It includes improvements in resources for the Sexual Assault Referral Centre in Darwin and Alice Springs and also in Tennant Creek and Katherine. I fail to see how it is that the opposition seems to think, and seems to be of the view that we do not care for the children of the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016