Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 2011-05-03

I am quite puzzled why you do not seem to be in the slightest bit troubled by a monstrous debt; seeming to not understand that debt needs to be repaid. You are just defending something that is indefensible - from anyone who is in the private sector. Nonetheless, that seems to be the wont of Labor governments. You have selectively quoted Mr David de Garis to support your love of debt. Can you advise the House the name of the famous Australian Prime Minister and Treasurer Mr David de Garis once worked for?

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, resume your seat. The Chief Minister can be asked questions regarding his portfolio; that is not a question relating to his portfolio. Leader of the Opposition, do you have another question?

Mr MILLS: Well, credibility and his general knowledge.

Madam SPEAKER: Do you have another question, Leader of the Opposition, otherwise we will move to the government for a question. No?
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016