Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 2011-08-17

You made quite a few headlines banning an artificial cannabinoid called Kronic. I am advised that a short distance from the parliament, there is a shop that continues to sell the product or a product very much like it. You pride yourself on law and order and being able to govern law and order. If you are so good at policing law and order, why are you not policing this matter and what are you going to do about it now?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for his question. This issue continues to evolve, given the chemists keep trying to get ahead of the government. My advice is the substance that is being sold is known as Black Kronic. It has different compounds to what has been banned. The regulations to add those …

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr HENDERSON: ... compounds be - you asked the question, listen to the answer!

Those compounds have now been approved through government to be added to the regulations. The issue, as I am advised, is going to Executive Council tomorrow or early next week and the substance that is being sold will also be outlawed in the Northern Territory. We will continue to do this - not as a law and order stunt. This is how disconnected they are from the business community.

This is because of direct representation to government from the mining industry, the Chamber of Commerce, and the construction industry, and business people who are concerned about safety in the workplace. That is where this came from, Madam Speaker; not the member for Port Darwin’s snide little remarks that he specialises in, as a law and order stunt. It was direct representation about ensuring safety in our workplace and we have responded to that and will continue to respond to that. The member for Port Darwin will keep on with his pedantic and silly little political games from his small political mind.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016