Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-08-11

During the recent Wanguri by-election, there was considerable controversy generated concerning the proposal to build some seniors village Housing Commission accommodation in the Leanyer area. Allegations were floating left, right and centre throughout the campaign. We all understand that the truth is the first victim in an election campaign, but I think it might be very valuable to this House, and also to the concerned citizens in the area, if some of the truth was brought out. Exactly what is proposed in this area? Did any of the allegations made during the election campaign have any substance? If they did not, where were they in error?


Mr Speaker, the new member for Wanguri really started his campaign well by misleading the public - and I can prove it - on a number of occasions. He talked in his letter to the residents a current CLP government proposal to build a high-density development ...

Members interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: … the lifestyle of Territorians. What does ‘high-density’ conjure up? It makes you think of multistorey concrete blocks. You didn’t even bother to find out what was ...

Mr STIRLING: A point of order, Mr Speaker! The minister well knows that she must direct her remarks through you.

Members interjecting.

Mrs Braham: Can’t you take it?

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is no point of order. The honourable minister is directing her ...

Mr Stirling: But she can’t point across the Chamber.

Mr SPEAKER: Oh? The day that you refrain from doing that, I’ll take note of the comment.

Mrs BRAHAM: Let’s put it on record. The proposal is for senior citizens’ units at ground level.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is just too much interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: Did I touch on a raw nerve?

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! I remind the member for Nhulunbuy that he’s treading on thin ice.

Mrs BRAHAM: Mr Speaker, we all know it’s not a high-density proposal we are putting forward. It is ground level, very well designed architecturally and landscaped for senior citizens. The member for Wanguri seems to think that senior citizens are second-class citizens and he doesn’t want them in his area. We’re looking to construct a high-quality public housing complex for senior Territorians. Don’t you want them? For goodness’ sake, these people are long-time Territorians! They have done lots for us and we are providing suitable housing for them.

But the member for Wanguri says they’re asking the community to make a big decision about a high-density development. The term ‘high-density’ is obviously there to put fear in the voters, without any information at all. He completely disregards the fact that there have been a number of public meetings, that there has been ongoing consultation with the Residents’ Association. Obviously he hasn’t bothered to attend, or else he is telling lies. He was out there trying to mislead the public throughout the election campaign, saying he was standing up for Leanyer against the Northern Territory government’s application to build high-density public housing. He is peddling misinformation.

He continued it last night in his maiden speech in the House - the one speech you would think he could at least get right. But what was he saying? ‘I knocked on the door of an old Darwin Housing Commission home and it was opened by a couple, blah-blah-blah’. He goes on to say that they had had their rent jacked up by $140 per fortnight and had to struggle on $60 a fortnight for food. What rubbish!

Mr Henderson interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: Well, you bring them to see me. What you have done is combined two stories into one. What you have told this House is not true. But you had a good teacher, didn’t you? All these statements were authorised by Clare Martin, and she started very much in the same way, didn’t she? ‘Martin Starts in the Old-Fashioned Way - By Lying’. We remember that, when she refused to admit that she was a candidate for Labor. I suggest …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Would the minister resume her seat for a moment? I don’t know what this sounds like on radio, but I’m finding it very difficult to hear what the minister has to say. I allow reasonable levels of interjection, but it’s quite unreasonable at times - particularly the monologue that’s being carried on by some members.

Mrs BRAHAM: Mr Speaker, the units we’re developing will have one person per 380 m2, compared with a 3-bedroom house across the road which has one person per 267m2. His idea of high density is quite wrong. He needs to go back and apologise to the residents of Wanguri for misleading them. Otherwise, the next headline will be: ‘Henderson Starts in the Old-Fashioned Way - By Lying’.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016